Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nothin' like walking in Coruscant

Claire Ikon

[member="Severa Everglade"]

Claire started to walk around an empty marketplace of sorts. She desperately needed someone to help with her problem, but did not enjoy who she was forced to be with. She figured that being in a place with very few people would assist in her training, but it started to get harder and harder to get the emotions of others out of her head. Why was she born with this curse.

Eventually, she stopped walking and tried to find a spot to sit down at hoping that she could focus more on blocking out emotions while sitting then standing up.
He looked at the girl and stared for a few moments as he could feel himself that something was going on with that girl and he hesitated in going towards her, his hand touching the saber he kept at his side before starting to walk towards her with his voice sounding above the emotions that slammed into her mind. "Hey you ok? You look to be a bit... well otherwise." He stopped and stared at her as he stood there inront of her.

Claire Ikon


She stared at her hands, and tries to focus on them instead of everything that was going around her. The voices were still getting to her, and when Glyph spoke up all of her focus was broken. She almost snapped then and there, but instead she slmply flinched and looked up at him. "W-What do you want?" She sounds agitated, and scared at the same time.


Slightly Worse than Bay-splosions
Shizuo simply had no time for the rabble of Coruscant. They bored him, annoyed him, and were just generally unpleasant, sometimes. But this day, he sensed, could be the day something happened. He stopped, catching the scent of a Force-sensitive… Two Force-sensitives. Looking around, he narrowed his view of the Force down to individual people. He saw a girl and a slightly older guy standing near a wall. The blue-furred aristocrat walked over, filling the air with his scent as he went. It was a greeting to anybody who could sense it, and would possibly induce a bit of unjustified euphoria in those who couldn't. His seven tails wagged, and he smiled gently at the girl, blatantly ignoring the man.

"I don't want anything… I'm just wondering why you're moping when there's so many other things you could be doing on this horrible world… Like arranging some happy method of leaving it."

[member="Claire Ikon"] [member='Glyph']
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

"You appear to be in pain or rather... fear... are you ok?" He would have continued talking but a certain creature appeared to his left and he closed his eyes before slowly turning his head and looking at creature. He studied it for a few seconds before determining what is was he was seeing as there was only one race he had encountered that looked like this and his head turned to look at him as he waited for an answer from the girl. Saying nothing to this creature.

Claire Ikon

[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

Great, someone else who was going to talk to her. This is not helpping her. Its making it worse. "Ugh...." She went to grab onto her hair, and holds onto it, trying to focus on something to keep the voices out of her head. "N-No. . .I'm fine... just... Fine." She grits her teeth, and closes her eyes.
Severa had recorded the info she needed, she would need to be sure and study them more intently later... She was still an acolyte, she still had a long way to go. By her logic she was... to fresh to be taken by a master. In training meant she had to study, home her powers... and as much as she disliked it the clumsy use of the sword would have to be controlled as well.

Through these thoughts she came upon a trio, two male one female. Hmmm she didn't see much of interest from a distance with the boys, but the girl.... she seemed.. in pain? From what? Severa didnt seebanything sround her... the firce perhaps? She didn't have much else to do-why not keep an eye, no harm in being an observer.

Claire Ikon

[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"] [member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

She felt another around them, This was such a terrible idea. She released her hair, and re-openned her eyes. All of these sounds were really digging into her head. All she wanted was utter silence. She started to breathe out of her mouth, and thinks of other things she could do. It was slightly working at first. She would then start to look at the people who were talking to her.

When Claire went to speak again, the voices flooded her mind. She then winces and rubs her forhead.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

The moment her eyes started running a million miles a moment he blinked and knew what it was, he experienced the same pain, the same torture a hundred times over in the past and with a careful and soft voice he spoke. "Listen to my voice, you can feel all of them, cant you, the emotions of others. Focus on something, anything, focus on it and only it. You need to block out everything else and keep your mind controlled." He was going to have to work with this one, he was a pretty bad teacher in the first place but at least this was something he had a small handle on and that was controlling an empath's powers.
Her pain continued.... an interesting subject indeed. Familer..... she had read something akin to it somewhere, the subject hadn't much interested her though so she left it be. 'Empath' was among all she could really remember aside from the more obvious signs. This meant she could not render assitnce to the girl, even if then young sith wished to do as much, it would be pointless.

Instead she maintained her precense a few steps away from them, uncaring if she was noticed, oh so ignorant of social norms.

The girl simply interested her and that was all she cared about.

Claire Ikon

[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

Claire stared at Glyph for a moment, trying to drown out the sounds and hear what he had spoken to her. "Gah. . .Why..why is everyone talking to me. . ." The bench that the girl is sitting on would slowly start to float. She seems to be trying to vent out her anger and frustration on something. When Glyph finished speaking, she was already 4 inches above the ground. It was very hard for her to focus on something, anything. The girl was unknowingly lifting herself in the air.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

He needed something to get the girls attention away from the voices, anything and his eyes cast downwards to the case he always carried with him. Glyph was an oddity among the sith, for two simple reasons. One he had not a single bone in him that could take advantage of someone simply for power and two he carried around a violin where ever he went even if into a battlefield... remember kids, Glyph is an odd one. "Miss, im going to play a single note on this, can you focus on that." He pushed his own mind around hers, trying to lessen the pain though it would be a much harder thing to do once he started playing as he would need to keep that single note going. "Can you focus on that note for me, all you have to do it stay on it?" He would wait for her answer before even opening the case.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Glyph"]

Floating... she was floating...
Telekenisis.... she was floating.

Interesting... she didn't seem to even notice.

The girl was unstable, and one of the two boys head trying to control it. She had to admit... it was white the entertainment to watch. But was a violrn really the right piece to use? Would it qwell the girls pain?

Hmmm.... yes.... she would not interfere, not yet-it was just getting to the climax.

Claire Ikon

[member="Glyph"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

Hearing him once again, the girl finally realized that only -he- was speaking to her, but what was the other voices. Clearly she had no thinking space. The only thing she would do is just simply nodded, wanting anything to have this pain stop and leave her mind. The bench would suddenly fall back down, making a slightly loud noise. "A-Anything... t-to stop this.. I-I thought.. I could ha-handle it..." She still sounds agitated.
[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Claire Ikon"]

"Focus on the note, once you are focused i will need you to focus on the music of the violin. From there we can move on towards the next step. Its hard being one of us, but all you have to do is just stay focused." With that his hands moved while his mind provided the barrier for a few more seconds, only then would the sound of the violin start, first small but soon the soft note would be the only thing that came from him and he would start to lower the barrier around her mind, letting her try and and block out the sounds on her own so she could talk without them harming her.
[member="Glyph"] [member="Claire Ikon"]

The boy and the girl were objects worthy of study, the boy claimed the girl was 'one of his own' did that entail he suffered so as well? So many answers... answers were odd though-they always seem to bring more questions, like an eternal loop.

The girl did seem to at least begin a show of control. The music seemed to be doing its job in that respect. Certainly she had yet to see something similer in her textbooks...

This was like what one called learning from experience.

Claire Ikon

[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

(Last post for today probably. Family is bugging me)

She would hear the note, and would slowly try to be intune with it. SHe would attempt at drowning out the others by just simply listening to this note. Her facial expression changed, soon becomming more confused then agrivated. "N-nn..." Some of the voices were comming through, but it wasn't as bad as earlier atleast.
[member="Claire Ikon"] [member="Severa Everglade"]

Glyph kept the music playing as he sighed, thankful to see she was getting better and letting the music continue as he needed her to focus on something until he could figure out a way to explain how to keep the emotions of others out of her mind. "Look im going to need you to trust me. This place has too many people for someone who is not used to this heavy amount of people. If you are ok with it i need you to follow me to the Sith temple on the planet, there are people there that im sure can help with some of the problems and we might be able to find another Empath past myself. I mean i don't know of any but there has to be another one somewhere that can help you better than me ok?"
[member="Severa Everglade"] [member="Glyph"]

Coruscant, a place Jaster didn't like very much. After the Sith take over the planet was full of the miserable, Jasters mission was to deliver medical supplies to clinics and venders in the area. Giving free supplies to people who can't use it. This was a joke to him if anything else, but his master gave it to him directly.

As he gave the last few supplies away to a local vender, he felt the present of a strong force user. He was no Jedi, nor Sith, he couldn't even use the force, but he could feel it none the less. To an average person it was a normal day, but Jaster spend all his days with force users of all kinds. He had built of a small since of force user, useraly couldn't tell until they were right in front of him. This time though, it was farther then normal. 'Must be a strong one, or newly found.' Jaster thought to himself.

This peaked his interest and told his men to continue without him. He walked to an eMott market lane where other force users were around this girl. One man was playing a violent, he knew this person. Glyph, an old friend of his, was trying to calm the girl. The vibrations of force leaking from the girl were ringing in Jasters ear, she must be in pain. He noticed another force user, she wasn't really trying to hide but nor was she trying to help, he pushed his attention to the girl again. He hadn't felt this kind of pain in a long time, he could do very much to assist. He held himself back though, he was no Jedi master, just a man who knew medicine.

He pulled out a vial, it was very small, no bigger then his pinky finger. The liqud was dark green and seemed very smooth. This small liquid was called Voxyn Remedy. A mixture of Voxyn Stun Vinum and Porrh, it would nullify any force user for 5 hours. No drawbacks, but we're only tested on 5 other people, also this was his last one. He best wait till there were no other options.

Claire Ikon

@Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Severa Everglade"]
[member="Shizuo Aei-Kanton"]

Her focus on the note didn't last too long, for when he spoke out again, her focus was broken. "Nnngh..." She felt another one around them, and the girl froze and locked up once more. Claire softly started to hyperventalate. Truly this was a horrible idea, maybe she should've just went to a spot that didn't have soo many people in it.

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