Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Not Your Standard Noodle


Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo
Coruscant wasn't the exact center of the Galaxy, that was likely some supermassive black hole or some strange and powerful force beyond comprehension. It did however have the hyperspace coordinates of 0,0,0, which effectively made it the center of everyone else's Galaxy. No matter what power or nation one served, what they needed probably ran through Coruscant at some point in its production cycle. Because of this, despite near destruction, a hundred times over Coruscant still remained one of the most prosperous and diverse worlds in the Galaxy and because of that one could get any food at almost anytime delivered right to their doorstep.

So why Daisy was making him walk to her favorite Atrisian noodle shop, Gabe couldn't fathom. He was sure, in-fact, that with the right program downloaded, they could have had them made at the Jedi Temple. Last time he'd gone out to the undercity levels it hadn't all gone exactly to plan and sure, Little Jar'Kai wasn't considered as seedy as that place had been, but he wasn't exactly sure he liked the look of a lot of the people. Bare vibroblades and obviously illegal heavy blasters look any less intimidating just because the people holding them were wearing suits. In fact, he was pretty sure he'd seen the beginnings of Atrisian Tiger tattoos on more than one of the people they'd passed so far, putting them smack in the middle of Red Tiger territory.

"You uhhh, come here often? We're pretty far from the Temple now." What was that? He looked down an alley as they passed. Did he see just see a floating red mask? This place almost didn't feel like Coruscant.
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Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce

Coruscant was still far too many people, and too much durasteel, transparisteel, and duracrete for her liking, but she had come to accept her Jedi home in the time since her arrival - which felt much longer than it was, given the experiences she had been through thus far.

As for why she was taking Gabriel to her favourite ramen-ya outside of home, when they might have been able to have instant cup noodle in the much safer confines of the temple? Well, that was a convenience, and that was fine day-to-day, but a good bowl of non-instant ramen was a true comfort, and the kind of thing she was keen to share with friends… she slipped a glance at the vaguely shorter padawan. Did she even know him well enough to call him ‘friend’?

But here he was, walking right into the midst of the territory of the Sekiko Keibatsu along with her - with her hardly batting an eye, despite any wariness that might waft off of him. It wasn’t like she hadn’t done such a thing back home, accompanying Ardin… and more than once, ever since he had been slightly younger than she was, now.

There was more to those little jaunts than she had understood, at first. She learned a lot in that climate. What he was doing there… It wasn’t explicitly a problem until it became a problem, and it wasn’t her problem nor her business, but the authorities in that case. She trusted Ardin to not take it that far.

“I do,” she replied, “it feels like…” she hmm’d, “...the closest feeling to home, here.”

Home home was in a much nicer locale on Atrisia, though. This was just the most Atrisian area on Coruscant.



Gabe nodded. Corellia wasn't the most exotic of locales. Still, Coruscanthad an odd discordant energy to it that made him yearn for the constant clang of the distant shipyards and the continuous roar of ion engines in the sky as ships came and went from Coronet. Even the smell of the bay, despite it being heavily polluted and probably unsafe for human frolicking. Coruscant had only one of those things, and he could hear the lack of character and pretension in the whine of the ships that came and went to the Senate and Temple districts on a daily basis.

"Corellia has a place like this too," he said absently. It was definitely not a safe place to be. For as long as he could remember there had been stories of extreme gang violence and non-Atrisians going missing only for them to show up weeks later in the bay bloated and clammy. "They call it A-Town. Official designation's Gold Sector though."

"Apparently some strong Dark Jedi runs the place, but CorSec can't get a bead on him and the Green Jedi have been too busy with the war."


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