Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not what I expected...

A small ship landed in the hanger on Dromand Kaas. A cloaked figure moved down the ramp as the wind bellowed around her from the ship still being powered on. The mask reflecting the light of the planet as she moved through the hanger’s gates which lead into the building. The hanger was a private one belonging to the Empress, the woman that was marching down the hallways was not the Empress, but her first apprentice – someone of some importance.

A woman chased after the masked girl with a data pad and pen, she seemed frantic.

“The Empress is busy Sanctuary; please she’ll be available soon”

The blonde girl just ignored her and continued towards the large doors that lead into the throne room. Pushing them open with the force she slipped in and waited for her Master’s acknowledgement and for her to be finished with what she was doing. The woman with the data pad entered the room as well and stood next to the blonde.

“I’ll wait patiently and quietly.”

The woman nodded as she was reassured by the Apprentice, she shuffled her heeled feet out of the room to get back to work.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The room cleared, at no visible signal from Ashin. The mantle of authority seemed to shift, and Ashin stood from the throne as if putting down a heavy load. She embraced Spencer in relief.

"I needed to see you," she murmured into the neck of her First Apprentice. "It's been that kind of a day."

She sensed the tension in Spencer's body, and drew back to arm's length, searching Spencer's eyes. "You came from Ossus. Something's bad did it get?"
Spencer returned the embrace, she was happy to be that support for the woman --possibly why she enjoyed her alias so much. As Ashin pulled away Spencer knew she could feel what was wrong with her. Reaching up, she pulled off the mask as the door shut for the last time. Holding the mask at her side she shook her head and sighed. There was a lot on her mind and a lot she didn't understand.

"Ossus is running fine, we're gaining ground. When I was sent I assumed my skills would be utilized like you did when we were at Mon Calamari and with the Gand."

Her hand clenched tighter around the eye socket and the edge of the mask. She was upset for many reasons, and it was different feeling her own emotions than mimicking others.

"When I arrived, a young Sith apprentice lost his life. The others attacked him, I was unable to know why since I had just arrived. No one stopped the Apprentices they fought like dogs. There was nothing but moving forward after the boy had died. He looked young."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Ah." Ashin took in the report, pondering for a long moment. "That's why I have rules. It's so difficult to hold these people back, Spencer. They need order, but they fight it like reins on a horse that hasn't been broken. And sometimes these things boil over. It's the cost of doing business, honey. It's the price I accepted the very first time I was asked to impose law and discipline and order on a Dark Side group. Because it's either me making the galaxy strong...or another Empress or Emperor nurturing this kind of behavior. And I can't be too overt with it, you know?

"I look at my two Apprentices and I see two paths for the Sith Empire. One of you may succeed me. If you win this very public, very important, long-term contest of ascendant Sith, you can continue my legacy. You can curb the worst excesses of the Sith and use them to make the galaxy strong and unified. Sasha...Sasha would conquer the galaxy just to hang it on a chain around her neck. You two embody the two potential futures."
"Sasha will never succeed you."

Spencer looked directly at Ashin when she said this, the girl was corrupt and greedy. Of course she made the perfect Sith, self absorbed and power hungry. Spencer on the other hand was the future of the Sith, mindful of the surroundings and driven. The galaxy wouldn't change to be better if Sasha was to obtain the Empire. Spencer looked away, she didn't like looking at Ashin with the hard stare. She wanted the woman to know she was serious about this and she wouldn't have accepted being her apprentice if she wasn't.

"Like when you found me, I want to change the galaxy and that I'm going to change it. I want to stop the mindless slaughter that the Sith feel that they must do to get their way. I understand death happens, but if it can be avoided then I will fight to avoid innocent blood shed. Ossus will be the way it is, but from now on I want to do things the way we did it on Mon Calamari and with the Gand."

Pausing for a moment she remembered Sasha.

"If I have to I will put Sasha in her place, by any means."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"By any means..." Ashin savored the words. "I understand Moridin has been teaching you some...fascinating things. Once you've finished learning what he has to teach you, I have another teacher lined up for you. An old friend, so to speak. Sirella Valkner is one of the strongest Masters in the Empire, and certainly the greatest living master of Sith sorcery. Although we've already established that the Jukre techniques I've shown you allow you a backdoor access to the reality-distortion powers of Sith magic, you'll never be a Sith sorcerer. That kind of power takes, well, pure evil." She grimaced. "It's why I'm only a mediocre Sith sorceress. I have a repertoire of about three spells. I've taught you to resist them, of course -- you're now functionally immune to Sith magic's mind control -- but you'll never be able to resist the full might of Sith magic unless you train with Sirella."
Spencer nodded knowing that in that realm Sasha would be the winner. Though because of her training, she would have the immunities she needed. A wave of relief washed over her and she smiled. A hand moved to Ashin's collar and she fixed a minor fold. Spencer let her hand rest there for a moment.

"I see, Sirella is pure evil...I understand why the Ossus attack is going the way it is then."

Moving slightly closer she looked into Ashin's unnaturally blue eyes.

"When do I get my private lessons with you again Empress?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Now," said Ashin, her voice suddenly husky. "Your lessons begin now. You've used Jukre tuning to bend the deep currents of the Force and smooth out emotional spikes. Take it farther, focus on one person, and you can even alter someone's personality. But let's take it in another direction, another aspect of battle meditation. Bending fate, altering probability, smoothing the currents towards a preferred outcome. This is the sort of thing the Nuns of G'aav'aar'oon can do; my grandfather Shule did that at a battle once, bent probability for an entire fleet. The Jukre way is more subtle. Here...sit with me."

The door locked of its own accord, and she sat on the wide throne, guiding Spencer onto her knee.

"And breathe with me, against me. Sense the currents, resonate with them, and let's see if we can bend fate a little."
Spencer was surprised at the choice to start now. She had expected for Ashin to want to relax a bit, but the one on one time was valuable especially now. Spencer moved and sat on Ashin's knee. Her eyes closed as she focused on the brearhing, then she felt her mind open up like she always felt when she focused on the Force.

Like when she saw the force from others she focused on the void. The currents of the force were thin and reminded her of stringed instruments she had seen in cantinas.

At first she tried to connect, but the strings denied it.

"It wont let me touch it with my connection..."

Something told her to touch it with her hands, remembering the instuments once more. Reaching she plucked on of the current's cord. A resonating sound chimmed.

"Ashin...I dont understand this form of the I to play a song?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"You're not seeing the forest for the trees, honey. You can sense the currents, but listen harder and you'll hear that there's already a song. The whole universe is mostly in harmony; Jukre tuning is about evening out the discordant notes and massaging them away. It's about making things conform to the way they should be, to their own natural harmonies.

"It can be dangerous, of course. Once I fought a war against a man who wanted to destroy the universe, and cast it all into silence. A harmonic, internally consistent goal, just as much so as his defeat. If I hadn't been able to clearly sense the patterns, rhythms and harmonies of the Force's deep currents, I might have helped him by accident."
Spencer nodded as she tried to focus on listening instead of seeing. Taking in a deep breath, Spencer finally heard the faint music on the background. The more she focused on it the more she heard the beautiful melody. Every so often she heard something awkward. It was as if the instrument was out of tune.

Seeing now the vibrations of the strings she picked out the one that seemed to sound off at the wrong time.

Her hand reached out pinching the string, then releasing it at the moment she felt was right. To her the melody sounded perfect and in harmony

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"And that's it," said Ashin, pulling Spencer closer as she leaned back in the throne. "You may never entirely know what you've tuned, what odd or awkward outcome you've prevented. Now things will happen as they should...and in my throne room, I need all the help I can get."

She buried her face in the pale blonde hair, resting her lips against Spencer's head, and sighed. After a moment's release of stress, she raised her head again, to speak unimpeded.

"That's how you bend fate. Useless in a fight -- it takes too much time, too much concentration. I guess being with you is close enough to meditation.

"You're going to have to fight for this, if you want to carry on my legacy. You're going to have to put your new skills to the test, sooner or later. Have you given any thought to who you should fight?"
No matter how maby times she has Ashin close to her, Spencer could feel all the blood rush to her face. She took in Ashin's scent and felt her entire body relax. After the brief moment she looked at Ashin slightly confused.

"I do want to carry in your legacy, you mean so much to me. I havent found someone I want to fight yet...but they have to be powerful if I'm going to gain any respect. "

Pausing, she leaned forward and brushed her delicate lips against Ashin'd cheek.

" Will I have to fight you? "

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Have to? No...but you've..." Ashin shuddered just slightly, the good way, at the touch of her lips. "You've seen how they don't respect me for not fighting Moridin. In time, if you're to take this throne, you'll have to fight me. That's a long, long way away, and I'll make sure you're ready. I know a Dark Jedi Master, a Mandalorian named Rach Kol-Rekali -- he's weak for a Master, so he'll be a good start. I'll hire him for this."

She chuckled, sending reverberations through Spencer's body. "He was in love with me, once, a long time ago, and when I said no...well, that was around the time he became the most promiscuous Jedi around. You might even have met him in the Order, though he had his Knighthood revoked maybe six years ago and just disappeared. I guess I break men, without even trying. Heh."
Spencer nodded understanding what she will eventually have to do. Ashin and she will have to fight for the throne. Spencer didn’t know if she really wanted it that bad, but then remembered how the future would look if she allowed Sasha to take the position of Empress. Adjusting herself on Ashin’s lap she straddled the Empress and looked at her for a moment. She couldn’t imagine fighting Ashin; she had seen the woman fight and Spencer wondered if she could ever match that.

A smile spread across her face as she mentioned someone Spencer could fight. This would help gain her notoriety in the faction. This was the political game of the Sith. Spencer couldn’t help but laugh, the mention of the dark master being in love with her was something she’d heard before. Remembering Darren Wraith, Spencer couldn’t help it.

“It seems you have the capabilities of making people either fall in love with you or hate you. You’re an interesting woman Ashin Varanin. As for the fight, I’ll gladly fight him…but as for fighting you. I wouldn’t have to kill you right? That idea doesn’t sit right with me and just thinking about it makes every fiber in my body hurt.”

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Of course not," she said, looping her thumbs through the back of Spencer's belt. "A good scar, that's all. A solid victory. And then I just...disappear. I'd stay in your life, of course -- I know how to come and go without being noticed. I have contingency plans and ideas for a life of, well, freedom. The sort of freedom I could only feel comfortable claiming if I knew someone like you would take my place. I can't just lay down responsibility and throw up my hands."

She pulled Spencer a little closer, then rested her hands on Spencer's thighs where they draped over her own. "As for people falling in love with me...well, there's you, there was Rach, there was Tamzar -- my first lover, the one I told you about, the Imperial -- and Darren Shaw, and that's been about it. I'm not the sort of person that people find..." She grimaced. "It wasn't really an important part of my life before you came along."
Spencer felt reassured; the last thing she wanted was to kill or to lose Ashin because of something political. The woman meant more to her than the throne and the power that came with it. Spencer adjusted a bit making her seat more comfortable, it was her favorite way of sitting on Ashin and from the looks of it Ashin enjoyed it also. While Ashin spoke of the people that were in love with her, Spencer’s fingertips ran along the scars on the woman’s face. Picking up what Ashin was trying to say or from what Spencer understood, she smiled and responded in a soft voice.

“You’re different and that’s what I love about you, you’ve experienced so much in your life and the fact that you’ve survived is what makes you amazing. I’m lucky to have you Mita’wa.”

Leaning forward, she kissed Ashin softly. She couldn’t proceed any farther knowing that anyone could enter the throne room at any moment. Spencer didn’t need to cause any problems for the Empress, though she did enjoy the private moment they were having. Deciding to be a bit playful, Spencer lifted her mask and put it on Ashin’s face. Chuckling, she shrugged.

“It looks good on you. You know, Moridin touched the mask when I went to see him.”

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Oh, did he now," Ashin said, chuckling. Her senses examined the mask and felt little different. No taint, no curse. "He was born Kiffar, I believe. Psychometry. I'm sure he got an eyeful of you and I, and whatever he may have learned, well...we can deal with whatever comes."

She kissed Spencer back and adjusted the mask.

"There'll come a time when I'll need one of these, one way or another. There's alchemy that changes the face, but I don't want it. I like my scars. But yes, I'll need a mask too, someday."

She removed it now, maybe a touch uncomfortable with it, and rested her palm against Spencer's cheek. "If we had the time, I'd...well, we'll make the time, sooner or later. In the meantime, I have to handle Sirella' excesses...and Sasha, of course. ANy ideas?"
“I like your scars too; they’re my favorite part of you…besides other things…”

Spencer nuzzled softly into Ashin’s palm as she touched her cheek. Nodding, Spencer had checked the mask herself as well and discovered nothing out of the ordinary. With who she was to the Empire, Spencer had gotten used to checking her things and being cautious.

“Sirella probably feels you have no way of controlling her so she’s going crazy with what she’s doing. Its gained us Ossus, but at what cost? Sirella is going to need to be reeled in at some point or another and I feel she's going to kick and scream about it. As for Sasha, if she continues to get out of hand I’ll take care of her myself.”

The girl paused for a moment realizing how Sasha had become an important rival in her life. Everything she decided to do was going to determine if she kept the upper hand over the girl.

“I’m going to have to eventually.”

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin rested her hands on the small of Spencer's back, under the edge of her shirt. "Why do you think I'm keeping Sirella at work on the Perlemian? I bleed for the people of Ossus, but the longer I can keep Sirella busy, the happier we'll all be. She wants the rest of the Tion cluster, and eventually I'll have no choice but to give it to her. My hope is that she'll keep herself very busy with Tion politics. Now, Sasha...Sasha is, I think, more ambitious. Hungrier. I have no doubt she would betray, seduce or murder either one of us if she could. And, of course, our fleet expansion is making her even wealthier. There are just...too many variables, and I already have enough to handle."

Her fingers tightened just slightly on the girl's spine, and the Dark Lord grimaced.

"I thought I couldn't afford the time, but I feel I can't afford not to make time for you. And for me. If I don't have you, I think the stress will kill me."

She gestured, and the door deadbolted. Her heart hammered in her chest -- Empress she might be, absolute ruler of a quarter of the galaxy, but some things would always be important enough to set her on edge. In a good way.

The throne room faded to black.

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