Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Not the Hero this city needs, but the Villains it Deserves! [OS/TU versus GR]

Krenis Skirata

[member="Draco Vereen"]

The True Republic

“Sitrep on the incursion!” Krenis barked through the comm as he exited his quarters from the conference .He footsteps, uneven from his injuries, were drowned out by the sound of roaring lasers and echoing alarms. They’d be hard-pressed to get to DS-722 in time.

“Sith fighters deployed against ground targets, dropships incoming, and boarders on FleetComm,” The reply came back. “Sith fighters have already struck the nearest air base.”

Krenis slipped another gas canister into his rifle and double checked his miniature rocket launcher. It was ready.

“What about defense forces? Monitor all channels”

“Clone and non-clone military units are deploying through the city. Fighters from other areas of the planet are scrambling. Several squadrons of interceptors are already in the air. Heavy armor is securing government and military facilities in the city. The new clone commandos are being deployed to FleetComm with ysalamari. Automated and manned guns are online for air defense.”

“I noticed the last one,” Krenis snapped as the frigate rocked beneath another salvo. “Power up the guns and target all Sith ships in range. Hit them as hard as you can as quickly as you can. The commandos would give the boarders, especially if they were Sith, more than enough of a challenge.It was a shame he wouldn’t be there, but he had more important things to.

He strode into the hangar and secured his pauldrons. No more shots to the shoulder this time. The two ARC teams had the speeders loaded and ready, with gunners on the mounted cannons. Those should be enough to cause some havoc for any Sith fighters or droids they came across.

Krenis nodded to the six other commandos and the speeders sped out of the hangar, dropping into the chaos below. Anti-air fire streaked past them towards their ship and the incoming Sith craft. Krenis watched several of them plummet from the sky in blazing fireballs.

“Chart us a course out of the warzone,” Krenis said through the comms. “Then mark the defense guns in range of that route.”

He ducked down, rifle pointing over the edge of the speeder as they dropped to the streets below and started racing ahead of the low-cruising frigate. They swerved around Republic units, avoiding recognition for now.

The route appeared in Krenis’ HUD and he studied it, before pointing to the right.

“Five blocks west is our first target!” The two speeder banked around the corner and sped through the night, swerving around a column of anti-air tanks that were taking up positions in the street.

The initial assault was met with little resistance, the republic simply did not have the defenses to stave of such an assault for long, Mythos' path was laid bare before him and the way was clear to the center of the capital of the republic and the senate. Wave after wave of defenders were swatted aside by the superior might of the Jar'Kai and the pounding turbolazers of the strike cruisers above. "Jar'Kai! Form up!"

His command was heeded by his elite, the three hundred warriors stood close in formation holding a defensive line that both redirected blaster fire and dished it out as well. Several mobile infantry carriers moved in forward yet Mythos was having none of that. "Bastion formation, charge for the center of the city my children, make the emperor and your king proud today! "

His words had not yet readily left his mouth and durasteel was ripped from the ground and duracrete boulders along with them. The might of three hundred force wielding warriors was now felt in the battlefield as the makeshift shield created a powerful buffer against chain linked blaster fire and the barrage of rifles everywhere. Once the telekinetic wall of durasteel and permacrete was raised the Jar'Kai broke on a charge with the materials still floating above their formation smashing into blaster machine nests and troopers alike,crushing them under the force of hundreds of pounds of metal and stone.

Mythos as usual was so far ahead that the cover from the materials did not serve him purpose. Once he saw the high rise of a defended position of troopers he force jumped to it sparing no time. The defenders frantically fired at the image in the sky as it crashed down but to no avail, when he landed the blast of the force sent most troopers falling from their high perch down twenty meters to solid permacrete. The few left standing were systematically chopped down by Mythos in his axe wielding frenzy.

Once the brawl was done he took the severed head of a republic trooper and held the bloody trophy over his head letting out a massive roar of defiance, then dropping the dismembered head down to the republic troops as their morale, as well as their bodies, would soon lay shattered beneath the might of the Sith. "Send coordinates to artillery, fury niner alpha zulu bravo. Civilians are on the move so watch your fire"

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Darth Atrace"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Location: Fleetcomm Station

Ship: N/A

Mission: Destroy

Atrace looked over towards Urak, "I've radioed for shuttles to start boarding the station. It shouldn't be long until until they arrive...In the meantime i suggest we continue moving towards the main reactor or whatever is keeping this thing in orbit." Atrace would walk around the room they were in trying to determine what the best route would be to get to the reactor, soon he would receive a message on his Holocommunicator. "My lord, your requested units have arrived, and are currently working their way to your location as we speak." Atrace smirked at the news "Understood" he said.

Blaster fire could be heard as shuttle doors opened revealing Sith soldiers, "Clear the hanger!" republic troopers began to fall left and right as the 721st troopers began their journey towards Atrace and Urak.

[member="Darth Urak"]
Time: 2123 Galactic Standard Time
Location: Chazwa
Forces: Aliit'Drahr, Blackblade Guard Support Forces

Chaos. Fire and death surrounded the area, fear permeated through the Force like a thick stench. It called to him, and him to it. Like two halves of the same coin. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. And Fear Itself had arrived like a monster tearing through the city. Hundreds of droids, Mandalorian Veterans, and Elite Sith Warriors moved through the streets like packs of wild dogs hunting down their opposition. The Blackblade Guard sent by the God Emperor of Panatha's regent were located in the heaviest fighting, around the Senate Hall itself, supported by Light Walker Droids and groups of Aliit'Drahr equipped for fire support. ACS-206 Arrowheads zipped through the air around the building, leaving fire and smoke in their wake, the screams of those caught in the blasts echoing through the air.

The Aliit'drahr and the war droids ravaging the streets were using combat sensors and weapon detectors to identify targets, trying their best to reduce civilian loss of life, but this was war. Drop Pods filled streets, temples, schools even. Some released Automated turrets that sprayed death in the form of thousands of blaster bolts a minute, others launching missiles at high density groups and buildings. Civilian casualties wold be low, but they would occur. The name of the game for the fighting men and women of Clan Vereen's mercenary corps was minimal collateral damage, but it was known there would be some. It seemed like hours had taken place, but really only minutes since the drop. The men still fought on adrenaline, urging themselves on through the pain.

The core group, Beskad Group, moved through the city like wildfire, using YVH Probes equipped with Coma Gas and Mace to clear civilians from their path. At their head the armored form of Draco Vereen, shield in one hand, axe in the other, shouting orders as he moved, fueling the man as he fueled it. He gripped at the fear in the hearts of the men of the Republic, and twisted it within their minds, seeking to break their will to defend. What were they defending after all, the Empress?

"Move for the AA turrets. We can't leave this world if they are online." Beskad group knew this and thus the shield wall of elites kept pushing forward like a juggernaut of beskar and steel. Ion beams and stun bolts for civilians, charric blasts and slugs for identified threats. Bodies lined the street, both those dead and unconscious as the probes followed the thirty five Mandalorian Raiders. "Draz, eyes. Where is the first battery of guns?" The Drahr'buir called through the comms as his own charric sent bolts of microwave plasma at his foes.

"Three blocks forward, one to the left. Heavy opposition."

"Hit them with an arrowhead and then press into them, beskads drawn. Gorran on my right." The big beskar armored wookiee roared firing his bowcaster at enemies behind targets. More fire to the fuel.

[member="Krenis Skirata"]

In Space the small fleet of Strike Cruisers sat apart from the pair of Sith Star Destroyers, firing, pressing to keep the space above the engagement zone clear. Aboard the Haraan Aten Vizla sat waiting for further instructions, his complements of warriors all deployed to the surface. "Sir, Grom requests an Ori'edee to these coordinates."

"Drop the monster to him then." Bolts from the bottom of the ship came loose from the massive shield walker, sending it plummeting into the atmosphere towards the One Sith and Techno Union forces below. Time was almost up. Soon the Republic forces would no longer be on its heels and would be responding to them all.

[member="Gir Quee"] (2,000 Meters from Me, getting in touch with Nomkneer about his)
Location: FleetCOMM station
Objective: Plant the bomb

Zhall rendezvoused with [member="Darth Atrace"] in the hangar, shortly before taking his squad of Sith soldiers out of the hangar and into the fray of hallways with Zhall himself leading the charge. He carefully reflected blasts from rifles the best a Acolyte could, cutting down republic soldiers every now and again. His main goal was the reactor though, so clearing out rooms was not on the list of things to do as he and his squad quickly battled through the corridors of the station. Eventually there came a choke point, leaving Zhall and his squad pinned from heavy fire. The only way to proceed would be to take out the heavy machine gun laying down suppressive fire in the middle of the hallway.

After a few moments of hesitation, the squad was ordered to use the grenades they had brought, using that to force the opposing soldiers to fallback if it hadn't kill them and give his squad enough time to get into place. In the mean time, Zhall called for back up, almost certain his route would cut a pathway straight to the reactor.
Location: Chazwa Central Square​
Force: Three Squads of Shadow Legionnaires (On lend from Solan Charr)​
Objective: Defend the populace, forsake the Prime Minister.​
Yusan's eyes stared through the mask on his face and he glared at the woman who was murdering those innocents. Luckily it seemed, that the Sith and the Union for once had great timing. The problem was, they are still the enemies of the Republic, the True Republic. "Therin, alert the squads back at the stronghouse. I want them out and ready to fight by the time we get there. Also, make sure that they know we will be bringing anyone who can fight with us... I think its time that this new clone army of the Prime Minister's is shown what is stronger. Training or a will to fight for a cause." He smiled at the man who knew just what he was doing, returning the smile before placing a helmet on himself and the two of them started moving while Therin warned the squads that it was time to defend those of Chazwa.​
Yusan reached up and pressed his hand to the side of the transmitter in his helmet, speaking into it and letting his voice fill an open channel. "Republic Personnel who are interested in saving those they can meet my squads at the north side of the city. As well as any civilians who are able to hear this. Our jobs are to protect those of the Republic. Let the Clones protect their master." He hid no distaste for any of the new clones. He had known the man Cody Jorin and his clones were the ones that Solan had fought with time after time when he had fought for the Republic. Now he knew they were the generation he could trust to do what was right. "Seventy eighth street, a hundred meters at the diner. That is the Rendevouz for any who respond to this."​
[member="Krenis Skirata"] @Republic Loysalists @Sith Enemies​


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Location : FleetComm
Allies: [member="Darth Atrace"], [member="Zhall Serth"], [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies : Republic

Urak began heading down one of the hallways, after figuring out which one leads to the main reactor. There were pockets of resistance here and there, but nothing he couldn't handle, especially with the force. "Alright Atrace, we are getting closer. It shouldn't be long until we are at the main reactor." Urak said to Atrace as they moved onwards. A few minutes later,the hallway led into a small room with a few troopers.

The few republic troopsers began firing at Urak again, as he slowed down and sliced them, relishing the combat. He then turned towards Atrace. "Make sure to have the ship ready when we set them, it's our only way out of here brother." He then sped onwards again, getting closer, and the hallway slowly arching right, on the way to the reactor. Hoping soon they could blow this station up, and finally get to where the Jedi are, as he hasn't seen one in here yet.

"Wessa in position boss Mythos"

Wilo gave the gungan forces the go ahead to begin diving into the sewers of the city and the drainage of the underbellies of infrastructure. Wilo had calculated that several thermal detonations in the next kilometer of street would cause the entire street to implode within itself and cause a straight line all the way to the senate building. They dashed through the street returning fire where they could, at each drainage pipe they dived down until at the end of the streets there were no more gungans to be seen.

In the sewers Wilo communicated via hand signals, at each set of meters a thermal remote detonator was set, once all detonators were set the gungan unit made their way out of the sewers and out of the immediate blast radius.

Mythos on the other hand had his hands full, Spaarti clone troopers made a desperate charge against his forces defending the streets around the main senate building where the blackblade guard was in the neck of the fighting. "March as one!" United the Jar'Kai lashed out in unison against the republic troopers, side by side they redirected the blasterfire with deadly precision as well as striking down troopers in a blaze of lightsabers and force powers. "Don't look back!"

Mythos raised the broken golden gauntlet over his head in a signal to compress the formation and the sentinels to unleash their full clips on the enemy formations ahead, the front line of the guard pushed out in a phalax letting their spears cut through the enemy then from between their flanks the bulwark came in sliced and dove back inside the formation. "Mythos sons! Attack!"

The entire formation broke into a crushing frontal attack that trampled the enemy, boots crunched bone and muscle, flesh and tissue as well as armor as finally the senate building could be seen at the very back. Suddenly.... a large seismic force shook the ground and at a distance Mythos could see the very road collapse under itself and the entire infrastructure surrounding it imploding. The Jar'Kai watched the troopers retreat back further fearing the seismic shake a new weapon, taunting them at their cowardice yet not for long, as Mythos ordered the push to continue.
"Wessa detonated the charges My Lord Mythos, awaiting further orders"

Mythos' jaw dropped as the street just kept on falling into nothing, dust and debris kicking up from where it once was and in a second an entire kilometer of infrastructure was gone. "Wilo... what in the hell did you pack those thermals with?"
"Ahhh, you lika dat Lord Mythos eh? Wessa Call it, Stonaboom. Good fo buildings...eerrr bad for everything else"
"Out karking standing, can you do it again?"
"what target ma lord?"
"That big building in the middle of the capital."
"hmmm, we gonna need bigga explosives fo dat, we have no stonaboom anymore"
"Well Wilo" Mythos deflected an incoming blaster while having the conversation. "Improvise"
"Will do Ma Lord, contact you when wessa can."

[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Yusan Fenn"]
Alone, lost in the lost memories of one's mind, driven by the fear of remembering nothing and the hatred for who made you what you were. The empty shell was almost the perfect Sith slave, unable to remember any single past adventure. He was easy to mold, make into the perfect soldier. He felt the wound he's gained, though from where he couldn't tell you. He couldn't tell you anything anymore, not even his name. He didn't even have a name, not anymore.

Lord Mythos, the man who taught him most of what he knew these days. Yet, Lord Mythos had left him behind when the sacking of the capital happened. Hadn't given him a chance, just left without him. His black, gloved hand closed into a fist, dark anger and hate rushing through his veins. Every single movement he made recently was fueled by those two things.

He had borrowed a shuttle from the ship of his... master? Master, the man who'd taught him to touch into his fear and anger and turn it into power. He didn't need the lesson, how to use his fear and anger was one of the few things he remembered. His red lightsaber sat at his side, Lord Mythos having given it to him after he woke. The blade felt familiar in his grip, even though he couldn't remember ever using it. His body instinctively went into the Krayt's Eye position after he ignited his weapon for the first time, a position he couldn't even remember learning.

He growled, gloved hand closing into a fist once again. The shuttle flew over the capital, it's only passenger trying to find Lord Mythos in the dust. It wasn't hard, it was almost a game. Lord Mythos would easily be the one with the gungan and the dust. He seemed mental, mental enough to work with basic frogs and make big things go boom.

The shuttle set down, the blaster fire almost parting around it. The door dropped, a black clad male walking out, crimson blade in hand. The clone troopers moving forward, the man making sure each one was being cut down as if they were made of butter. He felt the anger flow through his body, the hate power his every strike. A force barrier making sure bullets passed around him, or harmlessly stopped in front of him. It was another move he didn't remember learning, but one he was glad he'd learned.

"I am less than pleased with this"

The word's like fire, each one being spat.


[member="Lord Mythos"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

He wasn’t at his stronghold. Nope, that system wasn’t finalized yet, but what Coren was doing, was patrolling the edges of Alliance space. He was watching for the Sith, the Final Order, and the First Order, them that were gaining territory and steam. But when the Republic seemed to start causing… a stir, shall we say, Coren was in hyperspace, moving ships around and working with the Underground network to sight worlds within the One Sith space. Apparently the Sith were focused elsewhere as the Underground was able to move almost as freely as the Alliance teams were hitting worlds untold against the Sith.

And they were going after the Republic. He had no real understanding as to why.

That was when Porter rolled in, though, and Coren looked over at his droid. It was chirping about a fleet movement. That was interesting to see. The issue was that it was hitting Chazwa. Coren looked at the holonet and pulled up the population of the Republic’s capital world.


The pilot ran his hands through his hair before stepping up and over to the navigators chair. The ship captain, a Chiss, nodded. They knew where this vessel was going to go. Stinger, Coren’s recent flagship, was going to be re-routing. It was a simple thing. Parts of a few different groups were on this ship, a flight of Warbirds had joined Coren since he was having his fits with the Alliance, apparently a gift from Lily to watch out of the fellow Warbird, as well as some Tiburons and other flights and squadrons. They were the people who were going to be making up Strike Force Black.

With the Corellian behind the wheel now, the captain made the announcement. “War is coming to the Republic. Reports coming out on a variety of the media is stating that it is the Sith and the Techno Union who are behind this. We are going to be dropping out of light speed to redirect our path. Volunteers only, head to the hangar and warm up your fighters.”

It was going to be tricky, but Coren was going to get the Stinger in close, so the fighters could micro jump towards the system and they’d bring the rain and help save the planet.

Or do their part in linking up with whatever the Republic had in place. It’d maybe be a step into pulling the other nation into a Team Light Side understanding when it came to the dark side. Nationalizing businesses, a move unknown to Coren, might not be the best thing, but there was no reason for the planet to suffer. The frigate had pulled into real space and had quickly turned and was on a course for Chazwa.

And when it was laid in, the pilot hurried down to the ready room, seeing who was around. Communications were being sent to local, or nearby Alliance members, they could approach Chazwa how they would like.


It wouldn’t be long before the X-Wings were lead from the Stinger into a microjump. And it was an odd group. Coren’s X-Wing, being flanked by three modified Planetary fighters, representing Warbird Wing, among with several other makes and models of fighters, some bearing the markings of navy and silver, and others just being a flat black. The Planetary fighters, known as Warbird Wing only by Coren, they were flying Csilla flags, as was the ex-Commander of the Alliance. But the rest of the Alliance fighters? They were flying Alliance flags.

The conflict in space was coming up fast, the residual speed from hyperspace was also causing the planet to come in quick. Fighters had the chance to break it to the space battle, or hit the hard line and do what they could being close air support.

“Republic Command, this is Starchaser of the Alliance. We’re here to give assistance against the plague you seem to have picked up.” He switched his comms to the local channel. “Alright boys and girls, hit them hard and fast. Watch the civilians, use lasers to lure them out.” His S-Foils were opening as he spoke, and Porter was transmitting targets to the fighters, or the astromechs attached, for those that had them. “Targets painted, give ‘em hell.”

He grabbed his controls and those Starchaser Blue eyes went a bit darker, a bit more focused.

[member="Chevu Visz"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="Dax Ragnar"]

Somewhere in the Chazwa captial...

While Starchaser's X-wings roared out of the Stinger to take on enemy fleets, there was a Jedi Knight roaming the streets of the Chazwa capital looking for the frightened and the displaced. If you asked Chevu Visz, she'd tell you that the real victims here were not the exiled senators, safe and snug in their luxury transports, nor were they the wealthy capitalists whose companies were being seized. No. The real victims of this fiasco with the Republic Prime Minister were the innocent civilians who were now caught in the crossfire as the Chazwa capital was raided by darksiders. Bodies of men, women, and children lay in the street, unconscious from coma gas. The ones who weren't prone were screaming from the mace or holding their guts from stray blaster shots. Some had been killed by the giant explosion that tore through the capital's infrastructure, leaving a chasm where there was once a city street. They were a population traumatized, and the Mirialan would do what she could to make sure that some of them survived.

There were civilian transports waiting on the outskirts of the city armed by GADF soldiers. It would be hairy to get them safely past the fleets, but they had to try.

"Go go go."

With a squad of GADF soldiers flanking her, Chevu waved her arms as she began to gather up groups of civvies and point them in the direction of the shuttles. If she came across any darksiders, she was armed with saber, blaster, and discblades, and ready to fight. As always.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Draco Vereen"]
Location: Fleetcomm Station
Allies: [member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies:[member="Darth Urak"] [member="Darth Atrace"]

The Sith fleet came out of hyperspace a hit the planet with an overwhelming and should I say overzealous force. I was at the fleetcomm station when the initial attack came but It came so fast that we could barely organize a defense. I yelled at the commander over the commotion at the base "Activate the distress beacon...hopefully the Republic will pick up the phone". Another set of explosions make me lose balance as I shuffle to the side a little. A ensign on a control board shouts over "Commander we a picking up Sith forces have breached the perimeter, our troopers cant handle them". I stroked my chin for a second then said "Evac the base of all essential personnel...I want troopers and a skeleton crew running this place". The ensign looked at me with a distressed face and said "but sir what will you do". I smiled and said "Well someone has to hold off the sith".


Location: Iritsa Streets

Lilin would have never been on Chazwa at such a time. Instead, she would have been at home, trying to get some sleep and enjoy life. But however, the Galactic Republic had managed to do something karking stupid again and was now under heavy attack. Why the heck did they not think clearly at all? Why was there a need for a coup?

Her ship made it to Iritsa, the capital of the planet, and she landed in the closest station where she could get. As soon as she'd made it to the planet, she took her lightsaber from the belt, set a blaster ready and made it to the streets. She had no idea what had happened besides the fact that the Prime Minister had wanted to overthrow the faction's government and everybody hated the Republic now.

Had she been successful at overthrowing the government, then?

She didn't know. She had to fight. And stand for the Republic, no matter what. Maybe not as a member, but as an ally. She had to stand for freedom, for democracy, when nobody else did.


Anzat's How it's Done
The Hulking 8"1' monstrosity that was Tyranek marched with purpose down the corridors of a cruiser in high orbit, stopping for neither man nor droid as a few unfortunate individuals found out. The top of his mask scraped along the corridor's ceiling, producing a small spark here and there as well as an awful scraping noise. Squeezing through a doorway, he found himself inside a drop pod. Which was fine, for this is where Tyranek wanted to be. No, needed, to be -- according to some strange [member="Darth Vornskr"] spirit that had made itself his master.

Firmly in the grips of Gen'Dai psychosis, most of the thoughts going through Tyranek's nerve cluster were, kill, maim, destroy, eviscerate.

And as the drop pod unclamped and fell to Chazwa, the monster-like mouth hidden behind his mask formed into a wry smile.

A Minute Later

The drop pod rumbled and shook as it blasted through the atmosphere, falling almost vertically straight towards Chazwa's capital. Seven other drop pods fell in the same general arc, and would all land close to one another. There was likely an objective to be seized or destroyed, but Tyranek didn't stop to listen to the briefing. He would just destroy whatever stood in his path. Speaking of destruction, his drop pod had landed, tearing right through an evacuation shuttle that was about to take off. A massive explosion erupted, from which Tyranek appeared.

He carried a large, heavy, repeating blaster rifle in his left hand and a massive double-handed vibrosword in his right, which were both normal sized when compared to his massive frame. GADF soldiers on guard took a moment before they opened fire, but by then it was too late. Searing red bolts of superheated light energy cut down a line of soldiers and civilians, forcing the other soldiers and civvies to run for cover. The troopers in Tyranek's drop pod now emerged, blasting at everyone not hidden by a wall.

A stray blaster bolt, or perhaps a well placed shot, clipped Tyranek where his hearth should be. Nothing happened. His booming laugh filled the surrounding streets as the monster laid waste to men and women alike.

[member="Chevu Visz"]
Entering Atmosphere
Allies: Alliance, Republic, Coalition
Enemies: Clones? Sith, Techno Union, NaCl, and mother-in-laws

It wasn’t long until the navy and silver X-Wing found the atmosphere. Coren had adjusted the shields and inertial compensators to make use of the gravity and save his body from the G-Forces. Dialing it down to 97, or sometimes 96 percent helped him fly in zero-G, especially with his implant, but when it came to friction and gravity? He felt much safer at a 99% inertia. It still allowed him some wiggle room and he could feel the jolts.

The pilot was here for the thrill. Did he always agree with the Republic? Hell no. But did he respect them? When they weren’t circling around a meeting room, yes, yes he did. [member="Gir Quee"] ran a tight military and the fact that the Sith were taking advantage of a situation did not surprise Coren. It was what he was here for. He knew that the businesses were being nationalized, and that was terrible, but did they go to the Sith? Or were the Sith just taking advantage? What he needed to do was check those ships that were in orbit.

He made note to get logs of who was where before he focused on the war below him. Republic forces were scrambling, but Coren wasn’t worried about them. They’d shoot at him, probably, but he was focused on the enemy, and his own people on the ground. No, he didn’t see eye to eye with the Alliance on some things, feeling they could be soft, but they were all his people. Same with the Republic and Coalition.

Clones were one thing, but right now, he was worried about just who the Sith were attacking, they weren’t known for their finesse, or intelligence. Sending the Wrath without some sort of complete make over, into the Alliance? Good try.

Before he could even get targets located, Porter pushed through distress calls from Alliance soldiers, they were working to get civvies out of the hot zone, so the Republic could focus on the real battle, right now he didn’t care of the Spaarti Clones took down the Sith, or the ‘True Republic’ so long as the Sith were dead. Looking at the call, he nodded, adjusting his flight path, he felt two of the Planetary Fighters break off and one stick on his tail. Wherever the rest of the fighters were, he wasn’t concerned. He had people pinned down.

There was armor in the streets. Coren shook his head. Switching from guns to torpedoes, he juked his X-Wing, he pitched a warhead at one of the tanks going towards the center of the city. Pulling his fighter up and around, a snap roll, he had to correct course from an Anti-Air blast that was coming at him. Frelling Sith, gonna pay for that paint job. He wasn't too far off course when he resumed his move.

That was when he saw the ships, and the one mowing them down. Guns this time, single shot. The pilot fell to the Force and to the implant that linked him to a fighter, because it was just good sense that Coren would modify any ship he was using for his Liberation Mod. Coming over the shuttles, he was definitely not hiding from the engaged Gen'Dai. Shields were definitely a nice thing.

“That’s a big bastard.” He muttered as he brought his fighter on a course, not low, he wasn’t crazy, but enough so he knew his blasts wouldn’t go wide. Pushing the throttle to full, he opened fire, very collected, three bolts at and around the being with the massive gun firing on the Alliance, and then he’d go to find where he could be used a bit better. Wasn't there some Atrisian who wanted to play?

[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
[member="Caleb Brolen"]
[member="Chevu Visz"]
[member="Lord Mythos"]
[member="Krenis Skirata"]
Literally, it could have been any other world but this one.

As it stood, the Sith and Sith 2.0 could have their delusions. The Admiral could potentially be found in another hypothetical thread in which there was actual story that made sense to be had about an amassed fleet in the chokehold of the rogue government orbiting Chazwa, its senior officer held at gunpoint and forced to fight the battle for said government. But, alas, it was not to be. Nothing like another NPC slaughter to satiate the masses.

But the one world with its entire military mobilized and prepared to keep any attackers at bay was Chazwa. Let the Sith believe what they want to believe, however.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Location: Fleetcomm Reactor

Mission: End the fight

Enemies [member="Caleb Brolen"] and the Republic

Allies: [member="Darth Urak"] [member="Zhall Serth"]

Atrace was following Urak, he held a small device in his hands which he would activate "Ships, on it's way" As they ran Atrace could hear the unmistakable sound of sith troopers, Atrace Smirked at the sound relishing in his victory

He would look at the big bulky door in front of him before forcing it open with his lightsaber "Urak! Ready the charges" Atrace snapped. The door would soon slide open allowing Atrace, and Urak to get in and get out without much of a problem.

"This is going to be fun, this is going to be fun" Atrace looked over to Urak. "There is a force user on this station" he said. "Plant the charges and be quick about it! I sense a fight is about to break out." He would then ignite his both of his lightsabers while getting into a defensive stance at the doorway to the reactor.
Location: Chazwa Capital
Allies: [member="coren starchaser"] [member="chevu visz"] Galactic Alliance, Republic Civilians, Team Lightside
Enemies: [member="tyranek"] [member="jardo snow"] One Sith, Techno Union, Team Darkside

Harm was fully armed and armored a few streets away from where Chevu Visz was assisting civilians. He was similarly seeing to the orderly evacuation of civilians, while also coordinating GADF engineers to prepare the streets to hinder either the clone army that had taken the planet under the auspice of the Prime Minister or the invaders who were reportedly in system right now.

"Move those vehicles into the street, lined up with the scoring we did earlier. The quickcrete will dry fast, so get an even pour to secure those undercarriages to the street." He directed the engineers with a careful, trained eye. When he had been in the Corps, he had been part of training missions to teach planetary militias to do this same thing in the case of planetary invasions. Slowing the enemy down gave more time to mount a resistance.

As he was about to continue with his instructions, he saw a drop pod pass overhead as it landed nearby. He had seen the markings on the side, felt the presence inside, and knew that he had to assist in handling it. He checked his HUD and saw that it had landed near Chevu's operational area. He turned back to his engineers and saw that they had the preparations well in hand, so he relinquished operational control to the lead engineer and turned to make his way to the landing site.

He took his new assault rifle from the magnetic plate on his back, removed the safety and checked to make sure that one of the BANG rounds was in the chamber. He made his way over towards where Chevu was in a tactical run, which was moving from cover to cover. He stayed a couple streets away from Chevu, moving to be at a different angle to the drop pod. He moved into a building and onto the roof overlooking the wreckage around the drop pod and took in the scene with a practiced eye.

He saw the massive Gen'dai and felt a very real fear. The thing had taken a blaster shot to the chest and laughed. He took a few deep breaths to center himself as he attempted to find a way to alter the situation. He could take out the troops the massive sith had brought with him, but they were more nuisance than threat. Taking them out would not necessarily be enough of a force multiplier against the Gen'dai.

At that point, a sense of external calm overcame Harm. His anxiety went away, his vision seemed to sharpen, and he was able to view the situation almost clinically. In his peripheral vision he saw an azure limned transparent image of a Twi'lek with emerald eyes, jade skin, lekku that seemed to terminate in partially healed burns and a pair of blasters at her hips. She wasn't looking at him, instead she was leaning over the edge of the roof looking at the Gen'dai.

"That's a big one. I can tell you, that I understand the fear. You're young in the Force and that guy could make mincemeat of companies of regular troopers." She hadn't moved, but Harm could hear her almost as if she were in his head. "If I were going to treat you like a Jedi, I'd say that fear is the path to the dark side. Fear, anger, dark side. I'm sure you've seen the vids. Nah, fear is useful sometimes. It lets you know that something is about that can squish you into jelly or some such. Gives you an extra bit of juice to succeed against it. Just don't let it control you like you were about to."

She turned to Harm now and stepped over to him. She gave him a look up and down and nodded to herself.

"I'm not one to preach the Force, it's all around and through us, but it is not all of what we are. You've got skills, you've got the Force, you've got allies..." She looked over her shoulder at the laughing Gen'dai and smirked. "...You've got this."

Harm could barely more than nod at her. His focus was on the situation. He could feel the area around him in more detail than he'd felt before. He could feel his armor, as if it fit even better than it had before. He could feel each of his weapons, from his knife to his slugthrowers and blasters to his grenades. They were all part of him. He didn't have a distinct plan, but he had control over his fear now, adrenaline running through his blood stream, but not running him.

"Chevu, this is Harm. I've got overwatch on the big guy. I am taking him under fire." He radioed to her over the GA secure coms. He should have thought to coordinate with her sooner. He pulled a grenade from his armor and primed it. He threw it up in an arc that was aimed to land a meter in front of the Gen'dai. Then he folded down to a knee on the roof and brought his slugthrower assault rifle up to his shoulder. He barely felt the need to aim, but still did line up the sights on a space in the path of the Gen'dai. He let loose a three-round burst of explosive, armor piercing rounds at the brute. The Twi'lek force ghost was still standing with him, but had fallen silent for the moment.
Location: Champion-class Star Destroyer Obi-Wan Kenobi, edge of the Chawza system
Objective: Get started
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: [member="[member="Tålamod Shapochka"]"]?, [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Nomkneer artzhul"]

"If we didn't spend several million or billion credits on that ship, I'd bet you'd be in your recliner right now," half-joked Captain Lod.

Standing at the edge of the bridge viewport, Gir ruefully considered the duro's remark. It certainly was true that in some sense, that the officer's two main problems were solving themselves...gradually. But I can't really count on the Clone army and the darksiders completely wiping themselves out for me, can I? Perhaps I've become a bit too optimistic if I can think I can rely on that...He glanced at his wrist chrono. They should be back by now. He turned his gaze to Lod.

"Where is my recon flight?"

"They're just getting back in now," said Lod, glancing at his console, "they took a more circulatory route to avoid what they thought might be a new Sith patrol. But there do not appear to be any enemy forces hiding behind the moon."

"Let's move out then."

The bridge began to hum with activity as the True Republic servicemen began to prepare the ship for superluminal travel. Alongside the star destroyer, the more diminutive CC-7700 Spirit of Carida jetted forward to mirror the star destroyer's axial alignment. Admiral Quee strolled away from the viewport to his command chair and its console. Even before he had fully seated himself in the chair, the blonde man had begun to type various commands into the console, bringing up various readouts before finally settling on the navigation console. He focused on a minuscule countdown box until it briefly flashed and the pair of Republic warships jumped into hyperspace.

He felt his stomach briefly contort as he pondered the upcoming battle. No matter how many battles he entered, that feeling never seemed to change, regardless of the odds of survival. With the forces he was leaving behind as reinforcements, the admiral believed that he would have enough firepower to push back the invaders, though he was not sure if he had enough firepower to simultaneously fight both the rogue Clone Army and the dark union of the One Sith and Techno Union. The elongated lines of hyperspace travel abruptly transformed into distant pin pricks of light, more dominated by the blue-green orb of Chazwa and its distant white dwarf sun. He glanced at his tactical map. We're in the right position too, just outside of the world's gravity well...

"Sir," reported an officer, "there are suspected Galactic Alliance vessels in the area."

"Do they appear hostile?" questioned the admiral.

"No sir."

"If they're fighting the One Sith, the Techno Union, or even the Clone Army, we'll support them," decided the admiral, "otherwise, let us give them their space to work."

"Aye sir."

Gir turned his eyes towards the distant enemy vessels. Let's just test the enemy's mettle, shall we? He rapidly punched in several commands. Redemption wing, comprised of thirty-six R46 Valiants jetted out to the ship's starboard side before forming a thin screening formation around the two Republic warships. Almost simultaneously, the Spirit of Carida powered up its gravity wells projectors, forming a gravity well in the no-man's land between the two lines of vessels. He glanced at his console. We're not in range yet...even with our hypervelocity cannons and long-range turbolasers...but things can change fast...

Republic Fleet Group 1 (~2000 meters)
Champion-class Star Destroyer Obi-Wan Kenobi
-36 R46 Valiant-class Starfighters
-36 Scurry H-6 Bombers
CC-7700 Spirit of Carida

Republic Fleet Group 2 (outskirts of the Chazwa System)
-to be revealed as meterage counts are finalized)


Anzat's How it's Done
LOCATION: Chazwa Capital
ALLIES: OS in the Capital
ENEMIES: [member="Chevu Visz"] , [member="Harmon Taldan"] , [member="Coren Starchaser"]

All of the men and women in the plaza who had not been eviscerated by Tyranek's massive repeating blaster were hiding behind cover, too scared to move, as the Sith squad who had accompanied the Gen'Dai advanced. The Sith squad eliminated anyone they encountered as they went from cover to cover with extreme clinical prejudice. Tyranek would have enjoyed watching them work had he not been watching his own carnage unfold. His laughing had ceased by this point as focus set in. Any exposed skin was reduced to a smoldering pulp the instant it revealed itself, any blaster bolts directed his way received twenty in return.

Then, in the distant sky, a spec appeared that was becoming increasingly bigger and bigger. Tyranek only realised it wasn't a bird when he shot a volley at it and it didn't explode into a puff of feathers. Well, that, and when it fired three huge, green, bolts back at him. He roared as he dived for cover, as no living being survives bolts intended to destroy other starships -- not even Gen'Dai. As luck would have it, the direction of his dive meant he avoided both the bolts and the grenade that some happy-go-lucky individual had thrown towards him. The bolts impacted the smoldering wreck of the evacutation shuttle that served as Tyranek's drop pod's landing cushion, surely killing any civilians still alive inside it. The grenade did no more than shower the massive mass of muscle in dirt and debris, which he shook off vigorously as he regained his footing.

Boom, boom, boom!

The explosive and armour-piercing bolts hit Tyranek in his upper right thigh and lower left abdomen, with the third impacting a wall far behind. He skidded backwards, roaring in pain, but still managing to keep his footing. This was an achievement, considering he was missing the majority of his lower torso and a hefty chunk of upper thigh. Tendons and muscle were already regenerating, however, and the holes had already been filled with muscle mass diverted from elsewhere on the massive Gen'Dai's frame. He now stood at 8", and looked slightly less bulky. But in one piece, at least.

So, all the brave enemy had really managed to do was enrage the mammoth monster, who's main priority now was revenge. Tyranek directed the repeating blaster towards the man and depressed the trigger. The thing was fully automatic and would continue to spray bolts towards the man until Tyranek either decided to stop or was forced to.

Meanwhile, a second drop pod full of 12 troopers landed with an explosive thud smack bang in the middle of the plaza. A second later and they had exited, joining the fight for the plaza. Two of them saw what Tyranek was firing at and decided to also fire at it for good measure, managing to fire off two shots each at the man in the space of a full second, though they could be quite inaccurate as the troopers had just endured the rigors of planetary landing in a tin can...

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