Armand Temi
Location: Hapes
Destination: Transitory Mists
Objective: Locate Admiral Cross Ikon and identify his current plans
Armand walked off of the landing pad and down the glittered path to the personal ship repair shop near the Fountain Palace in Chume'Dan. He didn't trust his shuttle to anyone else but Barnabas who was not only his mechanic but his best friend from his time in the Hapan Royal Navy. After a warm greeting and a quick inspection of his shuttle, they sat down in the shop's small break room and Barnabas made them tea.
"She sounds as good as new," Armand said. "Thanks again, my friend." Armand sipped his tea. "What do you I owe you for the repairs?" He reached into his pocket for some chips.
"Please, this one is on me."
"There's always a price though," said Armand smiling.
"I keep asking you and I'll ask it again. When am I going to be introduced to your sister Tha'qua?" asked Barnabus.
"Oh I'll introduce you alright but it will never happen between the two of you," said Armand. Since his sister Tha'qua had turned eighteen she had no shortage of suitors but Armand's family would never let her date much less marry a ship mechanic.
Barnabus looked away sadly so Armand changed the subject. "Have you heard any good Navy jaw-wag recently?"
His friend's face brightened. "Yes, as a matter of fact I have." He leaned in conspiratorially. "I've heard that Admiral [member="Cross Ikon"] has been sighted in the Transitory Mists."
"Mother of Kwath! Surely someone has been making up pirate stories again," Armand said, laughing.
Barnabus shrugged. "I heard it from a Royal Guard." Barnabus was about to say more but they both heard the shop door opening and Armand's friend rose to go see who had entered.
While his friend was busy with the other customer, Armand put his cup down and thought about what he had just heard. If the rumor was true this would mean that Cross Ikon had survived a 900 year stasis which was incredible in and of itself. And as Armand remembered from his Hapan History classes, Ikon had been court martialed due to some questionable genetic experiments and was forbidden to enter the Hapes Consortium. He quickly left the shop, shouting a hurried goodbye to Barnabus and strode off to visit Admiral Mikul who would know if Ikon would have a bounty on his head for violating his punishment. Or at least if he needed to be brought in for questioning. Armand decided that hauling a high profile, renegade captain into the Queen's court would certainly raise his visibility with the Palace and perhaps make her reconsider his position in her Guard.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
Destination: Transitory Mists
Objective: Locate Admiral Cross Ikon and identify his current plans
Armand walked off of the landing pad and down the glittered path to the personal ship repair shop near the Fountain Palace in Chume'Dan. He didn't trust his shuttle to anyone else but Barnabas who was not only his mechanic but his best friend from his time in the Hapan Royal Navy. After a warm greeting and a quick inspection of his shuttle, they sat down in the shop's small break room and Barnabas made them tea.
"She sounds as good as new," Armand said. "Thanks again, my friend." Armand sipped his tea. "What do you I owe you for the repairs?" He reached into his pocket for some chips.
"Please, this one is on me."
"There's always a price though," said Armand smiling.
"I keep asking you and I'll ask it again. When am I going to be introduced to your sister Tha'qua?" asked Barnabus.
"Oh I'll introduce you alright but it will never happen between the two of you," said Armand. Since his sister Tha'qua had turned eighteen she had no shortage of suitors but Armand's family would never let her date much less marry a ship mechanic.
Barnabus looked away sadly so Armand changed the subject. "Have you heard any good Navy jaw-wag recently?"
His friend's face brightened. "Yes, as a matter of fact I have." He leaned in conspiratorially. "I've heard that Admiral [member="Cross Ikon"] has been sighted in the Transitory Mists."
"Mother of Kwath! Surely someone has been making up pirate stories again," Armand said, laughing.
Barnabus shrugged. "I heard it from a Royal Guard." Barnabus was about to say more but they both heard the shop door opening and Armand's friend rose to go see who had entered.
While his friend was busy with the other customer, Armand put his cup down and thought about what he had just heard. If the rumor was true this would mean that Cross Ikon had survived a 900 year stasis which was incredible in and of itself. And as Armand remembered from his Hapan History classes, Ikon had been court martialed due to some questionable genetic experiments and was forbidden to enter the Hapes Consortium. He quickly left the shop, shouting a hurried goodbye to Barnabus and strode off to visit Admiral Mikul who would know if Ikon would have a bounty on his head for violating his punishment. Or at least if he needed to be brought in for questioning. Armand decided that hauling a high profile, renegade captain into the Queen's court would certainly raise his visibility with the Palace and perhaps make her reconsider his position in her Guard.
[member="Cross Ikon"]