Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Noodle redo

Dagos knocked on the door softly. For whatever reason he couldn't help but feel strangely nervous. There wasn’t any reason to be nervous, nothing frightening lurked beyond the door but all the same there was a tightness in his throat like he was somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be and was on the verge of being caught.

He knocked again a little harder this time, hoping she was home and had time to see him in. The bag of ingredients in his arm was being held awkwardly and he didn’t want to drop anything. Maybe he should have commed first, that woulda be smarter.

He stood in the empty hallway of the living quarters, the sweet smell of spice still clinging to his clothes. A simple outfit today, still stylish as hell, that couldn’t be helped but it was simple. White sneakers, skinny cut black jeans, a pink turtleneck that matched the sunglasses he was wearing, and of course he had his rope chain and his ear studs in.

He gave the door a couple more knocks, no louder than he had just been. Chit, maybe he had missed her.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


It took a second after the last set of knocks before Iris finally opened the door. The heavily scarred Padawan blinked, in the process of putting her hair up in a bun with one hand as she looked at Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek . She was in the usual clothing she had when she lazed about her apartment. Tank top, shorts. Which only showed all of her scars. Not that she seemed to notice or care. Rather, she stepped back, opening the door more.

"Hey, uh. C'mon in?"
Dagos watched Iris put her hair up. He didn’t stare…okay, well he did, but not in the way that he had with Lossa that day at the crystal caves. He looked at Iris and all her scars and couldn’t help but think of his own. The ones he kept hidden under expensive shirts, a carefree attitude and puffs of spice.

They were brutal angry marks that covered his chest and midsection. He had counted them once and there were sixteen jagged marks, souvenirs from Roche. For all that time he had spent with Iris before, when they left he was sure they had almost nothing in common but seeing her now, it seemed the galaxy had rectified that.

He smiled softly as she opened the door wider for him to come inside.

“Cool. I brought lunch.” He said lifting the bags up to show her as he looked around for the cook top. He found it soon enough and dumped the bags out on the counter nearby.
Dag filled a pot of water and put it on the now heating cook pot and began to cut up some veggies.

“Yo, Iris, you won’t believe it but I found Bamasian dragon peppers in the market by the temple. I ain’t ever had ‘em but my pops said it makes fire-peppers seem like eating an apple.”

“I got all veggie, I hope that’s cool.” He said once he had all the ingredients in the pot and the aroma of cooking spices started to fill the apartment.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


She either didn't notice or tried to ignore Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek staring. She'd been stared at before, and probably would keep getting stared at. That's what the scars meant now, something for someone to gasp at or wonder out loud what happened. At least he didn't talk about it. The apartment itself was pretty simple. Kitchen, living room. A couple rooms on either side that counted as Briana and her own rooms.

Iris tilted her head as she watched the other Padawan get right to work on cooking. Ah, spices. She smiled a bit.

"The hotter the better, I think. Veggies are all good in my book."
“Yo, is this blue milk or just milk that’s gone blue?” He asked over the clinking of him rummaging through her fridge. A moment or two later he was handing Iris a bowl of spicy noodle soup and a glass of milk.

“You got like games or something?” He mocked playing on a controller with his hands. Did he want to talk about Cato? No, he did not. The message he had gotten from Juno Sabat Juno Sabat had told him enough about Iris’ ordeal there; he had also been on Cato Neimoidia but had come away almost entirely unscathed. Almost.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"It's blue milk." She nodded once, more watching Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek as he went through her fridge and cooked. Surprised by just how willing he was to do all this, really. But, soon there was a bowl of spicy noodles, and everything else was forgoten. A hungry grin formed as she dug right in, sighing happily. Spice was life, or something like that. One of her holoshows said that, right?

".. Games?"
“Yeah, like Flavio bros? You know the one where the electrician in the blue hat breaks bricks and kills a bunch of rabbits so he can save a princess?” Dag asked, really he understood by her answer that she probably didn’t have any games but maybe her roommate did.

“Chit, or I don’t know, music maybe?” He was happy to sit and enjoy a meal with Iris, someone who wasn’t exactly a friend or not yet any way, they were obviously closer than acquaintances at this point, but he was afraid that silence would lead to one of them trying to fill it with words a little too heavy for either of them to carry very far.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


She shook her head. Video games weren't exactly something she even knew existed. And Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek 's description didn't really make her want to play a game. Sounded too violent for her taste. She plopped down on the couch, sipping at the broth with a faint smile. Spicy. The hurt kind, technically, but it wasn't something that bothered her. Neither was sitting in silence, technically.

"Music..? .. Hmm. I don't think I've listened to music before."
"Music..? .. Hmm. I don't think I've listened to music before."

“For real?” He couldn’t believe someone hadn’t listened to music before. He could totally believe Iris hadn’t listened to music before.

“Let me…” he pulled out the comm device/data pad from his pocket and went searching on the holonet. This was going to be a big deal, being the person that sat down with someone to listen to their first ever song. Lots of pressure.

“Here we go. Check this out.” couldn’t go wrong with the classical pieces.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris tilted her head again, watching Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek dig around for something. Oh! She knew what that was. A com! .. Or something similar. Didn't look the same as the one Lief Lief had given her, but it could surf the web and such, right? Looked like that's what- Oh. Oh. She blinked as she listened. Actually listened. So she had heard music before. In canteens and such in her travels.

But she'd never actually listened to music.

".. Huh."
"Chit dope huh?" He asked in between gulps of spicy broth.

"My pops would listen to all kinds of old stuff like this." ' When he was around' was the part of the sentence he just thought and didn't say out loud.

"He would get some really cool musical acts for the club too. I mean real fire bands and singers or whatever, some of the best acts in the sector played my dad's spot before anywhere else."

Dagos hadn't really talked to any other Jedi about his dad and honestly wasn't sure why he was being so chatty about him now.

"So, uh someone else lives here with you?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Dope, yeah. ... What's dope mean?" She tilted her head, watching Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek for a moment. Then nodded. Whatever dope meant, it obviously meant something good given how he talked about his dad. But the colors.. There was something sad there. Something Iris didn't pry into for once. If only because the topic of her roommate was brought up.

"Oh, yeah. Bri does. We had to hide out for a bit and now we just.. Live here."

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