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No Cell Service Provided [Imperial Remnant Mission]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Ziebrecht Elendi"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Utena Calvarona"] [member="Jarik Abren"]

Deep within the caverns of the planet UTAPAU, a deadly INSURGENCY has sprung up in hopes of eliminating IMPERIAL influence on the planet. But, the IMPERIAL REMNANT has remained ever vigilant of their allies. Using the skills of the IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE the REMNANT has infiltrated this EXTREMIST CELL and learned the identities of its top leaders.
Now, led by the master IMPERIAL KNIGHT, CORVINUS PALPATINE, the IMPERIAL REMNANT moves to burn out this insurgency once and for all....
A fluttering purple cape parted the bleak populace of Pau City. The Pau'ans were a timid, translucent lot. Might as well have been invisible. In Corvinus's experience though, it was usually the least suspected that were the most dangerous. In this particular case he had been right.

Eying everyone as he passed, Corvinus grasped the force with his mind; shifting through the layers of gunk in search for the one presence that mattered. Somewhere on in this very crowd was their mole, the one who had helped Imperial Intelligence infiltrate a group of extremists within the city. Apparently not everyone was as thrilled with the Imperial Remnants return to the outerrim.

Weak fools who did not understand what was good for them. It was not matter. Soon enough they would be swiped away, their ashes used as the foundation for a greater Galactic Empire. Once he had located the mole, Corvinus would confirm that everything was in place and then order the attack. The Imperial Agents inside the cell would be able to take down a great deal of the command structure before the battle even started, then the Imperial Military would take care of the rest.

There he was, sitting on a bench on the far end of the platform. The Mole. Narrowing his eyes, Corvinus stepped through the ocean of citizens and stood beside the turn coat rebel. Thick Lekku hung over his shoulders, his watering eyes gazing up at the dark figure above him.

"Stop your incessant crying. Have you done what the Empire has asked of you?"

Dark eyes glared at the Twi'lek; unflinching in the gaze. The alien just gawked up for a few moments, silence grasping his tongue.


"Ye-yes. Your agents are inside."

"Then leave."

The timid creature fumbled with his thumbs for a few moments, looking down at the ground. "Sir, what about my credits."

Corvinus' lip furrowed. Such greedy little peasants these aliens were. "I promised compensation and you will get it. Unless you continue you to sit here and impeded my mission. Then you will share the same fate that your friends will soon receive."

The Twi'lek gulped, bowing his head in apology and darting off into the crowd. Corvinus didn't bother to watch him go, his eyes were already locked onto the ten story tower standing on the other side of the cavern. Officially the tower was an abandoned flight control center, but apparently disgruntled Paun'ans had taken upon themselves to use it for far more nefarious means.

A few politicians weren't happy with the Imperial sympathy being brewed in the government after recent events. Most here were beginning to figure that if no one else was going to protect them, then maybe a return to the old ways was best. There were those who disagreed though and now they were moving to act. A coup was planned to topple the Imperial sympathizers in the government.

Needless to say, Corvinus had no plans to allow that coup to take place. "The agents are inside" Corvinus whispered into the commlink in his collar, "you may begin your attack."
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"]

"And so i told him that he would either give me the credits, or i would cut out his tongue and stuff it up his rear end..." Solan looked at the man walking with him, one of his Shadow Legionnaires who he had brought along for his strength in black ops missions like this. Solan himself was wearing the Viola Coat he kept from his time in the Rebel Alliance, lined with a dozen daggers throughout its confines. There were also a number of napalm grenades as well as his saber hooked and secured in his sleeve in which to hide it. The only visible weapons on him were the Krath War Blade that was slung over his shoulder and across his back, and the two blasters that hung from his hips.

His underling, wearing a more mercenary esque armor, only had a blaster rifle and a dagger in a sheath hooked to his shoulder. "You know.. there are times when i think i want out of this business Vahir..." He looked at the Keshiri man, the purple hue of his skin making him stand out a bit but that was all the point. "You know i always liked the morning air... It always sounded so..." His ear perked up as the order came through and his hands came to his side and he smiled. "Crisp."
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"] [member="Solan Charr"]

She was moving quickly, mostly in where she was going to avoid the others. She trusted them but well... she wasn't a soldier and they were or imperial knights. She was at best a dancer and that muscle memory for the movements could allow her to fight. She had a hold out blaster and a combat knife with some light armor on while she jumped up grabbing a stone. Scaling and climbing to get up into one of the rafters and crouched low as she nodded her head at first in confirmation to the order... Then realized the others could see her as she spoke. "Got it." A small smirk on her face while she wondered what Alva was doing right now.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Utena Calvarona"] [member="Solan Charr"]

The blue skies above Pau City gave birth to a storm of metal birds that plunged towards the surface. Corvinus watched from the distance as the ships screeched to a halt above the target, the blast shields opening to reveal squads of stormtroopers who threw themselves to the roof of the tower. Things had to move quickly, the extremist leaders couldn't be allowed to escape.

Moving swiftly through the gawking crowds, Corvinus marched toward the east entrance of the tower as the stormtroopers made an explosive entry into the top floor and blaster fire began to erupt. No doubt the agents inside were about to begin blasting their way through their false allies any second now. Soon enough Corvinus would be in the tower to assist in that.
[member="Corvinus Palpatine"] [member="Utena Calvarona"]

Solan sighed as eh watched the ships find their way to the roof, there was no beauty, no greatness to the situation. About as elegant as a jackhammer. He sighed and looked to his right before nodding. With that two of them removed the weapons off their shoulders and a clean shot was put into the first two targets they saw. It wouldn't take long at all to deal with those in the room. There had been only four of them and Solan's pistols took two down while the man holding the rifle removed the life of the other two. He was going to have some fun though as his hands slid the two pistols back into their holsters and his hand reached up to grab the blade on his back. Tearing it from its sheath he donned the mask he had at his side and smiled as the first of the new targets came through the door bewildered as he was coming to warn those in the room about the attack from the roof.

It took seconds to skewer him, letting the teammate get into position. "Reaper squad, reveal." With that a large explosion took out the generators. Lights were gone for a moment before the backups kicked in, with ten of solan's men inside the tower dressed like one of the enemy. It was time to cause a bit of panic. With his idea in mind Solan breathed in and pushed the body into the room it had come from, using it as a shield as he started taking fire until he could get to new cover. It would a painful death for the unfortunate man, a death that Solan's mind fed on. His pain and suffering powered Solan's force use and he made sure to prolong this man's suffering best he could until finally in cover and with a nice charge built up.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Corvinus Palpatine"]

She could see the ships, her eyes widening as she watched all of it above them and she was jerking her head around. Not getting the sight or skills yet to remain ahead and focused as her energies pushed her forward to join the others. A stunner in one hand and a crina energy blade while she was moving her hands ready for a fight. She spoke into her comlink while moving and waiting. "So do we have a larger plan or should I just weld the exits so they are trapped?"

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