Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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No. 2678 "Dhacalyr"

ALIAS: Dhacalyr
RANK: Beast
AGE: 124 Years Old
SEX: Alpha Male
•With Armour- 3.6 meters
•Without Armour- 3.2 meters
•With Armour- 3900 kilograms
•Without Armour- 3300 kilograms
HAIR: No hair
SKIN: Tough black skin, heavily scarred.



•Durability: Like all other Kaija, Dhacalyr is able to sustain extreme damage from nearly all types of weapons, this is mostly due to the unique cell structure the species posses. The substance that features in the species cells is named FR-1 (FAST REGENERATIVE 1) and allows injuries Dhacalyr, along with all other Kaija, has taken to regenerate much quicker than other creatures of similar size. Light injuries, such as burns and scratches can almost completely heal in a matter of minutes. Though damage from heavier weapons, like blasters may take up to 6 hours to fully heal. In some cases, a Kaija could regenerate a whole limb or organ if necessary, however this would take up to 7 days.

•Resistant to Radiation: With the home world of the Kaija being Kubindi, the species has become exceedingly resistant to most forms of radiation, particularly gamma radiation. This allows [name]to explore and live in places that other creatures would find poisonous and toxic, without the aid of viable protection.

•Natural Exoskeleton: The natural exoskeleton the Kaija posses is one of the species main defense against all types of damage. It has been said that the exoskeleton itself is "As hard as steel." Though this is untrue, it has been noted that most kinetic based weapons will have a tough time penetrating the exoskeleton, and would be unlikely to hit or damage any important organs.

•Strength and Size: Standing at 3.2 meters tall and weighing over 3300Kg, Dhacalyr packs a punch. Without the aid of any machine, a single Kaija can easily lift over it's own body weight. Though it has never been tested, it is believe that an alpha male Kaija (such as Dhacalyr) could lift just over 5000Kg. The main reason the Kaija can lift this weight is due to the exoskeleton supporting the muscles in all limbs and the upper torso.

•Enhanced Hearing and Smell: Since the Kaija species is partially blind, it relies on other senses. In this case, smell and hearing. These enhanced senses offer many perks to everyday and combat situations. The Kaija have been known to use an unfamiliar fighting style which is reinforced by the improved senses of smell and hearing. This also allows for the Kaija to work well in darkness, being either combative or non-combative.

•Armour: Heavy, strong, durasteel armour had been nailed to Dhacalyr’s flesh during his fighting ages. This offers additional protection, and along with the exoskeleton it makes Dhacalyr very tough. However the armour does add a lot of weight to [name] that will effect his already bad maneuverability. There was also gaps left in between the armour plating, most of which are on joints.

•Claws and Blade: On Dhacalyr ’s left hand, his already long claws have been reinforced with durasteel plates and sharpened to a point, which could rival the most expertly made swords and knives. This acts a powerful offensive weapon, the fastest weapon Dhacalyr can use. However the left arm is much different; an injury sustained from a previous fight caused it to become completely detached from the body, luckily the FR-1 allowed it to regrow. But before the regrowing progress had been fully completed, Dhacalyr was put into another fight where it was injured once again. This new injury caused permanent damage to arm and required it to be amputated. Therefore, as a replacement for the missing arms a rigid durasteel blade was added. Although being a much more effective weapon than the claws, it is also a lot heavier and harder to move. This makes attacks from this weapon a lot easier to dodge or counter attack if not used in an effective combo.



•Size and Speed: With Dhacalyr weighing over 3300Kg he could not move anywhere very quickly. Though he can run forwards at high speeds due to his long legs and strong muscles, the Kaija have difficulty turning from side to side. The reason for this difficulty is because of the species bulky torso. Most smaller and faster animals will be able to outmaneuver Dhacalyr, making this one of his greatness weaknesses.

•Unintelligent: Since the Kaija's main objective is to survive, it will attack anyone or anything that may pose as a threat. Male Kaija, like Dhacalyr, have been known to fight against much larger creature and consequently, ending up dead. During combat, Dhacalyr often goes into a mindless berserk where all tactics are forgotten and his only aim is to kill. This allows for enemies to easily outsmart and defeat the him.

•FR-1: The unique substance that is featured in the Kaija's cells (FR-1) has never been seen before and is believed to only exist in the Kaija. Doctors were able to create medicine from the FR-1 that was extremely effective at healing nearly all injuries, but this was created at the cost of the Kaija's life. There was a high demand for this medicine, and therefore a high demand for Kaija. The species has and will always be hunted in hope of more of the FR-1 Medicine. Therefore if anyone saw or recognized Dhacalyr as a Kaija, they would almost definitely try to kill him, just to earn some quick and easy credits.

•Partially Blind: It's unknown why the the Kaija are partially blind, though it is believed to be because a faulty gene that has stayed dominant throughout the species history. Being partially blind greatly effects the Kaija's fighting and movements in combat situations. However being blind has granted the species with enhanced hearing and an enhanced sense of smell.

•Endangered / extinct: Throughout the Kaija's history the species has been classed as endangered. With a population of only 150,000 in it's bulk, there was always a chance that the species would become extinct all together. The chance of this increased dramatically when the hunting began, and there is little hope for this species to survive in the wild. Now it is believed that Dhacalyr is one of, if not the only living Kaija left in the galaxy.


Standing at an enormous height of 3.2 meters and weigh in at little more than 3300 kilograms, Dhacalyr is a behemoth. His natural protective exoskeleton is covered in layers of pure muscle along with an outer layer of rough black skin.

With durasteel plates permanently nailed into his body acting as armour, Dhacalyr looks of being little more than a hulking tank. The largest plates that can be found on his body are located on the torso, presumably to protect vital organs when in combat. Smaller and more spaced out plates are found on the arms (excluding the blade arm) and legs, these plates provide protection but still do not inhibit the movement of the beast.



Like all Kaija, Dhacalyr’s birth planet was the planet Kubindi. Much of his early life was uneventful and what you'd expect from a species like the Kaija. The majority of his time was spent hunting which would allow him and his pack to eat. Shortly after growing to almost full strength and size, Dhacalyr was then excluded from his pack as he could've become competition for the Alpha Make at the time. With no pack to belong to, he was forced to hunt alone and search the jungles of Kubindi to find another pack.
During this time where [na was alone, the mass hunting of the Kaija began. This meant that the chance of finding a pack to join was greatly decreased for Dhacalyr. Luckily he never encountered the presence of any hunters who wished to kill him. Instead he did find a pack of female Kaija who's Alpha Male was nowhere to be seen. Whether this Alpha was killed by hunters or simply got lost during a hunt was unknown, but in its absence Dhacalyr took leadership over the pack.
However this fortune would be short lived.
Soon afterward, when returning from a solo hunting expedition it was revealed that his pack had been slaughtered by a group of hunters. This filled Dhacalyr with an extreme hatred of almost every living humanoid he would come into contact with. It would soon become apparent to Dhacalyr that the murderous hunters had not left the site. After tracking them for a short distance, Dhacalyr decide to attack. The surprise caused by the berserking three meter beast was the last feeling many of the hunter had as Dhacalyr’s claws tore through their flesh and bone. Unfortunately for Dhacalyr, these hunters were not alone. Soon he was surrounded by dozens of men armed to the teeth in weaponry.
That's when it hit.
A dart pierced the softer skin of Dhacalyr’s chest.
Soon enough his vision faded and all he could see was the dark of unconsciousness.

As the effects of the dart wore off, Dhacalyr woke in a flurry of life; roaring and growling at his surroundings. The location was completely foreign to him, and even though he didn't know where he was, it was obvious this place was Kubindi. A heavy metal cage prevented him from leaving this location. He was trapped. Later, it was revealed that this was place was some sort of animal fighting club. Beasts were to fight each other, against their will, for the enjoyment of others.
The abilities and physiology of the Kaija, gave Dhacalyr a natural advantage over many of his enemies. The rarity and success of Dhacalyr quickly made him a fan favourite and almost famous on this planet. This Is where he got his nickname “Dhacalyr”. Soon he was noticed by a very wealthy and powerful man who wished to exploit Dhacalyr’s strengths for his own personal gain. This marked the end of his fighting days and whatever the future held for him was in the mercy of his new owner.


Dhacalyr cannot fly.







[member="Lexa Kimene"]

Nice to meet you too! I'm a not so friendly, 3 meter tall monster with servers anger issues...

But I'm sure that won't be a problem :p

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