We Are One

Image Source: Photobucket.
Intent: To provide Nastass-Tech with a larger scale combatant, as well as build a droid with enough room for maximizing artificial intelligence programs through the use of larger, more powerful internal generators.
Development Thread: Perhaps Fate. Perhaps Bad Luck.
Manufacturer: Nastass-Tech.
Model: NNH-Stomp Droid.
Affiliation: Nastass-Tech; open.
Modularity: No.
Production: Limited.
Material: Durasteel, hardrive components, computer components, blaster weapons components.
Classification: 4th Degree.
Weight: 2722.0 kg.
Height: 15.24 m.
Movement: Bipedal.
Tactical Grenade Launcher: Mounted on the Stomp Droid's left arm, this tactical grenade launcher is wired into the droid's A.I. feed and therefore has no trigger. Built for dealing wild scale damage quickly, the firing mechanism allows for grenades to be fired in a 'semi-automatic fashion,' thereby releasing approximately four or five grenades per full second. Despite the droid's size and therefore potential storage space, the supply of these explosives is far from unlimited as it's not the primary weapon. In total, each unit holds twenty five grenades upon deployment; fifteen large frag grenades, and ten larger grenades build to manage a larger explosion at the cost of the fragmentation effect.
Main Firing Battery: Mounted on the Stomper Droid's right arm is its primary weapon. Serving as all arm, weapon, and hand, the arm's palm open up into a rather intimidating blaster cannon barrel. More or less the function of the Stomper series, its make up is designed to be it's own, artificially thinking and humanoid tank, carrying around a weapon sporting of such a task. Easily rivaling the weapons found on other tank vehicles or smaller starfighter units, NNH turbo lasers are best served as anti-vehicle and anti-infantry. It goes without saying, there is little most armor alone could do to deflect blasts of this nature, be it personal, or the hardened, dura-steel shell of a tank's outer hull. As a cost, the weapon will require brief cool downs after prolonged use in the field.
Misc. Equipment:
A.I. Processors: One of the core purposes of this droid's model is its staggeringly impressive A.I. functionality. More or less a trademark of Nastass-Tech machinery, the droid's intelligence is certainly unexpected what with its lumbering presence on the battle field. Massive, powerful computers make the collective interior of the droid's head, left shoulder, and most of its core with allowance for other critical systems. With this, the droid has been outfitted with fine sensory unit displays, various methods of enemy detection such as 'heat vision' photoreceptor settings. The artificial intelligence built into the stompers is not entirely geared towards making them act more human as much as think more human. Follow modern tactics, and compete with unconventional combat, those are the droid's initial functions.
In the droid's developmental stages, it was essentially a think-tank with a large frame. An intelligent giant perhaps geared towards practical service and fifth degree droid activities. With time, however, the project gained popularity from within the company, as well as local Naboo government. With a large enough frame, it would be possible to store enough A.I. data to simulate a real person-- at least, this was the idea. In the end, the droid was not built for labor, and instead converted to quench whatever dark potential it might have otherwise been passing up. Geared entirely towards debunking the 'organic' or 'sentient' advantage over droids, and deal massive damage, these Stomp droids carry around an element of sheer unpredictability, theoretically made to learn and adjust as fighting continues on.
Stomper droids are huge, hulking stacks of metal, loosely guarded joint areas, though not much critical material there either. In contrast, the armor around its torso and upper body is dense enough to take heavy damage before caving. Thick slabs of weighted durasteel. Long arms and swinging feet are just as much a threat, hence the machine's name, crushing enough infantry in war zones to be considered effective. Able to move at a relatively alarming speed, and with enough agility to overcome basic obstacles, the Stomper serves a deadly purpose when calculating power and potential alone. Even so, and as with every piece of technology, there are many flaws to be found when looking with the proper eyes. During the end of its proto-type testing days, the designers at Nastass-Tech began calling it an array of various names.
Iron Giant. Death Walker. Thinker Blinker.