Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Nil By Mouth (Adron Malvern)

Danielle Mueller

"Have you ever felt the Force?".

Sooner or later Danielle had been expecting to run into the subject of training within the Force, having enlisted within the Knights Obsidian as well as being offered training by several others, those of whom Danielle had yet to take them up on for the one simple fact that she didn't know whether or not she entirely believed in the Force, let alone believing in herself and her capability to wield it.

"No Sir, I haven't" Dani answered Adron Malvern Adron Malvern honestly, although not without a hint of apprehension in her voice. She didn't want to disappoint him, and while she would never admit it, she yearned for acceptance from her peers due to the nature of her self-esteem and general lack of confidence in herself. Despite this however, she did as she was instructed and moved to seat herself.

She didn't close her eyes at first, not entirely comfortable with the situation. It wasn't that she didn't want to trust the man, it was more the fact that they'd not known one another entirely long enough to blindly trust him when she knew little about him. His title, his authority, these were aspects of the man's career yet didn't speak at all for his personality or his motives, his beliefs or his values.

As he drew out the darkly colored Crystal however, she felt she had little choice but to proceed. She wanted to know what the Force was about, what it was for her superior and what all the other people seemed to talk about when the subject of the Sith or the Jedi came to light in public. She wasn't aware of just how beneficial it could be for herself; The closest she had come to wielding any kind of power was the feel of an assault rifle in her arms, looking down the iron-sights...

Taking one final look at the Crystal, Danielle noted it's general appearance, shape and color, all so that when she did close her eyes finally...-Reluctantly...-She could picture the object within her head.

Her employer had instructed her to close her mind, but for a fifteen year old Girl all on her own surrounded by a Galaxy that was all so strange to her, this wasn't so easy to do. Her own emotions were plenty enough to contend with, let alone trying to 'feel' whatever she was supposed to be feeling from the Crystal she was trying so hard to visualize in her mind.

The Force whispers to all in different ways..

A shifting vortex that washes over every movement...

It ties together nearly all things.

Dee repeated his words within her head, trying to think them into being, slowly reciting them as though they would be some sort of key to unlocking some hidden door she had never walked through. That was how these things were supposed to go, right?
It would not be entirely inaccurate to say that Danielle's mind was in even more of an overdrive than it had been for a moment. The Sith Lord could taste the emotions that spilled from her, those thoughts she held like an open book.

His mind washed over hers and he used her moment of focus to finely bomb through the inner workings of what the girl was. Her past, her dreams, her aspirations, and even her fears were open to him. She was worried. Understandable, nothing about her current environment was familiar to her. She was in an unknown part of the galaxy, in an unknown room, with an unknown man. Honestly the fact she did not throw up was rather impressive in its own right. However, that was not nearly enough. The bar this woman would be held to would be a high one indeed, if she could not learn to overcome these things then she would be of no use to the Exarch.

He focused for a moment, pressing deeper into the girl's mind until he finally found...ah. There it is, a true fear. His eyes locked on the woman and he wondered just what it was about the girl that made her so prone to a fear of being alone? He detached his mind from his, running a single hand along his chin as he considered something.

This one will take a different approach than my other apprentices. He mused, running a hand over his shaven chin.

A considerable amount of time passed and eventually the Sith Lord walked over to Danielle, plucking the crystal from the air as he looked down to the girl with an arched brow. "Very few succeed their first time trying to use a focusing crystal. However, it will make this exercise much easier than if you tried to connect to the Force without it." The Exarch held the crystal out to the woman. "Here, take this home with you. Remember, emotion is the key to the Force, without our emotions we would be detached from the true power."

The Exarch made his way back to his desk, speaking pleasantly as he did. "Go home girl, you should exercise this evening to clear the mind. I will see you in the morning."

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

Danielle opened her eyes to find Adron Malvern Adron Malvern looking down over her.

She had failed to meet the objective of the task she had been given, and yet he had expected as much. Frowning, she reached out to accept the Vylmiran Crystal he offered, nodding lightly in reluctant acknowledgement of his dismissing her, and giving further instruction to exercise and continue to work with the focusing crystal in her own time.

In all honesty, the idea of running laps around the City Block where her Condo was located sounded rather pleasant now that he had suggested it. The benefit of daily training routines that her military upbringing had drilled into her; he was certainly correct in that it offered a certain peace of mind.

"Yes Sir" she complied obediently.

The sting of defeat was strong within. Despite the fact that he had expected her to fail, this didn't help to soften the blow at all. In fact, if anything it only ate at her more knowing that he had seen how incapable she was before she had even made the attempt. To hell with everyone else, this was about her potential. Her moment. Her failure.

"Have a good evening, Sir" she bid him farewell. There was nothing in her tone to give evidence to her emotions, yet she also didn't yet have the capacity to know or to sense the mentally intrusive abilities that came with learning in Telepathy and other such skills known to Force Users. She was completely blind on that front. For now.

She'd be taking the long route home this evening, sparing nothing.
The Exarch kept a hand on his chin as his fresh apprentice departed the office. He paused for a moment, considering the task that was before him and all that would be required to transform her into the ideal weapon. Of course, that was what every apprentice was, a weapon to be used and polished until they reached a point of perfection or their use teetered off. Few survived the training and blossomed into something more, but there had been enough of them. Time would tell if Danielle would be counted among them.

The next morning Adron was not in the office when Danielle entered. The Chiss receptionist had met the girl at the door to the Exarch's office. She was a firmly militant woman with a standard size for her race. Her hair was pristine while pinned up and her glowing red eyes had only a touch of black eyeliner. The Lady shook her head at Danielle when she entered the office spake. "Ms. Mueller, Exarch Malvern was called to an emergency meeting. As he felt it was inappropriate to bring you due to your...demeanor." She said, not quite finding the proper word, yet not mincing words either. "Your robes..." She gestured to the robes of the Knight's Obsidian. "...While befitting your station, they are not to par with the halls of the government." She explained.

"When I was yet conscripted in the Imperial Military, our dress whites served as formal attire as well as our staffing uniform. However, they were not a serviceable combat uniform. So seeing them in the structure of the government was standard. However, your uniform is designed for combat and it quite obviously displays this."

"So, you are to replace your uniform while reporting to the Exarch." The woman gestured for Danielle to follow behind her, as her heels clicked through the hall. "You will wear a suit-set with a pair of slacks or an
appropriate skirt, at least three inches past the knees. Your color choices are black, blue, white - which I do not recommend, purple, or a dark dark green." She explained, hosting a datapad in her arms as she led the girl into the Exarch's office. "The Exarch has also had this prepared for you."

At the far end of the Exarch's massive office was a readily prepared desk, outfitted with a holodesk, communications terminals, and a holonet hookup. Everything the girl could possibly need in her day to day routine. "He said you will need the tools for your new position. Also, your hair will be neatly kept at all times. It may be cut in a bob that does not fall over your shoulder line, a pony tail that does not exceed the back of your collar, or a bun that is no more than four inches in width. No matter the style it must be neat. Make-up will be minimal if worn and your shoes will be freshly polished daily." She explained to the girl.

"Now." The woman said, before holding out a datapad to the woman. "Here you can order all of the clothing you should need. The Exarch has authorized you to order sixteen full outfits. Suit coat, trousers, shoes, undergarment, and accessories included. Once you have finished the order just press complete and all charges will be sent to the Office." The Chiss woman turned sharply on her heel. "My name is Miss Cyara. If you have need of me I will be seated at my desk outside." She said curtly.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

Ms.Mueller...-That was a first. The woman standing before her, apparently going by the name of Miss Cyara, was somewhat intimidating in her military dress attire and her blunt but not impolite tone of voice, more matter of fact that demanded the girls attention and compliance.

Yes, she certainly had the air of a trained military officer about her, although Danielle didn't recognize her identity nor any of the insignia of which might have otherwise told her where she had served besides being employed as the Exarch's assistant and receptionist.

"Understood, Ma'am" Dani nodded firmly in agreement as the point was raised regarding her attire. She didn't own many sets of clothing and what she did possess was either too casually civilian or otherwise representative of the Knights Obsidian field equipment and apparel.

Had she really said sixteen full outfits? Grife, Adron really wasn't mucking around. Whether she lived up to his expectations or otherwise, the mere wardrobe benefits would boost her self esteem wherever she wound up.

Her work station looked elaborate, with an extensive setup and all the technology and devices that she would require. The amount of hours she could lose surfing the holonet here...-Although her duties to Adron Malvern Adron Malvern had to come first, obviously.

"Thank you, Miss Cyara, for your assistance" Dani offered the women her thanks, while knowing that the receptionist was merely doing her job and following orders. It still never hurt to show some appreciation and gratitude for those working under thumb.

Once she had left to return to her own workstation outside of the Office, Danielle looked to take her seat now surrounded by silence and the privacy of loneliness in the vast room. She would go ahead and start shopping online, however only after completing her initial recap of Adron's schedule and picking up where she had left things the previous afternoon.
A cool shift would flow through the room. The Force would wash over Danielle in a cold wave, as if a blanket of ice had suddenly been rested upon her shoulders. Some hours after Miss Cyara had left the room the door's would open once again to reveal the Exarch. He glanced over to Danielle, arching a brow at the woman settled into her work area. "Don't you look comfortable." He said with a hint of amusement in his tone. He walked over to the woman's desk and held an expectant hand out to her. "My schedule for the next few days." He requested, a hand wresting on his waist as he looked over the woman's desk. "Cyara informed you of the dress requirement, I am sure." He said.

"You'd do well to learn from her, she was ranked highest among her class and excelled in the Imperial military." He said simply, before turning back to his desk. "She once served as the Senior Interrogator for Imperial Intelligence. Her ability to break a man's mind is more impressive than any itinerary she can fabricate."

"I believe she thinks her position here less exciting than her former post, however her logistical talents are considerable." He told his young assistant before sitting down behind his desk. "Now then, I assume you have your crystal don't you?" He asked, though he knew the woman would not be so foolish as to forget. "As my work has been taken care of I have time enough to focus on your training. So, you understand what you need to do, it is time to do it." He told her.

Again the power of The Force called for one of the chairs in the room to slide into the center of the space, an open invitation for Danielle to begin her practice once again. "Now, let's get started."

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

Turning at the sound of Adron Malvern Adron Malvern 's approach, Danielle lifted her head slightly with an air of confidence about her while acknowledging her superior with a half nod; "Good morning, Sir" she greeted him, and soon there-after reached for the datapad sitting atop the desk and handed it to him at his request. "I've updated your schedule for the following two weeks, Sir. Obviously things may change as time goes on but rest assured I'm on it" she explained with as formal a tone as she could manage.

"Is there anything you would like me to add or work around regarding your personal plans across this time?" Dee asked as a precaution not to double-book his days or have anyone disappointed by a possible mix-up on her part.

While Dee wasn't necessarily used to the office sort of environment, truthfully the 'work load' of operating terminals and devices such as these, organizing files, data and Adron's schedule was far easier than full-time military training and service. Unfortunately it wasn't the most exhilarating work to be doing and so she'd already learned that in the silence of her own company, time spent at the desk could be rather mind numbingly dull.

"She did yes, thank you Sir" Danielle answered in regard to Miss Cyara's informing her of the future dress code; "I'll dress more appropriately starting tomorrow, Sir. And thank you, for covering the cost..." She added with her appreciation, thinking not just on the sixteen outfits she needed to purchase, but also the new condo which she had spent her first night in just last gone.

Leaving her workstation for the time being however, she rose to stand and withdrew the Vylmiran Crystal which Adron had handed to her the previous day. Taking pause however, she froze in place as she watched the seats skid across the office floor through Adron's control over the Force and while she could not sense his power, she knew what it was without having to question the sight of what she was seeing for the first time in her life.

Her brows furrowed and she opened her mouth to speak up in question, yet she took one look to her boss and decided that her silence would be preferable. Reluctantly moving to approach the seat of which Adron had gestured to, she sought to take her seat, holding the focusing crystal in both hands while returning her gaze to Adron himself.

"Before we begin, may I ask what you'd prefer me to call you by, Sir?" She asked, curious to note whether or not she should continue to address the man by Sir, or by any other form of title she hadn't been privy to as of yet. Did the Confederacy call high-positioned officials as 'My Lord' or 'My Lady' ? She wasn't certain and so she thought better to ask now and get it out of the way rather than to go not knowing the better.
While Danielle readied herself for the meditation session, Adron's eyes took hold of the datapad and the schedule the girl had prepared. He glanced over the names and organization and found it was not only correctly done, it was lacking in almost any errors. The Exarch gazed down at the datapad for some time before finally looking to Danielle with an arched brow. "Hmm? Exarch." He said simply, replying to the woman's question. "If ever you accompany me to my homeworld you will then refer to me as Majesty, but until then you may call me Exarch." He returned his eyes to the datapad before waving at Danielle.

"Now, return to your exercise." He commanded her before exhaling and sitting back into his chair. His eyes fastened on the girl this time, before clearing his own mind and gazing out at the woman carefully. While Danielle delved into her crystal, the Sith Lord yet again washed his presence over her.

He could sense it. So vividly. Fear. The fears this young girl had were kept from her mind's eyes, but they were still present in her heart.

The fear of being alone? The Exarch's eyes slowly closed as he focused deeper on these thoughts. How interesting that she would share the fear that once ruled the Exarch in his youth. It is the fear of many men and women to fall into the pit of loneliness. How curious that this young girl would be so against this aspect. Didn't most little girls her age want nothing more than that?

He did not focus on the thought and instead opened his eyes to look over the girl as she focused on her training.

Danielle Mueller

Danielle Mueller

Danielle gave a firm nod in compliance, speaking no further as Adron Malvern Adron Malvern expected. Glancing down to the focusing crystal within her hands held lightly in her lap, she wanted to ignore the questions that came to mind in lieu of the given exercise. How did one go about 'feeling the force'. What if she were to fail. How in the seven hell's could she succeed when she had no idea what to do. Her desire, no her need to please and meet the Exarch's expectations forced her into closing her eyes and trying to recall upon his instructions the previous day.

Silence every thought. Think only of the crystal. Feel emotion flowing from it. Listen.

Adron's silence was easily noticeable, his expectation weighed heaviest upon her mind and so she tried instead to distract herself with what she felt. The smooth cut edges of the Crystal in her hands, the corners where it had been skillfully shaped by whoever had worked on it previously. Anxiety was all she felt for a time, the fear of failure followed by the fear of being dismissed from the office of Viceroyalty so soon after she had been reassigned.

However, her thoughts turned to her past, and how far she had come since leaving Shor. How blind to the Galaxy she had been, trapped in their tunnel vision fight against the Peroenian's. There was a time where she had been part of that fight. Where she had even shot and killed one of them. It had been self defense yet she had been congratulated for it. The honor of duty.

Why was this suddenly bothering her?

The girl's brows furrowed, her anxiety slowly dissipating in exchange for anger at how little she had known. Following orders had been easy, she'd been justified by the notion that she was serving her people and yet what of her 'enemy'. Who had they been. The look in their eyes still painted vividly in her mind. They'd been young, she could tell that much but compared to other nations the likes of the Confederacy, what had their fight meant. What had they died for?

These were the thoughts that took hold, subconsciously gripping the crystal tightly with whitened knuckles. The room around her had faded away completely and all she could focus on was the resentment she had towards Shor today. The indoctrination of a military upbringing without parents to teach her better. And then there it was, the thought of her parents that escalated her emotions and triggered something else...-She was too blindly subdued by her remembering the past to see it, yet Adron would see it clear as day. The Force being drawn in around her.


There it was. Untrained and unable to control her own emotions, they flooded the room before her. Her own mind spilled outside of itself as she connected herself to the living Force. The feeling caused Adron's own presence in the Force to react. It was as if a droplet of water had suddenly disturbed the calmness of still pool, ending out tiny ripples through the waters. The Exarch's lips curled into an accepting smile as he glanced at the watch on his wrist. Well, it was about time. He mused before watching the woman carefully. For every time Danielle focused on the Force, she would take another step into a deeper, unseen path. The Dark Side was already calling to her and in time she would learn its fury. For now, however, she must be well acquainted to the Force as it was.

His hand rose from his desk to aim a single finger at Danielle. His gaze was narrow and cold as he looked to the young girl. Yet, he was not merely gesturing to her, he was slowly unweaving the fabrics of her mind so he could peer into it freely.

The man suddenly pinched his eyes closed as The Force rushed past him like a great torrent of wind. When he opened his eyes again he was surrounded by darkness and shadow. The Sith Lord exhaled, realizing he had successfully planted himself in his apprentice's subconscious. The mind was a terribly potent thing and this was something Danielle would soon understand. The infinite void of darkness had but one break, a small silhouette that was a few steps in front of Adron. He ran a hand through his raven locks, recognizing the silhouette immediately. It was Danielle, of course. Or, rather it was the representation of herself that laid deep in her mind. The silhouette was barely visible, but the Dark Lord would soon change that.

The figure was still as a corpse as Adron approached, not regarding him with any acknowledgement or even blinking. He pressed a single finger to the figure's brow before speaking softly. "Hear me. Awaken." The Exarch's finger pushed forward and suddenly the silhouette was flooded with life and color. For Danielle it would almost feel as if she had been ripped out of the Exarch's office and into this dark, cold void. There were soft whispers that echoed out to the girl, but otherwise it seemed only the two of them were here.

"Well done." Adron congratulated, clapping his hands together for two, dry claps. "Connecting to the Force is no easy task for those who do not entirely comprehend it."

"I'm sure you are wondering where you are. The answer is simple, you are within your own mind. Deep within your own mind." He explained. "To help facilitate your training you first must master your own mind. If you cannot do that then there s no purpose in giving you access to the abilities of The Force."

"The mind is the place where the Force lives. It is your control center, of sorts. Just as the brain controls the body, the mind controls the Force - to an extent. The Force binds all things together, yet those who have a strong connection and will may bend the Force to their will. I have destroyed minds, robbed people of their lives, and ended wars with nothing more than a flick of my finger." He told the woman. "That is the power of the Force, that is the power you may yet gain access to."

"You did well in your first challenge. Connecting to the Force is no simple task. However now you will have to extend your will over the Force in your own mind." The Exarch began to step back from Danielle, his voice growing low and foreboding. "The key is emotion. Let it free, unleash the rage and anger, the love and happiness. Release it in one vicious explosion..."

Slowly, the Exarch's body began to phase out of reality, as if he was becoming dust to be scattered to the winds.

"Because if you do not... then your mind will become your tomb."

Danielle Mueller

"Hear me. Awaken."
The effect of the Exarch's summons was immediate and involuntary, impossible to repel as he had breached the very inner-most workings of her mind. Her eyes had been closed, and yet the darkness she had been pulled into was like a void, darker than anything she'd experienced before and so isolating. Lonely.

"Within my own mind?" She repeated, lost in disbelief and the discomfort of how disconnected she was from the world around her. If this truly was within her own head then it was surprisingly morbid, and unkind on her senses.

The concept of conquering her own set of limitations wasn't unheard of. Many trainees had dropped out of the academy because they couldn't handle the stress and they were expected to rise above those hardships and seemingly impossible times; But there was nothing as intensive or intimate and difficult as something like what Adron Malvern Adron Malvern was telling her now.

This such a blatant and literal meaning of overcoming ones self. That failure meant literally being lost within the void of her own consciousness. How he had managed to draw her into such a state was beyond her, it just didn't seem possible and yet there she was. Watching him as his appearance seemed to slowly crumble away, swallowed by the darkness and leaving her with nothing but her own company.

"H-hold on! Gimme a clue or something!" she called after him, yet to no avail. Too little, too late.

Fear suddenly crept in, alone and helpless. Now without support. She struggled to breath, although was she actually breathing in this place? Confused and weak, feeling so abysmal, panic hit her and threatened to drown out thoughts of anything beyond her incapability to save herself.



Midnight darkness fell upon Danielle. The longer she stayed in this place, the colder it would begin to feel. The young woman called out to Adron and he heard her pleas for advice. He was an abstract concept within her mind, but very much there. He could feel the woman's mind begin to go frantic, panicked. This was something that would cause him to narrow his eyes if he was in a physical form.
No, he could offer the woman no true advice in how to escape from her own mind. Well, nothing that would be a certain push in the right direction. However there was something he was able to remind her.
His words spoke out to her in a low, eerie tone. She would not hear them come from the dark shadows of the void, rather she would hear them within her own mind, speaking to her directly.
"The fabric of your mind is woven by your own hands, whether you know it or not. It will be your power that frees you, not mine. These emotions your feeling. Dread, sadness, confusion. Harness them and create the doorway yourself and if you can not create a doorway then shatter the very walls surrounding you."
With that the darkness would become Danielle's only companion. Adron would pull his connection from her mind. His eyes opened and he turned them towards the young woman who was deep in a meditative trance. The Exarch stood, walking over to her and leveling his eyes against the young woman. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder before whispering softly. "Free yourself."
Even he did not know if she would hear it or not.

Danielle Mueller

The fabric of your mind is woven by your own hands, whether you know it or not.
It will be your power that frees you, not mine.
Adron Malvern Adron Malvern 's voice echoed throughout the darkness around her, yet it was his initial words that seemed to hang in the air the longest for which the young girl questioned silently. He had previously explained that this was her own consciousness that he had brought her into. Could it really be so easy as to tell herself to stop and to 'wake up' for lack of a better term.

Opening her eyes, she stared into the darkness as her previous desperation slowly began to subside, focused instead on this notion of control. That which she didn't yet possess, however could if she understood his guidance correctly.

Raising her left hand up and out in front of her, Danielle looked over her forearm, eyes following the pale color of her skin down over the wrist and to the tips of her fingers, knowing for a fact that this was hers and that she could, without a single doubt, control the arm that she looked upon. In a way, that was how she was supposed to be looking at the environment around her. This was her own mind, something that she needed to be able to control in much the same degree.

Her hand lowered as she turned her attention ahead of herself. There was nothing there yet to see, however the voice of Adron's had come from the outside and that outside was exactly what she focused on reaching out to. Or finding a way back to, at-least.

A doorway, an entrance or an exit. He had used those words in wanting her to free herself. Having fought and taken a life in battle before, going further to survive the inner-conflict that had followed and subsequently led to her resentment of Shor's Military Academy for troubled youth, she knew that within her self somewhere, was the ability to do what was being asked of her, by comparison of her past accomplishments...

Closing her eyes once more, she took a moment to try and let go of the fears that had been previously boiling over and then, instead of listening to her doubts, she visualized not a door but a tunnel, there at the other end was a light. It was the concept of death trying to take you both you could return to the living world, that picturesque drama that they sold on holo-vids that came to her young mind and not only that, brightened the environment around her so much that it forced her to look on ahead, squinting against the glare.

The sight of it shocked her, yet the concern of losing the opportunity motivated her to leap forward and break into an all out sprint for the other-side. It felt like a moment that seemed to go on forever, one that she didn't think she might come away from.

And yet she did...-She found herself in the next instant sitting upon the seat, her hair drenched in sweat and messily fallen around her face as she looked back at Adron with half a mind to yell at him, yet also really pleased with herself in having achieved what he'd asked.


When the young girl finally came to, Adron stood over her with an interested look upon his face. She was soaked in sweat and had a slight aroma to her. He'd have to dismiss her to clean herself up. Still the man simply looked down at her with an impressed gaze. Although it sounded simple there was no easy way to free yourself from a mental prison, yours or otherwise. This exercise would strengthen the woman's ability to defend her own mind from assault, by making her aware of the walls surrounding her mind. Now that she knew the gate was there, she could utilize it in time.

"Well done."

"You see the mind is one of the pivotal parts of controlling the Force. Now you see that your mind carries powers far greater than figuring out a simple equation or differentiating colors." The Exarch pulled a spare cloth from his pocket, holding it out to the girl. "I want you to pack a bag tonight. We are leaving Naboo for a few weeks. We will go to Geonosis, Tatooine, and then finally we will go to my home on Illyria. It is time you see something more than the blue waters of Naboo or the conscription of your homeworld." He explained to her, before turning away from the girl, making his way towards the door.

Few people are able to release themselves from a mental wall, even their own. For you to break through that barrier is very impressive." He commended her, his hand taking the door to open it, all while sliding his glasses over his eyes. It would be in this moment that the young woman would notice that the suit Adron wore was slightly different. this suit was ebony with streaks of crimson flowing down the lapel in thin, intricate designs.

"And it only took you two days." He said, a smile coming to his face before he turned to leave his office. "Go home and clean yourself, return after lunch." He told the girl.

Danielle Mueller

And it only took you two days.

Danielle's eyes widened, the shock of his words rushing throughout her as he suggested that she'd been sitting in place for two days now. No food, no restroom breaks or anything, just seated lifelessly and trapped in a darkness that didn't exist to those around her. The confines of her very own mind...

She didn't want to question how this was possible, whether she wanted to believe it or not, she had experienced a place far beyond what she had expected to walk into on that workday morning two days ago.

"I...-" Danielle paused in her response following the Exarch's commending her for her achievement. She wasn't entirely certain whether this was something she could class as such a thing, rescuing herself from what was the abyss of her own mind. Saving one from one's own self wasn't exactly the sort of thing that people ought to be congratulated for, was it?

"...-Yessir, Thank you Exarch" she spoke with a reaffirmed voice, concluding their discussion with what she felt was a more dutiful response rather than continuing to doubt the things he was teaching her.

As she slowly moved to stand from the chair, Dee frowned as her legs felt unusually weak and putting a pace on her somewhat clumsy recovery from such a long session. By the way her body was feeling, now realizing how empty her stomach had also felt, she was quickly finding herself more and more convinced.

Fortunately there were still atleast a few hours till the midday's break and thus she'd have time to return home, fetch herself a well needed lunch and sanisteam before beginning her meager walk back to the Viceroyal Office.

Saying nothing more, she lowered her head briefly before turning and leaving Adron Malvern Adron Malvern to his work for the time being.

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