Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nights tell the myths forgotten by the day.

Out on the Rim.
Unknown World - Hope it stays that way
The day I should have acted, #Entry 387, the Scrolls of Taiden Keth
Nights through dreams tell the myths forgotten by the day - Jung

Keth’s Acolytes and Circle of Six freed from his grasp, the galaxy could cross one more sociopath off their list of problems, as could his unleashed acolytes thanks to [member="Taeli Raaf"]. Some set to perish for foolish ideals, honor or causes Natalya did and would not ever share. Each was free to find their own path, some darker than others.

She was a huntress, and due to his experimentation unable to touch man made objects since Kashyyyk. Parasitic control still across her arms, hips and neck freed at his death, but given her nature now fully bonded with her limbs. Like Keth’s biodroids, insectoid outer arms were growing in the place of flesh and bone, each day further and stronger than before, to replace more of the young corellian that had been underneath. Homeless without land to call her own, who would tolerate the abomination she had become? None until now.

Winding her way through dark like beast, hissing pack sisters with her in defiance of the local predators. She hunted on damp jungle world, the last of Krayt’s legacy carried with her, Keth’s shattered armor, spikes and daggers across her belt like wild teeth. Snarling and snapping came from shadows around her, feeling the many presences of this world underneath her skin, in her blood, itching behind her eyes, and speaking within mind… they were everywhere. Inside her most of all.
The Beginning Act I

When you were a bit of everything, you didn’t have focus, you had impulse. Impulse to feed, to sleep, to burrow or hunt. The Swarm was all of those things and more, much of the plant life attached to it, stretching out underneath the earth for the most part, like roots dug into it. Roots feeling pressured steps atop the surface, sending signal across its body to other lifeforms naturally.

The reason it remained less visible, was being invisible had been protection from predators. If lifeforms couldn’t see you, they were no threat, smaller was better. Recently it had become aware of threats in the galaxy, cries out in the force as worlds were split in two or destroyed. Something the size of the hive mind could perceive this as a threat, whereas hunters just killing some of its members was a flesh wound to heal in a day.

Sensing foreign lifeforms wandering across its body, hive members would react, slithering and crawling under the earth. Now over the surface... more boldly seeking to begin to develop into higher forms of life. The hive needed reach atop the earth, not just underneath it, it needed to be certain its world was no longer under threat, the only way it could see to do this was to expand to other worlds, growth. The parasite across Natalya’s arms and body, were of its design…. it recognized her as part of it, and not... she was foreign and also it. Catalyst for what would come.
Natalya was not about to give herself up willing to anything. Even drawn as she was to this place, Keth’s parasites across her arms were no accident. He had known of threats here, and his intent to use her to control it. Her gifts to sit among many, slowly becoming dominant presence, growing her power within their collective or pack-like behaviour. Force bonds worked both ways, but they did work.

Sadly with his death, she was no longer trained or guided for such a huge task, only by whatever presence she had encountered, and her own much smaller pack. Wrestling for control with their hive, and its many occupants, she could feel would be far beyond her capabilities. Her smaller group of animals stopped in their tracks.

Her own goal was to face their oncoming threat, her pack sisters snarling deeply as she did, facing many creatures crawling out of their bushes. Natalya held their ground, claiming it. Carving her own territory within their planets wilderness, her small piece of their land. Which she felt to presence this large, she might appear as unnoticeable spec.

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