Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nights on Nar Shaddaa (completed)

Faith laughed, "Oh you poor dear, having to wear clothes, an get wet. Yes Draco Vereen, Alor of Clan Vereen, and a host of other titles it is time to be presentable."

She lifted the blanket from his stomach, leaned over as if to kiss his stomach instead she blew raspberries on the ripples of his abs. "BBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" She lifted her head laughing

"Encouragement huh, you want encouragement." She crawled slowly up his torso looking at him half hanging off the bed. She lowered her voice, soft, sultry, biting her lip ever so gently, "You know that thing you wanted me to do" She kissed his lower lip gently. "I'll do that"

She smiled at him, then slowly slithered away from him, "one time offer drahr" She sat on her knees, "think of it. How I would look, how it would feel, hmm." Then she began to head for the edge of the bed, "Just saying if you want encouragement, I got ways to encourage you"

She liked teasing him this way making his imagination and his mind work to create the images some of them to get him hot bothered and wanting, others to encourage him. She wearing nothing except her little smile got out of bed.

She looked over her shoulder, "Don't think too long, offer expires in 10



She disappeared into the refresher




[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco relaxed beside her, quietly listening, just enjoying her attentions and affections as she poured them onto him, teasing him. "I try sometimes," Draco retorted jokingly, watching her dip her head against his stomach with bated breath, feeling his heart pick up the pace as she looked up into his stormy grey eyes with her golden amber pools from his stomach.

She blew raspberries against his abs instead, tickling him and causing him to burst out laughing at how silly she was being, how much she was teasing him, torturing him just a little, just playfully.

He kept chuckling to himself until she began speaking in her soft, voluptuous tone, her eyes shining, her skin glistening. She dropped her voice lower like a whisper and inched up his chest, crawling up his body to hover just over him. "That thing?" He asked quietly, his mind going into overdrive imagining her and him as she kissed his lower lip. His heart thumped in his chest, pounding as his imagination ran wild.

Faith slithered away from him, and he moved with her, pulling gently behind her still working to comprehend. "Oh, yes you do." He crawled after her on the bed. He paused for a moment to watch her walk away, the sway of her hips, the movement of her legs, and of course her backside as she moved away from him. "You certainly do, ner runi."

When he registered her countdown, the Mandalorian was up and out of the bed and moving quickly behind her, following her into the refresher hurriedly.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith slipped a dress over her head her dark brown tresses damp from the refresher, her cheeks flush from the passions the Draco had urged to release. Her caramel colored eyes looked into the mirror she could see Draco's broad back a fresh reminder of her possessiveness reflected.

He was built like a God that she had read about, muscles rippled, taut, and bulging. There was no denying the physical attraction they shared. So few knew his heart though, so few the generous spirit, or depth of love he was capable of. His fears seem to be slowly going away, her own were starting to rest.

"I'm starving. Once we settle will we be close to dinner time?" She walked out, "will you zip me up ner ka'rta?" She stood barefoot before him holding her hair up, smiling, waiting.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco stood, towel around his waist in the refresher, just out of the shower, cracking his neck and stretching out his arms, limbering up just a little after their trip. He was hopelessly in love with the dark haired woman getting dressed in the room. Everything she did reminded him how much he needed her, needed her affections, desired her. She was just beginning to show, where flat abs had been, there was the smallest bump on her belly, and Draco was thrilled to be able to see the results of their love with the Mother of his children. He would have given her anything she asked, and he wanted to give everything she wouldn't ask of him.

"Yes, we can go to dinner a little early I suppose. Its not long until our reservations anyway." He stood and zipped up her dress, kissing her neck gently and lightly before smacking her butt and grinning ear to ear. "At least this way I know how to take it off when we get to the hotel." Draco knew they would spend the trip alone for the most part, just the two of them reveling in each other's company and embraces. That was a good thing in his mind, but he was mischievous, needing to misbehave around her just a little to properly show his affections as he wanted to.

He slumped on to the bed and began dressing, finding some of his clothes and pulling them on. Just a grey long sleeve shirt that he pulled to his forearms and black slacks, nothing too special. He spent most of the time he was dressing watching Faith, keeping his eyes on her, making sure to catch every detail of her long, slender legs as she got ready for their night out. "Cyar'ika, you know you test my self control. I can see that gleam in your eyes in the mirror."

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Then don't look" She laughed she had a feeling Ana and Captain Lindsey were somewhere standing and staring waiting to make sure they got off the ship. Faith was excited and apprehensive. She wanted this vacation to go well, their last outing off world had not gone as well as expected, and she wanted this to be perfect. Draco had worked very had at securing a place for them, dinner for them, and dancing.

"You're staring again," She tilted her head looking at him trying to decide what it was he was looking at, "You've noticed I"m getting round haven't you?" She walked towards him her shoes in one hand, and the other hand empty. "I tempt you because I know I can, and I like to see that look in your eyes. " She bent her knees to look directly into his eyes, sitting he was shorter than she was. "yeah its still there...." She leaned closer and kissed him gently, "me and the kiddies are stop staring at my butt, and...get dressed."

She winked at him, "We have a few days for me to spoil you all you can stand, but first we need off the ship drahr" She stepped back, she could be a bit pushy course the hormones were raging and she tried really hard not to....rage with them.
Draco smiled, complying as quickly as he could while still looking like he was well-kept and groomed, hadn't just thrown on clothes he found somewhere. He tried to look like he belonged beside her, and it was easier away from Alderaan, away from royal duties and responsibilities, where they didn't have to impress everyone that looked at them. "Yes Ner runi. I'm almost done, just got to find shoes." Draco grinned at her, fixing the last button on his shirt before moving on to the next thing. He didn't take long, as much as he wouldn't mind staying in the whole trip, he wanted to get the chance to impress her and take her out on the town, and he knew she did to.

It only took him a minute to find a pair of shoes and slip them on, tie up the laces and fix his slacks and belt so as not to wrinkle. Dinner would be good, and Faith was getting hungry which meant it was best to feed her or suffer her wrath. She became agitated and irritable as of late when she was hungry or tired, so Draco tried to accommodate as best as he could, however pregnancy was a new experience for him, and he had yet to figure out how to predict her hormones and urges. To him, though it wasn't an inconvenience, the Mandalorian simply hoped he would learn quickly so that he could tend to her when she needed him to.

"Alright, I'm ready when you are cyar'ika." He smiled, "I'm a man. It doesn't take me all that long to get ready." He held out his arm for her to slip her hand through if she wanted to. He knew that their luggage would get taken to their hotel and all they would have to do once they decided to call it for the evening was go pick up their room key. "Let's get dinner and see where the night takes us." Draco kissed her cheek gently, ready to lead her to the restaurant.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith looked him over head to toe very appreciative yes he was gorgeous and there were women who would find him so, even a few who might try to steal him away. But she knew he wouldn't go anywhere with them he was all hers.

"Yes ready. After dinner we will need to go back to the room for a change of clothes. This dress is simple enough for dinner. Since we are trying to be low key." Faith didn't really do low key well, she liked being out in the crowd.

She took Dracos arm and walked proudly with him by her side. They were known as a couple at home this would show a galaxy they were together. The restaurant that he had chosen was going to be quite the experience, upscale, visible to anyone with credits to go. But that also gave them some protection, Draco was all about protection.

"Fruit. I'm craving something terrible sweet. And maybe a pickle." Faith tried to contain her enthusiasm, "ooo maybe chocolate. Or tubers or greens. Oh nerf nice and thick. Medium. Oooo I'm hungry"

She held firmly to his arm just as they saw Ana and Captain Lindsey both looking past them trying to give them space. Faith smiled. Poor Ana.

"Draco we will have to think about names eventually. You know. Have them ready. " She knew he wanted to wait.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Alright, should be easy enough. We are staying nearby, not quite the penthouse, but its supposed to be a nice suite with a couple of rooms." He smiled leading her out of the ship, making note of Captain Lindsey and Ana, Faith's aide. Captain Lindsey was almost as protective of Faith as he was, though he gave the couple their space. Ana was still alone after Rebeka's death on Vena, but she did a good job. Draco was grateful Faith had her as a friend she could count on.

"Well, I will do my best to make sure all your cravings are sated by the end of the night, ner runi." He smiled affectionately, rubbing his fingers against the back of her hand. "You look more beautiful every day, you know. Every day we spend together, I am reminded how lucky I was to find you." Her dark brown hair was silken smooth, framing her tanned skin. Her face was gorgeous beyond his ability to describe, high cheek bones, golden eyes, flawless skin. People who didn't know wouldn't believe she was pregnant at all, but knowing excited him.

"Yes, names. Once we knew the sexes of the children it will be easier to start coming up with lists of names we like and start comparing lists." He grinned, "Though, I won't lie, I may have trouble disagreeing with you. Especially if you entice me with more encouragement." The Mandalorian opened the passenger side door to an airspeeder for Faith, closing it behind her and stepping around to slide into the driver's seat beside her. Quietly he powered on the vehicle, which ran quiet and smooth as he slowly turned the throttle on and started moving through traffic towards their destination.

[member="Faith Organa"]
It was one of her pet peeves, but then Draco had not traveled with her enough to know that there were somethings she just, well, had fits about. "A nice suite and couple of rooms is great, I like being able to spread out some with. I don't want to feel confined." She smiled at him They had not really spoken too much about Rebekah since they came back from Vena, and appointed Arabella to be the Duch'a over the newly formed House Darkhold of Vena.

She had not really seen Arabella either since her leaving Atrisia, and coming to Alderaan.

Seemed the Alde Brothers were keeping her sister and cousin Claire quite busy. While a marriage of alliance would be welcome what did House Alde offer right now other than a very pretty gene pool. But that wasn't Faith's place, no. But what was her place was finding an assistant for Draco who would learn mandalorian and Alderaan customs. And in light of what happen with Rebekah, someone who could defend themselves. Ana and Faith were both looking into self defense classes.

She looked at her hand as Draco caressed the back of it, he was a smooth dragon wasn't he. He knew what to say and how to say it, even as he hinted at all things he could or would do for her, just her. "I know you will take care of my ner ka'rta you always do." She turned her hand over lacing her fingers into his to hold his hand.

Faith slid into the speeder, "Well then if I want to name a boy Ignacious you wont' mind too much? As long as you have.." she smiled, she was joking with him but she'd play this out, "rewards?" She waited for him to digest that as he got in from the other side to drive them.

"OOOO or a girl named Agatha!" She waited.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco laughed at the names she said, knowing she was joking and teasing him somewhat. "Oh. Perhaps I spoke too soon." He pulled the airspeeder in line with traffic and coasted, paying Faith as much attention as he safely could while driving them to their dinner reservations.

"Ignacious and Agatha, huh? If you are certain, you certainly will have a busy schedule until they arrive encouraging me. How about Drago for a boy? My sister was named Laira, maybe that for a girl?" He said, just pulling two names that came to mind, taking her talk of names seriously for the first time. She had mentioned it before and he had brushed it off before, just like he had tried to a moment ago. Even though he could sense them, and he was excited to be a father, the full reality of what was happening for he and Faith hadn't quite dawned on him. "We could name the boy for your father if you like. Not my father though. No young boy wants to be known as Wilhelm."

This wasn't what he was best at, picking names fr his children, finding pets for them, and it worried him. The Mandalorian thought that if he wasn't very good with these simple tasks, what kind of father would he be, already having failed once in attempting to be an adoptive father. How would he perform the more complex, more difficult stages of fatherhood if he wasn't much help with something as easy as picking names? He couldn't tell her that, not on their vacation. But he would have to let Faith know about his fears eventually or they would fester and become insecurities that would affect their relationship.

He sighed, pulling the airspeeder out of traffic and angling it upwards towards the top of a large tower that reached from the city depths to the sky of the Smuggler's Moon. "We are almost there, and we can keep talking about names and coming up with some ones you like while we enjoy our meal, but you have to promise not to keep your hands to yourself." The Mandalorian grinned as the airspeeder began pulling to a stop just inches above a platform a level below the restaurant.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith leaned back enjoying the ride listening to Draco he was good at playing along with her. He had to know she didn't choose those names. But as he talked he was exacting a bit of fun of his own, he would have a price if she wished his children to have such honorable names.

"Well Iggy and Aggie would certainly want me to ensure the happiness of their father with ample rewards" She smiled, "though I do really like the name Laira" She thought on the name it had a sound to it and that it was a family name she truly liked.

"I will keep my hands or hand upon you at all times. But you might not eat very much for you could distracted from your food" with that she put her hand on his thigh, " we are close you say. Good. Because you might have teeth marks on your arm as I will resort to satisfying my hunger"

She squeezed gently, "I look forward to dancing tonight. I'm. Excited"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"I know Iggie and Aggie would want me to be rewarded by you as often as you are able." He smiled at her, bringing the airspeeder to rest. "If you like the name Laira we can use it. I'm sure my sister would be delighted to know if she were here. Though Aggie might be heartbroken." His devilish grin returned, teasing her back just a little.

Draco felt her hand on his thigh and rested his own hand on hers, just one hand on the controls as they cycled through the short line to the entrance of the restaurant for the valet to take the vehicle from them. "I don't mind being distracted by you. If anything I will only be paying attention to you while we eat." Her squeezed her hand gently and continued forward, pulling up to the entrance.

He felt her hand grip his thigh playfully, reluctantly opening his door. "I don't think we will have to wait too long. Shame, I might have liked biting." Her door opened with the help of the valet and Draco very slowly pulled himself out of Faith's grip to quickly walk over to her side of the vehicle and help her out of it, desiring that constant contact he had requested more than she may have realized.

Life for them was changing, but not so much that he didn't miss her when he was away, that he didn't long for her touch, that even when he was with her he hurt at the thought of them being separate again. Her touch soothed him and warned away his fears, all the worries he had disappeared when she touched him, and he knew they would manage together.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Well there's always later." She reached for the valet hand sliding out as she stood, not quite over dressed for this She felt adequate though the short knee length dress fitted to her form much like her other clothes.

As Draco came around she extended her hand to take his and fall into step beside him as they walked together. The looks were few but the ones she caught were more of appreciation. Course who wouldn't appreciate the tall well built man with long black tresses, yes. Look on all you want.

They entered the restaurant, Faith looked about this was lovely. She wished now that she wore something long and flowing But she would change for what really mattered, dancing.

They wound through the tables till they were given one that over looked the city, Faith loved the view. She smiled big, "very nice Drahr"
Draco flashed her a toothy grin as she was helped from the airspeeder by the valet, "I guess we can bring it back up later then." He handed off the keys to the vehicle and took her hand when she offered it, being lead through the restaurant together, locking in each other's soft grip. He didn't notice the looks, they always got some glances from others. She normally got more appreciative glances than he, other men just thankful that a being like her existed in the galaxy even if she wasn't with them. He held onto her possessively, a not as subtle as he could be reminder that she was claimed, and notice to glances at him that he was taken as well.

They were brought to a table by the large floor to ceiling windows and he pulled Faith's chair for her before taking a seat to the side of her, rather than across. Quietly he asked the waitress to bring two waters for them. "Oh yes," Draco said, noting her smile happily. "You may notice the floor rotates slowly, turning the restaurant so that we get to see every direction. Its a slow turn, takes about an hour for a full rotation, so its gentle and doesn't throw off people's balance."

Draco sat, gazing upon her, noting and logging how the light shone against her features, the wrinkle of her nose when she saw something on the menu that she didn't think she would like, the way the light shone in her eyes, as though amplified by her own inner glow and radiance. Everything about her was captivating to him, and he was grateful to just be with her.

"What would you like, cyar'ika? Maybe one of us should get this Taste of Naboo dish so you will have a variety to choose from, yes?" He didn't mind sharing with her, though he remembered he used to have a thing about sharing food of his plate.

[member="Faith Organa"]
She studied thereby like she read regulations. She looked over the top of her menu, "yes that's a good idea, things that we've never had before. " She lowered the menu letting go a breath.

Here in this light much like their days at the lake Faith could see how much he loved her. Things had changed but not so much. They lived a life that took them across the galaxy and back. And yet, they had remained fairly simple in their living. Homes. Pet. Children. Family. A few friends. It was more than many others had.

The ability to move about and enjoy a meal away from home a luxury fir certain.

He had changed but she had a feeling that while Vulkan was gone he retained the force. Why? His reflexes. His way of knowing things, she wanted to ask him. But didn't.

Instead she saw the love he had in his eyes, as much as she enjoyed his tenderness when he put his arm around her, and whispered her name in his sleep

"Should we get some to start with?" slowly she rubbed her foot on the inside of his calf. Ok it wasn't her hand but she was touching him

[member="Draco Vereen"]
"Yes, that sounds excellent love." He spoke quietly, keeping the conversation intimate as they sat together. True that dinner was the least intimate activity he had planned for the night, but it was still nice, still a blessing to spend some soft quiet time with Faith out in public without having people glare or stare at them, the Princess and the Conqueror. No, out here they were just the breathtaking woman and the handsome man, unknown, not likely recognized in a galaxy of trillions or quadrillions of souls.

Draco smiled, content in his life for now. He had his doubts, but her subtle touch on the inside of his calf calmed him, soothed his worries, and banished his fears. If they could remain this close, this in love after Vena and its ordeals, they would be fine. His worries about his ability as a father were normal, natural. Things every father probably went through at one time or another. His fears about being a proper husband and giving Faith everything she deserved were as well. Every new couple likely went through such distress, but not every new couple had the endearing light and warmth he and Faith shared. He could be whatever she needed him to be.

The waitress returned and Draco barely looked away from Faith, captivated by her in the evening light that shone through the window. "We would like the Taste of Naboo to share for starters, and perhaps just one glass of your best chardonnay each to go with dinner, once we decide."

Once the waitress left, Draco rested his hand gently on her knee, squeezing her lightly. He was excited to go dancing, even if he wasn't all that good at it. She was excited, and her enthusiasm and interest in going to the club he proposed and bled through and infected him. Draco didn't mind stepping out of his comfort zone for Faith, in fact he rather enjoyed trying new things with her and getting to make new experiences, new impressions on things and activities with his beloved princess.

"So, what looks good to you, ner runi. I would make suggestions, but I'm a bit distracted from dinner." He smiled in his roguish way, like he did on the ship when they first left Alderaan.

[member="Faith Organa"]
There was a warm hand on her knee, that gentle squeeze that said hmmmm I'm here.She put her hand on his arm, "I think nerf medium rare, the whipped tubers, and these greens will be great. What about you. Hmm, mynock under glass, nerf, bantha, sea food, ?"

She knew he liked simple fare, but she didn't know if he would venture onto something else. That was truly one of the things she loved, he was liked simple things, he balanced her way of life with reminders that what truly mattered.

No one could see them, Faith moved her chair closer, she could touch the Dragon now anywhere, and she planned just that.

"Poor Iggy" her hand squeezed his arm, "he's not sure about a middle name." The menu folded easily and laid flat on the table. Faith for a moment looked out to the city. "So many lights, and so deceiving it looks peaceful. But I've read about gangs, and crime lords here." She rubbed his arm, as she watched giving him time to think of his order.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco could feel Faith's contendedness through their bond, that she was pleased with her surroundings, her circumstances. That feeling in turned pleased him, assuring him that he was doing a good job being romantic and wooing his Princess, earning her many affections. "I think I will have the grilled bantha in gravy on a baked tuber. All the fixings on top." He grinned, not deviating far from his norm. He had ordered them a dish with samples of several traditional Naboo meals on it for them to share, that would be enough venturing for dinner. At least for dinner's food.

The Mandalorian noticed her pull just a little closer, edging just enough that he could feel her warmth. She squeezed his arm and teased with him again about names for the twins. It was a difficult subject, he had never named another human being before, and it wasn't something that came so natural to him. She knew he would help some though. "Oh, middle names." Draco frowned, "Well, like I said, not Wilhelm. It doesn't fit with Vereen or Organa well. Perhaps one of your ancestors has a proud name?"

Draco pushed their menus away, focusing on Faith even as she looked out into the city. "I know. I tried so hard to clean up this world once. So did others with me when the Techno Union took control. Its an untamable place, wild and free. But its not all bad. There is peace here, there are nicer neighborhoods that the gangs don't move freely. This sector has one of the lowest crime rates on the planet, and there is a floating casino-resort in this sector that attracts tourists like us for its low criminal activity." His voice was soft and affectionate, lost in his thoughts about their future together, what he would do and how he would continue to bring her respect and honor. How he would keep showing his love for her.

[member="Faith Organa"]
She knew his appetites meat and tubers, and later lingering kisses, words of longing, and the endless night wrapped in each other's arms.

But first things first, she slipped a shoe off slowly lifted the cuff of his pant leg and began to caress his ankle. "No not Wilhelm, Drago sounds a lot like Draco. I love the name Draco"

She looked over to him her brown eyes soft inviting, she loved him so completely she counted her blessings that this man had come into her life. Such power he had she didn't really know all of it but she understood that his word was his bond, and power he did not abuse.

"I think our children are craving the iron in red meat, would you think this is a sign of where their paths will go?" Would they be if Alderaan or of Mandalore. Would they find balance?

She heard his affection, his emotions as he spoke. She leaned toward him all while her foot caressed his leg, "we are safe here my dearest. I'm glad. Low crime. " She laughed, "what is considered low fir Nar Shadda?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco sighed quietly, gazing into Faith's warm amber eyes, inviting him to relax, to love. He was comfortable right now, sitting with Faith awaiting their meal before they began their night on the town, alone, safe as they could be.

"Drago isn't a bad name. But what are some names you like? Some that you think would fit for our twins." So far she had only teased him with other names he knew she wasn't sold on or truly desired. He didn't want to be the only one getting what he wanted in naming their children, he wanted to be sure she was pleased with their children's names.

"I don't know. I hope that they will find their own place, and forge their own paths rather than just following in either of our foot steps." Draco had trudged out on his own, and while he had his ups and downs, his pitfalls and faults that had cost him, he had been alone in those darkest of times. His children would not be alone like he had been, alienated and adrift from their parents like he had been. Draco would be certain of it, and his love for Faith burned deep and bright, and everlasting.

The only problem he saw was to which children would they leave his corporate empire and her honorable and ancient throne. He supposed one of them would present themselves later in life, but he didn't want to pressure one child and have either of them unhappy with what responsibilities would be left to them. When the waitress came he relayed their orders to the woman to await the first dishes to be brought to them.

The Mandalorian could feel her caress, the smooth skin of her foot against his leg, reassuring him of her affections, but muddling her intentions just a bit. He gently squeezed her leg and rubbed his thumb against her skin softly, a subtle way of telling her he appreciated what she was doing.

[member="Faith Organa"]

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