Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Starship Nightdragon Man-of-War

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  • Manufacturer: Chiss Ascendancy
  • Affiliation: ANY CHISS FACTION
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Nightdragon Man-of-War
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material:
    • Nyix-Alloy
    • Durasteel
    • Standard Starship Materials
  • Classification: Chiss Man-of-War
  • Length: 2200 Meters
  • Width:2000 Meters
  • Height: 650 Meters
  • Armament: Very High
  • Defenses: High
  • Hangar Space: Low: 8
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 7 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 1 squadron
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive: Equipped
    • Class 1
  • Military Grade Sensors
  • Military Grade Communication Encryption
  • Military Grade Starship Systems
  • Sensor Jammers
  • High Speed: The Nightdragon has a surprising amount of speed for a vessel as large as it is.
  • Fleet Brawler: It has enough weapons and shielding to take on small fleets on its own.
  • Heavy Ion Weapons
  • Unguarded Engine Block
  • Turn Radius is Terrible
The Nightdragon Man-of-War. For thousands of years, it was the apex predator of the Unknown Regions, its name bringing fear and awe to the worlds outside of the Chiss Ascendancy. Iterated over the years since its initial introduction into the Chiss Defense Force, the Nightdragon was a massive ship of Man-of-War classification, which was equivalent in tonnage to Lesser Space's battlecruisers. It was the only vessel of this classification for thousands of years, mostly because of the Chiss' reliance on defensive rather than offensive strategies when it came to their war doctrine. Men-of-War were seen as too costly and too large to responsibly develop and their only purpose, the projection of power, clashed with the insular nature of the Chiss Ascendancy.

However, after the re-introduction of the Republic during the Clone Wars, opinions in the Chiss Defense Force began to shift. The Man-of-War began to come up increasingly in funding meetings and naval strategy conferences as reports of larger and larger ships from the CIS and Republic began to trickle back into the Chaos. Their continued encounters with the Grysk also pushed the conversation. It wouldn't be until the destruction of the Empire reached the Defense Force's ears, along with rumors of Battlestations as big as moons and Star Destroyers over 19 KM in length that the Chiss decided that their Man-of-War, a vessel only about the size of a Star Destroyer, was not going to be enough to defend should whoever would replace the Empire come knocking on their door.

The revamped classification and subsequently redesigned Nightdragon was the result. A vessel strong enough to tackle a fleet of their old Nightdragons and large enough for any fleet to take a second look at invading a Chiss World. The Nightdragon remained the Chiss' main weapon of defense against the civilizations of Lesser Space until the development of the Chimera Man-of-War began. With plans to replace the Nightdragon in place, they slowly began to be mothballed for cost reasons. However, after the destruction of Csilla, many of these mothballed predators were reactivated and brought into service as flagships and command cruisers for the Chiss resistance against the Brotherhood of the Maw and their continued attempts to eradicate the Chiss.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge

Very nice ship again! One thing only, you can't use the Chiss Infrared Illumigrid; this belongs to the Chaos' Chiss Ascendancy faction, not the canon one. If you want to use it, please ask Thorne's permission, otherwise please delete from your list.
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