Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Orbit of Crystalsong
"Voxie" YT-1300

Sleeping was nice. it was a good time to rest up your body and to heal. I could feel slightly awake. and a cold hand shaking me. It was a little red and white Astromech droid R2-H7 that was using one of it's limbs to push my head back and forth. Iooked at it and listened to it beep a few times. I looked at it as it continued to shove me. Basically screaming at me to get up. Waving him off to leave me alone with a groan, I heard a switching of something, followed by a Zap on my arm.


I didn't expect the droid to zap me. and well now I was awake. With beeps to fast for me to even comprehend, he left the room and into the cockpit. I followed him rubbing my eyes. Only They widened as I realized we had come out of hyperspace. Something had pulled us out of space here. I looked to the console to see that it was frizzing out. I tapped on it, and it changed to show that I was at Nar Shaddaa. Um, last time I checked, I was not at Nar Shaddaa.

I shook my head as I sat down in the seat. Picking buttons and flipping switches. Bringing the ship down into to the planet's atmosphere. I hoped that maybe there was someone, or something that could or would help me fix my ship, and maybe get me back to where I belong. Even the best of people get ship malfunctions. either way, I wanted to be back home.

[member="Maria Natalja"]
A Week Before Fall of Arx Mortis

The Balcony of Hope was the place which Maria really enjoyed. She loved spending time there, drinking coffee or wine, and just thinking about whatever she wants to. The place gave her freedom. But that day seemed to be a lot stranger than any other. That was because a ship was landing near the citadel.


The lady arose from her throne, left her cup of coffee there, and headed down the stairs which led to the ground. She would have to see who the person was who had decided to come for a visit on the planet. It couldn't have been her cousin, that was for sure. Who could have it been, landing so close to her citadel? Not many people knew of the planet, actually, so it was all really weird.

Casually walking down the stairs, Maria had no hurry. She had the whole time in the galaxy to do whatever she wants to, so there was no need to run. The person, if it needed help, would be able to wait for some time.

[member="Darren Shaw"]
I flew the ship around for some time, finding a place that was rather large. A palace if by comparison. large and open. Something told me that this place was not normally visited by others. There was a severe lack of ships around the place, but there was an open courtyard that was large enough to fit a large shuttle. perfect size for my own ship, and even as I was an Alien here, might as well make myself known here first. I brought my ship down in the courtyard. hearing nothing break. The ground below the ship must have been reinforced for landings of larger ships.

I didn't know what to expect, but if I was the person standing on the wrong side, then I would be prepared for a fight. While I put on my Sith Stalker armor, I left the claws and helmet behind. grabbing my Leviathan bracers, I slipped them on over my hands as the finger-less gloves felt warm to the touch. I grabbed my sabers with the force, and two of them were placed on my belt, while my pronged saber was hidden in the armor. With how primitive this world looked, I also grabbed my sword and placed it over my back. You see, the sword was my main weapon, while the lightsabers may have freaked people out. having to deal with the Space Vikings of my kind before, they had never seen a lightsaber, and as such, were scared of it at first. I didn't want to reveal myself to fast.

Walking down the now open ramp of the ship, I noticed that there were some people that were close. Watching me, I looked around with my white hair and facial features visible. I spoke loud enough for people to hear me, "I come in peace."

[member="Maria Natalja"]

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