Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Member introduction thread


Et in Arcadia Ego
Hey, welcome to Star Wars Chaos. Most of us despite being Star Wars geeks are Sci Fi aficionados so I think you will fit right in.

Feel free to ask any questions that might pop up.

That said, Join me in the Star Wolves as we raid the entire Galaxy for plunder. :D


Mercenary, Artist.
Plunder? I'm not so good at plundering. But maybe I could follow your warpath a couple parsecs behind and clean up the wreckage?


Mercenary, Artist.
Don't get it twisted - I'm no good-doer. I just look out for number one, and number one happens to not like pitched combat. Number one likes a nice, safe profit margin.


Mercenary, Artist.
-looks at creds-

Eh. I'm doing alright. Let's just agree to stay out of each other's way. I won't raid your ship with a crew of pirates if you promise the same! ;)


Commentary: welcome to what I personally call the organic orgy. Too much flesh, too little cutting edge killer droids.

Sidenote: I quite like this Ironwolf organic. He has got outstanding morals.


Et in Arcadia Ego
@[member="Alna D'Lessio"] Haha and why would I promise something like that little lady? In this galaxy if you arent are prey.

Specifically my prey.

Like the Doid said, I have outstanding morals. I always stand out because of them.

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