Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Never Wake A Sleeping Sith...

The Unknown Regions-

On a world known to a select few in antiquity as Vorruc, a desolate planet where ice and fire clashed in violent dichotomy, the ruins of a once mighty Sith faction known as the Black Hssiss Order lie in eternal slumber, undisturbed by the passing years...until now.

A roving band of pirates, lured by the rumors of ruins with riches yet to be unveiled, land on the desolate planet, eager to see what could be found. Little did they know, it would prove to be their undoing.

"What exactly are we doing here? This planet isn't even on any of the charts," one of the pirates muttered as they disembarked into a swirling snowstorm and spouts of steam where lava vents melted the ice of the frozen wastelands.

"What are we here for," their Captain said with a sneer. "There's treasure here, boy! Treasure enough to make us all rich!"

"What sort of treasure?"

"You don't know the tales?"

"Can't say that I do. Enlighten me!"

"This here ball of ice and the homeworld of a long dead Sith cult known as the Black Hssiss Order."

"Doesn't ring any how'd they all die?"

"One man killed them all."

"One man killed an entire temple full of Sith?! Impossible!"

"It's not impossible," another of the pirates chimed in. "Ever hear of a man named Alex StormWolf?"

"That rogue Jedi who used to hang out in Mos Eisley with that crazy old junk trader, that Alex StormWolf?"

"That's the one."

"What does he have to do with all this?..."

"Legend has it, the Black Hssiss Order murdered his entire family, took him captive, wiped his memory, and made him one of their own. When he finally figured out who he really was, and what they had done to him....."

"He went berserk?..."

"Aye. Slaughtered every last one of them, and brought the roof of the Temple down on them for good measure."

"Is it safe here?....I mean...this being a Sith cult stronghold and all...."

"Kid, I promise ya, the population of this world is nil, plus the dozen of us who just landed. I imagine whatever ghosts were here froze solid years ago..."

"If you say so, boss..."

After walking a short distance across the frozen wastelands, the pirates discover a small square structure sticking up like a lone sentinel in the landscape. Circling the structure, they notice a door partially ajar.

"Looks like there's a way in. Somebody lend me a hand."

After heaving against the door for a few moments, it gives way, revealing a spiral stairway, leading into the darkness below.

"How long has it been since anyone's been here?"

"Close to thirty years, if you believe the stories."

As they descended the stairway, the pirates lit glow lamps to light their way. Runes in an ancient Sith script decorated the walls, and an aura of unease began to permeate the air.

"This place is already giving me the creeps..."

"Hold your tongue, boy! You knew the job was gonna be rough when you signed on," the Captain barked.

"Yeah, but nobody said anything about delving in Sith ruins..."

"Sith ruins mean Sith artifacts, and Sith artifacts mean heaps of credits if we find the right collector."

"Assuming no one's already beat us to it...."

At the bottom of the stairway, the pirates find their path blocked by a heavy blast door, emblazoned with a depiction of a dragon.


"What in the world?...."

"Dunno...bring me the keycard slicing rig....see if we can find a working code to get us inside."

A short while later, the pirates manage to slice the keycard reader, forcing the blast door to open, revealing a dimly lit chamber beyond. The whir of hidden power generators and life support equipment broke the silence as the pirates walked into the chamber. Rows of vertical cylinders lined the walls along either side of the room, each with a small transparent panel on its face. One of the pirates peered into the first cylinder to catch his attention, his eyes widening as he realizes it is occupied by a girl in her late teens.

"Captain, c' gotta see this!"

The pirate crew gather around their Captain as he peers into the cylinder at the occupant within.

"Open it," the Captain orders.


"It's a Stasis chamber. Open it! Now!"

"What are we gonna do with a frozen girl?...A Sith at that probably..."

"She's not frozen, she's in suspended animation..."


"So we wake her up...take her with us, and then we sell her to the highest bidder at one of the slave markets on Nar Shaddaa," the Captain snarled, growing weary of having to explain every minute detail to his crew.

"Ya think someone would pay us a good price for her, eh Captain?"

"A beauty like that? Who wouldn't? Wake her up...."

-Five minutes later-

....Pacing deliberately through the mangled corpses littering the floor, the occupant of the Stasis chamber, glances around with uncertainty, wondering just what she had done and how. She had no memories of life before this moment. She had no clue who she was, or even what she was. Did she even have a name? Catching a glance of her own reflection in the polished metal of one of the other Stasis chambers, the young girl touches a hand to her face. She was human, or at least she appeared to be. Making her way back towards the one empty Stasis chamber in the room, she slowly deduces that it had been hers. A metal plate attached to the vertical cylinder catches her attention. SUBJECT- EVE_0001. EVE? Was this her name? It would do, she decided at last. Eve. She wasn't too sure of the whole 0001 bit. She didn't feel that she was a robot. There was a faint tingling in the air...some power greater than herself. What was it?

"The...Force...." she whispered to herself with slowly dawning realization. Eyes wide, she spun around in a circle desperately seeking another living being, any living being who could answer the questions maddingly swirling within her mind.

"WHAT AM I?!...."
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