Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Never give up to defeat

Location: Nar Shadda. Enryu Corp HQ

His company in the planet had an anniversary, and last night was a great party organized by himself. Venus wasn´t in charge of that, because of the stress that went with negotiating with the Trandoshan´s Trade Guild. It would be a surprise to her to find out that things were going well. So Acaleus brought a catering company and musicians from the list of trusty contacts he had at hand, and so the party was a huge success. Everyone so wasted, some "friendly" fights, and the liquor bottles dissapear at a rate that he had to buy some more to satisfy his guests. At the morning the place used for the party was trashed down, with half the people using whatever they could to use as a pillow or sheet. It was a very amusing sight for him, but he had to leave them to their...bussiness. At the time, he had an appointment from a wanderer. Telani Telani was landing at the dock at a certain hour, and he didn´t wanted to give the impression of not being serious with arriving late.

He just couldn´t resist to respond a transmission requesting help, with that added that he was bored. So Acaleus parked his personal speeder and waited. At the time he was wearing a simple black suit and covered with the sleeves were his trusty wrist lightsabers. Anything more would be aggresive and unnecessary for meeting someone. Everyone around the dock were minding their own bussiness, with containers being move around and orders being scream around with the sun high on the sky, while the war veteran yawning his 2 hours sleep "By this time, everyone back at Enryu Corp must be getting up with a headache of another world" thought.


Active Member
Telani was afraid. For the first time in her life, she was afraid. She did the right thing didn't she? Turning away? She had to do it, they would have died if she didn't. It was too late to go back now, so she didn't think on doing so for too long, but she still questioned her decisions. Leaving the Sith Empire was bad enough but outright betraying them was suicidal at best. So she knew that there was no going back, the Sith weren't exactly known for their forgiveness.

But what was she supposed to do now? Until then her purpose and her future had been clear. She was to fight the Jedi, and all others who opposed the Sith. But when the moment came to strike the final blow, she couldn't do it. And so her master tried to do it for her, and she stopped him. After a long, difficult duel between her master and her, he returned to the Sith to report her betrayal, and she fled to the stars with all possible haste. With incomplete training, she stood no chance on her own. So she sought help from a man who was called Acaleus Thorn.

She defended in her Sith Starfighter to the docks of Bar Shaddah, and saw him waiting for her. Not a moment too soon, not a moment too late. She exited her cockpit to reveal a Twi'lek woman of red skin and black tattoos all along her skin in the fashion of the sith. She wore the usual robes of the sith, the two wraparound shirts, loose pants hight boots and the cloth arm wrappings. All of it black. At her hips were two lightsabers, and it looked like they could be connected at the pommels to make a double bladed lightsaber. She appeared to be capable, although she was too young to have completed her training.

"Thorn? Acaleus Thorn?" She asked him.
Acaleus watched her coming down from her starfighter. It didn´t looked damaged, but its pilot did but not physically. The force around her imitated her troubled mind. That was an apprentice mistake, but in this case it could lead to be easily track by a Jedi or Sith Master "Your weapon of choice isn´t something that i would recommend to someone at first. But the Sith aren´t known for making patient choices with their pupils. Hate is their mantra" said while approaching "Name is Acaleus Thorn, owner of Enryu Corp, and my engineers will have a look at your ship. It could have a tracker of some sort inside and i dont want to use resources to fight cruisers coming out of hyperspace looking for you" It wasn´t a request, as he had bad experience with tracking chips in the past. The thought of a battle would eliminate his boredom, but it would bring destruction to his company and the planet.

"Ive never been fan of the Sith. They act evil thinking that they control the dark side, but in reality they become slaves in body and mind" said walking towards a land speeder parked nearby "The Jedi aren´t different" said while sitting in the leather pilot chair "The plan is the following. I will take you to my compound so you could get comfortable in one of the guest rooms, have a meal and after, we train. Questions?"

Telani Telani


Active Member
"If cruisers were to come for me you wouldn't have to fight them off. The Sith are arrogant but they are not foolish. They have no real use for this planet as far as I'm aware, and they only want me. I appreciate the help, sir. I hope that I won't prove a waste of time." She says to him without questioning his reasons, she knew how crafty the sith were.

As for his comment on her lightsabers, she understood why he'd think that. But the sith, just like the Jedi, trained with lightsabers from the ripe age of five or six, so she was proficient enough with them for the time being.
"Yeah you might be right about that. I just haven´t had a proper battle since years. Welcome to Enryu Corp" said with his company overshadowing the sun. It got a lot of speeders using a sky-highway over it. From the outside one could see glass panels showing offices, monuments of previous old ships and the entrance. Guarding the huge compound where his Needles, a group of loyal soldiers.

His HQ was as tall as a cruiser, he was greeted by a couple of Needles guarding the entrance, while other engineers and other employees walk in and out. Venus was nowhere to be found, although he knew that at the time she could be trying to solve her hangover. The entrance was at least five meters tall, with stairs to the second floor at both sides and a secretary desk in the middle "We are currently building a type of space turret that can stick or hover around the outside of a cruiser. So we got space in the shipyard for training" he got his right bracelet out and hang it to her "Put this on. It has a hologram map that will lead you to your room. After doing whatever you need to do, come find me in the shipyard" said walking away.

Telani Telani


Active Member
She paid close attention to where they were and all the details of the area around them. She had never been to a city before without the intent of taking or destroying it. After being offered the holo-map she took it and placed it on her wrist. She took a quick look at it, finding the locations of all the major rooms and committing them to memory.

After she did this and confirmed the locations of each room, she met him in the shipyard as instructed.
The ex-sith apprentice entered the compound. At the sides were bridges that pointed at the middle, towards the empty space. The ground was only filled with empty metal containers and crate boxes near them. Sitting at one of them was Acaleus "Pretty simple is the force, but it takes good concentration and willpower" said out loud jumping towards the ground "We will start with two things. Hidding your force signature and force trick of my own" with a close fist, he retract his arm and punch a wood crate near to him. A crack was heard, but the box didn´t seemed to be damaged. Acaleus hand left a single hole much smaller than his fist in the crate.

"Your turn. Concentrate the force in front of your fist and push it towards the crates. With enough practice you will manage to pull or push things while holding your lightsabers" lets see if she can accomplish this.

Telani Telani


Active Member
She listened closely to Acaleus Thorn Acaleus Thorn as he instructed her in this new technique in the use of the force. She took a moment with her eyes closed to manipulate the force into doing as he instructed, focusing it in front of her fist rather than in her hand. But when she tried to do as he did, she couldn't quite hold it together. She tried again, to no avail. She kept trying, focusing on the force, and trying to keep herself from becoming angry, so that she might succeed.
Acaleus remember that the training for gaining that ability wasn´t easy at first. Maybe in a dark side user he should try another type of teaching. He approach her "If you use your hate, the crate will get destroyed. Try with this" said giving her a small butter knife "Concentrate on the tip. Let the force around us flow into your hand and into the butter knife" frustration would lead to her not being able to learn to hide his force signature "We got this. You got this. You wouldn´t have been able to escape your Master and an entire Sith Empire if you weren´t capable of accomplish and succed. The force isn´t your slave. Its a tool. Those are two different things. One can betray you, the other will help you" five years ago he would punch the idiot who said that sentence.

Telani Telani


Active Member
She was at first annoyed at his words, her immediate response being to think, I know what I'm doing old man.But almost immediately afterwards she inwardly scolded herself, silence you insolent knave! You are here to learn, not teach, you're lucky he was kind enough to help you at all. Now shut up and listen!

And so she tried to do as he said, calming herself from the frustrations and clearing her head before trying to do as he instructed. She focused on the force having it surround and be absorbed into the knife she held, she was partially successful, a lot more successful than before, but still had a long way to go before she met his standards.

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