Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"All of life is but a story for our children - and I intend to make mine worth the read."

Nethaniel Volshayal
Other assorted criminal activity

Approx. 180lbs
Caucasian, tanned


Nethaniel is a man that would have those around him believe he is without weakness. Yet perhaps his greatest strength is that he is well aware of his weaknesses and has become skilled at either complementing them or outright falling back on a strength to make up for it. But what many may refer to as his skill is often instead immeasurable luck. That is not to say he is without his talents. His past has in fact afforded him enough education that he possesses a small library of skills that aid him in his in his specific career choice.

A former Jedi padawan and Sith acolyte he was introduced to the Force enough to develop a below average skill in its use, albeit one not centred either in the light or dark, taking aspects from both philosophies in his life. Finding his strength greatest in the use of telekinesis and its sibling applications, he continues to apply these skills in his smuggling career, using sleight-of-hands imbued by the Force when confronted by authority figures. While receiving instruction in the use of a lightsaber it was a symbol he long ago abandoned. Additionally he was given minor training in the art of healing, although at this point he is capable only of healing minor wounds. Beyond this however his instruction was primarily how to channel his emotions to fuel his Force abilities, martial arts, and wielding a lightsaber. Having received combat instruction from both Jedi and Sith he has developed a very precise, swift, but otherwise decisive style of fighting.

Like nearly all younglings his training with a lightsaber started early but focused on accuracy, control, and becoming at ease with a weightless blade. Skills he has since used to amplify his ability with blasters. An excellent shot he is also quite formidable in heated situations or beneath immense pressure, able to calm himself and react accordingly. Talents that have aided him many times in his riskier jobs and fire-fights alike. An impressive quick-draw his added advantage of remaining calm has given him great control over his 'tells'. Useful when putting the drop on someone or, more often as it is, gambling. Another lesson from his time as a Jedi is his skill in preventing force users from reading his mind.

The Jedi exercise routine has given him a large and strong body, a hefty endurance, and a resistance to poisons. Of course not to the extent of Masters or even Knights as it were. Nethaniel would otherwise really have to work at being an alcoholic. While certainly not a genius by any means he is also neither well educated nor of even high intelligence. Although he is considerably clever, a successful smuggler often needs to be. Quite subtle he has learned to pickpocket, distract, and manipulate (albeit with just a tinge of subconscious Force application). Ever since he was little he has been able to spot the cracks, weak points, or shatterpoints of objects and events alike and has honed this innate ability to aid him in evading authorities, people he owes credits to, blockades, security forces, and easily shooting the structurally weak points of ships, weapons, and people. Of course it is not an always constant guaranteed success.

Possessing minor skill in slicing consoles and safes he generally must rely on a companion or his trusty droid sidekick, being that he is more likely to set off an alarm than he is getting past a basic firewall. Of course while a capable of fighter himself he often hires mercenaries or gun-for-hires, and generally seeks out a crew to join him, simply preferring the camaraderie. An adequate enough pilot he prefers to have a co-pilot, one of superb skill in the field, and while he can get himself from point A to point B he often runs when there is chance of a engaging another ship.

Having grown up with the Jedi, and receiving some training from the Sith, he has a great deal of knowledge in mythology, anthropology, and religion. His knowledge of the Force only generally better than those who have had no first-hand experience with either group. His career choice giving him extensive knowledge of the 'underworld'. But when it comes to a lot of formal education, or in-depth scientific pursuits he must admit ignorance. Mind you he is never ashamed due to having being raised with a healthy curiosity, a trait that generally gets him trouble, but nonetheless when it comes to such things he will certainly either need to wing it or consult someone. While his closest companions are his two WESTAR-34 pistols he has little idea how to repair such technology, and while he can maintain them, he has unfortunately never taken to mechanics.


SHIP: Ghtroc 720 - The Gorkin

Thirty-five meters long and able to carry one-hundred and thirty five metric tons of cargo in each of its fifty-five cubic meter main holds, this ship was a recent addition of Nethaniel's after winning the ship in a bet. A stock model of a series of ships now no longer being produced Nethaniel could not resist getting his hands on a limited ship. A fixed double laser cannon mounted above the raised cockpit, two docking tubes located on the rear of the ship and each one contained an escape pod.

Its maximum speed seven hundred and fifty kilometres per hour and possessing a class 2.0 hyperdrive rating with a class 15 backup. Equipped with shielding, a navigation system, and capable of being crewed by him alone (along with an optional co-pilot). Additionally it can carry up to ten passengers. It also holds up to two months of consumables.

(Click the image for a map of the ship)


Born on a transport ship heading towards Naboo Nethaniel knows only this about his life before the Jedi, taught that attachment to any thing beyond the Jedi was ultimately dangerous. One of many faults he found at his time under their tutelage. He has no idea who his parents were, what happened to them, or how he came into the care for the Jedi. Like all younglings of the Jedi Order he was placed into a clan of younglings where he met Ulaire'orte, Aama Morituri, and Miwa Yavok among others. His training at this time split between Tython and Coruscant but always with the company of his clan. Training at this time was not unlike many other Jedi - he exercised, meditated, trained with various masters, and practiced with his clan members. Life was routine and uninteresting. It was the closest he would ever receive to a formal education. Either as a clan or individuals they performed minor tasks for knights and masters around the temple - aiding with research, helping with carrying the practice sabers, giving minor instruction to the younger Jedi.


Eventually they became teenagers and by this point they were all padawans, devoted to a Master who had shown interest in them, and still being under the same temple ceiling they managed nonetheless to see each other often. Especially he and Aama. While the Jedi lectured that attachment was a negative they twisted the teachings to simply mean they could do what they did in their rooms, alone, in the middle of the night but simply not enter a relationship. The feelings were there nonetheless. No matter how much they believed otherwise. Nothing changed about the exterior of their relationship, not until after hours, and it was a secret they kept even from their closest friends. This continued for years until they were both twenty years old and closing in on becoming Knights. Nethaniel a Jedi Guardian, and Aama a Jedi Sentinel. Together, and their masters, they assisted on numerous missions.

Finding solace with each other more and more as a few of their former clan, some of their best friends, whom vanished with their masters undertaking a mission. With no news and no leads they found in each other a peace to hold onto.

It was one, a scouting mission for possible minor darkside activity, that sent them to the literally dark world Umbara. Simply meant to investigate suspicious activity within the Umbara capital city they went in with civilian clothing and tracked down a lead they believed to be what they were searching for. What they found however was a trap awaiting them. Ambushed and taken hostage they were brought to Vjun - at least that is where they were told they were. Awakening inside a container, their prison, Nethaniel was met with the sight of his lost friends. Shivering, battered, hungry, but still alive. An hour later two men, armed with lightsabers, opened the container door and explained that their mission required them alive for as long as possible. Nethaniel questioned them where their masters were. Dead. Facing them they then made a proposition: join the Sith or die like their masters. A brown sack was tossed in between them and partially unmasked the heads of their masters.


None of them budged, a few of them silently wept, but none of them moved to join them at this sight. Not until their lightsabers were ignited and their area was illuminated by the fiery glow of crimson and blue. Nethaniel quickly stood up in front of his former clan, asking the Sith to wait, and offered himself if his friends would be freed - citing that the Sith clearly needed at least one success among them. Asking how they could trust his decision, his allegiance, he hesitated. Then he stopped. With a swift flick of his wrist one of the Sith's additional lightsabers met his hand, and before the Sith could react he twisted and swiftly ran the blade through a Twi'lek male - Ulaire. His clan, his former clan truly now, stared at him in horror. None more so than Aama. But he did not say any thing knowing that every thing he did now would either save his friends or kill them all. Looking away from them he faced the Sith before him, concealing his feelings and thoughts alike replacing them with some thing he believed they would prefer. Thoughts of being too great to die like an animal here and now.

Taking the lightsaber from him they led him away, freeing his friends despite his doubt, but reassuring him he made the only right choice he could. His friends would now live beyond this event. Travelling with the two Sith to Ziost he was assimilated into their acolytes, recognizing one of them as a former Jedi, albeit at this point he hardly cared. He spent months there training, learning their philosophy, before he could no longer take it any more. Being here with the Sith reminded him every day of what he had done. What he had lost. Of the Jedi. Of his Aama. Breaking into the room of one of the men who had recruited him he knew there were only two people in this temple that would recognize him from that event. Taking the lightsaber, the blue-bladed one that once belonged to Ulaire and ended up seizing his life by Nethaniel's hand, he believed it a sense of revenge. That night he killed the two Sith with it and vanished into the dark forests.


Nethaniel has no idea what happened to Aama, nor does he have any idea that she was pregnant, but his story continues even now. Months later a man named Neth Volshayal appeared in a Nar Shadda cantina receiving a smuggling contract from there to Coruscant. Six years later that smuggler is still active and a name known to many crime lords across the galaxy for his successes.



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