Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nerf patties for sale....

Board Room Salliche Agricultural Corporation
Everything was set all her leg work she been doing the last few months. After all why couldn't she see what her grandparents was doing for their family for her. All this time all the classes all the doing of training of the nerf. After all knowing was the key of everything.

Her hair pulled back into a tight bun. Her dress all in black business suit with a deep blue blouse. After all she had to look the part today. Hoping that the her best friend from the days of her school off world from Kiffex was here.

Waiting she would a little longer to the fact that she was knew that board of trustees was in in a closed session. After all she knew she need all their backing. After their been things in play behind closed door.
Looking at the time on the clock. Taking a few deep breaths after all she had looked over her data pad a few times already. Couldn't go in empty handed after all what would the galaxy come to. Couldn't help herself but to feel some what impatience to this whole thing. All she wanted to do was be out of this blessed suit and back into her own clothing style.

There was a buss at the desk only followed by a few words then looking up at her. "Miss the board will see you know.", going back to her other duties. After all nothing of her concern as long as she got a pay cheek. Just as long their was someone to sign those pay cheeks. Then came the dividend after all couldn't have one with out the other. Only reason why she had this job was the family name.

Setting things up before she cleared her throat one thing she dislike doing was get in front of a bunch of monkeies lizards in suits. All eyes was upon her to see what would come from her sweet little lips of hers.

Ladies and Gentlemen if I may have your attention. I know you all have already read over my resume so It would be redonit to tell you about the schooling and experience. Its those that I will build upon. Seeing that see by what I have drawn up. As you see what benefits it could be to new ideas to bring some of the same projects new life. Also to explain that there seem to be others that would need to be strong in a time like this. I have seen what war can do up close, and how bad it can be my first move as CEO put into effect an aid packet to any world being torn by war. Next would be to see where we could trim our own work force but keep those we could that wouldn't be droids. After all its better to keep our many worlds happy with work. Inclusion I would with your trust and blessing bring us into the next future we need to bring our tech. updated so we can compete with out like minded companies. and corporation.

Flashing through a few more graphics and ideas. After which she was open to question. That would be what she would do.
As the question when flying in at her all she could do was take them one at a time. Now for you be concern about those that would want to make more profit what I'm proposing is a dividen cheek. What you put into Salliche Agricultural Corporation. The more produce or animals that put into to sell to the market around the galaxy at a above price.
Nodding slowly, As I have pointed out there will be cheeks and balance more so then before. I understand that this will be a concern of yours. Like I show and talked about before there will be a a task force of three from three board member to make sure I'm doing my job and all is flowing like it should and making everyone profit.

I understand that I"m young but this might be the best thing for the Corporation as of right now new thinking and pair of eyes to take the Salliche Agricultural to the next level.
As you can also see I will not ask for any more then what is set for the given postion after all we all have our own ranches and farms I want to see those make the profit Im just here to make sure that we are getting the best price on the market, if that means selling and buy some of the market selling places to control some of the market there and some locker plants and produce plants then that what I will do.

Listening to some of the other concern as she let herself answer all the other question. After which time she could only go out and wait for the other candidate to make there own speeches. After all she knew where this would end up there been a reason why she had been deliver all those nerf and trading. After all there was something else in play behind the seen.

After all she had her Kiffar ability had gotten dirt on every person on the board or that of their family member.
one hour later

Couldn't help but go up to the one handling all the calls as she smirk. "So, Miss Penny, how is Mr. Gotoca doing these days, to bad brought the miss to this board meeting.


"I..don't know what your talking about there, Miss Vel", lending as close to her as if to whisper into her ear. "Don't play with me sweetpea, I have my ways of finding things out, did you have to do it in the board room kind of kinky if you ask me. Oh don't worry your sister isn't getting the CEO position. , with a little of a chuckle.

Watching her reaction as stepping back off the desk not able to sit any longer. As she knew all well how to play the game better. Penny now just looking at her with a glare of her own icy blue eyes. "Blonde don't always get what they want.

Making note that the first thing she would be doing would be to fire Penny get one of her own people to take this place. It was the harden fact that she had the dirt on each and everyone of those board members. Some wasn't for cheating but other things in their business maybe cooking the books here and there. Even to the fact that they was taking more of the share then the others which would stop also. Yes there was ways corruption everywhere but if you had the touch knew how to use it to the advantage.

@Seanna Vel
Even so she couldn't help but give herself a light chuckle to see the blonde step out with all her papers and all. Couldn't help but think she did a a jaber power point that paper was so much over a few years ago. Well but for those planets that wasn't up with the tech stuff. Even so some of her plans had out line some of these planets after all those planets was untap gold minds in the Agriculture business now days. Just waiting to be tapped into.

Getting some what unable to wait any longer then it seem that there was one more person for them to interview what a long time to wait. Only this time she could see the one coming in a very much older grey hair man it looked like he could keel over at any day now. Giving a little respectful nod to this one. Maybe this one just thought it would be fun to come out of retirement.

In he went when called up and buzzed in.

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