Intent: To create the only relic of Nemene Talith, the last lingering piece of her.
Development Thread:
(Pretty much any thread Nemene was ever in)
Manufacturer: Nemene Talith
Model: Journal
Affiliation: Nemene Talith
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Verinth Leather, Evelynn Leather
Nemene Talith's journal is just that, a Journal.
This small novella was written originally by the Sith Queen of Rattatak Nemene Athaem Talith. It was begun on the day of her eighth birthday and spans the years until just hours before her death at the hands of ten thousand slaves.
The Journal details nearly every day of Nemene's life. From the very start of when she began to write, to the very end. Nearly every single page of the Journal is filled from front to back, and indeed the book seems to stretch on for far longer than one would think when they first open it, yet the pages seem to turn over and over. This is perhaps some trick worked into the Journal by its creator, Darth Moridin, the original craftsmen of Sith Artifacts within this century, however deducing this is impossible.
Regardless, the pages of this Journal go into great detail of Nemene's Life, her actions and her thoughts.
Everything she did is detailed here, Her relations with Evelynn, the Taking of Rattatak, the learning of techniques and even the creation of the Verinth and other beasts. If one wanted to find out about Nemene Athaem Talith, her secrets, her techniques, anything she had ever done, all they would have to do is pick up this book.
Unfortunately for those who would, as is so often the case with those things close to the darkest of hearts, the journal of Nemene Talith is cursed in a way. Being the closest possession to her heart, the Journal, like Nemene herself, became the apex of corruption and sickening evil. Over time, as Nemene sank deeper into the Darkside of the force, so did the journal. Months and years spent together saw the corruption of the book and a transferring of an echo of herself into the journal, until eventually, it became as evil as her.
Like the ancient tombs of the Sith, or the Amulets of those long dead. Nemene's journal has the ability to corrupt and sicken, to change and alter its surroundings with the darkness that surrounds it. Although those who would read it would find the knowledge of ancient pasts, techniques in healing, Saber-pike combat, saber-staff combat, force speed, and the other powerful techniques that Nemene used, they would also find themselves corrupted and sickened by the darkside of the force.
Nemene's journal holds a piece of herself, a small sliver of hatred and narcissism that only The Queen of Pain could create.
Primary Source: N/A