Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nefertari Sovint

NAME: Nefertari Sovint
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Noble (Chandrila), Jedi Knight
AGE: 19, looks early 20s

SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6' 0"
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brunette
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Friendly: Nefertari is rather approachable, and quite amiable if you play your cards right

[+] Educated: Nefertari is learned
[+] Attractive: Looks may not be everything, but she has them.
[-] Emotional: If something significant happens, it often has a significant impact
[+] Emotionally resilient: Sure, things may hit Nefertari hard. However, after a bit she usually bounces back
[-] Force Instability: Though her control is getting better, Nefertari still has bouts with the dark side.
[-] Traumatized: Her friend was run through, she nearly lost her sister, her boyfriend was impaled in front of her. There are scars that will take a super long time to fade.


Nefertari's hair goes down to the center of her back. She's been told she has pretty eyes. When people see her, the first thing they notice is usually one of three things: 1. She's a Jedi, 2.her robotic hand, 3. (most common) her figure

Nefertari was born in 135 ABY to a noble family on Chandrila. As a child, she studied in the arts and met the best friend of her life; she also started learning the ways of the force from a local Jedi master. At age 11, she inherited her great grandmother’s lightsaber. Sadly, life has cruel twists; when Nefertari showed her friend her new possession. A man dressed all in black ran the friend through. She mourned for three days, while working at restoring an ancient starship. On the fourth day, her master showed up and told her that she needed to be taken on as an apprentice by 13 and that he had an apprentice already. Nefertari finished restoring the ship when she was 12 and left Chandrila. She met her new master, a gungan, on Naboo. He taught Nefertari all he knew. Eventually, they met up with the same man who’d killed Nefertari’s friend; he had taken on an apprentice. Both fought; master on master, padawan on padawan. Her bout was fierce; she won but destroyed her lightsaber in the process.Her master was injured and fled.

She wielded dual sabers for a few years. One she constructed and her old enemy’s. On a supply run to Mos Eisley, She again met the Sith Lord. This time there was no holding back. Nefertari lost her left hand and a lightsaber in this battle. In the final moments, as her doom seemed nigh. The power of the dark side overcame her. Her enemy perished by her hand, being stabbed several times with a datadagger. Nefertari was recently made a Jedi knight and looks forward to whatever awaits her.

Following the mission, Nefertari reurned to Chandrila with her sister Miyuki and their friend Rezae. She aims to give new life to the Jedi order on Chandrila and still thirsts for galaxial peace. Even though he's dead; Nefertari holds deep feelings for Nathan Blackstar, who was her lover to the last. She may or may not be carrying their child.

SHIP: The Swallow-tailed Dove
An N-1 starfighter restored and slightly modified by Nefertari and her Mother (a former stunt pilot). Has some decorative paint work on it, twin J-type Nubian 221 sublight engines (modded for a little extra speed), Stock Hyperdrive, Twin Laser Cannons with a laser color modification, stock torpedo payload, the droid compartment holds an R3 astromech in working order, though rusted in, 1 week consumables, stereo system

  • Lightsaber
  • Datadagger
  • Jedi Robes
  • Toolkit
  • Hardened brass prosthetic hand
  • Fur Cloak
  • Chandrilan Clothes
  • Nathan Blackstar's Model 434 blaster pistol
  • Small box of matches
Darth Kuronai (character I created for her backstory)

Darth Revanous: http://w11.zetaboard...10345332/1/#new
Semi-involved in the death of Sutekh Bellamy: http://w11.zetaboard...10461890/1/#new


This Is War RPG, part 6: http://w11.zetaboard..._War_RPG/index/

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