Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Need a Sith!

Yep, yeah. Need a knight/lord Sith to come and give me a very large hand. The next step of Jardo's roleplay is forcing him back into the Sith order, sort of like Darth Vader. He's left, now he's back. This is going to build up over a number of threads and eventually form with said Sith hopefully mentoring a beaten and wounded Jardo after altering his mind to make him think all Sith are good. I might even go full Vader and life suit that, there's going to be fake limbs anyway.

This all adds up to Jardo finding a friend (hopefully I can pursuade [member="Lady Kay"]) and upon being taunted to kill her he would snap and attack his mentor, leaving to a very mentally broken Jardo who spends a while hidden away before deciding what to do next.

Clearly I need to think about what the next is.

So yeah, hit me up.

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