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Approved NPC Nathaniel "Nat" Kincaid II

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Nathaniel "Nat" Kincaid II

Descriptive Information​
SpeciesHuman/Morellian hybrid
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlonde (graying)

"Knowledge is a currency, to be bartered and traded, its value determined
by those who possess it. In this pursuit, I have learned that one
must be willing to navigate the depths of darkness to claim
the treasures of enlightenment."
― Nat​

  • Intent: To flesh out and expand on members apart of the Jade family ancestry
  • Image Credit: Title (Top) created by me, Images through Midjourney
  • Role: A deceased family member apart of the Jade family ancestry:
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:

  • Age: Late 30's (at time of death)
  • Species: Human/Morellian hybrid
  • Status: Deceased
  • Force-Sensitive: No
  • Appearance:
Nathaniel's physical appearance belied his true nature, presenting a polished and sophisticated image. With a well-groomed appearance and impeccable attire, he exuded an aura of confidence and authority. His piercing brown eyes, framed by a carefully styled mane of golden-graying hair, possessed a hypnotic allure that often masked his underlying intentions. Nathaniel's tall but heavy frame is poised with a deceptive elegance, his movements calculated and deliberate, reflecting the calculated nature of his actions.​
Nathaniel's attire was always a carefully curated display of opulence and refinement, tailored to exude an air of simplistic sophistication. He would don tailored suits crafted from the finest fabrics, their cut and style designed to command attention and assert dominance, or attire suitable to a field researcher, made of durable linens and cloths befitting someone who traveled a lot. Regardless of chosen attire, he always adorned his person with expensive accessories and intricate details, his clothing served as a visual testament to his wealth and social standing. Yet beneath this polished exterior was a heart consumed by darkness. Nathaniel's true motivations were far from noble.​

  • Name: Nathaniel "Nat" Kincaid II
  • Loyalties & Wealth:
Nathaniel Kincaid, despite his self-serving nature, did possess a sense of loyalty, albeit one that was conditional and driven by personal gain. His loyalty was primarily directed towards those who can further his ambitions and enhance his wealth and status. He aligned himself with influential figures, power brokers, and individuals who possessed resources and connections that could be leveraged to his advantage.​
In the realm of academia and intellectual circles, Nathaniel sought alliances with renowned scholars, esteemed professors, and influential patrons of the arts. He recognized that associating himself with individuals of high standing not only elevated his own reputation but also granted him access to exclusive opportunities and coveted resources. Nathaniel's loyalty extended to those who could help him secure lucrative deals, valuable artifacts, and connections in the world of art and antiquities. He aligned himself with influential collectors, curators, and museum directors, forging alliances that ensured his privileged access to coveted art pieces and exhibitions.​
While he may have feigned loyalty to certain individuals or organizations, his allegiances were ultimately dictated by the benefits they could provide him. Nathaniel was a master of the art of networking, skillfully maneuvering through social circles and aligning himself with those who could propel him further along the path of wealth and success.​
In terms of his wealth status, Nathaniel at the time of his death stood among the affluent elite of society. Born into a family of wealth and power, he inherited a substantial fortune that served as a springboard for his own endeavors. His family's history as former Governors and wealthy commercial investors ensured a comfortable upbringing and access to opportunities that have further increased his wealth.​
Through calculated investments, business ventures, and shrewd financial decisions, Nathaniel was able to expanded his fortune and solidify his status as a member of the privileged class. His opulent lifestyle, reflected in his refined tastes and penchant for luxury, attests to the significant wealth he had amassed. Yet, despite his considerable wealth, Nathaniel remained driven by an insatiable desire for more. He viewed wealth as a means to an end, a tool to secure power, influence, and personal gain. His loyalty would have likely not wavered if a new opportunity arose that promised greater fortunes or connections. He was always seeking to ascend to even greater heights of affluence.​
In the complex web of alliances and loyalties that defined Nathaniel’s world, his allegiance was fluid and contingent upon personal gain. Wealth and status were his guiding forces, shaping the path he treaded and the relationships he cultivated, as he navigated the intricate landscape of power and privilege.​
  • Notable Equipment:
Nathaniel subtly surrounded himself with possessions that reflected his status, taste for luxury, and his insatiable desire for personal gain. His carefully curated collection of equipment and possessions served both practical and symbolic purposes, projecting an image of sophistication, wealth, and power, but not betraying his intellect.​
In his personal attire, Nathaniel would sometimes adorn himself with exquisite accessories that highlight his refined taste. A timepiece crafted by a renowned watchmaker graces his wrist, an elegant statement of precision and exclusivity. His cufflinks, meticulously chosen, bear the insignia of prestigious clubs or associations, signifying his connections to elite circles. A fountain pen, crafted from fine materials and with an engraved monogram, rests in his breast pocket, an emblem of refinement and intellectual pursuits.​
Within his opulent residence, Nathaniel's possessions further attested to his affluence and penchant for collecting. The walls were adorned with masterpieces from renowned artists, their vibrant colors and intricate details serving as a testament to his refined taste. Antique furniture, meticulously restored, is strategically placed throughout the rooms, adding an air of timeless elegance and historical significance.​
Within his study, was a sanctuary for intellectual pursuits and business dealings, Nathaniel's collection of rare books, encased in custom-made, intricately carved shelves, lined the walls. These volumes spanned a range of subjects, from art history to economics, each carefully selected to enhance his knowledge and further his ambitions. holo-maps, holo-globes, and artifacts acquired during his expeditions were meticulously displayed, serving as reminders of his scholarly pursuits and adventures.​
In terms of equipment, Nathaniel had access to the latest technology and gadgets at the time that facilitated his pursuits and granted him an edge in his dealings. A state-of-the-art datapad and comp, equipped with cutting-edge security features, allows him to conduct business transactions, manage his wealth, and access exclusive networks. A collection of communication devices, including encrypted and secure communication systems, ensured that his interactions remained confidential and shielded from prying eyes.​
Hidden within the confines of his residence, Nathaniel maintained a secure vault, safeguarding his most valuable possessions. Here, rare artifacts, exquisite jewelry, and precious gemstones were meticulously stored, protected by advanced security systems and layered defenses. The contents of this vault served as a tangible representation of his wealth and provided him with a sense of security, knowing that his most prized possessions were shielded from both physical and metaphorical threats.​
Nathaniel’s possessions, whether adorning his person or adorning the halls of his luxurious abode, created an atmosphere of opulence, refinement, and power. Each item was a calculated choice, a testament to his wealth, ambition, and insatiable desire to amass and possess the finest that life has to offer.​

  • Skills:
Beyond his academic achievements and business acumen, Nathaniel possessed a range of skills that have contributed to his success and facilitated his pursuits in the realms of exploration, exploitation, and personal gain.​
Charisma and Persuasion: Nathaniel was known to have a natural charm and persuasive demeanor that allowed him to navigate social circles with ease. His ability to captivate and influence others enabled him to forge valuable connections, secure partnerships, and convince individuals to act in his favor.​
Negotiation and Deal-making: With a keen understanding of the art of negotiation, Nathaniel excelled in striking advantageous deals. He could asses situations, leverage his knowledge, and exploit opportunities to secure profitable arrangements, whether in acquiring valuable artifacts, forming business partnerships, or brokering financial transactions.​
Linguistic Proficiency: As an avid scholar and explorer, Nathaniel developed proficiency in multiple languages. His ability to communicate with diverse cultures and tribes allowed him to gain insights, forge connections, and extract valuable information during his expeditions and interactions with various indigenous communities.​
Survival and Resourcefulness: Through his expeditions and adventures, Nathaniel honed his survival skills in challenging environments. He could navigate treacherous terrains, locate vital resources, and adapt to unfamiliar conditions, ensuring his own safety and enabling him to endure in unforgiving situations.​
Strategic Thinking: Nathaniel possessed a strategic mind, capable of analyzing complex situations and devising calculated plans of action. His ability to assess risks, anticipate outcomes, and make informed decisions served him well in both his academic pursuits and his exploitative endeavors.​
Research and Analysis: With a background in history and economics, Nathaniel developed strong research and analytical skills. He could delve into vast amounts of information, uncover hidden patterns, and draw insightful conclusions, enabling him to make informed decisions and seize opportunities for personal gain.​
While Nat's skills encompassed both intellectual and practical domains, it was his manipulation of people, negotiation prowess, and relentless pursuit of personal gain that drove him to exploit cultures and acquire wealth. His abilities, coupled with his questionable ethics, formed a dangerous combination that propelled him forward on his path of self-serving ambition.​

  • Personality:
Nathaniel was a complex individual whose personality is shaped by a combination of ambition, intellect, and a relentless pursuit of personal gain. At the core of his being was a deep-seated greed and self-serving nature that drove his actions and shaped his interactions with others.​
Ambition permeated every facet of Nathaniel's personality. He possessed an insatiable hunger for success, wealth, and recognition, constantly striving to climb higher on the ladder of societal status. He wasn't content with mediocrity or complacency; instead, he relentlessly pursued opportunities that promised greater power and influence.​
Intellectually sharp and academically accomplished, Nathaniel exuded an air of confidence and intellectual superiority. He reveled in his vast knowledge and had a sharp wit that he used to charm and manipulate those around him. His sharp intellect allowed him to quickly analyze situations, identify advantageous opportunities, and devise cunning plans to achieve his goals.​
However, beneath the veneer of intellect and charm was a darker side to Nathaniel's personality. He was driven by a deep-rooted selfishness that allowed him to exploit others for his personal gain without remorse. He saw people as pawns in his game, tools to be used and discarded once they have served their purpose. He lacked empathy and was willing to trample over anyone who stood in his way, often leaving a trail of broken relationships and bitter adversaries in his wake.​
His ruthlessness was accompanied by a remarkable ability to mask his true intentions. Nathaniel was a master manipulator, adept at presenting himself as affable and trustworthy while simultaneously advancing his own agenda. He knew how to exploit the vulnerabilities and desires of others, weaving a web of deception and manipulation to bend situations to his advantage.​
Despite his negative traits, Nathaniel possessed a certain charm that could be disarming. He was a charismatic presence and a silver tongue that allowed him to sway the opinions of others and convince them to see things from his perspective. His ability to effortlessly navigate social circles and establish influential connections contributed to his allure and enhanced his chances of success.​
In essence, Nathaniel was a morally ambiguous character driven by ambition, intellect, and a relentless desire for personal gain. His manipulative nature, coupled with his sharp intellect and unyielding drive, made him a formidable adversary and a force to be reckoned with in any pursuit he set his sights on.​

  • Weapon of Choice: N/A
  • Combat Function: N/A - this npc is deceased, and is not a Force-sensitive (He will not be returning from the dead)

Sharp Intelligence: Nathaniel possessed a keen intellect, allowing him to quickly analyze complex situations and devise effective strategies.​
Charismatic Presence: His charming demeanor and persuasive abilities enabled him to effortlessly navigate social circles and build valuable connections.​
Resourcefulness: He was skilled at adapting to challenging situations, making the most of available resources, and finding creative solutions to problems.​
Selfishness and Greed: Nathaniel's insatiable desire for personal gain often led him to disregard the well-being and needs of others.​
Lack of Empathy: He struggled to empathize with others, viewing them primarily as means to achieve his own ends.​
Manipulative Nature: Nathaniel was skilled at manipulating others to further his own agenda, using deception and charm to exploit their vulnerabilities.​
Moral Ambiguity: His ethical compass was often overshadowed by his pursuit of wealth and power, causing him to engage in morally questionable actions.​

"I have always believed that the true essence of exploration lies not
in the mere discovery of lands or cultures, but in the art of exploiting
their untapped potential. It is through the exploitation of these tribes,
their culture, and their art that I can create a legacy that will solidify my
name in the annals of history."
― Nat​
Born into privilege and a legacy of power, Nathaniel Kincaid II was the fifth child of a former Governor and the grandson of a wealthy commercial investor. He grew up amidst the opulence and political machinations of high society, but always felt a pull towards the unknown, a yearning to discover and unravel the secrets of the wider galaxy. However, his privileged upbringing fostered a sense of entitlement and a disregard for the well-being of others. As he matured, Nathaniel's thirst for recognition and status led him to exploit the knowledge and resources available to him, manipulating his connections to secure opportunities for personal gain.​
During his expeditions and research endeavors, Nathaniel meticulously documented the Savarian Asmat tribes' cultural practices and created an inventory of their valuable art and artifacts. Rather than respecting their traditions and forming genuine connections, he saw them solely as opportunities to amass wealth and solidify his name within the academic community. The artifacts he collected were not treasured as a testament to a vibrant culture, but as mere trinkets to be sold to the highest bidder.​
Nathaniel's actions were marked by a toxic mix of greed and self-interest. He capitalized on the vulnerability of the Asmat tribes, taking advantage of their trust and exploiting their people and their cultural heritage for personal gain. He sought to profit by placing their sacred art in prestigious museums and galleries, all in a calculated effort to enhance his own reputation and secure his place among the elite of academia.​
In the wake of his encounters with the Asmat people, Nathaniel's true nature stood revealed, a stark contrast to the scholarly adventurer he may have presented himself to be. Behind closed doors, he relishes in his ill-gotten gains, basking in the glow of his stolen treasures, all while leaving a trail of broken trust and exploited cultures in his wake.​
Nathaniel Kincaid, the embodiment of academic villainy, served as a chilling reminder of the dark side of intellectual pursuits. His insidious actions would cast a shadow over the pursuit of knowledge, tarnishing the noble quest for understanding with his own brand of greed and manipulation.​
Following his expeditions to Savareen and his exploitative actions towards the Asmat tribes, Nathaniel Kincaid's fate took a sinister turn, shrouded in mystery and dark speculation. It was during one of his subsequent journeys, deep into the heart of the treacherous Asmat lands, that he mysteriously vanished, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and unsettling possibilities.​
Initially, reports suggested that Nathaniel had met a tragic end, either succumbing to the treacherous terrain, drowning in the unyielding waters that surrounded Savareen, or falling prey to the savage wildlife that inhabited the untamed deserts. The circumstances of his disappearance were riddled with uncertainty, leaving room for speculation and whispered rumors that would haunt the memory of his ill-fated journey.​
However, among those who were aware of the dark practices that persisted within some factions of the Asmat tribe, a chilling alternative theory took hold. Headhunting and cannibalism, though greatly diminished, were not entirely eradicated within the region. It was speculated, with an eerie sense of plausibility, that Nathaniel's exploitation of the Asmat people and their culture had incurred a wrath he could not evade.​
Whispers echoed through the shadows, tales of a vengeful act perpetrated by the very people he had sought to exploit. The notion that Nathaniel had met his demise at the hands of the Asmat tribespeople, driven by a thirst for retribution and a desire to protect their ancestral heritage, sent a shiver down the spines of those who had encountered him.​
As the mystery surrounding Nathaniel's disappearance deepened, so did the murky waters of speculation. The truth became an elusive specter, entwined in the fabric of a narrative tainted by exploitation, greed, and the dark consequences of his actions. Whether his ultimate fate had been sealed by nature's relentless grip or by the vengeful hands of those he had wronged remained an enigma, a haunting reminder of the consequences that awaited those who dared to exploit and betray.​
Thus, Nat Kincaid's legacy became forever tarnished, a cautionary tale of a man who succumbed to his own ambitions and fell victim to the intricate web of exploitation he had spun. His disappearance, cloaked in uncertainty and macabre theories, stood as a chilling reminder of the consequences that awaited those who ventured too far into the realm of greed and manipulation.​
In the annals of history, Nathaniel became a cautionary tale, a whispered warning among those who sought to understand the balance between scholarly pursuit and the ethical treatment of cultures. His name, forever entangled with the dark shadows of the Asmat tribe, serves as a somber reminder of the price one pays for the sins committed against others in the pursuit of personal gain.​

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