Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Nal hutta with love

Jonna Movado

Tag: Lancer "Deadlock" Inek Lancer "Deadlock" Inek Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt

Jonna was walking back to her ship after Deadlock couldn't keep his hands off her when he should have been negotiating with the Hutt. Trying not to notice the eyes following her and the occasional person following her because of her outfit. She was regretting the decision to wear it heavily and favor of something that allowed her to have a blaster at her side.

She had noticed the Hutt watching her and sensing negative emotions come off him directed towards her. Knowing that hutts tool a massive amount of pheromones to start affecting them if it did she was unsure of her options. Since she locked her ship and was unsure how fast a buff Hutt to move if she only had a gun right now she could riddle him with holes if he tried anything. "What do you want I'm not accepting smuggling jobs at the moment" she said sternly as she backed slowly towards her ships ramp to get inside and maybe use its auto turret to put the hurt on the Hutt.
Gula chuckled when Jonna said that she was accepting any smuggling jobs. "Now sweetheart," Gula said speaking in basic tongue. He didn't mind speaking in Basic considering that Hutts speaking any language besides Huttese was known to intimidate people. Gula loved being intimidating, he wanted to make his enemies squirm from his mere presence when they're not in awe of his washboard abs. "You shouldn't assume that I'm here here for your smuggling gigs Jonna."

Gula grinned as he moved with surprising speed to grab Jonna by her long hair pulling it tight. "If anything," he laughed. "Your little boyfriend has been a pain in my ass and this is my way having a little payback." He began dragging her away from her ship.

Jonna Movado

Tag Lancer "Deadlock" Inek Lancer "Deadlock" Inek Gula the Hutt Gula the Hutt

Jonna was nervous to say the least the Hutt continued to approach her he didn't want her smuggling work then why else would a Hutt want her. Not thinking of anything dirty for a reason then hearing him explain it "I'm not his girlfriend we are just friends with benefits" she said looking at him. Then as he charged her she tried to run for her ship but he grabbed her by her hair causing her to scream in pain as he dragged her off "he's not my boyfriend and he won't come for me you fat slug" she screamed at him as she tried to get free

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