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Approved Tech NADIR G-SERIES Hyperpocket generator

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  • Generates a localized hyperspatial matrix – a “pocket” hyperspace dimension that can be used as a container

  • The smart system associated with the generator logs the items in the sequence they were stored. They can be recalled en masse or specifically, by adding the appropriate number to the command

  • Sneaky McSneakyface… over 9000. Anything stored in the hyperspatial matrix is undetectable by eye, sensor, the Force, or any other means. It quite literally exists in another dimension for the duration of the storage.

  • Total recall: The contents of the hyperspatial storage can be summoned back into existence at a moment’s notice, giving the wearer the advantage of surprise against any opponent.

  • EMP/Ion hardened: If a single electromagnetic discharge were enough to fry the generator, this would be a pretty awful product. So Nadir made sure that doesn’t happen.

  • Gamble: If the generator runs out of power or is destroyed, the stored items will be lost. Permanently.

  • Greedy: A standard power cell only provides enough power to maintain the hyperspatial matrix for appropriately twenty-four hours.

  • Storage space: This isn’t meant to help you smuggle a starfighter into a dinner party. It’s to give you the unique advantage of being armed utterly discreetly, anywhere, anytime.

  • Exorbitant: Due to the cost of production, this technology is absurdly expensive. Because of Nadir’s peculiar business model for the G-series, the price is not in credits – rather one of favors and objects of great value.
The idea behind the Hyperpocket generator started in the wee hours of the morning, with the R&D department running high on caf and sleep deprivation. Someone started fiddling around with a hyperwave transciever. Someone else, possibly high and drunk, hooked it up to an experimental power generator.

Six months later, quite sober, they unveiled a new piece of tech.

To illustrate: a rodian, grinning, yanked a rifle out of his belt – where there certainly wasn’t one before – and gunned down a row of holographic targets. He then proceeded to explain (still grinning) that the device they’d designed was the bee’s knees, and possibly the best thing since sliced bread.

You know, if you happen to be a spy or an infiltrator.

Quite literally, the G-series Hyperpocket generator is the definition of “the ultimate concealed carry”. The localized hyperspatial matrix is big enough to easily store a mercenary’s best friends – a rifle, a sidearm, maybe some grenades, a nicely folded armor. Nothing too bulky or overly large will fit, however, and forget about vehicles altogether; any attempts to generate a large enough hyperpocket resulted in an exceedingly unstable hyperspatial matrix, often leading to the malfunction or even outright destruction of the generator.

Any stored items get logged onto a small chip integrated with the generator – these numeric addresses allow the user to recall items individually or together, in whatever order or quantity they please. Where a plain command would summon all the stored items, listing specific numbers would only bring out the specific items. When the command is issued, the chip simply sends a short hyperwave signal to the Null quantum field integrated into the generator, and the item is once more part of the realspace dimension.

Despite their small size (or perhaps because of it), the Hyperpocket generator is egregiously expensive. the At the price they come at, it’s a small thing to shell out some additional credits for a fancy design, and before you know it, your generator is conveniently disguised as a watch, a belt buckle, a datalogger, or some other inconspicuous accessory.
Under Review. [member="Aver Brand"]

Can you provide any links or citations for this kind of tech working in either canon or Chaos?

We want to make sure this doesn't essentially delve into hypergate territory.
[member="The Major"]

Sure, though I'm not certain what it has to do with Hypergates:
A network of devices that created hyperspace wormholes, hypergates used an unknown technology to circumvent mass shadows, allowing near-instant travel through space and to other hypergates.

My main sources are the function of the hyperdrive:
The hyperdrive used a trans-physical effect to launch a starship beyond lightspeed and into hyperspace, making use of supralight hypermatter particles to make the hyperspace jump without changing the ship's complex configuration of mass and energy.
Whose function is to transfer an object (in this case a ship) to the alternate dimension of hyperspace:
Hyperspace was an alternate dimension of space-time, similar to subspace or otherspace, that was coterminous with realspace: each point in realspace was associated with a unique point in hyperspace.
As mentioned in the above quote, an otherdrive [ X | X | X ] functions similarly, except it transports objects into otherspace:
Otherspace was a pocket dimension beyond both realspace and hyperspace.

Finally, there's Force-based Chaos tech that achieves a similar result – Talisman of Calling.

Obviously this is technological, so it functions independently of the Force. Much like a Hyperdrive or an Otherdrive transports/transfers/throws an object (the size of a ship, no less) into another dimension, the Subspace generator used in this technology basically does the same thing, but with Subspace.
[member="Aver Brand"]

Aver Brand said:
Generates a pocket of subspace. The bigger the generator, the larger the ‘bubble’
I have spent the last week trying to find anything which can enter subspace, beyond communication signals, to no avail. This includes both Chaos Canon and otherwise. I understand the concept you're trying to accomplish is grounded in the modification of existing canon (see: Hyperdrives, Otherspace Drives, Talisman of Calling), however, so I have been looking for a way to make this work as closely to how you've submitted this as possible, that way any changes I suggest or request do not change the basic premise of this submission but still allow it to work in the confines of what canon has shown us to be possible.

After reviewing the following articles (Pyronium, Null Quantum Field Generator, Hyperspace, Hyperdrive, and Hyperwave) I have arrived at a solution which will keep your submission capable of doing what you intend it to do, while making sense in the realm of star wars.

From the Pyronium article:
... when the quantum shells were unable to accommodate more, the energy was theoretically shunted into a localized hyperspatial matrix, making its absorptive potential extraordinarily high.
From the Null Quantum Field Generator article:
It stabilized the hyperspace corridor from collapsing during flight, as well as shielded the ship from the harmful energies and the gravitational forces of hyperspace. Its primary function was to keep the craft from prematurely leaving hyperspace.
From the hyperwave article:
Hyperwaves were signals sent through hyperspace. They were primarily used for faster-than-light communications, such as in hyperwave transceivers or hyperwave transmitters; however, such techniques had relatively short ranges, far shorter than the HoloNet.

Because so little is known about Subspace, beyond it being a dimension similar to Hyperspace that is exclusively used for information transmission, I'm going to have to request that you replace:

Aver Brand said:
Generates a pocket of subspace. The bigger the generator, the larger the ‘bubble’
With a localized hyperspatial matrix, akin to what is referenced in the Pyronium article. This will serve the same purpose, but is something already known to be grounded in canon and is much closer to what hyperspace technology is capable of achieving than creating a subspace "pocket".

Following that here is what will needed to be added to the submission to get this approved right away:
  1. A mention of a Null Quantum Field Generator band/chip/cover/etc that is placed on/around/attached to the objects being stored in this hyperspatial matrix; This will keep the objects from prematurely being ejected from the hyperspatial matrix prematurely.
  2. A mention of the device transmitting a hyperwave signal to the aforementioned Null Quantum Field Generator in order to pull it back out of the localized hyperspatial matrix; This will allow the person using this device to seamlessly pull objects out of the hyperspatial matrix with little issue. If you have another method of achieving this result, any alternative is acceptable.
  3. There needs to be a defined (even if vague) limit to what can be stored by a device of this nature. Vehicles and larger are not acceptable for the purposes of balance. This limitation can be volume (i.e; big enough to store a few rifles or similarly sized equipment) or quantity (i.e; this can store up to 3 rifles); but I will leave up the decision of how this is limited to you.
I apologize for the considerable delay in receiving a full review, but I hope the guidelines for immediate approval I've laid above will make up for this.

Thank you for the research effort, appreciate it. :D

I made the edits and I think I managed to address everything you pointed out, but I might've missed some bits. Let me know if this works for you.
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