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The Kingdom of Naboo

The Kingdom of Naboo is an elective constitutional monarchy comprised of the aristocracy and government on the planet Naboo.

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Naboo Government - Information and Roster



The Naboo Government
The government of Naboo uniquely combines elements of both a monarchy and a democracy.

In this system, each new monarch is chosen through a democratic process involving the selection of a candidate from the various princely Houses of Naboo, rather than adhering to the hereditary conventions of a traditional monarchy. Consequently, monarchs are elected for specified terms with limitations, as determined by the populace. Despite this democratic influence, the monarch retains full sovereignty in line with customary monarchy practices.

Moreover, the monarch is supported by a Royal Advisory Council, whose members are exclusively appointed by the reigning queen. In addition, hand-selected handmaidens serve as personal protectors for the incumbent royal leader.

Outlined below is an overview of the distinctive components constituting Naboo's Democratic Monarchy and their respective roles:

The King/Queen of Naboo
The monarch of Naboo, whether king or queen, represents the most significant institution for the citizens of Naboo. Each monarch presides over the planet as a democratically elected official for a designated term and consequently assumes various roles, including Head of State, Head of Government, and Commander-in-Chief. All ultimate decisions are subject to their approval.

The Royal Advisory Council
The esteemed Royal Advisory Council is composed of distinguished individuals who serve at the queen's discretion, established explicitly to support the reigning monarch in managing day-to-day affairs. Presided over by the Governor of Naboo, the council offers guidance to the elected monarch on state matters via regular meetings with the Queen's advisory council. Each advisory council member is responsible for overseeing a dedicated ministry within the Naboo government, which includes the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Architecture.

The Royal Handmaidens
The Royal Handmaidens constitute a select group of young women, meticulously chosen by the clandestine organization known as The Order of Sanctuary, due to their striking resemblance to the Queen. Tasked with a wide array of responsibilities, these handmaidens perform both ordinary duties such as assisting the Queen with hairstyling, makeup application, and wardrobe selection, as well as fulfilling their paramount role as personal bodyguards. In extraordinary situations, handmaidens may be entrusted with the life-threatening responsibility of serving as decoys for the Queen, fully prepared to sacrifice their lives for her safety.

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Current Monarch and Royal Advisory Council

Note: Inactivity may result in one's removal. Please notify staff of any LOAs so that this does not occur.
Government OfficialPosition
Kalantha Kalantha Queen of Naboo
Alora Ee'everwest Alora Ee'everwest Governor of Naboo
AvailableMinister of Commerce
AvailableMinister of Defense
AvailableMinister of Architect
AvailableMinister of Science
AvailableMinister of Education
AvailableMinister of Intelligence

Royal Handmaidens

Inactivity may result in one's removal. Please notify staff of any LOAs so that this does not occur.
Royal HandmaidenService Term / Status
Diantha Diantha Present / Active
Melantha Melantha Present / Active
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