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Naamah Aesham

In Umbris Potestas Est
Name: Naamah Aesham
Faction: Atrisian Empire, Inquisition
Rank: Dark Jedi Apprentice
Species: Clawdite
Age: 24
Gender: Female.
Height: 1.68 metres, variable.
Weight: 58 kg.
Eyes: Natural colour is yellowish, but those of her usual common form, which is that of a female human to better blend in with mainstream society, are blue.
Hair: Common human form: blonde, obviously depending on the shape she has taken.
Skin: Natural form is green and reptilian, commonly taken human form is tan.
Force Sensitive: Yes, hence why the Inquisition came knocking on her door and grabbed her. Nobody expects the Imperial Inquisition! Dark side aligned.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
- Naamah has street smarts and knows her way around the criminal underworld of Atrisia, having first been a petty criminal and then done work for the Reki. She left her home at a young age after an incident where her powers manifested, leaving her family behind her in the Alien Quarter. As such she is quite at home when dealing with criminal elements and has acquired the survival skills necessary to get out alive and tell the tale and necessity has made her quite adept at reading people, as sadly the denizens of the underworld have a habit of double-crossing you as when it suits their purposes. Prior to her capture by the Inquisition she had acquired a variety of contacts in the underworld. However, as a member of the Inquisition she no longer officially exists and her freedom is very restricted, or rather one could say nonexistent.
- Moreover, she is able to use a variety of ranged and melee weapons, specifically blasters, vibroblades and knives, having learnt the hard way that on the street power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Or rather that slashing the throat of someone who has become an impediment with a vibro-dagger can sometimes be more convincing an argument than a credit chit. Being a member of the Inquisition means she undergoes vigorous and merciless combat training, as they are expected to hunt down force-users that are considered a threat to the Atrisian Empire, which in broad terms means all that are not held on a tight leash. She has become quite creative in the use of a knife or a scalpel, which can be of use when it comes to breaking people. After all, one cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

  • She is a potent shapeshifter, able to mimic the appearance of other similarly shaped humanoid species such as humans or a Weequay by changing the colour and texture of skin and eyes, even adding hair, though not body mass. However, the transition process is rather painful and if suitably distracted or hurt, certainly if she is killed, she will revert back to her true reptilian form. Moreover, shapeshifting requires a great exertion of will, it cannot be maintained while sleeping. She also cannot imitiate a specific person, so if she were for instance to infiltrate a gang of human thugs, she could mimic the form of a human female, but not turn into a specific gang member. However, even with these restrictions it is a potent ability that is very useful for the purpose of infiltration. She has spent much time and effort on honing her skills in this field, enabling her to change with great precision, as it was very useful during her times spent in the underworld, specifically when she started a career as a thief and burglar, breaking into the apartments of those better off than she was to abscond with valuables, and a con artist. Unlike a Shi'ido she cannot grow extra limbs, so alas she is incapable of sprouting wings on her back.

  • - Good Actress: Part and parcel of being a Clawdite is the fact that in effect she plays multiple personalities and has become quite well versed, having survived in the poisonous atmosphere of Atrisian high society and the Family. Thus her personality is quite dependent on the form she has assumed for a specific situation. After all, simply shifting into another form is insufficient, as one merely shifts one's apperance. It takes talent to mimic the mannerisms of the target to play the role properly.

  • - Naamah is an adrenaline junkie. She is seemingly possessed by a desire to constantly test how far she can go, given to the thrill of the chase. Combined with her snarky – in her eyes witty, though whether that can be considered accurate is obviously another question – nature and arrogance, this means she does not yet comprehend her place in things and she will have to learn discipline if she is supposed to survive in the Inquisition. After all, one does not quit the Inquisition; one does not disobey orders or escape the Citadel. It is a zero tolerance Order and those who stray from the path are either corrected or executed. Naamah has yet to learn this lesson if she wishes to survive and not be ground into dust, for one life is cheap. She deals with her situation with snark and has a sarcastic edge to her personality and a rather dark sense of humour, which is both part of her at times flippant personality and a coping device of sorts.

  • She also still a comparatively weak force-user, having received no formal training before she was compelled to join the Inquisition and submit to the regime of Chief Inquisitor Mirien Valdier. Before this what force powers she used came to her by instinct and the use was often unconscious, such as uncontrolled outbursts of telekinesis when she was cornered by cops or gang members that thought she would be an easy target or use of mind tricks to get her way and at times induce fear into others. The more deadly powers such as Force Lightning and Choke are still closed to her, not to mention arcane and more exotic abilities such as Battle Meditation or Illusions. Hence she still has much to learn and is very much at the beginning of her journey and she has yet to learn how to use a lightsabre, the Jedi’s weapon the Inquisitors have appropriated.

  • She has a love-hate relationship with the Inquisition. While the term might be a bit of a cliché, in this case it does describe the case quite accurately. She is aware of the fact that to Atrisian society at large she would at best be a freak and at worst a deviant witch that should be burnt at the stake for the good of all or, less melodramatically, simply put to death, since force-users are regarded as a threat. She cannot return home, in a way she does not want to anymore because it has become strange to her, and so the Inquisition is the only place she really has left. For one it is a place where she can learn to hone and develop her powers, which place her above the ordinary mundanes who go about their daily lives in ignorance, and there is a certain thrill in the cloak and dagger work it indulges in, since being an Inquisitor means to be a scalpel and not a battering ram. She is quite certain that her abilities make her superior, and yet she is caged. Given that Clawdites are shapeshifters, this suits her quite nicely. At the same time she is still a tool and she is bound by the rules and regulations, which are enforced by an iron rod. So the Inquisition might be a new family, albeit a rather twisted one, but one that she is still bound to and that might be closer to her than the biological family she left because to them she would be a freak or an abomination. This conflict also manifests in a vicious, rather cruel streak in her personality, she can certainly not be described as a pleasant person and one might say she has a certain sadistic penchant.

Ship: None presently, as a neophyte Inquisitor who got recruited – or rather compelled to join the Holy Order after being made an offer she could not refuse, swear allegiance until death or die – she obviously is not trusted enough to have one of her own. Presumably should her duties take her off-world she’ll travel in whatever vessel the Inquisition/IIB uses.

History: [WIP] Naamah was born on the world of Atrisia twenty-four yours before the present and lived through a time of change and transition, as Atrisia opened itself to the rest of the Galaxy after it had sought isolation to protect itself from the chaos and ravages of the Four Hundred Year Darkness. Under Moff Lee the planet had introduced a strict quarantine at the start of the outbreak, a brutal but ultimately efficient measure that probably prevented Atrisia from falling into chaos. The institutions of the old Galactic Empire remained in place, even the office of Moff and so the Imperial throne remained vacant.

While the majority population of Atrisia was comprised of humans, there was a sizeable population of aliens, many of them immigrants, who now found themselves trapped on the planet after the imposition of the quarantine. This led to riots, civil unrest, violent clashes before order was restored and the Imperial government made a deal with certain alien groups so that they would keep order amongst their kind, provide them with jobs and housing, for which they got land. Clawdites were especially favoured, since they could pass for human and would be more acceptable to the Atrisian nobility.

Naamah's parents had good jobs in the civil administration of the Alien Quarter, having close ties to the Cai Family, an influential clan of Clawdites who basically ran the sector. While they were not upper class, growing up Naamah had a rather comfortable childhood and was expected to take a role in one of the companies controlled by the Cai Family, especially since her mother came from a merchant family. If her life had not taken the unexpected turn it took she might have ended up studying on Coruscant, as her younger sister would do, after Atrisia opened up to the Galaxy and signed a treaty with the Republic that basically gave it Republic protection in return for a commitment to support the Republic militarily. One might note that this resulted in an Atrisian armoured division almost single-handedly conquering Cato Neimoidia for the Republic, but we digress. While Naamah encountered some racism during her teenage years, as a Clawdite she could blend in and soon learned how to use her abilities to shift her form, which enabled her to pass more easily. However, very soon it became apparent that something was different about her. Sometimes it seemed to her like she could perceive the intentions of her peers, at others playmates seemed for some reason to go out of their way to be nicer to her when she willed it or it seemed like they felt fear. One perhaps in retrospect slightly hilarious incident at school consisted of 'persuading' a classmate into doing her homework for her. Somehow people just seemed to realise that she was better and should be treated as such, though Naamah figured it was natural charm.

Things became more serious and took an unexpected turn when at age nineteen after having spent the night out with friends at a club that was not entirely respectable - for even an empire of laws cannot do without its dens of vice, if only to make sure that sin is canalised and taxed properly - she was hit and nearly run over by a truck whose driver was apparently inebriated and thus a bit late on the breaks. What no one could have anticipated was that in this moment she manifested raw, unrefined but very brutal telekinesis as she was taken over by some invisible force, causing a force explosion in the same moment as the truck hit her, causing severe damage to it and demolishing most of the front side. Naamah survived the accident but had several broken bones and ribs, was injured by the force explosion and suffered a concussion and a whiplash. The driver of the truck did not survive the onslaught for he was thrust out of the window at high speed and crashed on the hard road. Naamah was lucky to survive but had to be hospitalised. Her parents were happy to see she had survived, but soon concern set in, her friends seemed wary of her. By all rights she should have died during the crash. A more superstitious people might have said her survival was a miracle, an act of providential justice that spared her and punished the truck diver for showing such disregard for his fellows, but this was a rational world that had no room for thinking like that. Soon the police agents, polite and proper but persistent, sent to interview her about the incident began to ask awkward questions.

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