Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darren Onyx

Name: Myst

Region: Outer
System: Merreli
Suns: Two. One large one named Titan and a smaller one that is close to Titan named Cornus. (Think of the moons of Tatooine, that is how the suns are)
Orbital Position: Mid range. Habitable. (Earth distance)
Moons: One artificial moon named Star World. It is a star station that acts as both a moon and planetary defense used by the government.
Coordinates: Page 404
Rotational Period: Thirty-four (Earth) hours.
Orbital Period: 492

Class: Giant
Diameter: NA>
Atmosphere: Type One
Climate: Controlled by the Star World. Mostly sunny with clouds and low winds. When under invasion the planet is shrouded in a dark mist that covers most of the planet. The mist is also active outside of the Star World, making the planet appear misty and uninhabitable.
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Primarily ocean covered. Three islands (Australia sized) dot the planet. The islands are filled with rain forests and mountains/volcanos when inland. Deep ocean, deepest point 3,207 Fathoms.

Native species: Gungans
Immigrated species: Humans, Rebel Alliance Civilians
Primary languages: Galactic Standard Basic
Government: Federal Government
Population: 56.3 Billion (Myst) 300 Thousand (Star World) 5.2 Million (Underwater)
Demonym: Mystins
Major cities: Solnem, the Capital located on Syth, the largest of the three islands). Juwl, a underwater city that digs into a trench of the coast of Syth. Star World, the space station that orbits the planet and acts as a moon.
Major imports: The volcanos have light crystals that are used to create lightsabers. The planet sells them to both the Empire and the Republic, making them a minor planet that shows no interest in either factions.
Major exports: Tourism
Affiliation: The New Rebel Alliance.

Culture: The practice of the Force (both light and dark). However there is the Jedi Brotherhood who opposes the use of both. The Jedi Brotherhood was a small cult created to ban the use of the dark side. However the Rebel Alliance keeps them in line and keeps from banning the practice. The only other major culture on the planet is the worship of the ancient Republic. The ways have always been valued by the people and they try to keep it that way on the planet.
Technology: Several years after his disappearance, Darth Raven arrived on the planet to rest and refuel. Not knowing it was a under developed planet that had not yet traveled into the galaxy, Revan saw it as a opportunity to use them to gain the dark side followers. He began to train force sensitives, thus resulting in the planet supporting the dark side. He spent several years helping them build hyper-drives and ships to travel into the ever expanding galaxy. Before they launched, Revan dissapeared again. The natives didn't wait for his return however, and instead launched themselves into the galaxy.
History: Refer to Technology... Additional The Rebel Alliance leader Kodiak Mosthal moved into the planet and began to build the Star Planet in order to gain support from the locals. He would lead and protect them in exchange for the planet.
Notable PC's: Kodiak Mosthal is the military governor of the Rebel Alliance and of the planet Myst.

Intent: To give the Rebel Alliance a homeworld that was both diverse and fun to explore.
OOC: I was creating this for my character Kodiak but was signed in as Darren, sorry about that.
56 billion is a very considerable amount, especially for very small amounts of land. Combined, you would only have about the landmass of North America on Earth, but with 8 times the population of the entire planet. A quick calculation shows that the population density of your planet would be 2240 per square km...which is more than the Vatican City - spread over the whole world.

I don't understand who Darth Raven is...if it's Revan then that was a long time ago. I find it unlikely that he would stumble upon a planet of Gungans far from Naboo when that race never developed space flight. What's more, if they were not space faring, how did he discover humans or Gungans here as neither are native?

I think this has potential, but it requires a lot more work on the history and some of the logistics.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Coruscant has about the same surface area as Earth, yet their registered population could be anywhere from 1 trillion to 500 trillion (I'll have to read up on that.); about 50000 times the amount on Earth - not to mention the underground population!
The general figure I've heard is 1 trillion. And yes, that is three orders of magnitude higher than earth...but it's been the capital of the galaxy for 20,000 years. It's the probable homeworld of humans in this galaxy and it's at the centre of all the major trading routes. It's the largest and richest planet in the entire galaxy.

By contrast we have a world where it is not fully explained how humans and gungans even got to the planet, let alone how they managed to reach such a massive figure of population on a very small area of land.

So while your comments are noted, I would like to see more from the OP before we go further into this.
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