Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My name is mud.


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Lork Richards supposedly had a client, who was willing to meet him at certain coordinates. As he jumped into hyperspace, he quickly extinguished his cigar and fastened his chair's built-in seatbelt. The ship finally came to a halt. Lork began to examine the area but was unable to find a ship at the moment. Dressed in a brown jacket and tie, he pulled back a lever, slumping down into his seat. Now, all Lork had to do was wait for this woman to show up and tell him what he had to do.

(Sorry for the extremely short post)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra could not be found for a simple reason, she sat dead in the cold open space, no light to shine of the already black panels of her own ship, and her systems masked by an advanced stealth system. She would make it very clear though she was there though as her ship suddenly and without warning came onto the radar and slipped slowly alongside his own, aiming to secure their airlocks together. A Simple message was sent to his ship as she stood outside her airlock, its words short and sweet. "Welcome mister Richards, there is business to be done."

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Yeah, yeah, yeah". He quickly brought his throttle over for a moment, sending the ship lightly pushing up against the other ship's airlock. "Alright, it's all clear", He sent a reply message back to [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]'s ship. He slowly unhooked his seatbelt, climbing out of his antique pilot seat. He climbed out of the rather small cockpit, heading over to the airlock control lever. He gripped onto the yellow lever, quickly bringing it down. The airlock slowly opened, bringing a smile to Lork's face. He headed over to the airlock, which was connected to the other ship. He slowly removed another cigar, resting it on his lips and igniting it. He slid the lighter back into his jacket, waiting patiently. He couldn't help but think what this young lady would think of a sixty-eight year old man, still smuggling illegal supplies.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra still waited there as the door opened to see Lork waiting. "Ah good, ready to get to business? Follow me." She turned without another word and proceeded down the hall of her ship, moving silently until they reached a table with two chairs, taking a seat in the far one and waving her hand for Lork to sit in the other one. "Now you are a smuggler no, and i do hope that there are others you are in contact with, what i am offering is a rather large contract and difficult one as i need my droids smuggled from place to place without being confiscated, can you do that?"

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"I can do it...I can complete any job you fething want", He continued to stand, ignoring the chair all together. "So, how many credits will I be...receiving?" The man asked, blowing out a thick grey ring of smoke. "Lemme tell you something, lady. I've never had an item confiscated and if someone attempts to do such, they'll be full of holes and you wont be linked to any of it", He said, now deciding to slump down into the seat. "So, what are the terms?".

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Sounds good... terms are simple, each job that is completed will yield you five thousand credits each, from there you will be transporting squads of upgraded wardroids to the surface of the planet, far from civilized areas, and that is as far as it will go. With that understood you will be stealing none of my property and the moment they are offloaded you will leave the surface of the planet, deal?"

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Whoa, hang on! Will there be people there to pick 'em up?" He asked, looking at [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] with a look of confusion on his face. "Have you ever tried to smuggle something before? It ain't easy. I'll probably have to grab some forged documents to land on certain planets, go through weapon scans but I can handle the scans. What I CAN'T handle is the documents. Let's say I get a perfect run, head through and get past security and finally get into wherever you want me to go and then BAM! They ask for documents that I don't fething own".

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You will be a military contractor that is preparing the world for an eventual strike, a private interest having hired you to transport the droids to defend business interests. That sound about fair? Worry not about documentation, i already have my AI gathering all the necessary permits and i have had a picture of you torn off a security camera to use as a picture for reference. Im not new at this my friend and you will not need to worry about documentation. Infact the only reason i am hiring out is my face is known as an enemy of the very planet you are smuggling my droids onto."

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Ok...I-I-I-I FETHING DON'T UNDER FETHING STAND!" He shouted. "YOUR NOT EXPLAINING TO ME WHICH PLANET I'M FETHING SMUGGLING THESE DROIDS ONTO! IS IT FETHING TATTOINE? I DON'T FETHING KNOW. AM I SUPPOST TO READ YOUR FETHING MIND, LADY! I-" The old man stopped shouting, before clearing his throat. "I apologize. What planet am I heading over to?" He asked, forcing a smile. "I have not had any coffee this morning". He sighed loudly, adjusting his goggles. "Once again, I apologize."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She only laughed at his outburst and then following apology rather than take even a inch of insult from it, her eyes falling on him again as she leaned forward. "No worries, the planet you are heading too is the Republic world of Borleias and that is where you will be transporting my droids and subsequently aiding me with a future endeavor."

[member="Lork Richards"]


Sworn To Avenge My Ewokese Brothers To The End!
"Yes...good!" He said, cracking his neck. "Ok, is there a deadline?" He asked, slowly standing up. He stood at the exit of the room, removing the cigar from his mouth for a moment. "Also, it is very likely that someone will end up dead during this task", He then chuckled, giving a slight nod. "I assume this is everything?".

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

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