Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Muse Recovered, Time For Threads

I'm back to writing Iris. Hazzah. But I need more threads for that so.. This thread.


- Iris paints! She hasn't done much with it in a while, but it could be fun to have her painting again. Or even tagging a building again. That could be fun. Or bad, technically. Cause illegal. She wouldn't do illegal things, probably.

- She's a Shadow. Aurorae Aurorae is her Shadow identity, and she does the classic shadow stuff of assassinating darksiders, destroying dark artifacts, other sneaky spy stuff to help with the Alliance warfronts.

- Iris still dabbles in healing. It's no longer her focus, but she's been a healer since she was a wee Padawan. Need some healing in a pinch? She could probably swing it.

- I'm out of ideas so this is where you can make one if ya got something in mind.

Tag me, dm me, toss me a message on Discord at ThatNonbinary#5797. Whatever works!
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