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Question Multi-Thread Dominions?

Well-Known Member
Hello, sorry to be cluttering this forum with another thread :p

So, a question occurred to me: Does a single dominion have to be all located in the same thread?

The rules are not directly explicit, so long as a Dominion thread has the proper faction name/acronym and planet included in its title, and a faction can only submit three completed dominions (not dominion threads) per month (barring any mandate changes). Additionally, a faction can begin and start any number of simultaneous dominions, so obviously if a faction really wanted to they could start a dom thread for all hexes adjacent to them (or heck, even all the hexes for once their influence is big enough to collect them).

So say a faction wants to Dominion ANeatHex, but members want a more personal story uncluttered by other writers (perhaps they are intimidated by the large size, or their pace isn't fast enough to make much of a difference, they are new and need a hand, etc.), but still want to support the faction. Could our Faction Staff, put up multiple threads like so:

  1. [Dominion] A night at ANeatHex | AFactionName Dominion of ANeatHex
    • 2 Writers make 10 posts
  2. [Dominion] A day at ANeatHex | AFactionName Dominion of ANeatHex
    • 3 Writers make 20 posts
  3. [Dominion] Invasion of BadNames | AFactionName Dominion of ANeatHex
    • 5 writers make 30 posts
It's all for the same hex, complete stories are made, multiple participants, and a decent post count. Additionally, although a judge would have to look at multiple threads, it would be easy to judge the merits of the separate stories since they will be closer together (as opposed to multiple objectives in the same thread changing the focus every other post).

It would be pretty easy to link the different threads in the template too, just making a list like above.

Okay, so long story short: Is it okay to split up a single Dominion into different concurrent threads?
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Fatty Fatty

Just putting my own 2c in here. I understand the reasoning behind it, and I think at least in theory it's a nice idea for the reasons you stated.

That being said the hurdle I see is the logistics behind the scenes where now staff needs to review multiple threads individually and together to ensure that all of the conditions have been met in order to be considered valid.

That, coupled with the 3 Dominions per month means instead of 3 potential threads per faction every month it could be 9 or more.
Well-Known Member
Jamie Pyne Jamie Pyne thank you for your time to respond!

Yes, I can understand that, and I won't pretend to know how they go about reviewing dominions in the back end. However, any relevant links would be listed in the template to request a hex being added, and usually, it's done by one assigned RPJ per dominion. The workload would pretty much equal out, though they might have to click a couple extra more times (for separate links). The onus would be on the Faction to ensure they have enough posts to justify it, and it may be easier to spot lower effort submissions.

I think there are pro's and con's to it, I am just curious though if it would be allowed. This is not a suggestion by any means, I am asking for clarity's sake.

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