Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Moti Tome [Open to all Mandalorians]

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"Well met" Aloy would nod to Mig Gred Mig Gred 's pantoran companion.

"My own crew has a few Aruetiise aboard, people I know can be trusted. It takes courage to put yourself in those shoes"

She mostly ignored the other conversations happening around her, unable to divide her attention so thoroughly as she use to. It would take the newly proclaimed Mand'alor the Rekindler to bring her attention back to the meeting and not her own interests on mandalore.
As well... Mig Gred Mig Gred ... Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla ... I meant no disrespect to either of you, and I acknowledge the haste in my words not allowing for exceptions to the cadence they claimed. Ni ceta... I am sorry...>>
<<Say, don't I owe you a leg?>>

Aloy almost didn't beleive it at first, taking a brief moment to identify the voice from memory. She had only met with Mereel briefly once before, and not on favorable terms either, though she was a different woman then and under more strenuous circumstance then now.

"Mereel" She nodded to him like she would any other Mandalorian, even if her tone was more cordial than usual. She was done kissing the Shebs of everyone who took a fancy title. Unlike all the others however, Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel had done more to earn her respect then most.

"I've had some upgrades since last we spoke" She took a step forward to display the new, pristine prosthetic that looked more like porcelain than metal, though beneath it's carapace stood solid durasteel.

It matched the repulse hand with which she flexed to illustrate her point;

"Perhaps I'll collect after the next amputation? I seem to be losing so many these days" She laughed.

Then came Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus and her house, whose introduction was as elaborate as it was Mandalorian. At first she gripped her weapons for fear of hostile invasion, but when the dragons neared and the familiar Red and Gold armor began to glint in the sun, Aloy smiled wide behind her helm. She was quick to flag them down as they landed, calling out with a certain enthusiasm that was lost long ago.

"House kriffing Solus!" She stepped away from present company but briefly

"And where is my sister in law, Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae ? I've not seen kin since declaring Akaan'gaan. Tan'yill will be most pleased to hear of your arrival"

Location: Meeting on mandalore
Objective: Declare allied intention
Tags: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla and anyone else


you should try subtlety, might suit you better.

Mairéad bowed her head and let out a little laugh. "My apologies for my lateness. You know me already, subtlety suits me wonderfully, but I like to keep keep a little flair in the mandalorian style of my life, this is an auspicious meeting after all." her tone was humorous but not disrespectful, half of her life was about subtlety, helping manage the criminal underworld in her role as Caporegime, that side of her life would come in very handy helping to boost the economy of the new civilisation they hoped to build here.

She took a step back and was immediately greeted by her aunt Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla . She put her arms around her. "Stardust is helping Cynthia prepare for their new arrivals, if my and Cynthia's pregnancy were a competition for discomfort, if feel like my buir would be winning. Oh... I suppose I should introduce you."

She spoke to her bump

"This is great aunt Aloy, She is married to Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla , say hello."

Mairéad looked thoughtfuk for a moment trying to concentrate on feeling her inside. "Nope, someone always falls asleep when I ride Snø." she wouldn't cause any more disruption so fell in to line with the other mandalorians, looking across at the golden armour of the Marshall and looking forward to saying her less formal hellos later.


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