Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The medic just looked at Zorlar, slowly stepping away from [member="Mrrew"]. "I'M OUTTA HERE MAN, I AIN'T GETTING SUED!" The bodyguard shouted, getting into the speeder with the medic. Suddenly, the speeder sped off, leaving Zorlar and Mrrew stranded in the streets. Zorlar lay face down in the metallic road, obviously injured.
... Mrrew blinked at the escaping speeder, frowning, before looking back to [member="Zorlar Korkson"]. "What the feth just happened..." Mrrew sighed, leaning down to the injured boxer, and lowering a hand. "Can you stand?"
He slowly pulled himself to his knees, slowly reaching into his shockboxing shorts. He slowly removed a datapad, pulling up the message command. He pressed a button until a name popped up on the screen "Zim". Zorlar tapped it, sending a message to the contact. Zorlar howled into the message, sending it to the contact. After a few minutes, another message came in, the voice of a Correlian man. "Zorlar? Is that you? did the match go?". The message asked. Zorlar selected the "reply" option, handing it over to [member="Mrrew"] before collapsing back to the ground.
... Mrrew blinked down at the datapad, then over to [member="Zorlar Korkson"], with a frown. Err. The Togorian glanced down to the datapad, and spoke, wondering what the kriff he was suppoed to say. "Err... Your buddy's currently bleeding out, a little... if you could send an ambulance, that'd be great." Mrrew frowned again, glancing up to Zorlar. He was a hunter, and sometimes a soldier. He never claimed to be a medic...
Zim, Zorlar's manager received the message from [member="Mrrew"]. "W-WHAT? I-I-I...ALRIGHT! HANG ON! WHAT STREET? WHAT STREET?" Zim shouted, quickly sending the message. From there, Zim contacting(Whatever star war's version of 911 or 000 in Australia or 999 in the Uk...or I'm pretty sure it is. Anyway, whatever star war's emergency response number is).

Mrrew sighed, and glanced around the empty street for any sign of street signs. None, of course. He'd have to look for a landmark... The Togorian frowned, seeing a large green M sign standing nearby. After a few minutes, Mrrew responded to whoever he was talking to. "Erm... send them to the (insert city here) McYodas..."

This thread is odd. Lmao.

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