Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Somewhere on Correlia.

Zorlar sat backstage, slowly sliding on his shock gloves. He stood up, glaring at the other Shockboxers looked through their lockers. Then suddenly, the announcer let out a screech. "WEIGHING OVER 278 POUNDS, THE MUTE MUTANT, THE ROARING TOGORIAN...ZORLAR KORKSOOOOONNN!". Personally, Zorlar had despised the little nicknames and what not he was given, but it was sort of impossible for him to protest...unless he used his fists.

Zorlar quickly jogged through the large black curtain, the crowd roaring. Zorlar's eyes were fixed on the ring as he quickly made his way over to the ropes. He climbed up onto the ring, cracking his neck and stepping into the right corner.

Behind him, promoters were dangling a banner over the corner. The banner would be completely black with a logo of Zorlar snarling, mucus dripping down his mouth. Under the logo, words would be written out in golden text "Sabertooth Shockboxing". "NEXT, WEIGHING 265 POUNDS, RUPERT "THE SAVAGE" ORGROR".

Suddenly, a Correlian with a blue Mohawk headed out, donning black shockboxing shorts. The man was completely covered in tattoos and despite his size totaling up to 6'4, Zorlar towered over him. The man climbed into the ring, stepping back into a corner. The crowd going absolutely berserk.

Mrrew had been bored. His datapad broke. His holovision wasn't working. He'd heard something about some interesting sport where 'warriors' try to kill eachother in front of a roaring crowd. He was bored. He came. So now he sat in the third row of the shockboxing arena, watching the two boxers that hopped out. His ears flicked towards the speakers when he heard 'THE ROARING TOGORIAN!'. A Togorian? There was a Togorian here? Mrrew glanced back at teh stage where [member="Zorlar Korkson"] was running out. A Togorian. It was a Togorian. And he thought he was the only one off-planet...
"Ok, I want a good fight here. No low blows, no weapons other than your gloves. Are you ready? FIGHT!" The referee shouted, quickly jumping back. Zorlar slowly headed over to the man with a Mohawk, giving a nod as he was unable to shake hands due to the electrified gloves. The man with the Mohawk instead spat at Zorlar. Zorlar quickly sent a haymaker flying into the man's jaw, sending volts of electricity running through his body. The man stumbled backwards, sending a fury of punches to Zorlar's stomach. Zorlar kept his position, jabbing at the man's nose.

The man screamed again, but forced himself to stay in position, similar to Zorlar. Zorlar quickly went in, his right fist shooting into the man's jaw and his left into the man's stomach. However, this would not be a death match and instead, the rules had been modified due to the city of Coronet, considering it "murder". This time, it was the first man to be knocked unconscious and not able to stand to his feet in ten seconds.

The fight continued for another minute, no one hitting the floor just yet. Zorlar stepped back into his corner, a rather large cut across his forehead. Once the medic attempted to apply medical treatment to the wound, Zorlar sent an open palm, shooting into the medic's chest which sent him staggering backwards. However, Zorlar did reach into the medic's bag, removing a water bottle and taking a quick swallow.

Mrrew just sat in the stands, eating from a giant bag of popcorn. He was rooting for [member="Zorlar Korkson"] of course, but this was interesting. The purpose of the game was basically to beat eachother sensless? Fun. The crowd cheered with every hit landed, people chanting the names of the two boxers from all over the stands. Mrrew stayed relivtivaly quiet, but he watched Zorlar closely. He had no idea why another Togorian was offworld. Was he taken by slavers, as well? Did he leave out of his own accord? Typically, the males stay in their nice little tribes... Mrrew missed his tribe. The Togorian continued watching the other of his race, smiling slightly as he landed another blow.
"ROUND TWO, LET'S ROLL!" The referee shouted. Zorlar jumped up, snarling at the small man. Zorlar jumped into action, swinging aggressively. Many punches rammed into the man's jaw, sending him to his knees. Zorlar went in for a punch while the man was downed, but was interrupted as the referee jumped in front of him, attempting to stop the Togorion. Zorlar nodded, taking several steps back, allowing the man to stand up. The man slowly got into his standard fighting position, sweat pouring down his forehead. Zorlar turned for a moment, easily noticing [member="Mrrew"] sitting in the crowd.

He gave a nod to Mrrew, very well knowing that he will probably not realize who Zorlar was nodding to. Zorlar turned once more, listening to the chants. "ZORLAR...ZORLAR....ZORLAR....ZORLAR....ZORLAR!" and then the cheering for Zorlar's opponent. Zorlar finally lurched forward, sending an uppercut crushing up against his opponent's jaw. Then another swing, another, another, another, another. Then with all of his available strength, Zorlar managed to hit the man with a hook. The man hit the floor of the ring with a loud thud, unable to move.

"ONE...TWO....THREE...." The referee began counting down, Zorlar walking back into his corner. "FOUR....FIVE....SIX...SEVEN...EIGHT...NINE....TE-" The man jumped to his feet, right before Zorlar took the win. Now, the man went in, slightly jumping into the air and punching Zorlar in the forehead. Zorlar howled, falling to the ground. The bell rung once more, signaling the next round and the break before it. Zorlar pulled himself to his feet, falling into the wooden chair that his medic had placed down.

Without any resistance, Zorlar allowed the medic to assist him with his wounds while Zorlar's opponent, was covered in burn marks and bruises, which were mostly all on his face.
Mrrew frowned as [member="Zorlar Korkson"] got taken down. To bad... He was rooting for him. Hopefully, he still had a chance to win. He had no idea what a Togoriann was doing ina s port like this, but nontheless it was entertaining. He would have to talk to the boxer, if his guards allowed him to, after the fight. Provided he lived, of course. The other guy, the one in the mowhawk, was huge but... Zorlar really shouldn't be having much problems taking him down. He was, after all, a human. He wondered if the fight was rigged to make it more interesting. Yes, that was probable. Nontheless, it was interesting to watch...
" round. If any of you fail to successfully knock your opponent out after this round, your done. The judges will decide who wins if it comes to that, now c'mon!", The referee said. Zorlar slowly stood up, exhaustion taking over his body. The man did the same, but was unable to keep his hands up in a defensive position. Zorlar continued to send strong jabs to the man's already burnt face, sending him stumbling backwards.

Zorlar headed forward, letting out another howl, which made the crowd squeal in approval. Zorlar, using all of his remaining strength, used the crowd cheers to motivate him to continue moving.

Zorlar then went in, sending a punch to the Human's jaw, another, another, another, another, another, another, another. The man looked like he was about to pass out, but Zorlar was planning to assist him on doing just that. Zorlar steadied himself for his signature move. Zorlar quickly sprinted forward, swinging two haymakers at the same time, slamming his fist into the man's skull. The man fell to the ground, not even twitching.

"ONE...TWO...THREE...FOUR...FIVE...SIX...SEVEN...EIGHT...NINE...TEN!" The referee shouted, most of the people in the crowd jumping out, screaming like spice-addicted Banthas. The referee rested his hand on Zorlar's right wrist, lifting it up into the air. "Your winner...ZORLAR KORKSON!" The announcer shouted. Zorlar let out another howl, sliding out of the ring, security and promoters following him. Zorlar walked right past [member="Mrrew"], giving him a perfect opportunity to speak to him, or wait until Zorlar headed outside.
Mrrew joined the crowd in cheering for [member="Zorlar Korkson"] as he took out the mowhawked correlian. It was probably as Mrrew suspected- the Togorian was drawing out the fight for th crowd, before taking out the human. It was an entertaining show. Mrrew smiled slightly as Zorlar walked past him- but didn't try to talk to him here. His bodyguards would probably get violent, plus the crowd would probably follow his lead. So instead he got to his feet, and went outside behind the boxer.

Once outside Mrrew walked towards Zorlar, watching his bodyguard(s) out of the corner of his eye. He knew that 'fans' tended to harass people like Zorlar, so it was pretty likely that his bodyguards would think he was just that; a harassing fan. So the Togorian kept his eye on the guard(s) as he walked to the boxer, smiling somehwat. He spoke in Togorian. <<"Good fight.">>
Zorlar quickly spun around, quickly stepping in front of his bodyguard who reached for his stun baton. Zorlar nodded, also smiling. "Uh...sir? Zorlar cannot speak, not even...Togorion", The bodyguard said, letting out a sigh. Zorlar nodded, slowly removing his shockboxing gloves, handing them to the bodyguard. Zorlar looked to his medic, giving a rather strange hand gesture. The medic nodded, reaching into his uniform and removing a pen and paper.

Zorlar took both items, placing the paper on the security guard's back, writing something down. Once he finished, he handed the pen back to the medic, before handing the paper to [member="Mrrew"].

The paper would be written in Togorion and read "-Zorlar Korkson. Thank you for your support". Zorlar then reached into a pocket located in his shockboxing shorts(which had the same logo of Zorlar on it with the words "Sabertooth Shockboxing" printed on it). Zorlar then removed a small electronic chip, handing it over to Mrrew, as well. The item would be easily recognizable to almost anyone, a ticket to the pay-per-view that would take place next week. Zorlar's medic stepped in, clearing his throat. "Uh...I am Zorlar's personal medic. I'm sure your already aware that Zorlar fights for Sabertooth boxing? Anyway, I'd assume he would enjoy you coming to one of his interviews?" The medic asked, glancing over to Zorlar.

Suddenly, a mob of people began to exit the house, booing Zorlar. "HEY ZORLAR, BITE ME!" A teenager in the crowd shouted, not surprising behavior for an immature Correlian teenager. Zorlar shook his head at the disrespect he was receiving, look back up to Mrrew.
Mrrew frowned slightly as the bodyguard spoke for [member="Zorlar Korkson"]. He was mute..? He finally finds another Togorian in the galaxy... and he's mute. Wow. His luck was amazing. Mrrew continued frowning as he glanced down to the paper, and tucked it away in one of the pockets of his bodo bass gunbelt. "Right..." He spoke in basic, before glancing over to the Medic as he spoke. He had no idea what Sabertooth boxing was- nor did he care much. An interview? Why woudl they want him on an interview? Mrrew opened his mouth to respond, when a mob of random people ran out and started harassing the Togorian boxer. Ooooh. This was why he had a bodyguard. Mrrew slowly turned around to the nearest teenager, the kid who told Zorlar to bite him, and smiled a wide grin- showing his massive and extremely sharp canines. "He may not want to, but I'd be happy to." The teenager's eyes widened like saucers, and he slowly stepped back. "U- I mean- Er-" The mob around him burst out laughing as a yellowish subtance began to trickle down his leg, before he turned tail and ran. Heh. That was fun. Mrrew slowly turned around to Zorlar, and frowned. To bad- the one Togorian he finds can't even speak...
Zorlar watched as the child ran away. Zorlar shook his head as the child retreated, looking back to his medic, who removed another piece of paper and the pen. Zorlar quickly took the pen, sketching something down. He then held the paper up, allowing [member="Mrrew"] to read it. "You did not have to do that, he was just a child", it read. Zorlar then looked to the other people. Some of the people in the mob began throwing their beer bottles at Zorlar, shouting insults. "GET OUTTA HERE!" Zorlar's bodyguard shouted but it had no effect. Most of the mob was made up of teenagers or young adults, who were cheering on Rupert "The Savage", Zorlar's opponent. "Uh...perhaps you would like to ride with us to the nearest landing pad?" Zorlar's medic asked, dodging a beer bottle. Zorlar stared in disbelief, he had mobs but nothing...well, yes...this happened all the fething time. "GET BACK!" The bodyguard shouted, removing his shock baton but the mob was relentless. Zorlar gripped onto Mrrew's shoulder, attempting to pull him towards the speeder that Zorlar had taken to bring him to the fight.
Mrre wblinked at the mob for a few moemnts, considering wether or not he should pull out his shattergun. Nah, he better not. Most of them were innocent...ish. But he did, however, take up Zorlar's medic's propsal, and followed close behind [member="Zorlar Korkson"] as he walked off. He had no idea why, but he minds as well. He had his weapons on him- so if this became dangerous it wouldn't be hard to get out of it. And he had nothing else better to do... This is what happens when you get bored.
He climbed into the backseat of the speeder with [member="Mrrew"], grinning. However, his grin soon faded once another teenager, around the age of seventeen, headed over to the window, giving Mrrew and Zorlar a not so nice gesture. Zorlar watched as the mob crowded around the speeder, bashing their hands off the window. Then suddenly, the speeder took off, speeding down the streets. "So, you heading to that pay-per-view?" The bodyguard asked, looking over to Mrrew. "Next week, Zorlar will be brawling with...what is his name? Uh-Norl Brogla, a Barabel...he is supposedly buffed up on some spice, people sayin' that is what is making 'em feel no pain. Although, Zorlar can K.O. any opponent you put in front of him, I'm positive he can beat that spice-addicted Bantha", Zorlar's bodyguard continued to ramble on. Zorlar sat in the back in silence, ignoring his guard's nonsense. "It'll be for the fething championship! He'll knock the guy out in a matter of minutes", Zorlar's medic began to pitch in. Zorlar sighed, one of the few things he was able to do, which was sigh, howl, and fight.
Mrrew blinked between the entheuseatstic bodyguard, and the like-minded medic. He really.. didn't... care. Today was the first time he'd ever seen shockboxing, and he had no idea what half of the things they were talking about meant. He sideglanced at the other Togorian, [member="Zorlar Korkson"], and frowned. How the feth could he actually want to be harrased by mobs of annoying humans, anyway? Why had this guy even ever left Togoria? Mrrew frowned, knowing the mute owuldn't awnser any of his questions, and looked back out the speeder window. The faster he could get out of here, the faster he could stop having to hear them drone on and on in the backseat...
"Man, I mean...that guy is going to be face down on that ring! Like, like, like a...uh...-" The guard stopped talking, turning back towards the road. Zorlar looked over to [member="Mrrew"], shaking his head. "Man, I can't wait for that match! Your going to the pay-per-view right? Right? Right?" The medic reapedetly asked, grinning. "Please, your going...right? Right?" The medic continued to ask the same question over and over and over again, just begging for attention. "Right?"
Mrrew growled deep in his throat, and slowly turned his head back to the medic. "If you ask one more time... I'm going to use you as Rancor bait." The Togorian turned his head back to [member="Zorlar Korkson"], frowning. "How the feth do you put up with these people?"
Zorlar just stared at [member="Mrrew"], unable to respond to him. The medic, who's face was now covered with a mask of fear, slumped back down into his seat. The bodyguard went quite, continuing to speed down the street. Zorlar grinned, shaking his head slightly. "Hey...I....erm....uh...I-" The medic seemed like he was prepared to say something but suddenly stopped. Suddenly, the speeder came to a sudden halt, shouting being heard outside. "FETH YOU, ZORLAR! FETH YOU, ZORLAR!" The chants volume increased, these freaks had followed them down the fething road...or perhaps it was the giant "Sabertooth Shockboxing" text printed on the outside of the speeder.

Zorlar roared angrily, quickly reaching over, stopping his bodyguard from exiting the vehicle. Zorlar climbed out of the speeder, roaring once more. He slowly approached the crowd, snarling. Suddenly, half of the mob approached Zorlar. Before the Togorion could react, a man had already brought a blade flying into Zorlar's side. Zorlar roared, slamming his fist into the blade-wielding man, knocking him to the filthy ground. Most of the people in the crowd were also weilding weapons, concrete blocks they found around the city and some were gripping baseball bats or pool cues.

They were not just regular freaks...they were fething armed and insane freaks who were willing to murder a boxer in cold blood. Luckily, only around seven men were equipped with weapons and the unarmed ones were not even thinking about approaching Zorlar. Zorlar was still gripping his knife wound when a man threw a cinder block at Zorlar's jaw, knocking him onto the hood of the speeder. He pulled himself up, gripping the throat of one of the rioters. That is when he felt the same sharp pain again. He roared falling to the ground as he was stabbed once again by the same man.

The armed rioters began beating the wounded Togorion. From there, he just layed their, not moving. The fight that had just taken place inside of the arena had drained most of his energy, providing a disadvantage for the shockboxer.
And here Mrrew thought hunting Terentateks were dangerous. Apperantly, it was more dangerous to be a shock boxer. Was it normal for angry mobs of armed civilians to show up and start throwing concrete blocks at them? Mrrew frowned as the mob attacked [member="Zorlar Korkson"], and slowly pushed opent eh door of the speeder. If the unarmed members of the crowd where scared to see one Togorian, they probalby just about crapped themselves to see a second, larger, burlier one step out of the speeder. And they probably did when he removed his slugthrower shattergun from his belt, and aimed it at the nearest mob members.

"Here's an idea." He flicked off the safetey, staring intently at the guy who just stabbed Zorlar. "Run."
The man with the knife glanced over at [member="Mrrew"], quickly retreating and the same with the rest of the mob. Zorlar lay there on the ground, blood spewing from a wound on his side. The bodyguard and medic jumped out of the speeder, heading over to Zorlar. "HE'S UNCONCIOUS!" The bodyguard shouted, despite the shockboxer being obviously conscious and howling in pain.
Mrrew slowly glanced at the bodyguard, blinking several times. "...You're retarded." The Togorian stepped over to [member="Zorlar Korkson"], crouching down with a frown, before looking up to the Medic. "...You're the medic, right? Get the feth over here."

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