Darth Veles
Sweet Avreet
[SIZE=10.5pt]Avreet disliked Dark Jedi. He hated them with passion. Being a Sith, this gave him much strength, though this would not be used to increase his power, only to strengthen his resolve to find a solution to the Dark Jedi problem. Several options were presented to him, none of them good, one worse than the other. The former Sith Lord could join the Jedi. Unfortunately, this option went out of the window almost as soon as it appeared on his mind. Despite what happened, he was still a Sith. He followed the Sith Code, used the Dark Side of the Force, and despised the Jedi and their Republic. They appeared to be the lesser evil in the conflict, but the majority of them did not even believe in their own Code, making them weak and easy prey to the Dark Side. This very much mingled with his hesitation to rejoin the One Sith; they accepted Jedi too weak to follow their own Code and tried to make them Sith. Such task was impossible though; weak mind could not be turned into strength. This resulted in the Dark Jedi replacing the true Sith in the One Sith Empire, which clearly showed in their barbaric actions on Zeltros and Manaan. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]And of course, dozens of other groups with various beliefs, yet even more faulty ways of achieving their dreams. It certainly did not help his best friend got impregnated by some pseudo-Jedi. Avreet was not happy. When he looked at people he wanted to exterminate on the Republic side and the ones who deserved to scream in the Void fighting for the Sith, he clearly saw the One Sith contained a significantly lesser number of people he wanted to kill. Naturally, he could purify his own little group, the Order of the Phoenix, make them perfect, but grimly realized that would effectively left him with two members. Himself and his beloved teacher, of course. Though did it really matter? The Order of the Phoenix was dead, the ideals it followed violated by the ever-present Dark Jedi. The Mon Cal did not even care how they called themselves; all codeless fools hiding behind noble words while destroying the very thing they fought for. But he had followed his mantra before, he would do it again. Perhaps the One Sith could still be changed… given enough assassinations, everything could be changed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The master assassin and infiltrator in one person made his way to Coruscant. Not the lower levels, of course; the Mon Calamari Sith Lord visited the shiny and clean upper levels, going into an adorable little teahouse where one did not have to fear of being attacked or eaten alive by the poor rabble plaguing the lower leves of Coruscant. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Seating himself and looking at the tea set silently sitting on the table in front of him, the Mon Cal faced a dilemma which kind of tea to make. Perhaps another one would decide? Indeed; Avreet awaited the arrival of a Sith Lady. He enjoyed meeting new people, sane Sith in particular, and this one promised to be as normal as a Sith can be. If there was someone capable of persuading him to return, this woman would definitely be that person. He felt uncertain whether to betray the others or not, but he definitely would not give away Lady Kotass and Lady Zarrah, two Sith Ladies that followed him when he left the large Sith faction. He valued both women too much to betray them, one his best friend and the other his… Master? Mother? Lover? Mentor? It was complicated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]When the Sith Lady in question arrived, the Dark Side radiating from her form could be sensed through the Force, the Mon Cal’s large amber eyes swivelled towards the woman as he offered her a warm, kind smile not many received these days. Immediately standing up, he strode towards the Sith, gently taking her hand. “Lady Arcanix,” he moved his lips above her hand and kissed it in a symbolic gesture, not actually touching her hand with his mouth. “It is such a pleasure to meet you,” the Sith continued in his thick Imperial accented voice, observing the woman and immediately noting the lack of Dark Side corruption in her face, her skin looking quite healthy, the dark hair also retaining its pigmentation.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“You look beautiful, my lady,” he admitted, “Your skin tone, your eye color, your hair; it is not often I meet a Sith with such a perfect visage as yours.” His hand motioned towards the seat. “Please.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt][member="Darth Arcanix"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]And of course, dozens of other groups with various beliefs, yet even more faulty ways of achieving their dreams. It certainly did not help his best friend got impregnated by some pseudo-Jedi. Avreet was not happy. When he looked at people he wanted to exterminate on the Republic side and the ones who deserved to scream in the Void fighting for the Sith, he clearly saw the One Sith contained a significantly lesser number of people he wanted to kill. Naturally, he could purify his own little group, the Order of the Phoenix, make them perfect, but grimly realized that would effectively left him with two members. Himself and his beloved teacher, of course. Though did it really matter? The Order of the Phoenix was dead, the ideals it followed violated by the ever-present Dark Jedi. The Mon Cal did not even care how they called themselves; all codeless fools hiding behind noble words while destroying the very thing they fought for. But he had followed his mantra before, he would do it again. Perhaps the One Sith could still be changed… given enough assassinations, everything could be changed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The master assassin and infiltrator in one person made his way to Coruscant. Not the lower levels, of course; the Mon Calamari Sith Lord visited the shiny and clean upper levels, going into an adorable little teahouse where one did not have to fear of being attacked or eaten alive by the poor rabble plaguing the lower leves of Coruscant. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Seating himself and looking at the tea set silently sitting on the table in front of him, the Mon Cal faced a dilemma which kind of tea to make. Perhaps another one would decide? Indeed; Avreet awaited the arrival of a Sith Lady. He enjoyed meeting new people, sane Sith in particular, and this one promised to be as normal as a Sith can be. If there was someone capable of persuading him to return, this woman would definitely be that person. He felt uncertain whether to betray the others or not, but he definitely would not give away Lady Kotass and Lady Zarrah, two Sith Ladies that followed him when he left the large Sith faction. He valued both women too much to betray them, one his best friend and the other his… Master? Mother? Lover? Mentor? It was complicated.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]When the Sith Lady in question arrived, the Dark Side radiating from her form could be sensed through the Force, the Mon Cal’s large amber eyes swivelled towards the woman as he offered her a warm, kind smile not many received these days. Immediately standing up, he strode towards the Sith, gently taking her hand. “Lady Arcanix,” he moved his lips above her hand and kissed it in a symbolic gesture, not actually touching her hand with his mouth. “It is such a pleasure to meet you,” the Sith continued in his thick Imperial accented voice, observing the woman and immediately noting the lack of Dark Side corruption in her face, her skin looking quite healthy, the dark hair also retaining its pigmentation.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]“You look beautiful, my lady,” he admitted, “Your skin tone, your eye color, your hair; it is not often I meet a Sith with such a perfect visage as yours.” His hand motioned towards the seat. “Please.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt][member="Darth Arcanix"][/SIZE]