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Monsters Under My Bed [Krag]

| -Korriban- |
| ~Unspecified location~ |

After endless wandering around the Sith home planet called Korriban, Lilith sat down and just thought a bit. She was both tired and hungry. After all, she had had her last meal about ten hours ago and she also had a... child... in her stomach area. Running while being pregnant was actually not a very good idea, especially because the fetus was already a few months old. And by a few, she meant it was already the fifth month. Pregnancy's fifth month was already tougher than it was before reaching five months.

I shouldn't have come here... Darth Malificete thought. It would've been much easier to just stay home and do her stuff. But that wasn't the life Lilith loved. Lilith loved adventures, fun, scariness... On Zahat'n'ira, none of these conditions were met and she actually wondered, why she still lived there. Months ago it had been good choice, but now she had started looking for a new home on a different planet.

Her life changed much because of the child. Not had she only had to find a more permanent home, but she also had to start wearing boring clothes again. The cloak she had almost forgot now stood around her body, covering a black jacket, a white shirt and black trousers. The most disgusting thing was, of course, the fact, that she had to start wearing boots again. She had grown so fond to heels, that she nearly cried when she had to abandon them.

Lilith heard a noise coming from near her, but she didn't think it was something dangerous. She didn't believe in monsters or anything, because she had never seen any. There were stories which talked about monsters who lived under people's beds and stories about monsters who lurked in the shadows, waiting for a person they could eat... devour.

Of course Lilith didn't believe them. Neither had she done that in her childhood.


Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@[member="Darth Malificete"]

Krag was no monster that hid under beds or closest nor was he the kind that watched you from the shadows in the corner of your room. No, Krag was the monster that lived in your nightmares and burned your bed with you still in it. As the new Emperor of the Sith Empire, Krag thought it was only proper for him to survey the landscape of his new capital and find places where defenses would do best in the event of invasion. Walking through the landscapes of Korriban, Krag suddenly felt a presence that was yet to be known by him. Stopping in his tracks, Krag sniffed the air and caught the scent of a human and a female if his judging was correct. Krag grinned widely and slowly thundered his way over to the girl.

Krag's footsteps were unmistakable, loud and so thunderous that they could shake the trees themselves. The darkside presence of the Graug Warlord was so strong, thanks to the Sith Sword and Armor, that it would engulf all who were near him in a veil of darkside energies. It took only a few moments of striding for Krag to lay his good eye upon the girl from the darkness of nearby shadows, "Human" Krag growled deeply, "who are you?"
The noise became louder and louder with every second. The only thing that terrified Malificete, was, that they started sounding like steps. Was it a monster after all? She didn't know there was a Graug in the Sith Empire. And definitely she didn't know the Graug was the Emperor, though she had actually seen @[member="Darth Vulcanus"]. She just didn't remember him.

The woman tried to rise and prepare for fighting, but she didn't have enough energy to do that. Her body seemed so heavy and her legs seemed so weak. She had never felt like that before. But the earth shook as the monster came closer and Lilith was really frightened.

"Human, who are you?" the man has asked her. At least she thought it was a man.

The monster was kind of familiar, so Lilith immediately answered him. Yes, she had seen her somewhere, but she didn't know where. Maybe it was Valen? Or the Dominion of Gallos? Or something else?

"I... I am Darth Malificete," Lilith said.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@[member="Darth Malificete"]

"Darth?" the Graug chuckled as he moved out from the cover of the shadows and looked down upon the girl, his good eye looking her up and down as he let his darkside energy collapse on her. To the Graug, forcing ones energy onto another was a sign of power and it was meant as a challenge, "I see no Darth here, only a young human who is to stupid to realize her weakness." the beast hissed, moving closer so that his massive shadow was covering Malificete's body. The girl looked familiar to Vulcanus, but she had obviously not made a strong enough impression for him to remember he too well.
@[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

"I am sorry..." Lilith said. She had done another mistake when talking to a Sith. Probably she already had bad reputation in the Empire. Well, it was obvious, because she had made mistakes when she was with Sith Lady Kära Vi'dreya, Sith Knight Marcus Faust, former Emperor Kaine Zambrano and now... with the new Sith Emperor. She should've said her real name. But hopefully she still had a chance to fix it.

"I am sorry, that I called myself a Darth. I was just so scared, that you might want to do something bad to me, that I... wanted to sound stronger so that..." She didn't want to continue the sentence. "I am really sorry..." And now she had already said that one thing three times.

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