Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Monsters of Lao-mon

"I've got an idea."

There was a certain manic devil-may-care energy to Cato which had been part of his personality for as long as Inanna had known him. It drove him to perch in tightrope-balance spots, like the back of the couch or the edges of buildings. It had also caused him to throw himself headlong into dangerous or tricky situations.

Inanna knew instinctively from the look on his face and his determined gait as he ran ahead of her, chasing the urartu, that he was about to do something risky. But it also admittedly excited her—always had, in fact.

His lightsaber plunged into the ceiling and right through the creature. The thing didn’t make a noise, but molten goop dripped through the hole his blade had created in thick trickles. A strange and alien stench filled the air, earthy and pungent. The urartu continued to flee through the shaft, the lightsaber dragging through its gelatinous body and leaving behind an oozing gash.

Thinking fast, Inanna widened the hole he had made in the vent, causing the creature to fall out and into their midst. It immediately lunged at Cato.

Cato had managed to skewer the gelatinous creature, but unsurprisingly, it was nonchalant about the interruption. It tried to continue its escape, but Inanna ripped over the bore wider and cause it to splat onto the ground. It wasted no time attacking the nearest target: Cato.

A pseudopod lashed out around his ankle, immediately causing his skin to burn on contact. With surprise, the knight was pulled to the ground, his lightsaber slipping out of his grip.

The plan, when she formulated it in the moments prior to cutting through the shaft, seemed simple enough. She would force the creature out of the vent, then use pyrokinesis to burn it alive.

Instead, she had to deal with the added complication of the urartu lunging at her husband. It grabbed hold of his ankle with a pseudopod and knocked him off his feet. Cato didn’t take the fall very well, losing his grip on his lightsaber as it began to drag him across the floor toward the rest of its body. Once it made contact and started to digest him, it was all over. He’d be dead in seconds, if not seriously wounded.

She had to act now. A fireball shot forth from Inanna’s fingertips, lighting up the corridor in bright orange. It collided with its target in a surge of heat. The urartu burst into flames, the fire consuming it rapidly as if it had flammable fuel for blood. It didn’t thrash or scream in pain. The pseudopod wrapped around Cato’s leg continued to feebly tug at him until it too was burned away, melting into a pool of smoking liquid on the floor.

Inanna rushed to Cato’s side. “Are you okay?” she asked, not for the first or the last time.

The urartu tried to make a quick meal of Cato, but before it could absorb him into its center mass, Inanna summed forth a gout of flame, incinerating the blob. It showed little self-preservation now, only trying to consume the Jedi knight till the very end. Cato pulled his leg away, finding it a bit swollen and burnt from the acidic appendage and the fire that melted it. But nothing serious.

"I'm good. I'm good," Cato quickly replied, reaching to hold Inanna's hand, "Almost got a bit messy there with my foot. Wouldn't be quite as flattering for me to have to walk around on a peg leg for the rest of my life, now would it?" He sighed, and looked up at her directly, "Nice save." The creature was gone now. With any luck, everything could go back to normal now.

Inanna winced at the sight of his leg. "How badly does it hurt? Can you still walk?" It certainly looked painful, though not serious. Cato had suffered far more catastrophic injuries in the past, and she didn't doubt he could soldier through this one, but she still hated to see him suffer anything. She reached out with the Force, offering a little bit of healing energy.

His hand found hers. It was the same arm which the urartu had grabbed. In typical Harth fashion, while one of them was fretting over the other they forgot about their own injuries. Her welt wasn't as bad as his, since the contact had been shorter, but it still stung.

"Almost got a bit messy there with my foot. Wouldn't be quite as flattering for me to have to walk around on a peg leg for the rest of my life, now would it?"

The thought of him hobbling around on a peg leg made her snort. "We need to wash off as soon as possible, in case any of the acid is still on our skin." But they were victorious, and the evacuation wasn't even finished yet. They would have to search the whole base to be sure there was no more danger. Still, what were the odds?

Despite all the excitement (or perhaps because of it) her mind soon turned to other pressing matters. She met his eyes, gazing at him adoringly. "Going to our quarters would take too long," she muttered, sounding as if she were trying to convince herself not to take immediate advantage of their first opportunity for respite since this whole operation began. "We'd be better off going back to the infirmary and using the showers there." The empty, deserted infirmary…

"It'll work," Cato assured, despite having not put any weight on it yet. Eventually he began to stand up, mainly at the mention of washing off. "We should do that," He said with piqued interest. There was a pregnant pause, "We'll need to be extra thorough, to make sure the acid's complete gone…"

"The rest of the base hasn't been cleared either. Can't let anybody else come back down till we know for sure…"
A suppressed but playful smile tugged at his lip, and he laid a firm hand against her cheek. This could take a while...

Inanna took a step closer to Cato as he rose to his feet, ready to help him if he had trouble with his leg after all. At least, that’s what she told herself. Her breath hitched as he laid a hand on her, his touch instantly reigniting her.

I need you…” she whispered. “Come with me.” Taking his hand, she pulled him down the hall.

Some time later, a very satisfied Inanna was held in Cato’s arms, her back pressed to the tile wall of the shower. Basking in the steam, she felt like she had died and gone to paradise. Mmm, she hoped they would get to spend their afterlife like this forever…

Suddenly, the shower curtain was swept aside. Inanna had failed to sense any presence approaching—which wasn’t uncommon for her, though she was distracted—and was startled by the arrival of… “Dr. Gog!

The Shi’ido physician looked at them in bewilderment, a CryoBan blaster clutched tightly in one hand. Evidently he had expected to find the creature in the shower. “Why are you still here?” he demanded, seemingly unconcerned about what they had been doing. “Shouldn’t you have evacuated by now?”

I need you…

Three words that could make a man turn to jelly. Cato gladly took her hand, and let himself be led to their destination.

The shower had been exceptionally refreshing, especially after days of all work and no play. Cato's ankle had been holding up quite well, also. Or at the very least, he was so preoccupied with Inanna that he couldn't even register it. The pleasure far outweighed the discomfort.

Cato found himself nearing the (third) end, when the curtain was suddenly thrown open. He almost didn't notice that either at first, not until he had already stopped naturally. Although the revelation that a stranger was gawking at the scene certainly spoiled his mood. "…Uh…" Cato stammered, letting go of Inanna, even stepping a little in front of her to protect her decency, "The goop's gone. We took care of it. Why are you still here?" A twinge of accusation struck his voice, more baffled by the intrusion than anything.

Dazed and confused, Cato relinquished his hold on Inanna and turned around to face Gog. The doctor's gaze immediately strayed downward, eyes widening. "The… goop?" he echoed, blinking owlishly.

Inanna was still trying to regain her composure. Her nudity was no issue; she could shapeshift a covering in a matter of seconds. Cato, on the other hand... No sooner had he gallantly stepped in front of her, she stepped in front of him, trying to obscure the massive bantha in the room. "The urartu, doctor. We killed it."

"Ah." Gog frowned. "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. That the creature might be cornered and captured…”

"Why would you want it alive?" Inanna asked.

Ignoring her question, Gog looked around. "There could still be others. It may not be too late."

Inanna exchanged glances with Cato over her shoulder. Dr. Gog was obviously up to something, though what exactly was going on wasn’t clear. Back in their vigilante days, they would’ve roughed him up a bit to extract a confession. But now they were Jedi Knights. Then again, who was around to see?

Cato seemed undeterred by his own exposure, only blinking in surprise when a clothed Inanna stepped in front of him, and blinking again as he realized his silly lapse in knowledge. Shapeshifters. The doctor's initial reaction was its own humorous reward, though.

Gog didn't linger on the couple, his focus solely remaining on the urartu. He seemed to be musing aloud, with little regard for the others in the room. Cato quirked an eyebrow at his vague mumblings, sharing a glance with Inanna. "Hey," Cato stepped up, speaking loudly to try and snap Gog to attention, "What are you going on about? Other whats? Other urartu?"

"What do you know about these things?" He didn't quite rough the guy up, but he was decidedly stepping in his way.

"What are you going on about? Other whats? Other urartu?"

"No, other couples mating in the infirmary showers during an evacuation," Gog replied with bone-dry delivery. Inanna was a little surprised that the strange doctor was capable of sarcasm. He just... didn't seem the type?

"I know how they got into the base," Gog continued. "They were brought here as, how do you say..."

"Research subjects," Inanna translated after he briefly switched to Shi'idese. "What kind of research?"

"For legal reasons, I cannot divulge that information." As Cato continued to block his path, however, he started to loosen up. "... We, that is the company I work for, were looking for more cost-effective ways to quickly increase the populations of all Lao-mon's fauna. Restoring an entire planet's animal life is an insanely expensive endeavor. We can't just grow them all in vats. But if we could increase their fecundity, perhaps by using gizka as a—"

"Get to the point," Inanna interrupted. "How did these things get loose?"

"We chose the urartu for testing because of their unique physiology, and because we thought that they could be easily controlled. But we didn't account for the profound success of our experiment. Their population grew quickly in captivity, and it became necessary to move them. Which we did safely... apart from one shipment, which was lost." At Inanna's exasperated hiss, he quickly added, "It was a small shipment, containing only three specimens. Two were the third sex, and one belonged to the fifth. So we are confident that they are unlikely to breed so long as they are contained within the base."

For a split second Cato almost took Gog's jab seriously. He hadn't expected such a remark to be made in jest by a man who had an otherwise pretty blasé reaction to the Harths' scandalous deeds. Gog was going to leave them with little more than vague hints, but a nude Cato stepping in front of him seemed to make him reconsider. Gog explained he was part of an experiment to genetically alter the fecundity of the urartu, for repopulation. It went well, until one shipment got lost. Cato's expression flattened with a lack of amusement.

"Lovely," He deadpanned, "Isn't that the kind of thing maybe we should all be aware of?" Cato asked. Dwelling on it a little more, he asked again almost immediately after, "And how come that one was such a smart cookie? What else are you doing to those things?"

“Bio-organic modification is par for the course in this sector,” Gog replied haughtily. “Our technology is built upon it. What we did wasn’t illegal. Mistakes were made.”

And now you’re trying to cover your asses, making it look like some wild animal just wandered in,” Inanna concluded.

"And how come that one was such a smart cookie? What else are you doing to those things?"

“What are you talking about?” Gog asked incredulously.

The one we killed was smarter than usual. It abandoned its prey and tried to evade us.

“That’s…” Gog trailed off, as though changing his mind before he could finish his sentence. “I don’t know anything about that.”

His confusion seemed genuine. There was just one other problem. “The fifth sex is cross-compatible,” Inanna pointed out. “You said it was ‘unlikely’ that they would reproduce, but not impossible.

“Other urartu always reject members of the fifth sex.”

Yeah, well, these urartu aren’t exactly typical of their species, doctor.

Gog shook his head. “Look, we need to find the remaining two specimens, and quickly—”

A sudden spike of danger sense would hit Cato, mere seconds before the ceiling above them burst open in a shower of plaster and a large urartu dropped down directly on top of the group.

Cato couldn't say for certain if Gog was actually unaware of the creature's intelligence or not. It didn't matter, really, he was already on the shitlist for having tried to cover up their connection to its escape. And as Inanna suggested, with what differences had already been displayed, who's to say there wouldn't be a change in mating proclivities, too.

"You better hope it's only two," Cato pointed a finger at the doctor, and not a second later, one of the urartu plunged down into the room. He pushed Gog out of the way, diving along with him to avoid being instantly subsumed by the gelatinous alien, "Well, there's one."

Inanna let out a rather undignified shriek when the monster fell through the ceiling and into their midst. She had not sensed it coming.

The creature landed on the floor with a wet slap. As Cato had already shoved Gog out of the way, it went after Inanna. She leaped out of the way as it lunged at her, narrowly avoiding a collision.

“Get off me!” Dr. Gog exclaimed at Cato. Aiming his CryoBan gun, he fired at the urartu. One blast from the weapon was enough to freeze the creature solid.

Inanna seized a nearby durasteel chair, raising it above her head. “No, don’t!” Gog exclaimed.

She hesitated. The doctor raced forward. “It can be captured this way, as long as it doesn’t thaw out. Like I told you, it would be better not to kill them…”

More wet, disgusting noises could be heard from above. Inanna backed away from the hole in the ceiling, eyes wide.

Dozens of newborn urartu began dropping down. Their bodies were small and transparent from not having fed yet—but it was clear they were hungry, as they immediately headed toward the nearest source of heat. The doctor fired his gun at them, but there were too many. He was rapidly swarmed by the creatures, who affixed themselves to his body and began digesting him.

Inanna didn’t stay long enough to watch the gruesome spectacle. She grabbed Cato and started running.

Cato was practically off of Gog before he could finish yelling at him to do so. He was beelining for Inanna, stopping as he saw the threat neutralized into a block of ice. Gog pleaded with Inanna not to destroy the creature, but not a moment later they were attacked by a whole host of urartu descending again from the ceiling. Newborns, meaning these genetic anomalies had already bred. "You gotta be shitting me."

They all went for Gog, who was closest. He was immediately surrounded, and the feeding began. Cato was pulled along by Inanna, but unlike her, he found his gaze stuck on the sight, as the doctor's body was practically dissolved in real time. "Now what? There's a whole freakin' family of them!" Too bad he didn't grab the doctor's CryoBan gun. Or any clothes.

"Now what? There's a whole freakin' family of them!"

Inanna wasn’t exactly thinking about long-term plans at the moment. Instinct had taken over, all of her focus narrowing down to flee-escape-hide. It took several moments for her to come out of survival mode, at which point they were some distance away from the infirmary and its infestation. She slowed to a stop in the middle of an unfamiliar corridor, trying to get her bearings.

Unable to sense their body heat any longer, the newborn urartu had lost their trail, staying behind to feast on the unfortunate doctor. Inanna still viewed every ceiling panel and wall with suspicion, expecting more of them to come tumbling out into their path.

The freezer,” she gasped out. “They won’t go there. It’s too cold for them.

Her gaze lingered on Cato. “You need clothes first. Protection, a blanket, something." Should they be hiding, or trying to evacuate? Was the base lost? "Oh, I don’t know!” She held her head in her hands, unable to think straight and unsure of what to do.

Inanna was clearly panicked. Cato rolled with the chaos a bit more naturally than her, though he was also just better at hiding his own newfound paranoia of every ceiling and corner. When they finally stopped, and she tried to lay out a semi-coherent plan, Cato placed his hands on her shoulders, "Hey," He said, trying to calm her down, "We're alright. We've got this." He looked around, glancing at his own body for a moment, "You're right. That's a good start. And so is getting clothes. There's gotta be some uniforms of some kind lying around."

Cato began to walk in the direction of the freezer, opening various containers and crates they passed to check their contents. Eventually he found one with a collection of folded jumpsuits, "Here we go." He hopped into it, a bit small for his lanky frame, but it would do, "Nice and decent." He smirked at her, trying to defuse some of the tension, "Alright. Freezer, yeah? We can work things out there. It's a safe spot, but it doesn't solve the problem."

Cato’s steadying hands on her shoulders kept her from breaking down completely. As they started walking, her eyes kept darting around, expecting to find danger lurking around every corner. It was hard to believe that only about fifteen minutes ago they had believed themselves victorious, the monster slain, the day won. Now the base was infested, Dr. Gog was dead, and they were alone with Force knew how many of the urartu writhing in the walls.

She kept watch as Cato changed into the jumpsuit he had found, only turning to face him again when he confirmed he was decent. “Tight,” she murmured, managing a thin little smile.

"Alright. Freezer, yeah? We can work things out there. It's a safe spot, but it doesn't solve the problem."

It was true. But then… “We could try luring them there,” she said. “The cold would kill them.” But there were so many. Maybe the base was done for. Maybe they should just leave and nuke the site from orbit. Cais ned’jin, so much hard work would go to waste…

The freezer was right next to the kitchens. Forced to abandon their posts on short notice, the cooks had left food out in various stages of preparation. Some were already beginning to spoil, producing a pungent aroma. But there was another smell which was harder to place.

They weren’t alone. Two other presences were nearby, large yet indistinct. They were both non-sentient, which on Lao-mon almost always meant bad news, but in this case made Inanna’s stomach drop. As if the stench coming from behind the freezer wasn’t nauseating enough.

"Are they dumb enough for that?" Cato asked, unsure. They'd shown a sense of self-preservation before. Would the cold act fast enough? Would the urartu bother at all? He supposed there was only one way to find out.

They passed by the kitchens on their way to the freezer, at which point they were met with a number of distinct smells. Cato cocked and eyebrow, and began to creep towards the freezer door, "Let's not waste any time…" He began to open it cautiously.


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