Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mon Cal

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
And yeah, so far as I've been able to confirm with folks, it's just fine to have two Dominions running at once, so long as nobody is in both at once. Maybe i've been misinformed. But if not, don't ever let my little campaign get in the way of what everyone wants to do.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
*shrug* No reason people can't do those, but there's no reason not to start a new Dominion thread either, to keep the new blood entertained. Spencer, Sirella and I are starting a private one that takes place in Mon Cal orbit as the transition begins, so yes, that's already happening.
It strikes me as a little unnecessary fast-paced, if I'm honest. It felt like we'd not really finished with the first Dominion before we're on to the next - and it's not a case of satisfying the new blood with constant warfare. If we're going for quantity over quality, eventually people just won't bother with us, because there's a near pathological sense of "Right, conquered this - onto the next one straight away! No pause, no rest." All well and good ostensibly, but ICly, we don't have the resources to capture planet after planet as well as organise them into the Empire, pacify any lingering resistance and maintain the cohesiveness of our supply lines if we don't stop for breath.

Seriously, one Dominion a month ought to be more than sufficient as pace. The time remaining in each month can be spent on RPs that work around the Dominion: consolidating our gains and ensuring that the planet is ours. Not simply one in a long chain of worlds left hanging because we barely stopped for breath.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I have no doubt that this campaign will slow down. Nor do I doubt that people will do RP's focused on the new conquests. That part, quite frankly, is your job, and everyone else's. Mine, at the moment, is to include as many Apprentices as I can, keep an eye on them, knock off the rough corners -- and that means giving them things they can be excited about. If my Apprentices and I do, say, two more Dominions after Gand, that should give me enough time to polish them up a little. So far I'm seeing a good learning curve with willingness to edit and other hallmarks of progress.

That's my priority. Considering we're talking about a self-contained map area with relatively modest gains, and considering the Republic just took a huge swath of very planet-dense space, I doubt we'll have much of a public relations problem.
IC, I wasn't on Mon Calamari at all. With one or two veterans and several newbies who need experience, I could head to the next planet and lead the conquest until you're ready to join.

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