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Approved Tech Mk227 40mm AGLS

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Intent: To provide a fun weapon for mass carnage in Invasions/Skirmishes
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Invictus Aeronautics Armoury
Model: Mk22y 40mm AGLS
Affiliation: Open Market (Military)
Modularity: Can fire HEDP, Concussion, Smoke, Illum, Incendiary rounds
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, various plastics
Classification: Automatic Grenade Launcher
Size: Mobile, Vehicle-mounted
Length: 1.1m
Weight: 31kg, 48kg with tripod
Ammunition Type: 40 x 53mm grenades
Ammunition Capacity: 32rd or 48 rd drums (20kg/30kg respectively)
Effective Range: 2000m
Rate of Fire: 40 rds/min sustained, 60 rds/min rapid
Special Features: Fully automatic
Description: The Mk227 40mm AGLS is an extremely effective anti-personnel weapon that can have a devastating effect on enemy troops if employed correctly. Depending on the size of the engagement area, the AGLS can inflict max casualties and fix a platoon to company sized enemy group in place. With each round effecting a 4-5m burst, at a sustained rate of fire the AGLS can cover a large frontage. However, this weapon is only really effective against dismounted personnel and unarmoured vehicles. It is extremely heavy and requires two personnel to operate, and without a vehicle or the Force is almost impossible to transport.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] It's open market, but only sold to legitimate Armed Forces that belong to a galactic political identity (i.e Major Factions and political minor factions. Factions such as the Underground or Rebel Alliance could acquire these on the black market)
[member="Alen Na'Varro"] Make sure you state that its open market. You can place (Military) as a sub affiliation, but it does need to be labeled open market. It was clear, but unclear if you know what I mean.
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