Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Mithh'ema'csapla
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Padawan

AGE: Eighteen years old.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.76 metres tall
WEIGHT: 80 kg
EYES: Red, as with all Chiss.
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Blue
FORCE SENSITIVE: She's Force-Sensitive enough to become a Jedi and wield Force abilities, but she's no Chosen One.

  • Strategy: A trait prominent in most Chiss, Thema's quite skilled at outsmarting her enemies on the long run. Be it diplomatically or militarily, she's no stranger to developing plans, taking advantages of resources, and most importantly, out-maneuvering people. She'd make for a great politician, and an even greater soldier, but she's never decided to abandon the Jedi.
  • Wisdom: Her cleverness is innate, but her compassion and more abstract knowledge is a trait gained through Jedi training. Years of meditating and learning have developed an ability to understand people on a personal level, rather than objectively. Although she's rather cold and rough on the edges at first glance, this skill will eventually set in, at the right moment.
  • Force-sensitivity: Although her abilities pale in comparison to other great force-users, she can wield it with moderate skill, using it to enhance her mobility, combat skills, and to move opponents around. She's no healer, though.


  • Inexperienced: Although she is a Jedi, and she should be able to outsmart even the most cunning smuggler, she lacks experience, and connections. Although she usually hides this under more knowledgeable allies, it's a considerable disadvantage whenever she's alone.
  • Hubris: In short, she overestimates herself. Being a Jedi doesn't make her immortal, and she's yet to see that. Although her master is still trying to teach her humility, it's proven to been the only lesson she hasn't been able to take in.
Thema is a young Chiss juvenile who carries her species' features well. She's got bright, orange-red eyes, purple-blue skin, and jet-black hair. She's got a slender, muscular frame due to her Jedi training, but she's no warrior. Her hair is usually kept trimmed short, reaching her shoulders, but this is subject to change, depending on the ongoing galactic trend.
Thema's most striking personal feature is, of course, her nose. It's rather small, and has been the subject of teasing as a youngling. Nowadays, not so much, but she's still very self-conscious about it.

Thema was born on Coruscant to two members of the Csapla house, serving as ambassadors to the Republic. Despite initially showing no signs of Force-sensitivity, she was quickly identified by the Jedi Order. Just as well- Had she been born on Csilla, she'd probably had become a Sith. At the age of five, she was taken into the Order as a youngling. As one of the only Chiss in the Jedi Order, she quickly attracted the attention of both younglings as well as full-fledged Jedi, seeing her as somewhat of one of the Force's many wonders. A set of coincidences had led her to be born away from Sith hands, and there is no such thing as luck. Thankfully, this attention faded away before she was appointed as a padawan. Unfortunately, it lingered around long enough to get to her head, eventually developing her fatal flaw.
During her years as a youngling, she befriended Rodian Dhil Rheedo, and Human Anka Vorges. They generally stuck together as younglings, and were all reluctant to let each other go the moment they became padawans. Thankfully, they never fell out of touch.

Nearing the end of her time as a youngling, Thema and several other younglings were taken to Ilum, to find and construct their own lightsabers. The crystal that would call to her was colourless at first, but via her refinement, grew into a bright green colour. Not the rarest of crystals, but it made her feel connected to the Force.
But even if her weapon's blade would be common, the hilt wouldn't.
No, she just had to go and build a crossguarded lightsaber to impress others. At first the model was frowned upon, but she stuck with it throughout her lifetime.

The moment she graduated from the status of youngling, she was appointed to Master Llokay Kress, a Zabrak Jedi with a sardonic, dry sense of humour. Initially disliking her master, he taught her control over the Force, practical skills, and an appreciation of life that she'd failed to grasp in the Temple. Through dad jokes and traveling, she's grown to think of him as a sort of sarcastic father. To this day, she respects and loves him dearly.

Although she doesn't own a ship of her own, she's no stranger to her master's ship. A Correllian HWK freighter, Master Kress' travels have gradually changed it into a mobile command center, decked with it's own medical station, miniature tractor beam, and a mounted swivel laser cannon.

Due to her status as a Jedi, she's got brown Jedi robes in her wardrobe, different from no other Jedi in the Order. This said, her master's more unorthodox free-lance style of training has allowed her some freedom to her choice of clothing. She's got everything from light armour, to Republic dresses.

Thema usually only carries her blue lightsaber. If forced, she'll carry a DL-18 blaster.




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