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Approved Lore Mistryl Shadow Guard

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  • Organization Name: Mistryl Shadow Guard
  • Classification: Private Military, Private Assassin Organization, Private Spy Network
  • Affiliation: Phalsi Drynchen
  • Organization Symbol: See Right Side of Page.
  • Description:
    • The Mistryl Shadow Guard has survived through the years as a flexible group that shifted their style of operations to meet the changing ways of the galaxy. The majority of their work once centered around sustaining their own planet and people before their interest soon changed to a galactic view with the necessity or external sources of income and technologies. The association as a whole functions as a secondary source of law enforcement while on their home planet of Emberlene. Off planet, their current job dictates what their mission objective is at the given time. Members can range from starfighter pilots, engineers, gladiators, and countless other occupations while abroad.
    • Their flexibility comes from the need to fulfill a number of criteria for the execution of missions across the galaxy where they function as specialized operators for hire. Most members are far beyond what is capable of the average person in regards to physical aptitude. At least in regard to both fighting and in general fitness. Trained in a number of fighting styles, they are able to switch their combat stance on a whim to disrupt their opponents advantage in the moment.
    • Trained in a number of skills, they are also highly flexible in regards to thinking and planning, as each group of Mistryl's are typically hand picked by an assigned handler to make up a team roster to enhance the chance of success for a given mission or contract. While most have a general aptitude over a number of skills, it can be easily said that certain members within a cell of operators show far more skill and focus in certain regards. Those members are typically pulled to fulfill operation requirements beyond their assigned group and are required to work well outside of their originally assigned cell.
  • Headquarters: Emberlene
  • Domain:
    • While Emberlene is their home and base of operations, Mistryl's can be found among the ranks of operators, mercenaries, and other select groups for hire around the galaxy. They are top notch when it comes to subterfuge, and habitually use the vast system of information at their disposal to fulfill tasks and contracts. From simple picket style escorts to deep cover infiltrations, Mistryl's have and continue to perform a number of jobs around the galaxy. Their domain is not limited to their home, merely to the job they have taken.
    • On Emberlene, they maintain a healthy relationship with the general populace as much as they are able. With tendencies to avoid policing the general populace to remove the chance of intersecting with the public police force on the planet, they will act on behalf of the public police force when red tape hinders their ability to do so. The public face of the Mistryl group maintains food banks, shelters, community outreach along with a number of other centers to facilitate a better standing with the general populace as a whole. They are typically well received when recognized and readily blend with the civilians of the planet.
  • Notable Assets: Food Banks, Shelters, Social Centers, Community Outreach Systems, Large Information Network, Safehouse on Naboo. Headquarters on Emberlene
  • Hierarchy:
    • The Eleven Elders are the rightful rulers of the Mistryl Organization, though there has been some separation from this collection of Mistryl's and those beneath them. The relationship has been reformed, if through some harsh and final consequences for their actions. The Horae beneath them have seen fit to restrict some of their powers, though they have allowed them to remain as the absolute final word over the group, with some discussion with the Horae beneath them. This position is not readily doled out to anyone. Years of service, sacrifice, and dedication to Emberlene are prerequisites to even be considered for the position beneath the Eleven. Details of the election of the Eleven is kept strictly within the Eleven and the Horae beneath them.
    • The positions within the Mistryl organization below the Eleven Elders, known as the Horae, are those responsible for keeping the Mistryl's organized and running directly. This is an elected position, held by nine of the most reputed and respected members to make up the secondary figure heads of the organization and dole out orders to those beneath them as well as punishments. They are near to the final word in regards to orders, disputes, and anything requiring mediation, but can be lobbied for a second opinion. They do not tend to the day to day matters, typically looking to the future of the group as a whole and making decisions based on projections or data analysis to better divine the future through numbers.
    • Handlers, called Hegemone, maintain the flow of work and the organization of those beneath them. They are often not on site for jobs, as they are capable of maintain more than one cell or flower bed of operatives at one time. They are not however lacking in any training and typically are required to show their skills through a test after an allotted time frame to ensure they remain as skilled as their active duty operatives.
    • Physis are the recruiters for the members below them and work closely with the Handlers/Hegemone. They tend to be hands on in regard to their approach of new recruits and often times can be witnessed training new members or working with existing cells to develop proper unit cohesion.
    • Flower beds are the colloquial nickname for cells that are made up of a number of operatives(Anthousai or Chloris respectively) beneath the Hegemone. Similar to a larger military group, each cell/flower bed is required to answer to their respective Handler/Hegemone but also answer to those above them with proper clearances.
    • Chloris are the members of a particular cell, and notable cells are given accentuating names derived from flora from around the galaxy to reflect on their outstanding capabilities. Sometimes the named cells exist for a contract, sometimes they exist for extended periods of time before being dismantled.
    • Recruits are dubbed Anthousai, and are handled with special care given the need to extensively train and organize them as a new member within a flower bed or cell respectively. Both handlers and recruiters typically work with a new recruit for a duration of time, anywhere from several months to a few weeks, to better integrate them into their assigned cell.
  • Membership:
    • Recruitment at one time typically occurred at a young age, wherein a child was given to the Mistryl's to be trained for the majority of their lives to better acclimate them to a that of devotion and secrecy. This does not however make up the bulk of their latest recruitment, as most of the Mistryl ranks are made up of late life recruits who have shown great promise through deeds and actions. Their focus shifted from being given children to recruiting and training older members after finding it difficult to integrate their more zealot-esque members into normal society.
    • The organization roughly numbers in the tens of thousands with a great number of agents/operators working throughout the galaxy with required check in's at scheduled intervals to relay data or other information and receive revised orders. A good number, roughly half, of these operators can be found closer to Emberlene though it is not difficult to gather a large number of them with a hasty call to arms.
    • Promising skill is their largest interest. The ability to blend in with civilians, to gather information, work alone as well as within a unit, and operate without drawing needless attention from any source are high among their positive marks. They abhor needless killing, and as such take great issue with senseless or flippant casualties without due process.
    • Being recruited into the Mistryl organization typically involves a quiet meeting with a Tender, or recruiter, that has sought out the particular person of interest. They are given the option to refuse the recruitment, and if refused, there is no further inquiry or interest from the Mistryls. If accepted, the recruit is brought to Mistryl Headquarters on Emberlene for a physical, run through a basic field test, as well as an aptitude test, and ultimately brought before the Mistryl Council for a final chance to refuse recruitment.
  • Climate:
    • Largely secretive. You will not be gunned down for walking into the front door of any businesses they own, but you may not even realize you have entered a Mistryl stronghold without the proper information. They do not operate boldly and blatantly, as it hinders their ability in some regard to remain in plain sight. The group at large takes great strides to remain out of the limelight in regards to galactic attention, but they welcome anyone with a contract for work.
  • Reputation:
    • Most do not realize the existence of the Mistryl Shadow Guard until they are visited by them or work alongside them. Those outside the domain of Emberlene have little more than inkling mentions of a notable group of assassins, hackers, or skilled sharpshooters that hire themselves out for exorbitant fees to those in the know. They earn their pay, and what little reputation that has been heard of by the galaxy does much to support the claim of their skill. Outside of Emberlene, they are little more than a rumor save for those that have dealt with them.
    • Those in the know are well versed in the reliable nature of the Mistryl's. They honor their contracts above all, and see their missions through to the end. A name holds weight, and they have worked through the years to ensure that their name is synonymous with reliability and honesty. When dealing with the Mistryl's, they will only ask the required information to complete their task, and will uphold the contract for as long as the last member of the assigned cell is alive to fulfill the task. Their credibility is highly important to them and the honor behind it just as much so.
  • Curios:
    • Knowledge, and even that is limited within reason. They do not laude their membership nor carry any token signifying their inclusive right to the group.
    • One such example of knowledge, though widely shared, is the Mistryl Battle Language. Not openly shared with outsiders, this language allows the Mistryl's to direct and operate in the heat of battle without allowing the enemy to learn of their plan.
    • They keep a reserve of dedicated equipment for their members on hand but allow their operators great flexibility with their kit in order to allow them to blend in with their surroundings.
    • Some general pieces of equipment made available to members consist of generalized pieces rather than anything specialized as members have a broad range of freedom in their equipment loadout. MGB-01 is the Mistryl General Purpose Bodyglove, available to all members of organization as a standard or fall back piece of under-armor. MCA-01 is the Mistryl Covert Armor available to all members of the organization as a standard or fall back piece of armor.
  • Rules:
    • Need to Know. Information is passed down and around on a need to know basis. If you are not within that circle or operation, you have little knowledge of what is happening in another section of the organization. This is as much for their own safety as for the continued safety of the Mistryl Shadow Guard as a whole.
    • Operations are strictly handled between the Handlers and the chosen cell of handpicked operators for the purpose of mission success. Loose lips sinks ships, and if their enemy of the moment where to gain knowledge of their operation, their is a limited pool of traitors to pick from.
    • They carry with them a strict code of honor that forbids them from senseless killing. If the mission or contract requires the death of a target, they are fully and well able to dispatch the target without question. The guards that were on duty to protect that person? If they posed a threat to the well being of the operator, dispatching them is permitted. Did they drop their weapons and surrender before being dispatched? You will be brought before the council when they learn of that detail.
    • Each member of the Mistryl is required to self police. There is no greater threat to the galaxy than a group that does not check it's own. Should a sister of the shadows fail to adhere to the code of honor, anyone that knows of this failure is expected and required to apprehend the offending sister and bring her before the council.
    • When a sister of the Mistryl's break the code of honor, there are severe consequences that escalate depending on the circumstances of the breach of conduct. The severity of the punishment is largely left to the Horae, though most are typically done in a manner similar to ceremonial scarring visible to everyone, including the offender. Left as a reminder for the offending party, and a warning for those around the offender, ceremonial scarring is often carried out on the hands and is always topical wound. It is meant to brand the skin and act as penance, not injure the person.
  • Goals:
    • Continue their existence alongside major powers of the galaxy. Train future Shadow's to better their planet, peoples, and ranks. Assist others seeking similar goals of economic and societal growth. Protect threatened peoples when possible without sacrificing their ethics or honor.
The Mistryl Shadow Guard has survived through trial and tribulations both of their own making, and of those forced upon them. The group has remained a bastion in the face of forced conflict, internal strife, and corruption. Their tie to the people of Emberlene has and remains their everlasting reason to exist, if only to secure the future of their brothers and sisters.

Through the long night, Emberlene's Mistryl Shadow Guard has stood for not only the planet, but also the people in every respect. Innumerable times has the group silently backed the downtrodden in their effort to better themselves, their family, and the people around them. The Eleven, rulers of the planet and the group itself, saw fit to expand the web of power beneath them to allow for some judicial protections for the more militaristic members below them.

The creation of the Horae came with a need to create a public face, with a pushed expansion to further ingrain their presence within the populace both at home and abroad. The idea for the restructuring of their names, along with positions came through the observation of gardens and gardeners respectively. Names were drawn from old texts, long covered in dust and grime that even handled with care threatened to dissipate in the hands of the curators.

The Horae came into existence from this restructuring, and beneath them the names shifted from once whispered words, to readily spoken and easily discernable titles. The settling of power was not easy, as the Eleven were now able to be challenged when a questionable decision was made. For a number of decades, there existed no peace between the Eleven and Horae, as old customs and rules were either challenged by members beneath the Horae, or by the Horae directly.

The push and pull of rules and rights was new for the Eleven, but allowed the group to grow beyond its once technophobic beginnings. The inclusion of new devices, and those with cybernetics became a standard as the galaxy around their homeworld shifted. The Horae shifted, and forced the Eleven to shift with them. Something that had not been possible before the self imposed restructuring.

New members, no longer required to be surrendered at birth, recruited from the general populace caused a boom of revisited training regiments. As well as a healthy demand for more trainers and handlers to compensate for the sudden growth of the organization. The Eleven and the Horae kept the organization of the members simple to avoid tremendous strain on remembering rank and titles. They were not a true military, however large or strong they grew and kept themselves humble with simplicity.

Members were divided up accordingly, and the system prospered under the shared responsibilities after several centuries of push and pull. The system was refined, and a code of honor, largely unspoken during this time grew into more than mere murmured words. Originally a mere addendum for those operating in the galaxy, this code of honor would soon be recorded as a staple in their operation. An outstanding and unwavering measure for each member to hold themselves and other sisters to.

This would shape the Mistryl Shadow Guard into the most respected, if intimidating, group of mercenaries to make even the farthest flung corners galaxy their home.
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