Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission to Eisei


Thousands of years before the Gulag Plague, the world was the most distant colony of the Atrisian Empire.

Now, it is a ghost planet.

No signs of war. No signs of disease. It is as though one day all of the people simply disappeared.

On a mission of exploration, the crew of the HMS Dragon's Fang set out to try and understand what happened to this world or what we might learn from its mysterious fate.

"One minute stand-by!"

Throughout the ship, muted klaxons echoed in warning of the reversion that was about to occur. For the past several months, the Atrisian star destroyer had been voyaging across the galaxy, crossing from out of Core Region through the Mid-Rim and the Mara Trade Corridor to arrive at the fringes of the Outer Rim.

At the back of the bridge, the sound of the blast doors unlocked heralded the arrival of an Atrisian woman in a naval blue military uniform.

A protocol droid seemed to straighten up slightly, before announcing, "Captain on the bridge."

Without comment, Lien merely strolled along the so-called command catwalk, casually observing her crew at work. Down in the pit, the navigator was counting down the drop from lightspeed. "Hyperspace reversion now ten seconds."

Glancing down over the crew pit, the Atrisian officer formally announced, "This is Captain Beifong, I have the conn." Then, directing her attention to the enlisted crew working forward of the navigator, ordered, "Helm, drop us out of lightspeed."

"Dropping out of lightspeed, aye," the lee-helm echoed, as the crewman shifted the throttle controls around. Beyond the viewport, the mottled blue-white of hyperspace shifted into the familiar blackness of normal space-time.

In an instant, the star destroyer appeared inside of what was obviously a planetary system.

"Com-scan, report."

"We are inside of a binary star system, Captain," Warrant Officer Kell announced from the crew pit on the opposite side of the bridge from the helm and navigation. "There are eleven terrestrial planets total. One of which appears to be orbiting in the habitation zone," the senior science technician added, continuing, "There are four gas giants, three ice giants, a sizeable asteroid field, and several minor astral features of notes"

Lien gave a nod of quiet approval. "The galactic coordinates match those provided by [member="Matsu Ike"] and Sasori Research?" she asked, turning to regard the warrant officer.

When the man gave a nod in affirmation, Lien pivoted back toward the starboard side of the bridge. "Navigator, I want a course toward the terrestrial planet in the habitation zone," she announced crisply, before taking a step back along the cat-walk and gesturing toward the protocol droid. "Give me ship-wide intercom."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have now arrived at what we believe to be the Eisei System. As much as I would like to announce that your patience has been rewarded, I fear that our work is just now getting started. So, as much as the occasion demands something inspiration or poetic, I'm afraid the only words I have for it are this: Survey teams, report to the hangar bay."

Signaling the droid the close the channel, the woman turned and was greeted by the sight of a mottled blue-green planet growing larger and larger as it seemed to approach the viewports of the bridge. "We have arrived at the planet we are tentatively identifying as Eisei, Captain," the navigator announced from the starboard side.

"Place us in a low orbit."

"Aye, Captain, low orbit," the navigator echoed, before turning toward his helm and lee-helm. "Helm, rotate pitch fifty-six degrees..."

"Com-scan, life signs?"

"Vegetation and growth levels appear consistent with Type-1 planetoids, Captain," Kell reported from the port side. "Indications of fauna. Air and soil readings show..."

"Humanoid lifesigns, if you please, Mister Kell," Lien corrected.

"None, Captain."

Crossing her arms in front of her, the woman took a moment to try and ponder that. Breathable atmosphere. Flora and fauna growth normal. What happened to the people of this planet that it was abandoned like this?

"XO, you have the conn," she uttered finally, her arms dropping by her side as she made her way off the bridge. As she walked, she called back, "Maintain orbit. Survey teams will maintain contact."

With luck, they'd have more answers than questions when they did.

Welcome to the Mission to Eisei, a thread in the style of "Weekend Treasure Hunt"

Please take a moment to review the Codex sub for the planet. You're free to explore a location of your own making (if you do, consider subbing it to the Codex after) or exploring one of the locations in the sub.
  • Jiang Lou City
  • Rong Hua Monastery
  • Abandoned Temple
Please observe Wheaton's Law and have fun. Any questions, please PM or comment in the OOC thread.

[member="Elise Ike"] | [member="Finley Dawson"] | [member="Pylon Zerga"] | [member="Kit Symthe"] | [member="Jomasom Leuf"]
"Man, how did Kara talk me into this one?" Pylon grumbled inside the sound proof inner sanctum of his helmet. He stood in the hanger bay, arms folded and leg propped up against some durasteel container holding...Some sort of equipment.

It probably wasn't very important, as he had taken to sitting on it for most of the journey, with his long, vicious looking single edged blade sitting housed in it's hard sheath, propped up along side. Inside his climate controlled helmet, the silver clad Mandalorian was able to avoid speaking with most of the crew, and catch up on some much needed sleep during the flight over.

Now however, with the entire vessel springing to life, and a harsh,commanding, dry female voice of Captain Beifong, echoed over the bridge intercom system, Pylon was rudely awakened and forced to look like he was doing something. So, he decided to stick to what he was good at, and complain.

Not that he had to try very hard to find problems with this expedition. From the overly vague description of their mission parameters, to the circumstances of the mass disappearance of all civilized life on the planet, this entire mission screamed "Suicide Run". Hell, that was half the reason Pylon's beloved wife Kara was able to convince him to undertake the rather tame-appearing protection job.

"It'll be a great pay-off for very little work, or an absolute oisk-fest that needs your help, and then, we price gouge them! We can't lose!" She insisted enthusiastically. Maybe if she was the one being forced to trek through unknown jungles and violent wild life, she wouldn't have sounded so convincing.

So now, here he was, running a final check on all of his weapons, laying them out on the large container he had deemed fit enough to work as both his room and armory. He kept the majority of his precious weapons hidden and inside their respective holsters, such as his lightsabers. No reason anyone on the HMS Dragon's Fang needed to know they had an Ex-Jedi on board. Judging by the way most of the crew avoided walking near him, or his array of razor sharp blades he kept brandishing, it seemed they were already uneasy enough having a Mysterious Mandalorian on the payroll.
[member="Lien Beifong"]

Noriko had been sent from Sasori, they had worked here on the planet investigating it and trying to figure out what had happened. SHe was coming in place of Matsu as the atrisian sat there in the one seat. The Dragon's Fang was many things and it was built to be an impressive ship. THe living modules were made and ready for them to live within them. She stretched her arms out when news that they were arriving came and her chevron pad linked up wiht the navigational beacons and information poured forward to her. "Hmmm I should maybe head up towards the bridge." She thought about it and coming to invstigate and have something interesting happening around them.

Kit Symthe

Information Changes Everything
Loading Bay, HMS Dragon's Fang // Eisei Space
Interacting with:

"Feet first into the void. Just a normal day at work."

Kit was anxious. That much was apparent. Despite all his training, all his practical application in the concealment of his disposition, the Agent would help but shake in the knees. Even the darkest of operations tended to provide some background, some level of briefing to wrap one's mind around, but this? This was a ghost town. No, a ghost planet. Not even Kit had known of the world of Eisei, and he had over eight hundred years on the oldest man aboard this cruiser. With no starting point, the Agent found his mind wandering, dipping firstly into innocent causes for the population's disappearance, to deeper, macabre reasoning, dancing the fine line between partiality and fantasy. It was a worth-while means of entertainment for the long journey. Kit had enough difficulty striking up conversations with men of his own culture, but now? Surrounded by these 'Atrisians'? He felt like an alien.

His train of thought was interrupted by the call to action, the accented tone of his temporary Captain ordering the team to convene. The moment of truth, as they say. Fastening a pair of knee-high boots to his thighs, the Agent preformed a swift examination of his gear, emitting a satisfied huff has he clipped his belt around his waist, holsters secured tightly to his figure. One could never be too safe, marching off into the void, after all. Despite the boots-on-ground nature of the job, Kit was surprisingly well-groomed, appearing as if he was readied for a night in Nar Shaada, what with his roguish garments. After all, why burden one's self with armor when Mando loaded for bear accompanied the squadron.

Field bag slung over his shoulders, Kit quickly made his way to the assembly point, eyes glancing down along the lines of the durasteel flooring. Even with his gaze averted, the mood was far too easy to read. Worry and excitement spurred throughout the crew. The Agent would be laying if he didn't admit it was something of an honor to be here; A momentous occasion for the men and women of this Commonwealth. A proud venture into the unknown lands of their ancestors. The rush quickly subsided as the reality of the situation set back in. The disappearance and its cause, was unknown. For this merry band, they were as important as they were expendable. No time to let dreams and excitement cloud ones mind. With a slip of his gloves, Kit stood ready, an uneasy sigh escaping his lips.
Private Quaters->Loading Bay
Tags: [member="Kit Symthe"] [member="Pylon Zerga"]
Other: [member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Lien Beifong"]

Elise had stayed in her room for most of the ride, looking over past information about the Atrisian empire that her grandmother had compiled over the ages along with her own knowledge. Even such this planet was widely unknown to even herself, the start of civilization on the planet due to some monks and other information was quite known, but the sudden disappearance of the entire population was never explain, guess no one bothered to explore this place either. That is unless expeditions were made to the ghost cities, but like those from before never vanished.

It was such an intriguing thing to research but at the end of the day the only way to get more information was to go to said planet first hand, as such she was more then willing to jump abroad this whole expedition. Though not so much a well known figure very few people could rival her knowledge of Atrisian culture or skills in anthropology, and with a lot of the crew more geared towards protection and military assets, well it was not hard to get a ride. It did mean she had to keep her force signature concealed for the entire trip but such was a sacrifice she was willing to make, well depending on if said trip was worth it in the end.

As captain [member="Lien Beifong"]'s words echoed over the ships the youthful looking doctor started to make her way down to the loading bay were the other members of the expedition were located. A portable plastiod container being carried along by her, loaded up with personal equipment and other study tools for when they descended upon the worlds surface. Entering the loading bay it seemed several people had already assembled, two young men, one wearing armor most likely a mercenary on hire to keep the research crews safe. The other though... something about the boy seemed off, it was hard to identify but Elise made a mental note to keep an eye on them, just to be on the safe side.

"Good morning... or evening everyone, ready for a day of adventure and hopefully not dying to some other worldly phenomenon".
Another cargo bay, another stack of credits. As Mark Cross had found time and time again, being a chef of the highest level didn't allow him anywhere near the level of financial freedom that he desired. That dream of opening his own cantina seemed almost completely out of reach, and the only way he found to move further in the right direction was to instead make use of his (just barely) above average piloting skills, along with pretty handy with a blaster in hand. It was enough to get by.

He sat on the ground, his back against the cold metal as he checked over his rucksack of equipment. As was often the case with 'jobs' such as this, he'd be working with what you'd call true professionals, not chancers like him. Mark's gear was virtually all second-hand, maintained and usually modified by his own hand. Granted, it didn't look the best, which drew a lot of wary glances from anyone who'd get roped into working with him, but they were comfortable, they were reliable, and most importantly they got the job done. Despite that, it didn't stop him envying the exotic blades and top-of-the-line firepower he'd see floating around.

His eyes cast lazily over the arrivals so far. One looking nervous, like it was his first rodeo, one who's jolly greeting made it seem like they were going on a gentle stroll, and one so armed-to-the-teeth that he probably could have won the Mandalorian Wars single-handedly. This was an interesting band that had been assembled...

[member="Elise Ike"] [member="Kit Symthe"] [member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Pylon Zerga"] [member="Lien Beifong"]
The was several minutes before the woman had completed the journey through the bowels of the ship to arrive at the hangar.

Already, survey teams were deploying from out of the star destroyer for the planet below. Their destinations seeded at various points across the planet.

Arriving in the hangar bay, the Atrisian military officer surveyed those shuttles that were still loading, selecting one of the open bays at random. Stepping on board, the woman passed through the interior toward the cockpit. "Destination, gentlemen?" the captain inquired of the pilot and co-pilot, before receiving a small datapad with coordinated and rudimentary sensor telemetry on it.

"There's indications of an exoplanetary impact crater inside of one of the bamboo forests," the co-pilot relayed, as the pilot continued to cycle through the flight systems checks. "Com-scan reports indications of durasteel and other heavy metals within the crater."

"A downed starship?" Lien inquired, glancing at the man from over the top of the datapad in her hands.

"That's the going theory."

The woman gave a curt nod. "It's a start," she remarked, passing the datapad back to him. Taking a seat and buckling herself into the harness, the woman ordered, "Take us down."

As [member="Elise Ike"] spoke up, Lien glanced over toward the woman.

Inclining her head in agreement of her words, there was a wan smile on the captain's face as she deadpanned, "Adventure is rarely for the risk averse."

[member="Elise Ike"] | [member="Kit Symthe"] | [member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Pylon Zerga"] | [member="Mark Cross"]
[member="Lien Beifong"] [member="Elise Ike"]

Noriko arrived and looked at the people who were there with a grin on her face as the small look at the captain who had led them this far out. The other ships in the hanger bay and she was looking at her freighter that had been brought in for her. The sleek look of the saotome craft functioned so she could store her equipment and her robes with armor. She had her saber staff on her hip and field kits one made by Shoma and one by Matsu on each hip. The last thing she needed and slipped on was the lightweight survival pack that had a field hospital for making antidotes and cures quickly with the onboard computer and components. She stood at the ready with her equipment looking sleek and compacted on her and then the most important part her chevron pad with the connection to the AI and investigation teams and scouts."Ready to go."

Kit Symthe

Information Changes Everything
Loading Bay, HMS Dragon's Fang // Eisei Space
Interacting with: [member="Lien Beifong"], [member="Elise Ike"]
"Is this an expedition, or a galactic sitcom."

Kit watched and observed the slowly growing crowd, hands idly toying with a downsized communications transmitter. Between the orthodox naval officer, pale, ghost-like woman and the heavily armored fighter, one would half expect this to be a live-action reincarnation of a Kryats and Craters campaign. An uneasy sensation settled over the Agent, that oh-so-distinct feeling of peeping eyes, though its origins remained unknown. Better to play dumb than pursue, Kit reasoned. There was no telling the allegiance of these freelancers. It was cliche, but playing the strong, silent type was always a reliable choice. Coming to meet the gaze of the ghostly woman, Kit responded with a tug at the corners of his lips, though it was far from a smile. Between the pompous figure and humorless features, it seemed to be the safest of motions. Securing his equipment onto his waistline, the Agent bowed his head. With a soft clench of the eyes, his anxiety and worry slowly faded away, replaced by a stoic, contained demeanor. A more lively soul might describe it was “putting on ones game face” or “getting in the zone”. For Kit, it was a simple matter of preparation.

The Spy’s moment of zen was interrupted by the same girl, loudly announcing in a voice optimistic sarcasm. He paid no emotional mind to the declaration, simply passing by with a parting gaze. The role for unease was waning. Preparations were being conducted, and final word passed. With a wiggle of the ears, Kit found himself catching the tail end of the Captain’s conversation, word of a downed vessel acting as the collection’s first stop. It was a valid start. Even the most ancient of vessel’s maintained logs. Perhaps they’d strike gold with a black box. Or maybe it would truly be a scrapped waste of durasteel. They still had an entire planet to comb, no need to get uppity this early on. Still, he couldn’t admit there wasn’t a thrill to the matter; Uncovering a long lost civilization, peeling back what drove them back to the stars. Like a child assembling a puzzle, only this one might well involve cosmic horrors.

“Sounds like a picnic.” The Agent finally spoke, rather curtly at that. There was little in the way of a roguish charm or snicker to his comment, a simple matter-of-fact statement, the sarcasm of which betrayed the monotone delivery. He hardly waited for a response, either, quickly distracting himself with a quick glance over of his energy cartridges.
The shuttle landed along the peripheral of a clearing.

It wasn't very long before the cause of the clearing became obvious. "Well, I think we can confirm the shipwreck hypothesis," Lien noted dryly, even as the Atrisian woman walked along the far edge of the sight.

She was trying to take in the contours of the vessel, but it was not a model known to her.

Considering the implication regarding the age of the Eisei colony, the wreckage could date back to the Ruusan Formation. Or even the Rakata Conquests. "Anyone have a guess on this one?" the woman ventured aloud, posing the question regarding the vessel's origins to the band of explorers that had followed her down to the planet's surface.

"And does anyone see an egress or a way inside?"

Preferably one that wouldn't involve blasting holes in an artifact that they didn't entirely understand.

[member="Kit Symthe"] | [member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Mark Cross"] | [member="Elise Ike"] | [member="Pylon Zerga"]​
Keeping to himself in order to maintain the rugged, silent mercenary persona, Pylon finished readying his gear around the time the bridge had apparently found an acceptable landing position. The gathering ragtag collection of explorers left quite the impression in the Force, as he grew more and more aware of the growing shore team. Several were Jedi, or at least touched by the Force, he reasoned. This would inevitably make his job harder, as any external use of the Force would quickly betray his previous training, which always lead to questions.

And there were already enough questions about this mission.

Zerga slid each of his prized weapons into their respective holsters, before finally fixating the large, hard ultrachrome plated sheath to his back plate, which swiveled and rotated a full circle before locking into place diagonally, the handle of his prized Beskar blade sticking up past his shoulder. Apparently satisfied with the placement, he went to stand by the loading bay door, getting a closer look at his fellow "companions".

While there were a few males in the group who looked capable enough not to trip over their own kit, neither of them seemed to be experienced warriors, and certainly not soldiers-for-hire. The other females seemed to be either completely clueless to what they were walking into, seeming to be little more than scientists, better suited to an archaeological excavation than an investigation into the disappearance of an entire population. Still though, the Force was present here, he could tell, even with his own signature being repressed. It seemed Pylon wasn't the only one who was more than he appeared.

One of the men, dressed in what seemed to be designer clothing line made for safari or night on some backwater planet cantina-crawl, made a comment about their mission seeming to be a "picnic". Fierfek, he grumbled internally, he really was the only one taking this serious.

"Is that why you brought your loafers? What, did you forget your fanny-pack in your cabin? Listen up, boys and girls: My name is Kad Rihka, and I was hired to keep you all alive for the duration of this little...picnic. So there's two ways you can go about this; One, you all follow the hired Mando armed to the teeth and he gets you all back home to your fancy labs or condos, or whatever. Or two, go it alone, ignore my advice, and get eaten by a carnivorous plant or something..."

He spoke finally, hoping the sudden break in his silence would have the effect of everyone taking his words to heart. The less people wandering off on their own with their head in the clouds, the less work Pylon had to do to keep these people whole. He could keep up his charade of being a gruff mercenary long enough for that, he reasoned.

Once the Dragon's Fang landed on the planet surface, Pylon did his best to stay within eyesight of comm terminal, watching with glued attention to the screen. The large canyon crater created by the massive, dilapidated ghost ship in the middle of the bamboo forest resembled a large, pulsating scar on the otherwise green landscape of the planet. Like a jagged shard of shrapnel embedded into the earth, the massive wreckage bridged across the valley.

A sudden chill ran down Zerga's spine as the videofeed panned over the enormous structure. Something about it felt..ominous. There was something on this planet. Something ancient. Something...hungry, and filled with hatred.

Despite this grave warning, Pylon found himself pressing the transmission button on the com terminal, connecting him to the bridge. "Captain Beifong, wait! Pan back....Back...Up...There!" He instructed the ships cameras until they focused in on a large, circular breach in the fallen frigate's hull, about 5 meters across. "That looks like a way in...But that's not a laser-weapon blast. It looks like it was....Melted...?"
"A picnic, well there is certainly some tasty looking morsel around" she replied to the cold stoic man, half joking but also to some extent actually meaning it. Not that she was hungry at the moment but if things went south there was always that option, survival of the fittest and what not. As more foot steps echoed from behind Elise diverted attention away form the younger looking man and to [member="Lien Beifong"] coming down to greet the crew, if one could really call it that. Seemed more like the main cast of some horror movie, the tough grunt, fearless captains, sarcastic scientists, strong silent member, the wise sensible one and what ever that strange other person leaning against the wall was.

"He, that's a nice quote, mind if I use that", there was a certain person in mind that could use that sort of advice, following the appearance of [member="Noriko Ike"] everyone quickly climbing aboard the drop ship as it made it's way towards the planets surface. Not without any drama, the now revealed [member="Pylon Zerga"] spouting out nonsen, pretending he was the only one with any combat skill, earning a small eye roll from Elise. "Good to know but I think I will be spending more time around the all powerful Jedi masters that actually know what there doing and not some merc who may stab me in the back for a quick bunk, so thanks but no thank".

The ride was short and sweet, soon herself along with the captain and other Jedi master looking out over the large clearing, and well the 'clearing' in the form of a crater. Elise whistling a upon seeing the wreckage, "Not something I have seen before the design is quite interesting, though I am not an expert when it comes to ships and that sort of thing". "I would have to be somewhat recent though, if I had to guess perhaps it crashed during the netherworld crisis, that is the only way one could really account for such a sudden vanish of the entire population". If it was another outbreak of the ratghoul plague there would be bodies, and guessing by how all the major cities were still intact and form of invasion no matter how quick or clean would leave some sort of damage behind... wouldn't it?

[member="Kit Symthe"] [member="Mark Cross"]
Location: Bamboo Forrest
Objective: Leave the plan by any means.
Equipment: In sig.

Perspiration dripped from his brow and onto his cheeks, like dew sliding down the blades of grass. The skies were tore open and emerging from the heavens a single ship. Hope personified. Being trapped on a planet was not something the Anzat minded. For years he endured the horrors of Dxun, surviving and feeding on everything he could. The animals of the jungle were forced to bend to his will, hunters feared him some even boasting to be mighty mandalorians.

But... this was different.

It mattered little on Eisei. The planet was completely empty. Lush enough to support life, Established with modern cities and abandoned technology. No life, no animals, nor native species of any sort besides the flora and vegetation. No established living society could be found. This was something Kresnik searched radically for. The thrist and hunger within him felt as if it was eating at his very soul. The constant silence was maddening and a constant reminder of his hunger for "soup". The very thing he needed to survive. The purest form of any life force and the only true way to rid himself of this feeling of physical hunger. For the past week Kresnik had been without any "soup" what so ever, relying solely on the force essence of the Vegetation around him in massive amounts. Force Drain. It nutured his body and the Orbalisks apon it but did nothing to sate his true hunger.

" Finally." He words escaped him. Ravenous eyes watching the ship land in the distance.

" Sou-" He uttered but stopped suddenly. The Anzats ears could heard strange noises behind him in the far distance. Movement of sorts that even to him was just now being noticed in the Bamboo forests. Extending his hand toward the trees and grass around him he focused by the second. The heat began to increase till a spark, a single flame was expelled. The fiery snake twisted about the bamboo trees burning the Forrest and spreading quickly.

A distraction was needed to draw people out after all. With a haste the Anzat snickered some with shifty eyes, adjusted his torn cloak and left the scene.

Soon the fire would spread and be big enough to be seen from many locations.

[member="Elise Ike"]
[member="Pylon Zerga"]
[member="Lien Beifong"]
[member="Kit Symthe"]
[member="Noriko Ike"]
[member="Mark Cross"]

Kit Symthe

Information Changes Everything
Bamboo Forest, Eisei // Eisei Space
Interacting with: [member="Lien Beifong"], [member="Elise Ike"], [member="Pylon Zerga"], [member="Kresnik Karkarov"]
"Exquisite architecture and a lovely habitat. Perhaps I'll start a timeshare here."

Kit lifted a single brow at the ghostly one's comment, either a perturbed sense of diction, or they were grasping for some hidden pun. Either way, it tickled the Agent uncomfortably, adding to the already well established unease regarding the operation at hand. The boisterous tone of the armored one added little comfort, though, it was reassuring to know he'd be standing between Kit and any unpleasantness they might encounter; The ice cube had no intentions to be the first to die. Slinging his pack over his shoulders, the Agent made his way, alongside the others, to their respective vessel, descending with little difficulty. It was nearly relaxing, save for the aroma of deceit and disguise that filled the cabin. The closest thing to an honest figure rested on upon their captain, and even then, the goals and pursuits of her mother faction sat ambiguous. Hand settling on his thigh, he closed his eyes, awaiting that harsh shake that signaled touch down.

The Agent was quick to sprout to his feet as the vessel's doors extended, mitts curled instinctively around his own blasterarm. Shuffling, no, pressing past his companions, Kit examined the site for himself, eyes snapping to and fro in a rather inhuman, mechanical manner, gaze squinting as he stared forth with increasing intensity. His lips parted, an incomprehensible murmur slipping free from his throat, bits and pieces of audible comments and notes occasionally coming to form. "One of the few signs of wreckage on this world." He spoke with a low undertone, head cocked ever so slightly. "Little debris, isolated location, and, well...Yes, signs of deliquescing on the hulling, as pointed out by the muscle." Kit listed, expression dipping back and forth with each statement. Fingers lopping about his belt line, the Spy came to a satisfied conclusion. "Something was aboard the vessel and managed to bring it down, mid-flight. It seems to be a rather primitive suspect, or else, I'd imagine this crash would be but one of many."

Twisting about, Kit faced away from the collective, shuffling off a short pace, finding himself hovering upon the edge of the surrounding bamboo forest. To search for a trail was a rather fruitless attempt, even Kit knew this flora to be rather rapid in its gestation, but, there had to be something, a permanent landmark or point of travel. Between his endlessly pondering, Kit nearly passed off the distinct scent of smoke for a planetary fragrance, had it not be for the light sting of smoke in his eyes. Placing a foot before the other, the Agent lurched forth, nearly disappearing into the brush, before quickly retracting, returning to the comfort of the group. "I hate to place a damper upon this discovery, but I fear the Shuttle may have created an impromptu bonfire." He suggested, rather ignorant to the blazes true cause, the muted excitement of the wreckage taking priority within the young Spy's mind.
Noriko was bringing up the information itself where they would be able to check on it. She raised an eyebrow seeing the others and listening before the smaller jedi master clasped her hands behind her back. The drop ship taking them down was smaller then expected and a little cramped but she managed and emerging heard the admiral.. captain.... lady fo the Dragon's fang asking about the ship ahead of them. "When we first sent investigation teams they didn't get this far, they were on other areas of the planet." She knew a few of the groups from Atrisia though like the Wu-Shi had come here. "The Wu-Shi had sent out scout parties to come here and the other colonies. If we can find their outpost they mgiht have some information."
Their Mandalorian mercenary had identified a breach that heralded a possible access point for the wreckage.

"Excellent," Lien remarked curtly, orienting herself toward the part of the wreckage that the man had indicated. As she started for that part of the wreck, she overheard Noriko's observation about the Wu-Shi.

If the Wu-Shi were still on the planet, why hadn't they made contact?

"Master Ike, perhaps you could take a team to investigate the Wu-Shi outpost," Lien opined aloud, with a glance to [member="Kit Symthe"] and [member="Elise Ike"] as either seemed a good companion for that undertaking. Sending one of them off on their own wasn't what Lien had in mind.

Of course, on that note, where had [member="Kresnik Karkarov"] disappeared to?

The observation of the fire caused a frown to cross the Atrisian woman's face. "We have some cryoban charges in the shuttle if necessary," the woman remarked. They'd have to monitor the fire to ensure that it didn't get out of control or pose a threat to the survey team.

Venturing over to where the break in the hull was, the woman pulled out a hand-held scanner and paused a moment to get some readings. "It's melted all right, but it doesn't seem to be a plasma-induced reaction," the woman noted aloud, before putting the scanner away and pulling an illumination wand from her belt.

[member="Noriko Ike"] | [member="Pylon Zerga"]
She returned a small nod to [member="Lien Beifong"] as she motioned for her to join the Jedi master in checking out the strange wreackage, though it seemed odd that the ship apparently had battle damage. Nothing else on the planet was ruined by war, only this one felled ship. In all honesty she would have felt more comfortable if the ship had seemingly crashed due the crew just vanishing randomly. At least then there would have been some common factor but this just seemed to make everything more complicated and with now real reason.

She had briefly listened to [member="Kit Symthe"] analysis on the crash site, damaged from the inside by something primitive, more speculations that did not seem to bring them any closer to their real goal and in her mind distracting against the really mystery. Though not one to really on on gut instinct but the difference between this crash and the rest of the planet made her feel the two were not associated with each other, though neither making the place feel any more welcoming.

"Well, seems we have our work cut out, guess I am following you miss Jedi lady, hopefully there is nothing out there to kill us in a very uncivilized manner". "Though I never thought I'd be plying fire fighter today, that sure is one large blaze... I wonder how it started"?

[member="Noriko Ike"] [member="Kit Symthe"] [member="Kresnik Karkarov"]

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