Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Minor Faction Ship Count Nov2014

Silara Vantai said:
*Whistles for Crimson Exogorths*
Oh, I forgot you were dying today.
*doesn't get reference*

Whatever that is, good. I wish you were at Dromund Kaas. Maybe Larraq would be able to sleep at night without nightmares about burning orphans and collapsed school buildings.
Thurion Heavenshield said:
The factions are displayed in the order they posted in the Minor Faction Check-in.
You missed one... Witches may not be particularly thrilled with the great metal beasts in the sky but we did our internal check in and posted in the monthly minor faction check in.
Reminder: Please, link your member check-ins in your post.

[member="Satara Hawk"] - You were told to provide links to your member check-in. Failure to do so meant you were excluded this month. It does not mean you failed the check-in, however.

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