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Mind Over Matter

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Taeli closed the book she had been reading, enjoying the down time she had after Ziost. Connor might have gone running off, but she had a feeling he was going to need her help eventually in whatever he was up to. But ... that wasn't what was truly weighing on her mind. That involved her sister.

Something had happened on both Ord Mirit and Ziost that had left her sister both confused and in pain, and as her role as older sister dictated, she wanted to help her younger sister. So, she had asked for Corvus to meet her in her quarters in the Ossus temple to talk about what had happened to her. Taeli also hoped they might be able to tackle another thorny problem her sister had dwelling in her head.

Looking around the very cluttered room, she started moving the various books and datapads and circuitry bits around so they would have a little bit of room and set up a pot of tea.
Corvus was caught in a weak moment. She'd left the archives temporarily to shower and change - the blood and mud from Ziost no doubt a little scary for Younglings, especially on white robes.

She wondered if the Librarian and her sister had conspired to make her take a break? For no sooner had she left her room to go back to the archives than she received a call to visit Taeli. And she'd made tea - which was a signal that Corvus' presence was required.

So she reluctantly at first started the walk to her sister's rooms - which were on the same floor of the Academy after all - and wondered what it was about. Ziost probably. Ord Mirit no doubt.

So she had a plan to change the subject if her sister pressed too hard. Taeli had once offered to bankroll the Order and it was joked about. But the concept of the Jedi being self-sufficient hadn't gone away and Corvus remembered their chat on Corellia the day they first met. Corvus' idea to set up a charity with her proceeds of their parent's estate.

She'd researched it thoroughly and suddenly the two thoughts coincided. What if they set up a charity to fund the Order. To ensure its independence? Like many old religions, charitable donations were commonplace and with a little effort and her sister's know-how, she knew they could do it.

So, pleased with her deflection technique, Corvus entered the room. "Hi sis," she said, "And I'll apologise in advance. I want milk in my tea." She attempted a smile but it was half-hearted at best.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"Already thought of that, sis," Taeli said, indicating the small milk container among her tea set. "Sorry that the place is cluttered, in the middle of some research myself. Also, apologies for that the tea set is a bit Sith like, it's an original piece that was recovered from Ziost a few years ago and given to me as a gift."

Setting some more books aside, she sat down and gestured for her sister to take the other seat. She could see the signs in her sister's body language, and the head archivist had mentioned that Corvus seemed obsessed with finding something in the archives, or perhaps someone. Taeli was curious what had suddenly spurred this, but first things first.

"Do you want to talk about what happened on Ord Mirit and Ziost?" Taeli asked. It might be a question, but it had a stronger meaning behind it as well. "And don't say nothing happened, you forgot to close off our bond when whatever was happening happened. I knew that confusion too, someone opened you up to feeling more emotions than you knew existed."
When her sister mentioned Ziost but moved on, Corvus thought she'd get away with it. But she knew, deep down, that wouldn't happen. And Taeli's questioning was too direct to deflect just yet. So she reverted to plan P.


She took a seat and... And... And simply didn't know what to say. Her plan P even went out of the window. Like a fish out of water her mouth opened and closed but no noise came out.

Finally she looked her sister in the eyes. "Why does something so special hurt so much?" There were tears forming in her eyes now, as try as she might, her mind wouldn't let her close her emotions down. And she rushed to her sister and threw her arms around her and sobbed openly - and showed no sign of stopping.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

As Corvus took the seat, she seemed unable to say anything, her mouth opening and closing several times. It must have been something serious, something painful ... and then Corvus was launching herself at Taeli in a fierce hug and sobbing. That was unexpected, she hadn't seem Corvus this upset or hurt before.

And Taeli understood exactly what her sister meant by why did something special hurt so much. Connor and her ... it hurt a lot sometimes, especially since he seemed enamored with the Padawan, even going off to chase after her without thinking.

"It means you cared, Cor," Taeli whispered, holding her sister close and stroking her hair gently. "It means you still care ... and I know how it feels. All too well, I know how it feels."

A single tear slid down Taeli's cheek.

"Tell me about what happened, please, Corvus let me help you."
Corvus sat and sucked in air until finally she could speak.

“This is going to come out random, so bear with me.” She looked at the ground intently.

“Many years ago I met a Sith. I was a Padawan on some treasure hunt. I didn’t so much meet her as sense her. She was more powerful than anything I’d ever encountered. And she taunted me. Said our destinies were bound to join at some point.”

She tried to smile. “You know Sith and Dun Möch. Even as a Padawan I put it down to taunting. But…” She left the sentence unfinished.

“Anyway, we came across each other every now and then, Invasions and such like but never more than fleeting.”

“Then I’d just been made a Master and went to Prakith. It’s why Melori went there you know…” Again she seemed lost in her thoughts.

“And she was there. Silara. You must know her…knew her. And we fought but it was more like a dance than a battle. All I sensed was her pain and anguish. I wanted to hold her tight, to take the pain away. To absorb it for her. To bring her to the Light. It was like we were polar opposites of the spectrum but so far apart we were almost the same. I know that makes no sense but…” Again she trailed off.

“Anyway. She said she loved me but then joked and said she didn’t mean me but someone else there. And…I felt empty. Like I was disappointed and didn’t want to believe her.” She laughed softly. “She admitted on Ord Mirit she meant it for me.”

“But my emotions were under lock and key. What I felt must have been so powerful as to leak through my barrier. I don’t really know.”

“Anyway…Ord Mirit. We met and we fought.” She smiled. “I gave her a kick in the ribs and she threw me across the room. But..but…she erected this barrier of fire and it was like we were the only two people on the planet. She came close and enticed me to open up to my feelings. And I did.”

A few seconds of silence followed.

“And I was confused. Twenty years of emotions came flooding out. I mean I really opened up. And when she told me of her feelings for me, well… Well, I don’t know. I was flattered and confused and I’m a Jedi and never had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. I always joked I’d meet Obi-Wan and settle down. But my feelings…”

“I wanted to be loved. For her to love me. I asked her to be patient. I asked her to accept me for who I am a Jedi. In time I hoped to turn her to the Light. And she left but told me to meet her on Ziost. And then…she said she was going to die there and I promised I’d save her. And she said more. She said her real name was Braith and that the person I was talking to was a puppet.”

“On Ziost I felt her die. She reached out to me in death – Braith I think, not Silara and told me to find her.”

“I found Silara’s body and…took it somewhere safe.”

For the first time she looked in Taeli’s eyes. “What if this Braith is, as she said, the one that wants me and Silara was just a vessel? The one I think I love never even knew who I was – not really. I am just so karking confused.”

The expletive sounded wrong on Corvus’ lips and all the more shocking for it. And she held her sister’s gaze with a look that longed for her elder sibling to say something. Anything that would put things right. She was still a foolish and naïve girl at heart.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

As Corvus explained the story, Taeli stayed silent for the longest time. It wouldn't do to interrupt after all, but this was an interesting tale. She had indeed known Silara, but she had gone by a different name then. When she reached the part about Braith, about this Braith character controlling Silara, Taeli started tapping her chin in thought as she was known to do. Well that complicated matters. She had also never heard her sister swear before, so that was just mildly shocking to say the least. The whole possibly being in love with a female, not so much. Taeli wasn't too particular ... but then again, she had one man on her mind usually. If only he would just ... but that wasn't the topic at hand.

"From what you said," Taeli started, slowly choosing her words with care, "it sounds like this Braith was using a Sith technique known as Qazoi Kyantuska. It's a very rare but powerful version of mind control, but generally it requires someone to be nearby to facilitate it. Hold on, I've got a book about it here somewhere ..."

Taeli got up and started rummaging through her collection of Sith tomes that she still had from her time among the Sith. She had never sat down to learn the technique herself, but she had acquired some knowledge on it.

"Here we go," Taeli said, placing a small leather-bound manuscript on the table and flipping a few pages to a description of the technique. "Depending on how long ago Silara came into contact with this Braith person, you could have been interacting with Braith for most of your encounters, and the difference would be very hard to catch. It's a very thorough ability."

Leaving the page open, she poured herself and her sister some tea and placed a small milk container next to Corvus's.

"Now ... about the emotions you're feeling, sis, that's a little more complicated," Taeli said, her fingers steepled on the table as she gazed into her cup. "If I had to hazard a guess, you fell in love with the personality that Silara presented, which would be Braith's unless Silara could slip out from time to time from the control. What sort of love though? I couldn't say without seeing it for myself, there are so many types. It hurts to see the person you thought you love ... fade, I know all too well. Connor is enamored with his one Padawan right now ... and it hurts to see it. If this Braith is the one who loves you, I think you need to speak with her ... and now I know why you've been in the archives. You're looking for references to this Braith person."

Taking cup in hand, Taeli took a sip of her tea and quietly set the cup back down.

"If I were you, I'd want answers too, sis," Taeli said. "You'd need documents of where Silara has traveled to possibly find this woman. That would be the best place to look. Of course ... there is another way ... it wouldn't be pleasant ... but I could do something for you that could help point you in the right direction on whether it was Silara or Braith who truly loved you."

Another sip, one to steady herself.

"When I was last on Korriban, Melori tried to speak with the ghost of Marka Ragnos, but he wouldn't appear," Taeli said. "I used my talisman of concentration and a Sith spell to temporarily summon his ghost to speak with us. That one black leather journal over there is one of his alchemy tomes. If I had a strong enough object with dark side energy in it, I could possibly summon Silara's spirit for a few minutes only so you could talk. I'd probably get very nauseous and sick ... but I want you to have the answers you seek."

She gave a small half-hearted chuckle.

"It's ironic that I've been trying to get you to open up to your emotions more, be more human, and this is how you're brought into this sort of thing," Taeli sighed.
Corvus nodded as Taeli spoke, she drank in the words like a parched traveller. I have heard of this. Exar Kun springs to mind. But if my research is to be believed, this Braith pre-dates the Sith. But old records can be misleading and she may have met Sith along the way.”

Corvus stole a glance at the book as her sister poured the tea. On another day she would now be taking stock of the collection of information and deciding which order she would read it in. And telling her sister off for leaving them lying about. Some Jedi would burn them on sight and they should, at very least, be under better security.

She drank her tea black, her brain unable to cope with the concept of pouring milk, so overloaded was it with Silara and Braith.

“So,” Corvus asked at an opportune moment. “Do you fall in love with a personality? I mean…well…you know…I’m not exactly on steady ground here. Because I hear people say they like someone and plan to change them. That sounds like it contradicts what you said.” Corvus wrinkled her nose. She was trying to catch up with two decades without emotions. The hormonal impact of puberty on the psyche was something she’d been spared. At least until today. Feelings for boys – or girls for that matter – had never crossed her mind. But she was aware she’d left a wake – or at least had been told so.

She shook her head. “Connor, eh? I’d offer advice, but…well…not my area of expertise, clearly.”

The prospect of speaking to Silara’s ghost was tempting. The fact they’d be performing Sith Magic here didn’t register. Instead she felt fear. “No. No. Not that. She’s died. I mean, if she never had any control, I’d rather hear that from Braith. I don’t think my heart could take the rejection right now.”

Love and emotions eh? Who on earth invented them?

“I guess we don’t get to choose who we fall in love with, or even allow our rational brain to get in on the act?” She was learning fast.

She looked Taeli in the eyes again. “What a pair we make.”

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"We fall in love with people, some for looks, others for personality," Taeli said, looking into her cup. "The true sort of love though is for a person's personality and it's supposed to be we accept them for what they are, flaws and everything. If someone wants to change a fundamental part of who their beloved is ... it's not true love, I guess. The other person has to want to change themselves, they can't be forced to. It's why I push Connor to be a better man, he knows and I know that it's there. He just needs to reach out and grow up ... except he has the emotional range and experience of a teaspoon so that complicates things."

She gave a small half laugh half sigh.

"You are right though that the rational brain does not pick who we love," Taeli said, taking a sip of her tea now. "Look where that got us? An unstable Jedi Master who likes to take risks and walk the edge, and someone who can use Sith magic to control a person from afar. We're a right state, sis."

Looking at the manuscript on the table, she closed it with a soft thump and smiled a little at her sister.

"Don't worry about people coming in to see these, over eager Padawans and all, I may have modified the door lock just a smidge," Taeli said, a small mischievous smile on her lips. "I have to let them inside, otherwise they need to share a genetic code with me to turn the handle."
Corvus nodded at the sage advice and took the mention of the manuscript as a welcome change of subject.

“Listen sis, I had something to ask you, but I wasn’t sure if my um…personal life was what you needed to see me about, or was it something else?”

Corvus was clearly distracted and wanted to get back to her studies – but was always dutiful and her research could wait a little longer.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"As much as I want to help you with your personal life, that actually wasn't the real reason I called you," Taeli said. "You needed a break to refocus on your search yes, but I actually called you here to handle something else. But if you needed to talk with me about something, we can discuss that too, but first..."

Closing the open book, she set it aside and used the Force to pull another one to them.

"I was doing research on that other problem you mentioned to me a while ago, the problem you acquired when you accessed Andeddu's holocron. Well, after doing some research, I figured out what may have happened. Now, there is talk that Andeddu placed his actual soul into his holocron using essence transfer and I think that is ultimately what infected you. My theory is that it's not even a fragment of his soul, but a shadow of it was imprinted into your mind when you absorbed the knowledge of essence transfer. It would explain why it only flares up in the moments you described."
Corvus smiled but it was a reflex – and no more. Her interest was piqued sufficiently for her to put aside her personal needs for a little longer – she owed her sister that much.

And she listened and then rubbed her hands over her face and groaned. “So…to top it all…I have a shadow of a long dead Sith Lord imprinted on my mind!”


She put her hands down and opened her eyes. Looking at her sister she nodded. “OK, tell me what we need to do. I can’t allow that to remain there. Especially where I think I’m going.”

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"Well before a recent trip I took, I would have said it was going to leave me sick since I'd have to use Sith magic to pull it out," Taeli said, getting up to rummage around in her dresser for a moment. "However, that's no longer the case. You're also lucky it's not a full part of his soul, that would be even harder to pull out. A shadow can be dealt with and it might help you with the whole emotions thing. Ah! Here it is!"

Pulling out a geode, she set it on the table in between them as she took her seat again.

"Being a fellow lover of history, I'm sure you know what technique I picked up recently that would require a geode," Taeli said, smiling. "But just to say it, I went and visited the Theran Listeners on Nam Chorios. Helped a friend put his mind back together and get rid of the horrible memories that were breaking him. I learned mnemothetapy, sis."
Corvus knew of the Therans. How could she not? Obi-Wan used one of their Abilities - Force Listening - after all. But mnemotherapy was not one she was as familiar with. Being a scholar, she understood the link to the mind and memories, but the Ability was a new one on her.

"Nope," she said, smiling weakly. "Not one I'm totally familiar with. But if it can rid me of this ticking time-bomb, it can only be a good thing. And I'm're a dark horse. Or rather a light one, but you know what I mean."

"So...what do I need to do?"

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"Just relax and enter a meditative state," Taeli instructed. "Calm your mind, keep it still. A warning though, you might experience memories or other things attached to the shadow while I pull it out and contain it within the geode and I doubt I'll be able to remove the knowledge of essence transfer out of your head. That's going to be too ingrained."

Closing her eyes, Taeli let out a long slow breath before opening them again and reaching out with her Force presence. She would seek to merge with Corvus's presence, a meld of the two, and once Corvus entered that meditative state, she would be able to find that shadow and meld and draw it out and into its prison. Hopefully.
If there was something Corvus was good at, it was Meditation. She quickly entered a relaxed state, deeply connected to the Force and she purposefully lowered her barriers to allow her sister easier access to her mind.

She also lowered her barrier to emotions. It was necessary. The 'thing' had typically been hidden by this protection and she knew it would make her sister's job easier if she was able to open herself up to emotions.

The inevitable down-side was that the flow went two ways. Corvus' bottled up feelings came spilling out - no doubt hitting Taeli like a tsunami - before subsiding. Not going away. How does that much love and pain simply ebb from existence? No, but it would settle down and in her relaxed state Corvus focused on the Force and on tranquillity.

The rest was no doubt up to Taeli...

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

And there was the tsunami of bottled up emotions that her sister kept all nice and tight inside. It hit Taeli like a truck, but she rode the wave until it subsided to just a constant presence. Honestly, bottling everything up was never healthy ... at least Corvus was opening up more so maybe this tsunami of things would fade away into something healthier.

Regardless, she began the meld, merging her calm and reassuring presence to the emotions, to Corvus's relaxed state. Her senses were more acute for darkness than maybe most Jedi, being a former Sith and all, so as the meld continued, she could feel a faint corner of her mind that wanted to resist the meld. Something that was avoiding her. Hello little shadow.

Reaching out to it, the shadow tried to pull away, to hide further away in Corvus's mind, but Taeli surrounded any escape. The meld was reaching out to it now, a calm hand to try and pull the shadow into the meld's welcoming embrace. It resisted, a malevolent aura emanating from it. It would do everything it could do to survive. Taeli was somewhat surprised that the shadow had such a preservation instinct. Perhaps this had been placed here intentionally by the spirit of Darth Andeddu as an experiment. That was worrisome if it was the case.

But it had made the mistake of emanating that aura, because Taeli directed the meld to latch onto the aura and slowly but surely, it began to subsume and be brought into the meld. This might hurt a bit for Corvus, but once the meld had a firm hold, the mix of dark and light being a sickly gray in terms of thought, Taeli began pulling. The shadow resisted, sinking its metaphorical feet in, but the meld was too strong and now Taeli was linking herself to the geode.

"Out you come," she said, pouring the light side into the meld and the shadow lost its grip. With a great amount of strain, Taeli gave a gasp as she ripped the shadow out of Corvus. It hung in between the two sisters, a black thing emitting malice, only contained by the light side energies surrounding it.
Corvus relaxed and felt her sister’s presence in her mind. She allowed her free access, surpassing the natural instinct to put up a barrier. Initially it was a gentle invasion but as her sister clearly identified the malevolent presence, the discomfort started. Corvus could feel the familiar presence — the one she’d felt on Kashyyk and Alderaan.

And as Taeli cornered it, she felt it sinking it’s virtual claws into her mind, refusing to let go. But Taeli was persistent. The pain turned to nausea, as a battle raged in her brain and finally she felt the presence leave her mind. slowly at first and then it was literally ripped out. Corvus almost vomited but managed to keep control. She was aware of the presence, now between the two of them but she resisted interfering, allowing her sister free reign in the elimination of it.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Using the link with the geode, and slowly moving the light ensnared shadow over top of it, she began channeling the shadow down into its new home. Okay, it was a prison for it ... but semantics. The shadow tried to break free, but the light side energies around it prevented it from getting loose. With a low moan, it disappeared into the geode.

Taeli gave a huge sigh and sagged in her chair for a moment, her hand reaching shakily for her tea cup.

"Well that took more out of me than I thought it would," she said, weakly smiling at her sister. "Still, it's done. The shadow is trapped in the geode now, forever ... unless someone puts their mind in there. I'll be sure to dispose of this soon though, I'm thinking a nice trip to the nearest sun would be good or dropping out the airlock near the Maw."
Taeli looked like Corvus felt. Despite the fact her sister did all of the work, the pain that Corvus had to endure was sufficient to make her feel weak. Not having slept for days was also a factor.

But she reached out and put her hand on her sister's forearm. "You have no idea how much that means to me." She stared at the geode. "It felt like it had claws and wouldn't let go. And no doubt it was Andeddu - or rather a fragment of the gate-keeper, and therefore indirectly his consciousness."

"How are you feeling? And do you think you got it all?"

[member="Taeli Raaf"]

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