Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mind if I Wild Out

Aerion Ivelisse

[member="Tegan Katarn"]​
Captain Jax Hastings and Aerion had been spending plenty of time together planning, studying the forces of the One Sith. How they won so many battles, primarily on the Space side of things. They had started out with older ships, ships that were powerful, once thought to be out of date, and when they updated those ships, they were even stronger. One such ship was the Dark Blade, a design that he and Jax had been tasked to better for the use of the Galactic Alliance.

No doubt there were hundreds of others performing the same task with different ships. The Fourteenth Fleet was to develop new warships. Geared for war in anticipation of the next threat after the One Sith were totally wiped off of the slate.

Now however, Young Aerion enlisted the help of one of his Jedi counterparts. Or at least... Force using counterparts... Okay, uh, someone he knew to be force sensitive, just like him. He knew of her skills, and she knew of his. Stealth and subtlety wasn't his forte, but as a sniper, hers was.

But her job as a sniper would only come into play later into the plan.

Right now they were in a freighter. A freighter that was captured in one of the engagements between the Galactic Alliance and the One Sith. They were infiltrating a Sith facility, with the help of a dozen Alliance Agents and Commandos.

"We're coming out of Hyperspace, now. Get in the cages," the Commando leader said in his faux-imperial uniform. They were to play the guise of slaves to gain access to the facility and once they were inside, they'd make their way through the facility with the help of the undercover forces.

And they did. Tegan and Aerion were in the cage. Both of them bore fake shock collars to help with the guise of being slaves. They had the appearance of one, they even lit up and made fake shocking sounds that sounded realistic.

Outside of the vault, everyone was getting into position. Technicians, guards, everything.

"So," Aerion started in the closed vault. "We'll get our weapons back when the Commandos get to us tonight," he said. They'd be getting to the planet around midday. With the sudden disappearance of so many Sith forces, this facility would have few defenses in place. Their mission? To gather information on everything and everything. The undercover Commandos were meant to be bringing in two 'dangerous' prisoners that they caught while escaping from the Galactic Alliance and to interrogate them. That, was when they'd get their weapons back if everything went according to plan.

Their ship was even damaged too, small fires, long since doused, but still fresh enough to be believable.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Tegan wasn't the one to study and theorize about the abstract and the irrelevant.

For her a capital ship was a capital ship, stick a few thousand turbolasers on it, maybe some redundant shield generators or four, torpedoes like woah and then call it a day. She knew [member="Aerion Ivelisse"] and his crew were different though - knew that guy was pouring over schematics and fleet engagements reports 'til the young hours just to get an edge here or there.

An edge for what, though? Katarn didn't know- didn't rightly care either, if she was completely honest.

She was paid either way and the adrenaline would pour through her systems either way as well. What more could a girl like that want these days?

There wasn't a great conflict anymore; the One Sith was dead, the Republic finally caved as well, the Mandalorians seemed to be aimless now that the targets of their Great Crusade had petered out... what did that leave? Well, other than some Rogue Sith in the ass-end of nowhere with more balls than brains.

And a big superweapon whatever, but thankfully Tegan wasn't gonna be send there. Instead she was here. Fake collars around their neck and in a cage.

"They karking better." Tegan mumbled out, while relaxing in the corner of the cage. Eyes closed, one knee drawed back and other one stretched out. She was relaxed, almost dozing- if there was one thing she had learned, it was that you had to catch your rest moments as best as you could.

Cause when the bullets start flying... you ain't got time for anything but running around, trying not to get hit.

"How you holding up, Ivelisse?"

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