Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Milkruns Are a Lie | The Undoubtedly




After the blue-milk run turned into a Silver Jedi Order D-Day on Ruusan, the crew of the Undoubtedly deserved a good, no, an excellent vacation. Truly, they had not been able to snatch all the crates their employer, Valerya Tion Valerya Tion , had wanted but what she paid half was plenty for entertainment expenses on 80s Miami Copacabana.

The rest was covered by…

“Bartender, another one.” Roman lying on a wide pool mattress called out at the server tapping his empty cocktail glass. “Malcoma’s tab, again.”

“Right away, Sir.”

He leaned back on the mattress, brought down his sunglasses over his face and enjoyed the summer heat. Roman enjoyed every moment of solitude away from Wynter’s rambling and incredibly stupid jokes.

The hover tray arrived and he swapped the empty for the full glass. Taking a nice and long drink from the cocktail, Roman realized he’d been drinking a bit too much, a bit too early. He took another sip just to be certain.

Rishi // Cococabana // Poolside at Hotel Bellevue
Caribbean Queen

Wynter had been right. She needed to spend more money on vacations.

But not today. Not when Malcoma could do it for her.

Her gold and dark marbled arms reached overhead, toes pointed in a stretch as she basked in the glory of the sun. Parts of her glinted blindingly in the light, and others absorbed as much of the rays as possible; seeking to increase the contrast between the two tones.

Absently, she patted the slope of her nose and pinched her fingers together to disperse any of the collected residual powder with little consideration. To make sure all traces of the unscrupulous inhalation were gone, the back of her hand rubbed between her nostrils with a left-right gesture before dropping back down beside her hips and reverting back to her sunshine sprawl.

With so many places to spend time and money, the poolside was fairly sparse. A few other people occupied chairs, setting up for the day and attempting to capture the attention of the hovering waiter to get their drink orders taken. They were...competition.

With a wave of her hand, the other tourists were concealed beneath the current - the droid rerouting from it's path to meet them and coming over to the woman with golden eyelids who tapped an indicative digit on the rim of her glass.

It arrived by her side, and she adjusted to sit up a little better, dropping her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose and nodding in the direction of the floating pirate.

"I'll have what he's having."

The droid indicated it understood, and whirred away to leave Maijan to finish her current beverage. The umbrella poking her sensitive nose.

With her sunglasses down, she took the opportunity to survey the poolside - ever curious what the rockman would be sporting on his vacation attire, and if Lliara would don the mask while on vacation. Not ideal for tanning.

Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham // Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse // Saul Laverne Saul Laverne // Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva // Lief Lief

Dumbal hadn't forgotten what happened on Ruusan.

He had seen his first battle outside his home planet, and he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied. They escaped, had to escape, with their meager reward, and while the credits were appreciated, considering he'd had none before the job, he'd wanted so much more. He'd wanted to prove himself against these Jedi, show them, and maybe himself, that he was worth something.

The only thing he proved was that he could break his weapon and get shot up. And he was angry about it.

This 'vacation' that the others spoke of, he had no experience with. It was infuriating. When they arrived on the planet, Dumbal didn't waste any time acquiring two bottles of something foul, and laying himself out on a tanning chair. His scales jumped with blue electricity as he began soaking up the rays, banishing the sluggishness that came with space travel.

It was only coincidentally that the large Suchur found himself downing one of these bottles a few chairs away from Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea . Dumbal didn't turn to acknowledge her, didn't make any indication that he sensed her, as he tried to get drunk. He'd disobeyed the Force-User, after all, and that may have costed them a crate in the end. Perhaps he should have listened to her when she told him to help. Not that he would admit it.

It would have saved him the embarrassment, at least.


Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)

The Mirialan stretched her hands high into the air over her head as she strode out into the pool area. Her hips rocked side to side with every step. The shapely figure practically on full display given the skimpy, black bathing suit she wore. Golden eyes beheld the number present and one in particular was begging her to their side.

One step after another, the olive green woman drew closer, and closer to the backside of one of those tanning chairs. Her knees bent to lower her body down behind the soul chosen for the moment's revelry. Her hands stretched out, slowly slid atop the large, bulging shoulders, and around to his hard chest. Lliara leaned in as she pressed firmly into the battle worn body. A soft whisper followed, "What you need is the right companion, Lizard, to take your mind off things."

A smile curled Lliara's lips upward as she looked down upon Dumbal's head from behind the towering and prickly python. The gator didn't seem to be enjoying himself. Seemed like a crime all these happy people bathing in the sun, swimming in the pool, laughing and splashing one another... And there was poor Dumbal, the shot and battered bulwark of the team. After fighting so hard and giving it his all, didn't he deserve some relaxation?

The entire crew was probably going to be surprised to find Lliara there without an ounce of her suit on. Being an Interstellar Lady of Mystery didn't mean she couldn't be seen by the living. Thing was, would anyone know it was her at first? Especially dear, grumpy Lizard that looked like he'd need a keg or two before he loosened up.

Tag: Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham | Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse | Lief Lief | The Fool The Fool | Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea | Saul Laverne Saul Laverne
. . . Location: Copacabana // Le Magnifique Courtesan Service // main lobby . . .
. . . Objective: Relax Business // No rest for the wicked . . .
. . . Wearing: This + a hidden holster . . .
. . .
. . Sade in the 90s . . .
. .

Beep, beep. The Fool The Fool .

Ignoring the notification chime coming from her Chrisyakova handbag, Malcoma swiped over the holomag's crystalline screen, its blueish glow tinging the pale pad of her finger until she moved away. Keeping tabs on Confederacy First news had become her newest pastime.

Beep, beep. Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea .

She fluttered her eyelashes before looking up into her head. No noise slipped her lips, but that did nothing to hamper her annoyance. When she had checked into her room, she had also opened a tab, valid for anything on the grounds of Hotel Bellevue. It would have been business as usual if it had been for herself - exclusively - but Roman had persuaded her into charity. And by persuaded, duress was implied. But she didn't let any of that show through her bearing...well, not a grin, as she prepaid the crew's vacation.

As if that hadn't been torture enough, she had opted to be alerted every time she was charged.

Her commlink buzzed again, this time also playing her ringtone. As an answer, she gave a pronounced, inquisitive hum. The voice that replied was of the host that had helped her sort the finances. "Madam-" he began.

"Give yourself a break, Mikal," she interrupted before nestling the link between her cheek and shoulder. The article she had been reading was already a memory as she idly paged through the electronic aurebesh. Bored, or nervous? "They'll be at it all day." Quite possibly into the night too. Definitely nervous, but not about that much.

After the substantial pause, Mikal spoke again, tone gentle and unsure as footfalls on eggshells. He knew enough of the situation to know she was understatedly exasperated. "Your reiki treatment is at 11:45 sharp."

Ah, how could she forget? If she was paying for everyone else's vacation, all the more reason to get some relaxation of her own. But that little slice of heaven could wait for what couldn't: business. "I'll be done here by then."

Just as she reorganized the commlink into her purse, a woman called, "Hesse?" Malcoma glanced up before setting the holomag back on the caf-table she had found it on. She stood to crossed the lobby to the courtesan ready to lead her into the back.
Rishi // Cococabana // Poolside at Hotel Bellevue
How to be a millionaire
With sunglasses perched at the edge of her nose, a brow quirked at the unfolding of the lizard people. Indeed, Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva was not wearing her mask and unfortunately Saul Laverne Saul Laverne was more clothed than she'd originally suspected.

Unsurprisingly, business Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse was nowhere to be seen lounging around. Neither was...Captain Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham . HMMM!! Seemed everybody had a buddy.

The droid, unencumbered by other patron's orders, returned dutifully with the two same items on its tray. Given that Maijan was closer, and not in the water - it rolled up to the marble skinned sunbather first.

"I'll take both of them --"
She volunteered, before the droid could object, and looped her gold-dipped fingers around the vessels.
The spice flowing through her blood was going to be joined by something extremely strong, and she took a first sip with a horrified cough. While both her hands were full, she used the back of her one hand to calm down the insurgent uproar in her throat.

Even drugged up she could tell this was too strong, and immediately wanted her umbrella drink back.

"Actually, bring me back whatever I had earlier. I won't do this."

The droid weeeoop'd in confirmation.

Woozily, she slid to the edge of her seat to stand. One foot after the other brought her to the edge of the poolside and she lowered herself in precariously, keeping the glasses above the waterline and moseying over to bump the floating fool ( The Fool The Fool ). She elbowed the obnoxiously fluorescent floaty to put the rider on a spin before she held out his disgusting drink.

"So do you guys usually debrief after clusterkarks like that, or just ignore it?"
Dumbal didn't think he liked this 'vacation'.

It was a pointless thing, from what he could tell. There was no celebration of a job well done, although the warrior was sure he would not have accepted one. On his home planet, they would gather to dance, tell stories of their exploits, parade the bodies of both friend and foe, take trophies. But here, it seemed to be a great diaspora, none of the merriment or joy that would come from a Suchuri witch hunt.

Everyone seemed to be content with doing nothing.

Well, almost everyone.

The crocodilian's spiky hide was suddenly accosted by something very smooth and warm. No, someone, Dumbal realized, as Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva caressed him. It would be the strangest sensation; the ever-constant electrical current running under the scales would tingle the flesh, sparking under the new stimulus. Dumbal froze, unsure what to do for a few still moments, before gently taking the Mirialan's hands into his own, and softly pushing them away.

"Don't touch me," the ponderous giant said, a bit of a hiss in his tone, but the tone itself was more apologetic than upset. "It is... against my code."

Do I even have that anymore? I was betrayed by my culture. Should I still adhere to it?

Dumbal didn't have any of the answers to his own questions. He considered leaving it at that, getting back to drowning himself in alcohol, but something else ate at him. Something he needed to get off his mind.

"Thank you," he began, that same hesitant voice, perhaps just as shocking to Lliara as her state of dress was to him, "for helping me in the raid. You have my gratitude."

On the battlefield, he was a locus of rage and impetus. But off the killing fields, it was surprising just how quiet and still he really was.

The Fool The Fool | Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea | Saul Laverne Saul Laverne | Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva | Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse

There was a reason why nobody had eyes on Wynter.

He wasn't actually near the pool... technically speaking.

Nor was he near the massage tables, the bar, and for once Wynter wasn't robbing the rooms of the hotel either. That last one had been very tempting, but he had relented in the end. No, Wyn... Wyn was climbing.... the exterior of the hotel. The reason for this was pretty simple. For some godforsaken reason the pool didn't have a diving deck. So, when faced with something as insane as that Wynter could only get creative.

Then again.

Even if it did have a diving plank, he probably would have done this anyway, because after that chit show over on Ruusan he needed a nice adrenaline high.

A shadow cast over Roman's face.

Just before he could figure out what it was? "CANNONBAAAAAALL!" That annoying Wynter-y voice yelled across the pool area. Nothing could stop Wynter now, as he leaped off the makeshift platform he had been clutching on. It was a suicidal move, but somehow Wyn managed to get it right. Curling up in a ball, high-velocity, speeding off into the pool.

Two heartbeats passed.

Then the wyntery ball collided with the pool.

A BLOP and physics did the rest. Large waves emanating from his crash site, rushing over the edge of the pool and making everyone wet in its wake.

At the end of the day Malcoma Hesse would receive another Beep, Beep.

Wynter Rackham \\ Water Damage, sry nt sry

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Dark lips curled upward as the tingle of Dumbal's body danced across the palms of her hands. Hmm, she didn't recall ever meeting one of his kind before. At least not in anything remotely similar to present circumstances. Made it that much more of a shame when his large hands pulled hers away from his body. When released she'd draw them back, but not her head.

My, my, against his code to be touched? Must made for an extremely frustrating lifestyle. How did his people flirt? Sweet hisses? Lliara's smile had only fallen slightly at the sudden turn with Dumbal removing her hands, but it returned in force soon enough. After all, the python hadn't roared or thrown anything. So he didn't object that strongly.

Then something equally curious happened. Dumbal thanked her. "We may have just met, but I know a strong warrior when I see one. Believe me, you were worth it." There had been something to the man's voice. A tone that caught her ear. She knew so little about him, however, it was difficult to place. Embarrassment? Uncertainty? Surprise at someone trying to help someone other than their self?

Cannonball? Lliara's golden eyes lifted to catch Wynter's rapid descent into the pool. A sigh parted her lips before her eyes fell back to Dumbal, "I'm not so sure about him, though." The smile returned with practiced ease.

Tag: Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham | Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse | Lief Lief | The Fool The Fool | Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea | Saul Laverne Saul Laverne
Bliss. Bliss. Bliss.

Free booze, courtesy of 'Baroness' Malcoma Hesse, herself. A grinning sun perched up in the sky and a light breeze caressing you like a feather in the air. Had it been that long since he had enjoyed himself in such a relaxing fashion? Perhaps. What mattered was making the most of it. He could care less if the wicked tongues narrated a convenient gossip on the basis that both Hesse and Rackham were nowhere to be seen. He could care less if the Mirialan slithering down the uncomfortable and out-of-place looking Dumbal was indeed the masked enigma Lliara Daeva or simply a Copacabana gold digger. Hey! Those scales looks like they'd pick a chit ton of cash down at the market, so you go, girl.

And Paisea? She was prob — wait. Where the hell was she? Roman gulped from his cocktail nervously as he covertly looked down from his sunglasses at the stirred water. Someone was in the pool. NO! A large shadow slowly encroached over him. NO,NO,NO! With all the mental effort he could muster, Roman prayed it would be a shark. The shadow grew and within it, he imagined he saw a a hundred teeth ready to mangle his bliss and devour it.



It bumped his floaty, made him spin anticlimactically.

"So do you guys usually debrief after clusterkarks like that, or just ignore it?"

Enter Maijan Paisea, Destroyer of Heavens. Iconoclast of Bliss.

The spin, painfully slow, finally turned enough for her to see the golden lady of the Undoubtedly. A smug, disappointed face greeted her but the tribute she held out made him reconsider his hardline convictions. No umbrella on it, some ice and pure poison. The Iconoclast of Bliss came worthy. He would give her audience. The hell was up with his thoughts? Grant her audience. He really had to cut the drinking down.

But he gave in. His hand reached for the drink, the ecstasy piling within remained carefully hidden beneath his usual somber face.

"Sometimes." Roman replied. "But after Jedi business - a must." he thought she meant the vacation. She probably did. Roman stared at her, caught just tiny bit of residual powder under her nose. "Never struck me like the spice girls." he admitted.

He brought his drink to his mouth and just as he was about to take a gulp back to paradise-


Roman screeched internally as the ANTICHRIST of Bliss, himself, ripped through the heavenly skies and brought deliverance in the form of a mini tsunami capsizing his floaty, his drink, his little left love of life. Beneath the water, Hayato wanted to drown. Forced himself, even but to no avail.

He pivoted up from the water and gave the world a glare of death.

Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse Saul Laverne Saul Laverne
Thank you, Tiah,” Malcoma muttered even as the courtesan opened the office door their short walk had led them to. She didn’t say anything, but left with a hint of a polite grin. Within the room, stood randomly around the furniture, was a smartly dressed human man and three humanoid women: an arkanian, a birdlike omwati, and a rutian twi'lek. She greeted them in order. “Damris. Pranda, Avan—!


No time allowed for an It’s a relief to see you again, or an How was the crossing? Nor for her name, Luha. She, evidently, had no time for any more of the madam's rare pleasantries. Malcoma took the blow with a sharp hiss, turning down her face, but never recoiling. Tone glowering, Luha accused, “You sold out. Left us.” The one retaliatory move she made, though it wasn't really, was to hold up a hand to dissuade Damris from whatever defensive action he planned taking. She braced herself for more, but none came. Instead, Luha fled the office.

A stretch of silence followed, a shockwave wake left behind by the twi'lek. Finally, "Mal—?" Avan quite literally chirped.

"It's alright," she interrupted, waving her hand now, to dismiss but not dismissively. "Go." She heard the girls hurry after their occupational sister and then Damris cross to her. "How many of them feel like that?" she asked, turning her reddening face up to him.

He glanced away quickly at the door. No words meant all of them, even those that had not been present. “They'll come around. They're just not used to being away from you." Ah, the journey was hard on them "She's right though. Minus the slap, we’d be having the same conversation.

Malcoma wouldn't argue. She had made herself a business proposition when she had founded Eve never to contend when she couldn't win. All that left was to her their side, and since Luha couldn't assert it, she asked-without-asking him. “Then let’s have it.” Slap or no, she needed it.

What you need is to choose." He chose his words very carefully, but Malcoma was beyond the point of caring. "Who do you look out for: them, us, yourself? The girls need to know. I need to know. There’s no room for even two of those options.

She wasn't sure that much was true anymore.

Had it been on Coruscant? Yes. In the CIS? Absolutely. But now? Time to redefine her terms. She had hitchhiked with Captain Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham for one reason and one reason only: to get out of Confederate space - to look after herself. Now that that reason was spent, and her girls had returned to her, she again had a business, not The Fool The Fool 's charity, to run. She had muted her commlink, but even the silence formed into more beep, beeps. Saul Laverne Saul Laverne . Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva ‘s was a matter of time. Wyn’s too. Annoying, surely, but she simply couldn't practically pay off this parcel of rouges' insatiable desire for, well, whatever, while also reconstructing her own.

"I'll break this off." She looked towards the ajar door. "Call me when they've had enough time."

"Let me know if you need backup," Damris offered.

In lieu of every smart reply she could have made, she nodded and left. Thank the Gods she was vain enough to carry a compact everywhere she went. It sat on the marble sink counter as she powdered the welt swelling on her cheek. "Mikal," she called into her nearby comm's speakerphone, "cancel my appointment." Enough strangers had already seen her like this - her escorts, bodyguard, the Le Magnifique receptionist. No one else.

An exceedingly strong drink was what she needed now, not energy healing, and privacy. Thank the Gods, too, that she had a full bar in her Bellevue suite.
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The heel of her hand dabbed the skin of her nose, and she looked horrified to see residue staining her glistening hands. There was no time to gasp, or retaliate however. The water took on a life form of it's own, a remarkable pressure behind it and illusion could save her.

Helpless to affect the physical with any form of telekinesis, one of the most basic forms of a Jedi, the deluge crashed down on her head and she frowned deeply and sunk her shoulders.

"Well, this is even more ruined now."

With all the pool water in her beverage it was even more undrinkable than it had been when she first ordered it. She swished it around indicatively and gestured for attention for something new. When eyes met photoreceptors, the knowingness was exchanged and her order was queued up. With a sense of defeat, she sunk her head below the water and dipped fully. When she emerged, she pat down the drenched tresses against her head.

"Alright Reckham, that's a four out of ten. You can do bigger. Maybe try from a little higher."

Wynter Rackham Wynter Rackham // The Fool The Fool
Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva // Saul Laverne Saul Laverne // Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse

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