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Approved Tech Micronized Beskar'gam

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  • Manufacturer: MandalMotors

  • Affiliation:
    [member="Gilamar Skirata"]


[*]​Model: N/A

[*]Modularity: Color

[*]Production: Unique



  • Classification: Covert Armor

  • Weight: Heavy

  • Resistances

- Blasters: Extreme
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Extreme
- Other: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage? (Examples:
  • Sonic: Very Low

  • EMP/ION: None

  • Heat: High

  • Acid: High

  • Electricity: Very Low

  • Stun Blasts: None

  • Vacuum: Extreme

  • Airborne Toxins/Gases: Very High

  • Consealed Until Active

  • Advanced HUD
    Pineal Eye Sensor

  • Advanced Target Tracker

  • Weapon Monitoring

  • Multi-Vision Visor

  • Macrobinocular Visor

[*]Integrated Repulsors

[*]Semi-Permanent Magnet Shoulder Holster

[*]Internal Back Mounted Repulsors

[*]Palm Holo-Projector

[*]Wrist Mounted Holodisplay

[*]Range Finder

[*]Oxygen Supply

[*]Mandalorian Battle Computer

[*]Multi-Link Broadband Antenna

[*]Crime Scanner

[*]Sealed Suit

[*]Mandalorian Vambraces

[*]Wrist Mounted Vibro Blade [Right wrist mounted]

  • Beskar: One of the strongest materials known to man, beskar easily disperses heat, force, and energy of most blaster bolts and even lightsabers with ease.

  • Micronized: An advancement of the C.R.I.T. the Micronized Beskar'gam can be deployed and covertly carried on a person and activated, encasing them in bonafide beskar'gam offering all the benefits of the advanced HUD and battle computers commonly seen in the armors.

  • Encased: Unlike more traditional suits of beskar'gam, the suit produced by this unique device covered the entirety of the user in flexible flexisteel and beskar, preventing some of the common pitfalls found in traditional armor.

  • Ion Weapons and EMP: An EMP will shut down suit systems such as the repulsor, HUD, Battle Computer, etc, leaving the user in essentially a beskar shell. If the armor isn't deployed when hit with EMP or Ion weapons then the armor won't be able to be activated and equipped until it is fixed.

  • Stun Weapons: One of the many mysteries of the galaxy is how they make Stun Blasters so damn effective. They ALWAYS seem to work unless one was using some sort of energy shield.

  • Electricity: The micromachines used to move the micronized beskar into place are highly conductive which made electricity and other arc-based weapons incredibly effective at frying the user from the inside out.

  • Repulsor: Repulsors can't be used in the vacuum of space.

  • Sonic: Almost no resistance to sonic weapons, hard or otherwise

  • Solar Ionization: The intense heat build-up from one of these weapons can eventually even melt through beskar

  • Unreliable: Sustaining damage from electricity sources or EMP weapons without properly having it repaired can lead to the armor not deploying. The armor is also still a prototype, which means that sometimes the armor doesn't deploy on first, second, or even third tap.

  • Not Instantaneous: It took two minutes for the armor to fully deploy. Sometimes more [See unreliable]

Developed by Zeke Farthen aboard his personal ship, Micronized Beskar'gam was the natural evolution of MandalMotors armor development that started with the Legacy System Beskar'gam several years back. Designed for covert operations by Ori'ramikade the armor utilized a combination of ancient micronization techniques used in crushguants and new developments in the field of nanotechnology. Concealed in a small device that attached to the wearer's bodyglove, bodyglove, or flightsuit, the user would tap the device once to have the armor deploy. It took the armor several minutes to deploy fully, but once done it worked just as any other suit of beskar'gam would. The armor was incredibly intuitive to use and peeling back parts of the armor such as the gauntlets or helmet was mostly a non-issue. Due to its status as a prototype and the first armor of its kind made by MandalMotors, sometimes parts didn't reform and required a full reset. Speaking on the unreliablity of the armor, it also often took more than one try to have the armor deploy fully and sometimes the armor just failed to function properly. It was for these reasons that Zeke never took the armor to board members for approval of development and sale. He did however give a suit to Gilamar Skirata and a few of his close friends and allies.

Micronized was lighter than most suits due to the micronization of the beskar though which meant that it didn't stop the kinetic force of most kinetic weapons nearly as well as true beskar'gam did. It also lacked the ability to be customized at all as the technology was too experimental and proprietary to MandalMotors to change anything other than the color settings of the armor which could be changed on the fly. Outside of these flaws however, when the armor worked, it worked well enough and despite its restrictions the few people that used the armor saw it as a nice insurance policy should things go awry at their next dinner conference.
Factory Judge
[member="Zeke Farthen"],

I had a feeling I would be seeing this sometime soon. Lets get started shall we?

You will have to either make this submission Unique, or remove all uses of Extreme in your rating system as per the rules stated here.

  • The Armor Rating Extreme will require the submission to be UNIQUE. This armor rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.

Zeke Farthen said:
Beskar: One of the strongest materials known to man, beskar easily disperses heat, force, and energy of most blaster bolts and even lightsabers with ease.
I assume you mean kinetic force? Just wanting some clarification.

Zeke Farthen said:
Ion Weapons and EMP: An EMP will shut down suit systems such as the repulsor, HUD, Battle Computer, etc, leaving the user in essentially a beskar shell. If the armor isn't deployed when hit with EMP or Ion weapons then the armor won't be able to be activated and equipped until it is fixed.
Zeke Farthen said:
Not Instantaneous: It took two minutes for the armor to fully deploy. Sometimes more [See unreliable]
So I can assume that should the wearer be in the middle of having the armor shape to their form, while being hit with an EMP, the would only be half covered/exposed in some areas correct?

Zeke Farthen said:
Weight: Heavy
A viable weakness of this, is that since the suit is "On you but not active" is that the person will still feel the weight and can still be affected by all the weaknesses of the metal, even if its not deployed. Or even a more simpler version of "Its heavy all the time. Even when in off mode." would be a weakness I highly recommend to use.

Zeke Farthen said:
Material: ​Micronized Beskar Flexisteel Nanomachines Repulsor Parts
Zeke Farthen said:
Acid: High
Acid in the past has been shown as a very lethal weapon against Beskar armor wearers Nor do I remember any of the previously mentioned materials being able to resist said acids. I am not asking for this to be removed, I am just wanting some confirmation or to be provided some context as to how you got a high rating against acids.

Secondly, can you please link all materials you are using for this submission? Stated in the rules linked above.
  • All specifically named materials used in submissions must be linked to their page on Wookieepedia, wikipedia, or their factory submission on Chaos. General materials, such as 'metal' or 'starship components', do not need to be linked.


Auberon said:
You will have to either make this submission Unique,


Auberon said:
Secondly, can you please link all materials you are using for this submission?

Auberon said:
Acid in the past has been shown as a very lethal weapon against Beskar armor wearers
The reasoning behind this (as someone who's made more than his fair share of beskar'gam) is not because of the material itself but because most writers who create custom factory beskar'gam use a more traditional design which leaves more than its fair share of gaps between plates where the only thing protecting the wearer is a flightsuit, bodyglove, or bodysuit which is not at all resistant to acid.

There is nothing that is totally resistant to acid, just like lightsabers with enough time will cut through most anything. But its not going to eat right through someone fully encased in beskar which is the main difference between this armor and a more traditinoal set. I'll make note of that in the strengths.

Auberon said:
So I can assume that should the wearer be in the middle of having the armor shape to their form, while being hit with an EMP, the would only be half covered/exposed in some areas correct?
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