Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Mess Is Mine

"What are we, eight years old again grog-face?"

Teasing grin matched her energy. Two could play the name calling game. Not they had fought often until their late teenage years, but enough to build up insults when the other was simply being annoying. Grog-face was his go to.

"I really don't mind living out of my ship. I even gave it a hilarious name. I was living out of that mining shuttle before Maramere."

Her enthusiasm for Life Day was adorable, more excited about seeing him open his gifts than anything else.

"Sure. You have gifts to open too, you know."

He had spent some time figuring out the right things to get her, only consulting Thirty-Seven once for advice. There was a touch of nerves to ensure he got it right ; not that Ellie was ever concerned about the material. Given their status and deep-pockets as heirs to their parents respective businesses, both had never been into flashy over the top gifts or one upping one another. It was more about the thought put in.

Clean up of the dinner involved testing out more childhood insults and avoiding the swat of dishtowel as he did so. He was doing well until calling Ellie a chomong-lover in close proximity to her got a snap right across his blue-speckled backside.

Lunch cleaned up, they walked into the atrium that housed the Life Day tree. Makai had already put his carefully wrapped gifts underneath and he paused when he saw the wrapped easels.

His arm around her, Makai gave a squeeze.

"I can tell you've already gone to too much trouble for me."
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Clearly, if Myra didn't win the childhood insult fight, she at least won the smack of the dishtowel smack-a-ton with that last smack right across Makai's butt. The smug smile so ever did linger even as they made their way into the atrium, each step prompting an almost giddy half-skip. Once there, Myra could not help the beaming, enthusiastic smile on her face, her countenance practically radiating in her excitement.

The heiress responded to the squeeze with one of her own, giving a small exhale in review of the Life Day tree and the presents underneath.

"No... I did not. I had one picked out already each year I intended to give them to you, so it wasn't like I did them all at once. " now as for the paintings, however, gesturing to those, "Those... well, had a few times where my midnights became my afternoons. I had to finish them."

Deciding that there was no better time than the present, Myra gave a clap of her hands. "Okay! Let me get you the first one. " this would be the one she'd intended on giving to him the year he initially left. There were some melancholy connotations to it as she hadn't had a chance to give it to him then. It was different now, though.

"Here, this one first." she said, moving towards the tree to pluck one of the smaller boxes. Taking it in hand, she brought it back over to him. Once he opened it, it would reveal a bracelet with painstakingly carved Hijarna Stone beads and carved driftwood beads from wood collected off Gala.
Once he had opened the gift box, Makai grinned, slipping the bracelet on. It clearly involved some of his favorite things ; driftwood and rare stone.

"I love it, perfect choice. Did you make this yourself? You went to Gala and everything?"

If so, she had been incredibly tight lipped about it. Makai hadn't been on the planet in since roughly two years ago, making a short trip to see his mother but more important his grandparents and plethora of cousins.

Looking at his wrist, he looked back at her.

"You know this is never coming off, thank you."

Sorting through the gifts he had brought for her, Makai passed over a gift that was longer and sort of skinny in length, not to mention heavy.

Inside was a piece of pressed glass flowers turned into a type of suncatcher or art piece. Ellie would recognize the flowers as being harvested from one of their favorite fields to walk though back on the Farm.
Myra gave a nod, "Yeah... took a while to get the beads right." the stone was just so hard to work with. She had to ask her mother for help in finding what tools or machinery she could use to form the rough beads and drill a hole inside. She'd already collected the stones before their last fight... and well... the driftwood. The driftwood came about a few months after the fight, where she'd gone to visit in the off chance he might be there. He wasn't. There was plenty of driftwood, though.

At Makai's delighted expression at the present plus letting her know that it wasn't coming off - it probably would, but it was nice to hear - Myra's cheeks flushed in joy. That was enough to make it worth to push sad thoughts aside, Myra eagerly opened her own present. "Whoa. Heavy," she murmured, eyes widening. Carefully, she opened the gift and gave a gasp of delight.

"Ohh!" she cried, holding it up so that it would catch the light and be able to see the pressed flowers more clearly. "Oh, this is beautiful!"

"Wait, aren't these from the garden back on the Farm?"
she asked incredulously. "When did you get them?" wait, he had gone to visit to talk to her father. It must have been then, right?

"Thank you," She smiled out, trying her best not to start crying right from the get-go. She had to make it through to the end without becoming a watering pot! After that mental pep talk, she leaned over to give Makai a kiss on the lips in gratitude.

"I love it." Grey eyes shone with joy, then her brows perked up as she exclaimed, "Okay the next one!"

She carefully set the pressed glass down and went over to grab another present. This was larger and very, very heavy. "Okay, just give me a second before you open it," Myra told him before snapping her fingers so that the lights would dull, and the only light now came from the soft, warm glow of the illuminated Life Day tree.

The present for the second year that Makai missed Life Day involved Myra having to work through her initial sessions of therapy and working with Saffron at the Guildhouse. Myra had been visiting a particular Guildhouse situated near a lake with high geothermal activity. A particular story regarding the formation of the lake had the young woman wandering the shorelines from dusk until midnight, until finally, she found it.

Inside was a carved driftwood box. Upon Makai opening it, soft warm light would permeate, casting its light upon Makai's face in its rich amber glow. Within the velvet lining was the Lume rock. Myra had spent hours upon hours searching for a decent-sized one to give to Makai.
" I picked them when I went to speak with your father, yes. The big field we were always cutting through. It thought it was fitting considering all the good times we had on the Farm."

Curiosity colored his expression as the lights dimmed. It was beautiful though, the way the lights warmed the dusky room, the pair of them sitting close together on the sofa. He could see the appeal of Life Day during moments like this.

At first he thought the driftwood box was his gift, which was fine enough on its own. However, the odd glowing stone inside was clearly the incredible gift. Makai had never seen such a thing, fingertip running across the surface.

"I've never seen such a thing. I don't even know where you'd find such a thing, thank you so much. Definitely going on the Ellie rock shelf."

Makai went through his gifts, picking out two small ones. The first, a gray-blue sea glass necklace, the glass a piece he had long in his possession, having found it on Dac.

The second was a pair of corusca gem earrings that Thirty-Seven had helped consult on. They pair was picked due to looking like scales, well, his scales at least.
It was the double surprise that delighted Myra. She could tell that he first thought the driftwood box would be his gift, but the expression of amazement upon beholding the Lume rock was worth every hour she spent searching for it. Beaming with a grin from ear to ear, Myra gave a delighted shimmy.

"I'm glad," She sang, fingers wiggling from both hands together in joy, making the snapping motion again to brighten the lights anew. At that very moment, Makai took advantage to present her two presents. Myra's lips curved into an 'Ooo' of curiosity. "Did you pick these all out recently?' She was curious if he had taken the time recently, or if he had been like her and got her a present regardless just because he missed her.

While she waited for him to answer, Myra also presented him with two of his own while she opened her presents.

One was a framed holo picture of Koa, one that Myra had taken when Makai had left him in her care. Her mother had told her during that year that Koa had passed, and knowing how hurt Makai would be, she hoped that it would be a thoughtful gift for him to have. The other was, of all things, another macaroni art craft; however, it had been part of her art therapy sessions after she became interested in painting as well. Part of the medium for this one was also to use paint. In her mind, she wanted to create the scene of the beachside home, with the stars hanging up, shining in the dark blue sky. It was an image that Myra, as a little girl, had always tied to Makai, how that special moment was when she first met him at his little island in Dac seas.

Very carefully, she opened the first. With another delighted gasp, the heiress plucked up the delicate chain of the necklace to get a closer look at the grey-blue sea glass necklace. Upon closer inspection, the hue almost reminded her of the color of Makai's eyes when the sunlight hit it just right. Afterward came the earrings, and of course, upon seeing them and their similarity to Makai's scales, she gave a little squeal and cried out excitedly, "Oh my goodness!"

"These are beautiful! Thank you!"
of course, she immediately sat down to put them on her ears. Once done, Myra locked her eyes on Makai and asked, "Would you put the necklace on me?" She asked him, coming to her feet to stand before him, turning around to present her back to him as she carefully collected the length of her long mahogany hair to bare the nape of her neck to the Half-Galan.
"Well...there's one thing you're about to open I've had for a very long time. The rest are fairly recent but I had the pressed flower idea years ago. Just never executed until I had an excellent reason to."

Time apart he had seen things that reminded him or her, or gave him pause in knowing she would like it as a gift. Yet he had never gotten anything beyond picking up odd stones and crystals during his travels, sitting on what was dubbed the 'Ellie rock shelf'. More aptly shelves at this point.

Opening the frame, he gave a sad smile. Koa had been given to him by his father as a birthday present shortly after his mother had left in hopes he would have a companion. The Loth-cat had been a steady presence, becoming a quick confidant, another adventuring partner beyond Ellie. Currently he had Kuro, who was staying on Celestia Station due to his erratic schedule.

"Thanks, I miss him, this is great to have."

Next was the macaroni art, which made him laugh. Their first exchange of gifts Ellie had made him a macaroni art figure of a Captain Atlantis comic book character. He still had it.

"I see your skills have greatly improved from the first macaroni art. I can't wait to put this in my bedroom...well, when I get a bedroom again. This is amazing."

The earrings had been a risk, not knowing her style since they parted. Thirty-Seven had assured him that Ellie had several outfits to match, and if not, he would ensure such a thing would happen. As for the necklace, it had been intended for Life Day six years ago. Better late than never.

Steady hands assisted in putting on the necklace, taking a moment with the small clasp. It had been awhile since he had helped with such a thing. Once he finished, he moved to kiss her on the cheek in appreciation.

"You're really spoiling me. You shouldn't have." Another quick kiss on her cheek. "I appreciate it."

Makai stepped back before they got too distracted, picking up her second to the last gift ; an oversized sketch book, bound in fine blue nerf leather.
"It isn't spoiling," Myra explained, sincerely enjoying observing every delighted and even bittersweet reaction to the gifts she prepared for Makai. Unable to help herself, the heiress raised her hand, letting her caress his cheek, tracing up the chisel of his jawline before sinking into the dark locks at the nape of his neck. Her fingerpads gently massaged his scalp for a moment before raking through the tresses again, feeling the short curls cling to her fingers as if desiring her to continue.

"Just.. a few things that made me think of you." her shoulder gave a bashful roll as if to say it wasn't a big deal. Another smile, and she pecked him on the lips.

"Okay, let's see what this is." taking the larger gift in hand, Myra sat down, carefully opening it up. Her eyes went wide at the lush blue nerf leather of the sketchbook. With a caress of her fingers, she felt its supple texture. "Oh, Makai... this is beautiful. Thank you," Myra murmured, admiring the sketchbook.

Once she had her fill admiring it, Myra set it aside and then came to her feet. "Okay, you can open the rest in one go, since they are a bit related." Sort of.

Quick steps took the heiress to the Life Day tree. Carefully, she collected the last three presents. The largest box contained a jacket she recently bought him. It was actually an extra present because she thought it would look amazing on him. The other two were extra special.

"Okay open this one first," in reference to the one with the jacket, "Then these two,"

Years ago, Myra gave Makai a journal to be able to annotate all of his rock and mineral discoveries. During a trip with Saffron to Midvinter, Myra became fascinated with their intricate leatherworking. Their abilities to utilize natural dyes and blend them into beautiful ombres stunned the heiress. One, in particular, just made her think of the sea at night, the leather brushed with dark grays, blacks, and beautiful shades of blue intertwined. After selecting the length of leather, she had a custom made journal crafted for Makai.

The last one she handed over to him was wrapped and contained in a glass eel climate-controlled collectors case; it was one of the rarest Captain Atlantis comics, the Undersea Adventures # 260; Captain Atlantis: Origins of Power. It took bartering and haggling a mining contract with the comic as payment and Myra using her own funds to cover the loss of profit to get it. The sheer luck at discovering it on display in the office of a small asteroid mining CEO's office had been incredible. He almost didn't accept, but thankfully, Myra had managed to convince him after sweetening the deal with discounted fuel from MaraTibx for a year.
Makai slipped the jacket on immediately over his button up shirt, appraising how it looked. Naturally, Ellie had picked out a great choice for him, the article of clothing looking nothing short of amazing.

"Hey, I think this makes me actually look attractive now."

He laughed at his own joke before continuing on to the next two gifts. A journal much similar to his own that was bursting at the seams. Did she see what his current one looked like and decided on a replacement? While he was certain he hadn't written in it with her around, perhaps she had seen it on his coffee table on Palanhi.

"Perfect, my old one is....well, it is ready to be retired."

Next was the ultra-rare first appearance of Captain Atlantis. Makai had been searching for a decent copy since they were kids. Considering how war-torn the galaxy could be, finding a copy that hadn't been damaged beyond worth shelling out the credits for was next to impossible. This was the first he had seen a copy in such an excellent condition.

Given technology and the state of the 'verse, there weren't many who collected physical copies of such a thing. In the few shops he had found scattered few and far between, he would always stop and dig through the boxes, always to her chagrin.

"No way! You know how long I've been looking for this?"

Pulling her in a hug, Makai gave her a quick kiss of appreciation, his complete flabbergasted surprise of the night.

"Here I thought you hated Captain Atlantis."

Carefully setting the book down, Makai would disappear into the main bedroom without a word, rushing out. He returned with his old well-worn journal in hand, thick with extra pages sewn in by himself, the edges soft with wear. He handed it over to her.

"Okay, not your Life Day gift but....this is the journal you gave me years ago. The first ten pages are boring geology notes, but after that, its all letters to you. Random thoughts I couldn't share. Goals for the future. When you get some time, I think you should read it."

Without a further word, he left to grab the last gift. It was large and heavy, about two feet long. Carefully wrapped, Makai laid it on the coffee table, figuring it was best to open it that way.

It was the gift he was most nervous about.

Underneath the paper and cardboard would be an odd artpiece. It was a soundwave of him saying 'I love you' made into a wooden display. Their schedules didn't always align and he had spent a weekend on Palanhi crafting it himself, breaking out powertools and triple checking measurements to the soundwave print-out.
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"You are already attractive," Myra automatically replied, but it was clear Makai was taking her at lip service when the heiress was completely serious. Makai was gorgeous. Perhaps not handsome in the classic sense of buff marine soldier type, but he was very good-looking. It wasn't just his little boy grin, his pretty face, or how his hair would fall over his temple with that shaggy mop of wavy curls. Then, when you consider his very active lifestyle, how he had to carry around for days, if not weeks, several kilograms worth of gear for a survey, the amount of tone his muscles took with that physical regimen... Just thinking about it made tiny goosebumps rush over her skin, and her temperature spiked a few degrees.

Either way, seeing Makai in that jacket only confirmed Myra's initial thoughts. It was perfect on him. The night continued to elevate to the effervescent sensation Myra felt at seeing Makai's enjoyment of the journal and then his absolute joy over the comic.

Worth it. Every credit, every comm call, every in-person attempt to convince Maser to use the comic as payment.

"I didn't hate him." Myra explained, calling after him as he left the room, " It just was crowded everywhere we went to go find comics..." and she had been trying to work through it for Makai.

Upon his return, Myra gave him a quizzing stare, tilting her head to the right. When he gave her his journal to read, the heiress was surprised. Blinking rapidly, she lowered her gaze and let it wander over the leather. It was well-worn. Used. Pages almost seemed to burst from within. She carefully opened it and noticed that there was additional stitching and loab paper added that wasn't part of the original.

Why did he...

Snapping her mercurial gaze up at Makai again, she processed his explanation that the journal contained letters for her. "Wait... from when you were..." her voice faded, the startling revelation that Makai had written letters to her in the journal during their separation completely mind-blowing. Already, Myra could feel the pinprick sting of tears in her eyes. He hadn't forgotten her all this time.

Despite everything, their fight, how it all turned so convoluted. Makai had really, really, still thought about her enough to write her letters in his journal.

"... but why?" she asked, unsure. Confused. The answer surely was in the journal, but in the meantime, the heiress stared up at him as if trying to find an answer in his gaze. However, he left without another word, only to come back with a larger package. This time, Myra was concerned. He was anxious. Nervous. Why?

She set the journal down on the coffee table, then rose, walking around to come stand beside him. Very carefully, she unwrapped it. The soft sound of a sharp intake of breath cut the din. Fingerpads gently went tracing over the white and blue wooden display. Upon discovering what it meant, there was no holding back her tears.

Her chin quivered, and those molten silver eyes locked upon Makai's ice-blue. "...Why.... do you have to do this?" she asked him, voice cracking. Oh she was happy. Terribly so. But it was just too much to consider the immense thoughtfulness of the gesture.

There was no doubt of what happened next. Myra was a cryer. Ugly, happy, joyful cry she did, rushing up to throw herself into Makai's arms to kiss him as hard as she could. Somewhere in between the sharing of breaths and sniffles, the Half-Galan would hear the three words that made his heart sing.

"I love you."
Her chin quivered, and those molten silver eyes locked upon Makai's ice-blue. "...Why.... do you have to do this?" she asked him, voice cracking.

For just a moment, his blood ran cold. Nerves were already on edge, hoping she would like the gesture. Doubt was creeping through one again. When he first thought of the idea, Makai thought was one she would appreciate on many levels, especially since learning about her new love of art.

Now he wasn't so certain. Maybe it was too much too soon. Or maybe it had just been something that was great in idea but poor in execution. Probably should have went a different route with -

Internal berating of himself was cut short once her body slammed into his and her arms slipped under his new jacket, squeezing tight, lips meeting his.

Surprised at first, he pulled her close, kissing back between the salty drops of her tears. Ellie had always been a cryer, even when they were younger. Now though it was just a bit different. No longer crying because he was an oblivious idiot but because he was a thoughtful idiot.

"I love you too."

Hand raised and he used the edge of the jacket to dab away some tears. Being back together, he had learned quickly not to wipe, navigating the fact she wore makeup most days now.

"Glad you like it. Sorry I made you cry, never my intention."

Makai hadn't answered the questioning about the journal, and for good reason. There was no need to bring up years of missed opportunity on Life Day, the inner workings of why he wrote her. The answer was quite simple : he wanted to talk to his best friend.

If he had mentioned that, the tears would be flowing for all the wrong reasons.

"Best Life Day together so far I think."
Myra laughed at Makai's attempt to apologize for her crying. "How is that your fault?" the brunette would laugh amidst her tears, giving another sniff as Makai did his best to dab at her tears.

"Don't get the jacket I just bought you dirty, you brat," Myra told him, trying to bat at his hand gently. She knew he meant well. He gave her a ghost of a smile but listened to her anyway, instead choosing to wrap his arms around the curve of her waist, pressing her closer. A little bit more in control of her emotions, the heiress took a deep breath, taking in the scent of Makai's herby mint shampoo and the savory scent of roast Nuna that still lingered on him. Lips curving upward, she caressed Makai's cheeks with her thumbs.

"First of many bests," Myra agreed, simply enjoying the moment. It felt good. This felt good. To be with him, in his arms. Looping her arms around his shoulders to wrap loosely around his neck, the heiress pressed herself close, enjoying the sensation of her soft curves against the firm wall of his chest. Mmm... yes, this was very nice.

All they had left were the paintings, but that was up to Makai if he wanted to remove the fabric covering them now or later. Three were ocean scenes, one reflecting the ocean waves amid a coming storm, another the sunset at the horizon, and the third depicted the swell of a crashing wave against the backdrop of a stormy sunset.

The last one, however, had been the one that had caused her an entire sleepless night. One where Myra couldn't get the Half-Galan out of her head. He had permeated every thought, every bit of time, until a flurry of midnight creativity brought forth a dawn of a finished portrait of the Dashiell himself. He was dressed in a suit, backdropped in the atrium of the iron and wood mansion, at Naboo.
The paintings were absolutely stunning. The trio of ocean themed paintings reminded him of his childhood home of Dac. Makai couldn't wait for an office of his own once again to hang them in behind the desk as a type of series. Until then, he would settle for leaning them against the wall of her guest bedroom.

Just how much of an artist and how effortlessly talented she was came out in his portrait. Makai loved every detail she picked, straight from memory, painting him in the atrium during their time on Naboo. Their time together on the planet was one of fond memory, confident both of them would be looking back on that week even as they were gray and wrinkled with a knowing smile.

Next time you'll have to paint me like one of your Fondor girls.

Makai had teased her with a grin, drawing to mind the holofilm Colossal. The story was about a massive luxury yacht traveling through space that comes across an anomaly and broke apart, the orchestra playing as those died around them. It ended with Jak and Rosa trying to survive in a small escape pod.

They had seen the film as teenagers, Makai arguing the entire way back to his childhood home that there was plenty of space for both in the escape pod until rescued. Meanwhile, Ellie had just sobbed, wiping tears as they walked about the beauty and tragedy of Jak and Rosa's love story.

After cleaning up the wrapping paper with several breaks in between to steal kisses, Makai was finally able to hear about this bath scene her and El-Three had been going on about. Okay, mainly El-Three, but it had caused her to blush enough that it piqued his interest.

The blushing amused him greatly, as if they hadn't already seen one another in every shade of undress. An endearing quality that only made him love her more.

Steam rose around him in the circular tub. It reminded Makai of a hot spring, which as an aquatic who hated the cold, was one of his favorite things to come across. Back relaxed against the side as he stretched out ; also a rarity. Why were most tubs so small?

Candles were the only illumination in the bathroom, flickering in the fairly large space. It was soothing, relaxing. A perfect way to wind down their day.

Eyes closed, his head tipped back as he waited for her. It was a bath, no outfit required, how long did it exactly take?

"Ellie? You goin' to join me?"
In the soft embrace of the candlelight, Myra stepped into the room, bathing her willowy form in a gentle, warm glow that seemed to dance with the shadows. A soft but coquettish smile curved her lips, those gray, misty eyes appreciatively drifting over Makai's sat form, watching how the flickering flames cast a mesmerizing play of light and shadow over the room, creating an intimate ambiance. Just exactly as the heiress had imagined it to be.

"Are you always this impatient?" Myra's melodic voice would float towards the stone bath. Bare feet quietly padded over the warm tile, her legs brushing against the soft, delicate fabric of the aurodium threaded ivory vine silk embroidered robe Myra had especially ordered. The warm undertones of the candlelight played upon the contours of her svelte form as she walked. With every step, the heiress's embroidered aurodium ivory vine silk seemed to come alive, its golden hues catching the candlelight like a cascade of captured stardust. As she carefully approached the stone bath, the fabric clung to her subtle curves, enhancing her willowy figure.

The dress itself was worth almost a third of a planet's economy, the rare woven vine silk specially cultivated and procured through Arceneau Trade Contracts with Belsavis farmers. When one added the worth of the finely spun Aurodium threads intricately woven through the silk, its cost would only grow. An indulgence? Oh yes, very much so. It was a nauseating amount of money to spend on a mere fantasy recreation for a book girl.

The expression on Makai's face, however, was worth it.

"Or is this something new?" She continued, a soft brown brow giving a slight arch as she stopped before the stone bath, deliberately pausing for dramatic effect for Makai's undeterred and unabashed regard. A closer inspection would reveal that instead of buttons, this particular dress was only held together along the deep plunging neckline by the scant binding of a single tie.
There was a small chuckle if she asked if he was always this impatient, as if they hadn't already spent most of their lives together for her to know.

Topaz eyes snapped back open once he heard her entering, sliding up a bit in the bath from his relaxed, sprawled out position. She was silently moving in his direction, wearing a thin dress. Makai took this to be part of what she mentioned earlier ; the bath scene from one of her romantic books.

Words escaped him for the moment. She was absolutely stunning. The dress cling to willow curves, moving with her body with each step and subtle movement. The way the gentle candlelight played off the dress, giving an overall ethereal, goddess quality. A vision come to life.

He could see why she had been so insistent to recreate such a thing.

Makai gave a broad smile, unable to take his eyes off her, blatantly staring at this point. Ellie was always coming up with new was to surprise him, to weave in new ways of showing how head over heels in love she was.

"It's new. Very impatient when it comes to spending time with you."

Not far off from the truth, although one could argue the same for her. Makai had taken to waiting for her to land, greeting her upon arrival, and the Trade Heiress would all but run down the ramp, throwing herself in his embrace.

"You're gorgeous. A vision come to life."

They recently disagreed about the term gorgeous, and how it applied to her. Naturally, he had something to say about her protests, showing her what she failed to see.
A flush of warmth swept over her decolletage, neck, and cheeks in response to Makai's compliments. The golden robe clung to her like a second skin; every credit spent was now worth it, especially as Makai's gaze lingered with genuine appreciation. His ice-blue eyes reflected both admiration and desire, a sight that made her heart flutter.

"Well, I can't blame you if I'm just as impatient to be with you,"
she murmured, truth in her words. Really, it had been the pinning up of her hair that had taken a few more extra minutes without El-Three's assistance; the last thing she wanted was to reactivate him and have him make commentary. Slipping into the dress was simple, but gathering the courage to step into the bath after her whimsical desire to recreate the bath scene took a little more time.

"You keep saying these things..." she began, taking slow, deliberate steps into the bath. Steam rose, enveloping her willowy figure, and the beautiful fabric sank into the water, glistening in the soft candlelight.

"--And I might start expecting them all the time," she teased, her eyes focused on Makai, a soft, abashed, flirty smile playing on her lips. This part was all improv. While she enjoyed the scene, there were specific actions she hoped Makai would take, deviating from the script of The Dunaan.

"So... wine or no wine?" she asked, tilting her dark head toward the open bottle and two glasses beside the large stone bath. The water made a gentle sloshing sound as she moved towards the Half-Galan, the ambiance of the room heightened by the anticipation hanging in the air.
"I can tell you every hour on the hour and it still wouldn't be enough."

Perhaps his words were finally sinking through, that she was beginning to believe him. Makai had an uphill battle to climb, absence and old words haunting him, but it seemed some of her doubts were starting to ease.

He hadn't expected her to enter the tub with the dress on. Was this part of her book fantasy?He wasn't so sure. Whenever he tried to get a peek of what she was reading, book would pull close to her body, a pointed look of what on her features.

"No. No wine. If you wanted to talk and drink wine, you should have worn something completely different. Save it for after."

While he wore an easy going, teasing grin, there was also an edge of desire. Ellie's flirty smile wasn't helping, the Trade Heiress knowing she was pulling him in hook,line,and sinker.

Silently, he reached out and took her hand, urging her closer, to close the distance the the expansive tub. Not knowing the details of her bathtub fantasy, he would have to try a few different things to see what stuck, to see if they aligned with the passages in her romance filled novels.
Now Myra let out a laugh, the melodic sound filling the spacious room, its acoustics enhanced by the surrounding water.

"I see you fancy the robe?" Myra teased, slipping her hand into his while the other lifted the skirt, briefly revealing shapely alabaster calves as she moved closer. But if Makai thought she'd settle next to him, he was mistaken.

No, the Arceneau heiress had a plan. And that plan involved straddling his hips, lowering herself until she sat on his lap, the robe's fabric sinking into the water, clinging to her skin.

"... we could still enjoy a few glasses," she grinned at him with a rare touch of mischief. She was reveling in the attention, savoring the widening of his eyes and the deep breath he took as his wet hands settled against her waist.

Give a woman a bit of power, and they could go wild with it.

"Enjoy the water..." her fingers skimmed over the surface, collecting droplets that she used to playfully paint a doodle along the jewel blue scales over his upper pectoral muscle. Misty grey eyes would flicker up to look at him. At this distance, Makai could note that she'd used a smokey dark kohl to line her eyes for a more dramatic effect.

"....relax a bit." Yes, she was doing this on purpose, fully aware of it. Embarrassment had given way to boldness, fueled by Makai's intense focus.
"I love the robe. Looks amazing, you look amazing."

It was rare that Ellie laughed. Not one of her fake ones he had seen escape her every now and then in public. Makai was talking genuine amused laughter.

Oh she was fired up good, teasing him and thoroughly enjoying it. Hands rested on her waist, tapping one of his fingers against her as if deep thought, as if debating how the night should go. Makai knew how it was going to go, but two could easily play the teasing game in this situation.

"The water is nice and since you're plying me with wine, sure we can relax a bit. Yet I'm watching you Ellie Arceneau , what are you doing, trying to get me tipsy and loose? I'll have you know I am a gentleman."

One hand gave her a teasing squeeze under the water, the other reaching to help with the wine glasses.

Back leaned against the circular tub, enjoying the water as instructed. Cerulean eyes were on her the entire time, mouth twitching in amusement as he took a sip of wine.

"So, how has work been?"

Yep, he could definitely play this game.
Brow of Myra's eyebrows rose with incredulity at Makai's blatant display of bratty cocksure behavior.

Really? Really? Her cat-lined silver eyes would say, the heiress running the pink tip of her tongue over her teeth, then giving a slow nod as if to say, Right then, if that is how we are going to play it.

Let's see how long Makai will act out the role of the gentleman then.

As he only had one hand to grab his own glass, that meant Myra had to grab her own. So, left with only that choice - as Makai was busy with this chit eating grin - Myra deliberately went stretching over Makai, reaching over to grab for her glass of wine. The scent of honeysuckle and citrus would tickle Makai's senses, while the proximity of low-hanging fruit made themselves known with a graze of fabric along his cheek.

"Work? I told you that already." Myra murmured, collecting her glass and then sliding back down with the slink that would make any Cafarel proud. She settled back down on her seat, taking her time to adjust until she sat just right.

"Hard. Long and hard lately." Never mind the blush rising on Myra's face, hoping the candlelight wouldn't reveal it too much, as she also took a hearty sip of her wine.

"How about you?"

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