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Mercenary looking for work.(Super open)


The Mercenary
“Mercenary looking for work, I do everything from guarding to kidnapping. I do almost everything without question if the pays good.”

Falks sighed as he typed it onto his holopad on some job webpage; he found walking through the streets of Antecedant. Falks had spent most of his credits on some expensive scotch, weapons, luxury goods and a new turbo charged engine for his car. His money was running out and he needed some credits fast.


The Mercenary
Falks sat in his car with a box of takeaway on his lap, when he saw a new message has arrived. he proceeded to open the the message with a job offering him 75k it was a most generous offer, that he couldn't decline so he instantaniously replied. "You have caught my interest sir, what kind of service do you acquire?"

[member="Darth Morgoth"]
[member="Falks"] Melkor smiled and sent back a message "Target [member="Titan"] objective capture and delivery to my shop on Empress Teta cordinates attached, target is dead to the force and unaturally strong with military training"


The Mercenary
"unaturally strong with military training.. eh.. sounds like me twin" Falks mumbles and then chuckles slightly of his own remark and writes another message: "Can you provide me with the wherebouts of this Titan. My services require 40% payment in advance, to avoid complications."
[member="Darth Morgoth"]


The Mercenary
[member="Darth Morgoth"]

"i will start looking as of this moment." Falks starts up his holopad and begins searching the web.
[member="Darth Morgoth"] [member="Falks"]

OOC: My bad thought I was in the OOC Discussion.

A message appears in the mailbox of Falks datapad.

"Greetings! Recent scouts have determined you are talent in need of work? How would you like to work full time for a Private Military corporation? During this time you will be contracted under the terms of your enlistment, but shall be paid a handsome salary as well as commission.

If interested contact the Nova-Valhalla Federation offices on the space station Libertalia. Happy hunting."


The Mercenary
Falks notices the new message on his holopad. "boy i sure am popular today, but i can't take on more work i gotta stock up on gear and explosive ammo first." Falks takes up his holopad and begins reading [member="RC 212 "]message. "Ohh boy more scam.." Falks throws his holopad back on his seat, thinking to himself. "I dont work for charity. handsome salary or not, i gotta finish my work first with TITAN."

[member="Darth Morgoth"]

ooc: No problem about the ooc mate, happens to all of us at some point :)
Melkor smiled as he sent the message"I have attached the position of a cache of Vulcan Industries weapons, including a plasma bow light machine gun and assault rifle blaster not to mention a bolt blade and pair of hand cannon pistols (Basically everything vulcan industeries sells)" [member="Falks"]


The Mercenary
Falks reads the message and his eyes lights up as a 4 year old on christmas day. He spills his takeaway box on the seat and laughs. "Ohh boy he sure wants that person caught." Falks notes the cordinates of the Vulcan industries cache on his holopad and quickly drives towards the cache, while replying to the message, using one hand. " Much appriciated, ill let you know when i have him."

[member="Darth Morgoth"]

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