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Approved Location Meran Mechanics Lots

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Name: Meran Mechanics stores

Image Source:

Classification: Store front

Location: Located on several Mandalorian worlds as part to a semi franchise


Affiliation: Meran Mechanics

Description: The stores are intended as small Durasteel pods dropped and set up by ships to sell Meran Mechanics stock.
Admittedly they appear little more than used Vehicle lots run by young Mandalorians.
each store is layered in an Alusteel and capable of being shut down into a small fortress.
the shops have a small mechanics garage as all Meran's are combat Mechanics and Engineers .
up stares there is a small but roomy yet pretty spartan home for the 3 Mando's the floor level is a small office and armory.
1 the
the mechanics bay is typically open air and leads to the lot offering repairs and custon jobs to locals and customers.
the loving quarters
the quarters offer 4 small sleeping areas and a fairly decent communal area
the communal area is set up to entertain customers and visitors as well as the crew.
the lot offers 2 refueling stations and a Gud Fud portable diner

History: Technically recent developments.
due to Meran Mechanics isolation and the difficulty in accessing it's space the Company decided to set up 5 store fronts to aid in selling and advertising their wares.
Each store is maned by 3 Clan members and at least one KC-33

Intent: To set up small stores to a few locations for development threads and locations for item transactions ect plus role play potential.

Gud Fud portable diner
Hey, I'll be working with you on this submission. First I'd like to take a moment to go over some grammatical mistakes. These specific examples aside, please go over your submission once more with attention to proper use of capital letters.

Kami Meran said:
Location: Located on several Mandalorian worlds as part if a semi franchise
Should be "of".

Kami Meran said:
due to Meran Mechanics isolation and the difficulty in accessing it's space the Company decided to nfet up 5 store fronts to aid in selling and advertising there wears.
Should be "its space", "their wares". Please correct "nfet", I'm not sure what you mean here.

Kami Meran said:
each store is maned by 3 Clan members
Should be "manned".

Kami Meran said:
intended as small durasteel pods dropped and set up bt ships to sell Meran Mechanics stock
Please correct.

Kami Meran said:
Affiliation: meran mechanics
Link doesn't work. Please update.

Kami Meran said:
Links: na
You put up N/A here, but then go on to provide two links. The "na" can be safely removed.

Please expand upon this submission's description. I'd like to see it reach a full paragraph. What does the shop look like inside? How big is it? What can someone visiting it expect to see? Right now I don't really get a sense of that. This would greatly help in making it a role playable location.

[member="Kami Meran"]

No problem. :) Any feedback on grammar is not intended as punishment, but rather to help you make the submission look better.

The link under affiliation still doesn't work.

I don't see any changes to the description. Tag me when you've included what was asked for in my previous post.

Darth Pyrrhus said:
Please expand upon this submission's description. I'd like to see it reach a full paragraph. What does the shop look like inside? How big is it? What can someone visiting it expect to see? Right now I don't really get a sense of that. This would greatly help in making it a role playable location.
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